Chapter 10

Rain of Blades (sequel to 'The Babysitter')



Changmin’s POV


He was a mystery. I watched him as he walked away with his head down. Poor creature, this was not his fault. I was all his lovely husband’s one. I just want to be the best on what I do, and I need this bunny’s help for it.


I met Kyuhyun before his stupid job as ‘the babysitter’



Nobody’s POV


Kyuhyun and Changmin met at a business meeting and became friends. Their rivalry started when they started working at the same place and they both wanted to be the best. Changmin liked to play dirty by Kyuhyun noticed before he could put his evil plan in action, and made him lose 2 million dollars and his job. Changmin got another job and got good economy, but his hate towards Kyuhyun never disappeared. Finally one day, he decided to end up everything. He went to Kyuhyun’s office and knocked.


-Come in- Kyuhyun said. When he saw Changmin, he knew that it wouldn’t be something good.


-Cho- Changmin walked and stopped right in front of the elder –I think we need to solve something-


-I don’t have anything to solve with you-


-But I do-


-Changmin, I think you need to go to the psychologist-


-Don’t change the subject. You know what you did-


-You were playing dirty! –


-You saw yourself in danger so YOU played dirty! –


-You’re a dirty liar. I know what you planned to do-


-But what was the problem? – Changmin grinded




-Playing dirty is fun. You get a lot of money.-


-You’re an idiot. Please leave-


-No Cho, thanks to you I lost 2 million dollars and my job-


-And this got to me because…? –


-I just wanted to warn you that this is NOT over. I swear of God I’ll finish you. You’ll be begging on your knees for forgiveness. I’ll make you lose whatever is valuable to you so you’ll have NOTHING. I’ll be just laughing at your misfortune…-


-You really need some help- Kyuhyun said when he noticed how crazy the poor guy was. Changmin just turned around and left, shutting the door with force. Kyuhyun couldn’t help but feel chills all over his body…


After 2 weeks…



-Kyuhyun! Kyuhyun! – Hangeng said when his son walked from one side to another in this office


-WHAT?! – Kyuhyun yelled altered


-Son, you really need to calm down. What did the doctor said? –


-That stress is what causing me insomnia and the loss of my appetite-


-What about Changmin? –


-He’s still threading me-


-Ok that’s it-


-What do you mean? – Kyuhyun looked at his father


-You need to leave this job for a while-




-No buts Kyuhyun. I don’t want you to end up in the psychologist or something. –


-But what am I supposed to do at home? Stay and watch TV like an idiot? – Kyuhyun said angrily


-You know? This is just perfect. A friend of mine told me said that he would be leaving the country for a while-


-And…? –


-And he told me that he needed someone to catch an eye on his son-


-You’re saying that…-




-No! Do you think I’m a babysitter?! – Hangeng laughed


-Maybe…- He said and kept laughing. Kyuhyun stopped and thought that maybe that wasn’t a bad idea.


-Fine- He grinded


-I just warn you, the kid is rude-


-Much better- he thought –I accept- He said and evilly smirked.



End Flashback




Ryeowook walked where his husband was; lying on the sofa as he was asleep. He got closer and could catch the smell of alcohol coming from the elder’s mouth. He looked at his hands and saw a bottle of soju in one of them and 3 more bottles of wine thrown on the floor. He looked so weak and defeated. He questioned himself why did his husband acted like that. Getting drunk and acting like an the whole night until they finally went to bed. For a moment he forgot about how angry he was with him and got closer to him. He pecked the elder’s lips.


-I love you- He whispered. Kyuhyun opened his eyes and Ryeowook noticed the blood-shot color they had


-Ryeowook? Is that you? – Kyuhyun asked


-Of course it’s me-


-Whe- where were you? – He asked rising his voice


-In my parent house – Kyuhyun rubbed his eyes and little flashbacks of what happened appeared in his head.


-Liar- he said pointing to the little man.


-It’s true! Where else I could be? – Ryeowook said as he tried to calm his heart beat. The fear that Kyuhyun provoked was too much.


-Don’t try to fool me Ryeowook- He said with a voice that made Ryeowook even more scared


-You’re accusing me of something I DIDN’T do-


-Does the name Changmin is familiar? – Ryeowook looked at his husband confused. He didn’t remember meeting someone with that name.


-Quit the act Cho; just tell me what you want from me- Kyuhyun took steps forward as Ryeowook backward, until a wall didn’t let him move anymore.


-Wookie~- He said –Your lover Changmin is getting on my nerves- Ryeowook looked at him confused


-What are you talking about? –


-RIGHT! Now you don’t know ! –


-Well it seems you know more than I do so EXPLAIN YOURSELF-


-Come on Ryeowook! How stupid you think I am? –


-Kyuhyun, you think I’m cheating on you? –


-I don’t think it, I KNOW it! –


-Since when you think that? – Ryeowook asked with his eyes full of tears


-Since 4 months ago- Ryeowook shocked.


