Chapter 15

Rain of Blades (sequel to 'The Babysitter')


The smaller goy broke the hug and turned around for looking Max in the eye. Max knew that Ryeowook had a husband, and that he definitely loved him to death, but he couldn’t care less.


“No Max… at least not now…” Ryeowook said shaking his head no


“But, why? I think we should be together; you won’t receive the same love with him than with me.” He said almost guessing what Ryeowook was thinking.


“But I need time to think… This is not easy…”


“Think about what? About that?” He said pointing to the big bruise on his left cheek. The smaller nodded


“But I love him…” Ryeowook said as a tear rolled down his cheek


“But he doesn’t love you” he said persistent.


Every word, every sentence he was telling the boy was already planned. The plan was perfect and he only needed to stick to it so it would work. His accomplices were doing an excellent job, and them being very related to Kyuhyun –maybe too related- made the job even easier. The boy was hurt and he needed someone by his side, why not Changmin? Even if he was just destroying the younger’s life.


A week passed like a month. Ryeowook was finally getting ok at Max’s place. But he was living with the traitor without even noticing. Now the words the Changmin said to him were repeating in his head over and over again: “He doesn’t love you. He loathes you…” those were like daggers to his heart. For a moment he thought about leaving town and starting a whole new life. But what would he do? Work, eat, and sleep.  Maybe… just maybe it was his fate? Maybe it wasn’t his fate to marry Kyuhyun and be happy with him? Maybe…



He walked in peace on the park trying to easy his mind. He looked at a tree and he could see the old leaves falling down it… just like his marriage was falling apart. He wondered what had started all that drama. The adoption verdict? The rumors of his cheating? Kyuhyun’s cheating? He kept looking at the tree and wondering those things until a horrible headache kicked in –again. This was not normal, he thought. The ‘bad thing’ had already happened… unless it was something eels, or he was sick. He sat on a bench and looked to the rest of the park… he recognized someone in there. Kyuhyun…. But that was not the problem… the problem was the person that was with him…


That black hair… those brown eyes… that annoying witch-like laugh… WHAT WAS KRYSTAL DOING WITH KYUHYUN!?



Kyuhyun’s POV



I was about to kick Krystal in the middle of the road so she could get hit by a bus. The only reason I was with her was because Heechul had asked it, but to tell you the truth, I didn’t want to AT ALL. I told her I was only with her just because of my brother, and that I would not spend more than 30 minutes with her, since she was just ruining my day and I got to apologize to my husband. And then… I saw those eyes… those high cheek bones now soaked with tears. I left Krystal alone fur running behind him, but it was too late now. The only thing I could see now was the taxi leaving full speed.



Ryeowook’s POV



I couldn’t take it anymore. The anger was now too much for me. I knew I needed some help, and I could only think of Sungmin. So I went to his house. I knocked the door and a very happy Sungmin opened the door, but his smile faded away when he say my blood-shot eyes.


“Wookie! What happened?” he squealed and helped me to walk to the couch.


“Minnie… I want to die” I sobbed


“Don’t be ridiculous!” he said “Just tell me what happened”




“What with him?”


“He… he was in the park… with Krystal…” I said as I felt my heart ache. I saw he covered his mouth with his hand and say something under his breath “And that’s not all…. He…” I said and took off my hood for revealing the purplish mark on my face.


“KYUHYUN HIT YOU!!” he squealed as loud as he could


“Kyuhyun did what?!” I heard Yesung yell as he was coming downstairs


“Nothing” I said and put back on my hood. He removed the hood and took a good look to the bruise


“THAT SON-OF-!” he yelled “I’LL ING KILL HIM!”


“Baby!” Sungmin said


“Don’t baby me! That bastard dared to touch my precious Wookie!” he said and walked to the door “I hope he has the number of a good hospital!”


“Please don’t hurt him! I love him!” I said getting on my feet


“BULL ! I WON’T LET HIM HURT YOU! I knew you shouldn’t have married him!” he yelled and walked through the door. I tried to stop him, but it was too late.


“Minnie come on! He’s going to kill him!” I pleaded to Sungmin


“But Wookie…”


“PLEASE!” I begged now crying. He sighed and grabbed his car keys. We got on his car and drove full speed.



Kyuhyun’s POV



I heard a loud knock on the door and groaned. I didn’t want to see no one at that moment. I went to the door and opened it, but I couldn’t see who it was because I felt a hard punch on my face, knocking me down. I looked up confused and saw the responsible: Kim Jongwoon.


“You’re a bastard!” He yelled


“What the hell are you talking about?!” I asked pretty confused


“YOU HIT RYEOWOOK!” Maybe he went to tell Yesung. But 2 weeks later? I didn’t think so…


“I didn’t mean to! It was an accident! I…” He hit me again


“Come on you bastard! HIT ME!” and I did. I hit him so hard that his nose started bleeding. I saw he laughed and hit me again. He knocked me down and kept hitting me… every punch made me weak… maybe I WAS dying today. I knew I deserved this. I had hurt my precious little angel, and now I was paying the prize of it.


“KIM JONGWOON!” I heard someone yelled. I knew that voice too well “Stop!”


