Morning Clash

Lost Memory



Haerim’s POV

It has been 3 weeks since the first day of class and things are just normal except for the fact that I became a fangirl. Soo Hee and I became close since we’re both fangirls, she’s my best friend now.

Miss Blonde is still y as she is and busy making herself pretty as always with her two minions Sunny and Soo Young.

“Leeteuk’s group is still absent huh”

“I heard they represent our school overseas for some seminar whatsoever”

“Really?  As in the four of them?”

“No, from what I heard Jung Soo is on a one month seminar at Greece. Siwon is excused in his classes because he has some things to do as a student council president.  Hankyung and Kyuhyun, ahhhh, I don’t know about them. “

“Where did you get all those informations? Hahahaha”

“I hear it from their fans. They’re just ordinary students yet they have fans club around Seoul. Tsk”

“Of course they would. They’re rich, smart and not ugly. Normal girls would definitely like them”

“Why don’t you just say that we are handsome?” Gah! It was Kyuhyun behind us!

“And what do you mean by normal girls? Are you abnormal or something?” and there was Hankyung too!

“I can’t say that I’m not abnormal” I answered back raising my eyebrow.

“You’re something aren’t you? You dare talk back to us huh.” I can tell that Kyuhyun is already pissed.

Before I noticed it the people are already crowding around us, whispering to each other and listening to our conversation and there was a loud “bam!” coming from the door. The attention shifted to the door.

It was Siwon.

“You are disturbing the other class. I demand you to stop this instant.” He’s a very strict president; I’m really wondering how he ended up in this group of douches.

“Because of this you will clean the gymnasium after class, all the people involve! Understand?!”

He went out and the people are whispering to each other.

“What an imbecile, that girl is really something!” I heard Seohyun said to her minions, of course referring to me.

I didn’t pay much attention to it, I’m already punished; bring it on!          

The class started but I was not able to listen, my mind is away at the moment, fantasizing about my idols.

I happened to glance at the window and saw Eunhyuk talking to the new substitute teacher in the parking lot, it seems like it’s a serious talk.

“What are you lookin’ at? Let’s eat lunch!” Soo Hee’s trying to look in the same direction as mine.

“Is it time already? I didn’t notice”

As we went out of the classroom I saw Eunhyuk coming our way.

“Hey!” he said to me, waving his hand.


“Heading for lunch? Can I come with you and your friend?”

“Soo Hee! My name is Soo Hee!”  She introduced herself with glee.


We went to the cafeteria and ate lunch when his friend Kibum came.

“May I join?” he asked. He looks like a nerd, but I think he’s really nice.

“Hell not! Where have you been?”

“School stuffs!” he replied.

“This is Soo Hee and Haerim” We waved at him and he sat with us.

We talked about school matters and the activities that happen during school festivals.

“SJ is an art academy that focuses on music and acting. Throughout the years SJ was able to produce good actors and musicians, which means school festival will focus on musicals.” Kibum explained.

“Really? Haven’t heard of that” I said

They only give opportunities to those who have talents, and the musical is one of their basis of who to choose” Eunhyuk said.

“Which means the person who gets chosen will have a chance to meet idols?!” Soo Hee exclaimed.

“Absolutely!”  Kibum was still busy eating his ramen.

We were chatting and laughing while a beautiful girl was marching inside the cafeteria going towards our direction.

It was the substitute teacher Eunhyuk was talking to a while ago at the parking lot.

“Hi, are they you’re friends Eun-sshi?” She smiles radiantly at us. She’s very beautiful in every angle, like an angel. I think she glows.

“Yes, Kibum, Haerim, and Soo Hee” Eunhyuk introduced us to her.

We smiled at her still in awe.

“Why don’t we have dinner? The five of us, my treat.”

“Are you serious?” Kibum was a little surprised.

“Thanks, but no thanks.” I felt like hating Eunhyuk when he said this.

“I insist, if you don’t like then don’t. I bet Soo Hee, Haerim and Kibum would gladly accept my offer. Right?”

“Of course we will!” We answered back together, gleefully. I can see that Kibum and Soo Hee are also exited.


“Ok, let’s just meet at the Diamond Bar at 6:00pm. See you later!”

“Kyaaah! I’m so excited! She’s pretty and kind. She’s perfect!” I exclaimed, I’m very excited. But I can see that Eunhyuk is a little uneasy.

 Kibum told us the whole story about Eunhyuk and Ms. Kim.

“So that’s why you’re uneasy when she’s around.” Soo Hee felt pitiful against Eunhyuk.


“So what are you planning to do?” I asked.

“I don’t know, we’ll see about that.” Eunhyuk said while finishing his sandwich. I can see the uneasiness in his eyes, worried.














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shanedeniseum #1
Chapter 14: for those who are still reading this story, i'll be updating again so sit back and wait for it next week :D
berrybunnyberrikins #2
Chapter 13: awww :( hyukkie :( ahhhh teukie's so damn mean in this XD pls write more!! ^^
Chapter 3: this is nice :D hehehehe.. oh may I say something? ummm Unnie/unni is only used by girls and boys use Noona when they address their elder sisters or friends. Hope that helps... hehe I was confused when I read some lines of Eunhyuk :D

Update soon! Subscribed.
Chapter 2: I like the story so far so I am now going to subscribe.