Chapter 4

Rain of Blades (sequel to 'The Babysitter')


What did the paper say?



Basically, gay couples were cataloged at ‘bad role model for the kids’ so the possibilities of a gay couple to adopt a kid were under the 1%. What would Kyu do about this? KYU! When he finds out he would leave me for sure. He was a handsome man and with a blink he would have 5 girls drooling for him. At least those girls would be capable of giving Kyu the thing he wanted… his own kids…



My cell phone wouldn’t stop ringing, but I couldn’t talk to him yet. If I did, I would start crying worse than ever. But I needed to tell him, so he could leave me ASAP. I took a deep breath and answered the phone…


-Wookie! Shisus Christ! Where are you? – He asked in a worried tone


-In… some place… Sorry Kyu, I don’t want to talk right now- I said at the edge of tears


-What’s wrong? –


-Nothing K…-


-Where are you? – He cut me off


-Near the Adoption Center in some park… but Kyu…-


-I’m coming- He hung up without letting me reply

I tried to wipe away my tears and started walking around. Suddenly, I felt someone hugged me from behind


-Yeobo~- he purred –What’s wrong? –


-Kyu… I…


-You… What? –




-Come on Wookie! Tell me! What could be so bad? –


-Something… I know that after I tell you this you will get angry, you will leave me and you would not want to know anything about me anymore…- he made me silent with a kiss


-No Wookie. I LOVE YOU. I don’t care what happens; you’re such an important person for me. I would still love you even if you cheated on me… is that the case? Are you cheating on me? Because if you are, I’ll break down in this very moment… you’re my everything, you get it? MY EVERYTHING…


-No, I’m not cheating on you… is something even worse…-


-There’s nothing worse than that-


-Yeah, there is-


-Ryeowook please tell me what’s wrong already. Can’t you see I’m desperate? What made my precious Wookie cry so much? Who did? Tell me now so I can kill the bastard that did-


-Then kill me! – Kyu looked at me confused –This is, Kyu- I handed him the paper I had in my hand. After he grabbed it, I started running away from him; I didn’t have the right for looking him in the face. I felt horrible, a trash, totally crap. I stopped by a tree and kept crying; inconsolable crying. I didn’t know if I felt either fear or anger… everything mingled with sadness. I dealt with a pain that, being just 20 years old, it was too difficult for me to. It was all my fault, from the very beginning, when I fell in love with my babysitter; but it was because of him and his stupid charm. He was too perfect for me, too much. He did not deserve someone like me. He needed to leave me, for his own sake. Somehow he would have to leave me; I don’t think he loves me THAT much, I'm nobody. I felt hurried footsteps that quickly came to me


-Ryeowook… I…-


-Don’t say a word Kyuhyun. If you’re gonna leave me, just do it already. I don’t want to deny you your right of forming a family-


-But I don’t want to form a family without you-


-But with me it would never happen! –


-Just you and me is enough-


-LIAR! – I yelled desperate


-I ... this really took me by surprise- he said –it’s not what I expected. But please understand that this is difficult for me too- now he was also crying. Why did I get into his life? I embraced and join our lips in a kiss; maybe it was my way of saying goodbye... he pulled back and wiped away my tears with his thumb; he took a deep breath. That gave me confidence; I knew I could count on him but it was the case. I love him more than anyone, since the day my parents told me, "He is Kyuhyun, your babysitter" until today; you don’t know how much I want to go back in time; to relive the past and build a new tomorrow.






-Still not telling you- We got downstairs and he stopped –come on- He said walking to the living room –Maybe he forgot something? – I thought and followed him. We went to the kitchen and into the garden.


-Kyu? – I asked pretty confused when he opened the garden’s door. He didn’t answer and kept walking –Kyu why are we…- I couldn’t finish my phrase, since I shock at the moment.

The garden was decorated with a road of torches, which lightered the round table in the middle of the garden. It had a white tablecloth on, a vase with red and white roses on the table and a pair of candles on it too. I was still in shock and I turned my head to see Kyu.


-Did… did you do all this? – I asked and a big smile draw on his face –It’s beautiful! – I yelled and hugged him


-Do you like it? – He said and kissed my cheek


-I don’t like it… I love it! – I said and kissed him.