“Really Ryeowook? You’re still defending him?” he punched me again


“STOP! YOU WILL KILL HIM!” he begged


“He hit you! I’m defending you from this beast!” (A/n: beast… kekekeke :3)


“And I appreciate it… but please leave him” he begged now crying. The guy above me got on his feet and sighed.


“I don’t know why you keep doing this Ryeowook…” he kicked me again and walked to the door


“Because I love him…” I heard Ryeowook say before Jongwoon left. I closed my eyes and sighed… Ryeowook… He loved me… despite all that had happened. With the minimal force I got, I lifted my head and looked at him. I saw his blood-shot eyes looking at me.


“It’s ok Kyu… the help is on the way” I heard he said. He caressed my forehead as he kept crying


“W –Wookie…” I tried to say. My whole body hurt like crazy


“I’m here baby…” he said


“I wanted to tell you… before I die…”


“You’re not going to die…” he sobbed


“I love… you…” I said with the last string of force I had. Next thing I remember was the darkness I fell in.



I opened my eyes slowly and tried to get used to the flashing light that was hitting my face. Where was I?


“Kyuhyun?” I heard a familiar voice. I opened my eyes and saw that the owner of that voice was Leeteuk. “Finally you’re awake!”


“R –Ryeowook…” was the first thing I said, since I remembered fainting while looking at his precious face.


“He’s gone… He said he couldn’t talk to you now… but he left this note…” he said and gave me a little piece of paper


“What am I doing here?” I asked and grabbed the paper


“After the ambulance got to our house, Ryeowook called us and told us you were here. He left right after I came” I nodded and opened the piece of paper, wanting to know what he had to say to me…







This was not easy to write, but I wanted to tell you I can’t be with you anymore. What happened to you was my fault. I shouldn’t have gone to YeMin’s in the first place… So I’m leaving so I would not be an obstacle in your life anymore.


You told me that you loved me and I didn’t get the chance to reply… so I wanted to tell you I LOVE YOU TOO. I have never loved someone so much in my life… But I can’t do this anymore… I just can’t…


You’re free







I crumpled the paper, in rage, sadness, helplessness ... Of all the feelings less happiness. I got up from the bed willing to look for him


“What are you doing?! You can’t leave!” Leeteuk said


“Teuk, you gotta tell me where he is!”I grabbed him by his shoulders


“I don’t know. He just told me ‘Thanks for everything. And please don’t let Kyuhyun do anything stupid’… that’s all” I cursed under my breath and wondered where he could be… WHERE?!


And that’s when it hit me… Sungmin…








7 months… 7 ing and miserable months.


I haven’t seen him in the meanwhile. I begged Sungmin to tell me where he was, but he said he didn’t know. I asked my parents, my friends, his friends…. EVERYBODY… but no one knew where he was… I was losing it…


Where was he? Who was he with?



Ryeowook’s POV



I looked at that precious little angel that was sleeping and was now mine... all mine. He was just perfect. He was a perfect two-year-old kid… how cute. I loved him to death. I thanked the Lord and the heaven for giving me such cute and adorable son. The only thing that worried me was that he didn’t have an ‘appa’, just an ‘umma’ and his protector: Max. Now I notice he’s even more nervous than normal… why?


But that was not important now. Now the most important thing was taking care on Minho and giving him all the love that he deserved... Even though I’m not receiving the love I want from the only and one person I want…



another update done! :9


Yep... THEY GAVE RYEOWOOKIE THE ADOPTION! So now he has Minho... :3(remember that in 'the babysitter' i told you guys the name of the kid they're having? kekeke~ yep)

hope this makes you guys happy :D



Location: lying on my bed

Mood: joyfull!! :3 *hugs HyunWook* (I won't let it go! :333)

Music: Eeny, Meeny, Miny, Moe by U-kiss

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hummm hey guys *hides under bed* yeah I. know it's been almost 2 weeks! >< but I've been busy but promise I'll update ASAP when I get free time >~


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Chapter 19: well a story needs drama too so it is good because in the end they can prove that they deserve
each other why did it's already finished?
....just kidding
i love it so much
Chapter 19: At some points... i just wanted to kill you xD Just kidding, I loved it sooo much! I loved the precuel and also this story~ I'll serch more of your fanfics~ :D
Great!!! The Story, The ending, Everything's just so great!!! Great Author!!!
Chapter 19: awwwwwwwwwwwwwww dnndfbdbebdvdvdvevkwjdks FINALLY OTLOTL FINALLY sobs
so happy. ;uu; and the kids are so cuuute!! ;~~~; brb dying
kyuwoooook 5ever. ;A; <3
Chapter 19: Aw, I really loved this fic! I'm happy that it was all a happy ending!
Congrats on finishing it! ^^
Chapter 19: thanks for writing too. ^ ^ and oh wait. the last picture ? :O
you make it ? wow. I love it~~ xDD
Chapter 18: :') one happy family... so beautiful.. ^ ^ I'm so happyyy~~ for kyuwook !! xD
Chapter 17: oh boy....this is making my life miserable....hwaiting wookie!!! Dont die on Kyuhyun!!!!
*Thanks for the refernce to beauty!!!!!