Chapter 13

Rain of Blades (sequel to 'The Babysitter')


I looked at the clock: 5:40am March 15th. I’ve been having that same dream for 3 weeks now. Kyuhyun and I now barely spoke to eachother. I took my head in between my hands. I did get scared. I waited until my rushed heart calmed down before lying again on my bed and falling asleep.


I woke up again, but this time at 9. I got up, took a shower and got dressed before going downstairs.


“Good morning Wookie” Heesica said when she saw me coming downstairs


“Good morning Heesica-umma” I replied


“How did you sleep?”


“Well…” I preferred not to answer. Not even me myself knew the real answer.


“Oh Wookie, a boy called you about half an hour ago. Some Max guy or something like that. He said that you could call him back” Max? I didn’t know someone with that name. Heesica gave me a little paper with the number.


“Thanks, I’ll call him” I said and grabbed the phone.


“Yeoboseyo?” answered someone with a voice I half-recognized.


“Hummm hello. I’m Ryeowook; they told me you called me earlier?” I said


“Hello Ryeowook. I’m Max” Now I knew why I recognized the voice (Shim ‘Max’ Changmin)


“Hello!” I said surprised, calling the attention of Leeteuk and Kyuhyun, who were in the living room watching TV. “How are you?”


“Really good. How about you?” I sighed


“Good…” I said and he laughed


“I see that” Now it was my turn to laugh. The Cho brothers kept looking at me “I called you for inviting you to have breakfast. You want to?”


“Mmmm” I said thinking


“Come on…” he said with a cute voice




“I’ll pick you up in 10. Just give me your address…”


“NO!” I cut him off. That was a BAD idea. BAD. :”I’ll see you there?”  He laughed again


“Ok. It’s the ShiNari” (A/n: get it? :3 so cute couple!)


“Ok I’ll meet you there then”


“Sure” he said before the line went dead.

After I hung up, I looked at Heesica and Leeteuk, whom decided to avoid the questions. But Kyuhyun…


“Who was that?” he asked


“None of your business”


“There you go again. I’m just asking a question”


“To which I’m answering: None of your business”


“I’m your husband”


“HA! You’re my husband now?”


“How was that?” Heesica now asked, trying to break the tension


“I don’t want to be rude Heesica, but as long as he,” I pointed Kyuhyun “Is here, I don’t want to talk about my stuff. Excuse me” I said before grabbing my car keys and going out the house.



Normal POV



Ryeowook drove for about 10 minutes until he reached the restaurant; curious, one of his favorite restaurants.  He got out the car and saw that Max was outside the restaurant. (A/n: for the record, in this fic Changmin is older than Ryeowook. Changmin is 24 in here {Wookie is 20})


“Max, what are you doing here?” Ryeowook asked (A/n: one more thing. Ryeowookie only knows Changmin as Max. He believes Max and Changmin are different persons {who are obviously not})


“A ‘hello’ would be nicer” they both laughed “I thought of waiting you”


“Thank you” Ryeowook smiled and they both entered the restaurant. They sat at a table and started talking


“And…. Why I couldn’t go to your house?” Max asked


“Because…” he sighed “I’m… married” He said. Max looked at him ‘surprised’.


“Really?” the older nodded “Wow! Now we both have something in common… or so I think” He lowered his head “My wife died 2 years ago…” He tried to make Ryeowook believe in that; and he did.

They kept talking about each other for hours. Ryeowook told him everything, while Max only lied about his and yet, Ryeowook was still amazed at the false life.



Kyuhyun’s POV



I stayed home thinking of where Ryeowook could be. This was killing me and making me more and more anxious every second. I stood up from the couch and walked to the door, willing to follow him, but when I opened the door, I saw Heechul and Krystal.


“Hey hyung”


“Hello” I said with a cold tone


“How are you?”


“Fine” I faked a smile


“Chullie, just tell him why we’re here” Krystal said pulling his arm. I just looked at them confused


“Can we come in?” Heechul asked


“Sure” I said. They entered and we sat on the couch


“We came to tell you something” Heechul said “Ryeowook gets really along with his brother doesn’t he?”




“Yeah, you know, the tall, black hair, way taller than him…”


“Henry’s not taller that Ryeowook –well, just a little; but he doesn’t have black hair. Besides, he’s in China right now” I said a little worried


“Then who’s the guy he’s with? I thought he was his brother, since they were hugging”  Krystal said


“WHAT?!” I screamed


“What you heard” she said


“Oh… he’s not cheating on you, isn’t he?” Heechul said, and I couldn’t deny it.