Ryeowook started crying when he heard that. It was for sure Kyuhyun didn’t even consider that he could any kind of innocent. Every rumor and lie they told him, he swallowed him and fall for him like an innocent little bunny. Kyuhyun didn’t even trust him for asking him if that was true or not, he just jumped to conclusions… and not the good type.


Who in the god damn world wanted to destroy their marriage? That Changmin guy for sure. But, who was he? Why would he do that? Did Kyuhyun still love him? Million of questions were in his head at that moment.


-Aren’t you going to say anything on your defense? – Kyuhyun said angrily


-What am I supposed to say? That my husband doesn’t trust me? That he could swallow any kind of that anyone tells him? Or why not, that he drove totally INSANE? –


-I thought you would say something like… that you’re cheating on me and you don’t have the balls to admit it. Or that you’re enough for hooking up with any kind of guy. Or why not? That you’re just a dirty and disgusting who…-Ryeowook cut him off slapping he elder’s face with all the force he had.


-Don’t you ever call me like that again or I swear I’ll cut your balls and make you eat them! – He spilled those words with extra venom –You’re the least indicated for calling me like that because the only ones that are are those stupid s you’re hooking up with everyday in your office. Am I wrong? –


-Of course you are- Kyuhyun answered. The effect of alcohol now fading away.


-Don’t lie to me, I’m not stupid! I see with my bear eyes the pictures of you walking out restaurants and motels! And I don’t think you went there for having a conversation! –


-WHAT?! – Kyuhyun said –The only one that goes to motels and hooks up with his lover is YOU!-


After that, they both shut their mouths. Kyuhyun thought Changmin was doing an amazing job trying to break his marriage, because he actually was getting it. He was too intelligent and clever for setting everything up so those 2 could end up hating eachother. Kyuhyun was scared. Scared of showing his weak side but most of all, of losing the man he loved the most.  Their marriage was on danger and both of them didn’t do a thing for saving it.


-I… I don’t know what to say anymore- Kyuhyun said –I’m acting like a and I don’t think clearly. This whole thing is affecting me and I’m hurting you so much- Ryeowook just nodded –Is just that… I love you Ryeowook-


-I see your words are sincere but I don’t believe you anymore- Ryeowook said now crying


-I’m telling you the truth Ryeowook. I don’t want to lose you… Please don’t leave me… I love you-


-Kyuhyun… where did you get that stupid idea of me cheating on you? –


-The photos… and they match with the hours you’re not home…-


-But Kyuhyun…. You know I love you too much, and I demonstrated you that when we got married. I’m not capable of changing you for no one…- Kyuhyun didn’t want to screw up anything with anything he could say, so he just hugged his husband and left the little man sob on his chest.


-I love you too Kyu…- Ryeowook whispered and he broke the hug, just for joining their lips together…




I hope you like this ><



and yeah, I changed the name from 'We're married' to 'Rain of blades' since I think that describes better KyuWook's relationship at this point of the fic ><




Location: still my room ><

Mooda little hummiliated for my fail work on my ZhouRy fic

MusicBreath by B2st.... HYPNOTIZING!!

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hummm hey guys *hides under bed* yeah I. know it's been almost 2 weeks! >< but I've been busy but promise I'll update ASAP when I get free time >~


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Chapter 19: well a story needs drama too so it is good because in the end they can prove that they deserve
each other why did it's already finished?
....just kidding
i love it so much
Chapter 19: At some points... i just wanted to kill you xD Just kidding, I loved it sooo much! I loved the precuel and also this story~ I'll serch more of your fanfics~ :D
Great!!! The Story, The ending, Everything's just so great!!! Great Author!!!
Chapter 19: awwwwwwwwwwwwwww dnndfbdbebdvdvdvevkwjdks FINALLY OTLOTL FINALLY sobs
so happy. ;uu; and the kids are so cuuute!! ;~~~; brb dying
kyuwoooook 5ever. ;A; <3
Chapter 19: Aw, I really loved this fic! I'm happy that it was all a happy ending!
Congrats on finishing it! ^^
Chapter 19: thanks for writing too. ^ ^ and oh wait. the last picture ? :O
you make it ? wow. I love it~~ xDD
Chapter 18: :') one happy family... so beautiful.. ^ ^ I'm so happyyy~~ for kyuwook !! xD
Chapter 17: oh boy....this is making my life miserable....hwaiting wookie!!! Dont die on Kyuhyun!!!!
*Thanks for the refernce to beauty!!!!!