Chapter 14

Rain of Blades (sequel to 'The Babysitter')


Ryeowook looked away. What had happened between them? Where was the love? Where were those electric shocks and butterflies in the stomach every time they were close to eachother? When would this end? Would this EVEN end? He looked back to Kyuhyun and he could say he saw disappointment in his eyes. But why? Disappointment of himself; of the bull he was making. He ignored him and then he would yell at him; everything just because of the lies of that bastard that was trying to tar them apart. But they didn’t know a thing about that.


“What are you doing here?” Asked the younger, calling the attention of his husband.


“My mom told me you were feeling sick, so I came over”


“Yeah, but I’m feeling better now” Ryeowook said in a cold voice. Kyuhyun sighed and left the room.


Weeks, months after that, the young couple couldn’t talk to eachother; every time they tried, they ended up either yelling or cursing at eachother. And in the meanwhile, Ryeowook’s headaches kept getting worse. And that only mean one single thing; either something good or something terribly bad was about to happen. Every time he had really bad headaches, something good or bad happened to him. He hoped this time it would be a good thing.


Max was the only one who kept supporting him, just like Sungmin and Yesung, but the happy couple had traveled to China, so they were away for that moment (A/n: I’ll use the name ‘Max’ every time it depends on Wookie’s thoughts. ‘Changmin’ will be used when Kyu is talking to him or stuff like that). Max had ‘confessed’ his love towards the little man –something definitely part of his evil plan- but Ryeowook had said that they couldn’t be together… at least not for that moment.


“Yesterday, he didn’t even look at me. Max, I’m worried” Ryeowook said with his head down


“Let him be. You know how much of a he can be” Max said and grabbed the younger’s chin, making him look up


“I know… but I love him” he sighed “I don’t know what I was thinking when I decided to marry him. Everything seemed so perfect when we were only dating and he was my babysitter…” The boy smiled at the good memories


“But he’s not your babysitter anymore and either he loves you” he grabbed Ryeowook’s hand “But I do”


“Thank you…” he whispered “For being with me all this time”


“And I’ll always be, don’t forget that”


“I gotta go” he got up from the park’s bench “I’ll see you later”


“Call me if you need something” he said as predicting something. Something only he and two others knew.


“I will”


He drove fast back home, since it was already a little late; every time we was with Max, he would always go back home late, because the older wanted to be more time with him. He arrived and rushed to the entrance; he didn’t want to Kyuhyun to notice he was gone. But when he opened the front door, he saw Kyuhyun in the living room. Drunk, as always. What was he doing there?


“You’re still daring to come back to this house?” He asked with an angered voice


“What are you doing here? I thought you were at work”


“While you’re hooking up with Changmin. No more” The younger looked at him confused. Kyuhyun got closer to him “You’re a ”


“What are you talking about?! I –”


“SHUT UP! JUST SHUT UP! I don’t want to keep listening to any of your crap!” His eyes started filling out with tears “I trusted you Ryeowook. But now I know you’re just a liar… How could you?”


“What are you talking about?”


“THIS!” he yelled and threw a bunch of photos on the floor. The younger didn’t see any of them “I know this ‘Max friend of yours’ is just a big fat lie”


“The only one hooking up with s is YOU! Who is that CL girl? Minzy? WHAT THE ARE THEY TO YOU?!”




“You know what, you’re right; that’s none of my business. But you know what? I got Changmin” He lied “and let me tell you he’s better than you” he eyeballed the elder from head to toes “in EVERYTHING”


One second he was facing Kyuhyun, the next second he found himself facing the ground, with a big pain on his left side of his face. He was covering his left cheek and nose with his hand, but when he removed it, he noticed it got blood all over it. His nose was bleeding. He looked up and gazed his husband in a hatred and despicable way. Kyuhyun just stood froze when he realized what had he done. His last mistake.


“Ryeowookie... I’m…”


“NO! YOU! I’M DONE WITH YOU!” Ryeowook yelled and got on his feet with difficulty.


“No please listen to me…”


“NO! I’M SO DONE WITH YOU!” he yelled and ran upstairs covered in tears. Kyuhyun kneeled on the floor and started crying. Now he knew he had lost him for good.



“Max?” Ryeowook called him “I need you to pick me up at my house”


“What happened?”


“I’ll tell you later. Can I stay with you for a while?”


“What? Why?”


“Kyuhyun and I got in a fight again. Please I need you to come over” That was the moment when Changmin saw the opportunity of his life. Now he could hurt that dickhead that had hurt him.



Changmin’s POV



I went to pick up Ryeowook. He sounded sad, desperate and angry; something I didn’t really cared about. Now I was focused in my triumph; I was done with Kyuhyun. My plan was going way better than I thought, even if I’m affecting the kid. Without Ryeowook in his life, Kyuhyun would be left alone and will break down.  I couldn’t be any happier.


