Chapter 18

Rain of Blades (sequel to 'The Babysitter')


The ambulance got to the place and got Ryeowook and Minho on a stretcher and got them inside the ambulance. Kyuhyun got in his car and followed the ambulance, crying like crazy in fear of losing the two people he loved the most.


When they got to the hospital, they entered Ryeowook and Minho to the ‘Emergency’ room. Kyuhyun tried to follow them, but a nurse stopped him.


“Please let me enter” Kyuhyun begged “They’re my husband and son”


“I’m sorry, but you can’t. These are the hospital rules. You will have to wait in the waiting room” The nurse said. Kyuhyun nodded and sat on a chair, with his head down.


He took out his cell phone and called Ryeowook’s parents; they were still out of the country, but at least they deserved to know. He also told his parents, Leeteuk and Henry about what had happened. When he ended the last call, he started shaking once again and wondering what in the world had happened to them. He would kill the responsible of harming his family.


The hours passed and there were no new of neither of them and Kyuhyun started to get desperate. He just saw doctors and nurses walking in and out the room, but no news. Annoyed, he decided to ask a nurse.


“Excuse me, I want to know how my husband and son are” He said afraid at the answer


“We don’t know anything yet, but” she swallowed “I can tell you either of them is stable yet” she said and ran back to the emergency room. One more hour passed through. Finally, a nurse approached him, and by the looks of her face, there were no good news.


“Cho Kyuhyun?” She asked and he nodded “I have to tell you something really bad” she said scared


“What?” He said. Terror and distress taking him to the edge


“Your son… is dying…” she said and Kyuhyun got pale and started shaking


“C –can’t you save him?” he said. A few tears rolling down his cheeks. Even though he never really met his son, he loved the m=kid more than his own life.


“We can… but we need your authorization for using the treatment on him”


“USE IT; use whatever treatment you need but please save him!” he said. The nurse nodded and rushed back to the room.


He buried his face in his hands.


He asked God for a miracle…






“Divine moments that life gives you; you are granted without asking anything in return ... Or maybe yes?”






Sapphire blue hospital

2 weeks after the accident



After insisting a lot for letting him in, the nurses finally let Kyuhyun in the room. He opened the door and looked the room. It was all white with a big window that showed the garden outside it. He looked at the figure lying on the bed and kissed his forehead. This was something new to him, but it brought with him new challenges and solutions. He smiled at the view of him lying on his little bed, breathing peacefully. He caressed his son’s forehead. Son… that sounded weird and yet incredibly perfect…


He felt some delicate arms around his waist, giving him a weak hug. He smiled, because he perfectly knew the owner of those arms. He turned around and faced Ryeowook. HIS Ryeowook. He smiled and kissed him passionately before hugging him. Now it was perfect. No more problems, no more drama; just the three of them together like a family.


His miracle came true.






“Are you happy now? I mean, having Minho now… are you happy?” The younger asked and buried his face on Kyuhyun’s chest


“How do you ask that?” he laughed and hugged his husband “Of course I’m happy… We’re a family now” He grabbed Ryeowook’s chin and joined their lips once again. “I love you Ryeowook”


“I love you too Kyuhyun. You have no idea…”







The end






short, I know. but be nice, (meaning AT LEAST 5 comments) and I'll post the epiloge today! ;D



Location: Roooooom~

Mood: really happy! :D

Music: none, I'm watching a tv show I love :333

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hummm hey guys *hides under bed* yeah I. know it's been almost 2 weeks! >< but I've been busy but promise I'll update ASAP when I get free time >~


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Chapter 19: well a story needs drama too so it is good because in the end they can prove that they deserve
each other why did it's already finished?
....just kidding
i love it so much
Chapter 19: At some points... i just wanted to kill you xD Just kidding, I loved it sooo much! I loved the precuel and also this story~ I'll serch more of your fanfics~ :D
Great!!! The Story, The ending, Everything's just so great!!! Great Author!!!
Chapter 19: awwwwwwwwwwwwwww dnndfbdbebdvdvdvevkwjdks FINALLY OTLOTL FINALLY sobs
so happy. ;uu; and the kids are so cuuute!! ;~~~; brb dying
kyuwoooook 5ever. ;A; <3
Chapter 19: Aw, I really loved this fic! I'm happy that it was all a happy ending!
Congrats on finishing it! ^^
Chapter 19: thanks for writing too. ^ ^ and oh wait. the last picture ? :O
you make it ? wow. I love it~~ xDD
Chapter 18: :') one happy family... so beautiful.. ^ ^ I'm so happyyy~~ for kyuwook !! xD
Chapter 17: oh boy....this is making my life miserable....hwaiting wookie!!! Dont die on Kyuhyun!!!!
*Thanks for the refernce to beauty!!!!!