“He’s not capable of that…” It was the only thing I could say


“Well… I think we need to go” Krystal said and they stood up from the couch. They walked to the door and when the opened it, they faced Ryeowook. Ryeowook made an annoyed face while the happy couple left. I looked at him angrily.


He didn’t have one, but a LOT of explanations to give.



Ryeowook’s POV



I entered the house and saw Kyuhyun’s angry –furious- expression. I was just out for 2 hours, so I didn’t really know why he was so angry.


“Where were you?” He asked crossing his arms


“With Sungmin” I lied


“Oh really? What does he say?”


“That you’re a ing cheater and that I should leave you before you kill me” he got closer to me threateningly.


“He’s right” I was shaking at the contact of his hand on my shoulder “What else?” he said and got his lips closer to my neck.


“That… That…” I sighed.  He was kissing my neck with passion, earning soft moans from my mouth. “I know who you were with” He kissed my lips “And I can prove you that you don’t need a lover for enjoying ” He kissed me again, just this time more passionately.


“Kyu… what are you talking about?” I asked as I tried to control my heavy breathing


“They told me that you were with your lover” I opened my eyes wide


“You’ll believe those 2 before me? I don’t know why you keep believing on that crap”


“Because I don’t trust you anymore”



Normal POV



“No doubt of that. But just get it already! I WASN’T WITH NO ONE!” Not exactly true, since he was with a friend. But he knew that he would be dead meat if Kyuhyun found out.


“So what? Heechul and Krystal made up all that?”


“You know how they are” The younger said “And now I’m not in the mood of endure with all your crap. I have a headache” he said and went upstairs. Indeed, a terrible headache was attacking him, something so not comfortable. He took a few pain-killers and went straight to sleep.


He didn’t feel a thing until the next day. He woke up at the same time and went to take a shower. While he was fixing his hair, he noticed that he had stopped having that nightmare that had haunted him for the past weeks. He smiled, but stopped when he felt again a pain in his head. He thought it was definitely stress, so he took a pain-killer again.


He went downstairs and found Heesica sitting on the living room. They talked for a while and Ryeowook told her about his sudden headache. She agreed with him saying with was stress and told him to go and rest.


He went upstairs and lay down on his bed before closing his eyes; he didn’t fall asleep though. About half an hour later, he felt a gentle touch on his back.

“Leave me alone… can’t you see I’m weak at you touch?”  He thought since he knew the responsible of that touch. He opened his eyes and me his husband’s gaze. Cold, deep and penetrating.


They just looked at eachother. Ryeowook kept telling himself that he was just a toy for Kyuhyun, and he would have some more at his office for sure. But  then he changed his mind, thinking that Kyuhyun was not capable of cheating on him… right? He loved him… right?



And that was just the beginning…


Hummm.. hey guys~   *hides under KyuWook's bed* please don't kill me! 

I'm sorry I didn't update earlier but I've been really busy (and sick ><)

but now I'll update more often ok? :SS



(BTW.... Oh how I LOVE the pic above the chapie!!!!!!!)


Location: compuer room... looking for SuJu's and B2ST products on internet :333

Mood: besides dying of embarassment... DYING because of I want everything in that damn store!!

Music: Shock by B2ST/Beast oh how I love this song!!!  {every day I shock, SHOCK! ♪♫}

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hummm hey guys *hides under bed* yeah I. know it's been almost 2 weeks! >< but I've been busy but promise I'll update ASAP when I get free time >~


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Chapter 19: well a story needs drama too so it is good because in the end they can prove that they deserve
each other why did it's already finished?
....just kidding
i love it so much
Chapter 19: At some points... i just wanted to kill you xD Just kidding, I loved it sooo much! I loved the precuel and also this story~ I'll serch more of your fanfics~ :D
Great!!! The Story, The ending, Everything's just so great!!! Great Author!!!
Chapter 19: awwwwwwwwwwwwwww dnndfbdbebdvdvdvevkwjdks FINALLY OTLOTL FINALLY sobs
so happy. ;uu; and the kids are so cuuute!! ;~~~; brb dying
kyuwoooook 5ever. ;A; <3
Chapter 19: Aw, I really loved this fic! I'm happy that it was all a happy ending!
Congrats on finishing it! ^^
Chapter 19: thanks for writing too. ^ ^ and oh wait. the last picture ? :O
you make it ? wow. I love it~~ xDD
Chapter 18: :') one happy family... so beautiful.. ^ ^ I'm so happyyy~~ for kyuwook !! xD
Chapter 17: oh boy....this is making my life miserable....hwaiting wookie!!! Dont die on Kyuhyun!!!!
*Thanks for the refernce to beauty!!!!!