I got to his house and I saw he was wearing a sweater and he was covering his face with its hood. I saw he was carrying a suitcase too. I got out the car and walked towards him.


“Ryeowook! Are you ok?” I tried to sound worried for him


“No…” he whispered and hugged me


“What happened?” I asked and took a better look at his face. No… he was… bleeding. Kyuhyun had hit him. This was perfect!


“Kyuhyun… he hit me” he started crying like crazy


“It’s ok Wookie…” I said caressing his back “Do you want to leave?”


“Please” he said and broke the hug. I grabbed his suitcase and got in the car. I drove back to my house. I didn’t want to harm the kid or something… at least not for now, if everything sticks to the plan. Kyuhyun would definitely want to kill himself after he notices his precious Ryeowookie is with me.


We got to my house.


“Come here” I said after we entered the house “I need to check your nose” I dragged him to the bathroom and washed away the now dry blood with a wet cloth “I want to thank the confidence you have towards me” I said as I continued with my duty.


“You’re a good friend Max” he said with a forced smile. I finished checking his nose –it was no broken, just damaged a little- and he told me everything about his fight with Kyuhyun.


This was wonderful! Kyuhyun was going INSANE with the idea of me being Ryeowook’s lover.



I couldn’t forget his face when I saw him just a couple of day ago






I walked in his office, willing to tear him even more down with lies, but it seemed like it wasn’t necessary. The poor guy was already in a serious break down. He had his gaze lost. I cleared my throat for dragging his attention


“Piss off. I don’t want to know . Especially from you” he said without even looking at me.


“Oh come on!” I said in a teasing tone “I just want to greet a friend. The husband of MY LOVER” I said and he got up from his chair and got closer to me, just for grabbing me by my collar.


“That’s enough! Just tell me what you want from me already! MONEY?! A HOUSE?! MY BUSSINESS?! JUST TELL ME ALREADY!”


“I want you dead… Isn’t that obvious?” I grinded


“THEN KILL ME ALREADY! I can’t do this anymore…” he said letting me go


“No, that would be too easy. I want you to SUFFER while you’re dying little by little” I said


“Fine but leave him alone…” he said referring to Ryeowook. He lowered his head


“Fine… BUT” he looked at me “You have to be fast and make me change my mind… Anything can happen to that Ryeowookie of yours…”


“NO! Please don’t hurt him! He got NOTHING to do with this!”


“Are you willing to die instead of him?”


“Yes” he said without thinking. Now I knew I didn’t just have Kyuhyun’s husband… but THE Kyuhyun himself…



End Flashback


I woke up the next say wondering if everything was just a dream or it was real. I couldn’t say it was until I went downstairs and found Ryeowook in the living room looking outside the window. PERFECT. Now it was time for initiating the step #4 of my plan. I hugged him from behind.


“Good morning Max” he said and smiled


“Good morning Wookie” I put my chin on his head


“How did you sleep?”


“Perfect… now that you’re with me” I made him turn around




“I know I just have told you this once but…”I grabbed his chin “I love you…”



I know it was a bad idea to post this today but...uhhh... I think I needed a distraction... considering, well... Leeteuk... *sobs*




Location: under KyuWook's bed *hugs HyunWook*

Mood: *sob* guess it *hugs HyunWook even tighter*

Music: From U by SJ ♥ (trying to listen to as much SJ as I can for the next 48 hours TT.TT)

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hummm hey guys *hides under bed* yeah I. know it's been almost 2 weeks! >< but I've been busy but promise I'll update ASAP when I get free time >~


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Chapter 19: well a story needs drama too so it is good because in the end they can prove that they deserve
each other why did it's already finished?
....just kidding
i love it so much
Chapter 19: At some points... i just wanted to kill you xD Just kidding, I loved it sooo much! I loved the precuel and also this story~ I'll serch more of your fanfics~ :D
Great!!! The Story, The ending, Everything's just so great!!! Great Author!!!
Chapter 19: awwwwwwwwwwwwwww dnndfbdbebdvdvdvevkwjdks FINALLY OTLOTL FINALLY sobs
so happy. ;uu; and the kids are so cuuute!! ;~~~; brb dying
kyuwoooook 5ever. ;A; <3
Chapter 19: Aw, I really loved this fic! I'm happy that it was all a happy ending!
Congrats on finishing it! ^^
Chapter 19: thanks for writing too. ^ ^ and oh wait. the last picture ? :O
you make it ? wow. I love it~~ xDD
Chapter 18: :') one happy family... so beautiful.. ^ ^ I'm so happyyy~~ for kyuwook !! xD
Chapter 17: oh boy....this is making my life miserable....hwaiting wookie!!! Dont die on Kyuhyun!!!!
*Thanks for the refernce to beauty!!!!!