We spent the last hours talking about us, things that we liked and hated… It was incredible being with, it seemed like the time didn’t pass through; I just wanted to be with him.


I was trying to stop my laugher at that dum joke he said when he stood up and grabbed my hand for making me do the same. He hugged me and I just rested my head on his chest.


-Ryeowook- he said and I looked up


-Yes Kyu? –


-Ryeowook- He said again and sighed –I want you to be my boyfriend…- He grabbed my hand to interlace our fingers while he was looking me in the eye. My jaw dropped in surprise; his way of ‘asking’ was not the common one, it was different, awesome, unique… so as Cho Kyuhyun.



End Flashback



Now I was crying on his shoulder; he remained quiet. Was he thinking of leaving me?


-No Ryeowook, I won’t leave you- he said as he had read my thoughts


-Please Kyu…-


-Not unless I get to know that you don’t love me anymore, then you could be free. But that’s not the reason right? –


-I love you but…- He kissed me even if I didn’t want to; I didn’t want anything at the moment. But it was him. He knew my weak points, how to destroy me and build me up once again.


-Then don’t…- I groaned. For a moment I had forgotten that I married someone as proud and determined as I was. We were in the park, sitting by the tree, Kyu my hair and whispered to me that he loved me, as a little boy. He played with my hand. Occasionally he made me smile. My life would be sour, bitter and cold without him. He began to sing. Wow, what a perfect husband. He could cook (well, barely), dance, sing, pranker and so many other precious qualities. What about me? I knew how to cook and how to sing a little, but that’s it. I shuddered when I felt his breath on my ear. Night was approaching, the stars appeared. Kyu began to count them and I laughed. When he reached the ‘19’he got annoyed.


-Dammit with the stars- he said annoyed


-Why? –


-They’re a LOT- I slapped his shoulder softly


-No, you’re lying. They’re just a few- I teased


-Compared with how much I love you… yeah, they are- He smiled; God his prefect smile again. Why girls and guys weren’t stalking him? They were nor deaf or blind. Or dead. –Ryeowook? –


-Yes? –


-It’s time to go- Ok Ryeowook, you had your day. You had your LAST day with him. It is time…


-Kyuhyun…- I said. It was time to let everything out… I would not be an obstacle in his life anymore


-Tell me-


-Can I ask you something? – I was very indecisive. I had planned it all in my thoughts; I thought it was a bad idea but it must be like this, even if it hurts, even if it’s difficult for me…


-Sure- he was pretty sure that I was planning something, what he didn’t know was what I was actually planning


-Kyuhyun…- I had a lump in my throat. I was nervous as hell –I want the divorce…- 




more drama!! kekekkekeke ^^ told you it was not over in 'The Babysitter'and this my friends... it's just the begining... ^^




hope you liked it!


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hummm hey guys *hides under bed* yeah I. know it's been almost 2 weeks! >< but I've been busy but promise I'll update ASAP when I get free time >~


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Chapter 19: well a story needs drama too so it is good because in the end they can prove that they deserve
each other why did it's already finished?
....just kidding
i love it so much
Chapter 19: At some points... i just wanted to kill you xD Just kidding, I loved it sooo much! I loved the precuel and also this story~ I'll serch more of your fanfics~ :D
Great!!! The Story, The ending, Everything's just so great!!! Great Author!!!
Chapter 19: awwwwwwwwwwwwwww dnndfbdbebdvdvdvevkwjdks FINALLY OTLOTL FINALLY sobs
so happy. ;uu; and the kids are so cuuute!! ;~~~; brb dying
kyuwoooook 5ever. ;A; <3
Chapter 19: Aw, I really loved this fic! I'm happy that it was all a happy ending!
Congrats on finishing it! ^^
Chapter 19: thanks for writing too. ^ ^ and oh wait. the last picture ? :O
you make it ? wow. I love it~~ xDD
Chapter 18: :') one happy family... so beautiful.. ^ ^ I'm so happyyy~~ for kyuwook !! xD
Chapter 17: oh boy....this is making my life miserable....hwaiting wookie!!! Dont die on Kyuhyun!!!!
*Thanks for the refernce to beauty!!!!!