Chapter 17

Rain of Blades (sequel to 'The Babysitter')


HELP!” I yelled “PLEASE SOMEBODY HEL ME!” he covered my mouth with dock tape and grabbed Minho. I tried to yell again, but my mouth was shot. I couldn’t move because of the terror. I was frozen. He gave Minho something –sort of a candy- that made my little boy close his eyes instantly. My eyes filled up with tears, thinking he was dead. He laughed evilly at my reaction.


“He’s not dead” He said with a smug smile “He’s asleep. He doesn’t have why to see this… right?” he laughed. In that moment, my body started to cooperate and I could remove the dock tape from my mouth. By that moment, Changmin had already tied up Minho. I started to yell for help again, but he was faster and covered my mouth once again.


“SHUT UP! You will not ruin my plan” He tied me up “You’re so like Kyuhyun, who by the way… is not cheating on you” he laughed “what jealousy can do to people… really” I struggled to break free, but it was useless “Now I need to get rid of you. Do you imagine what would happen if Kyuhyun finds out that you’re GONE for good?” I started crying at the mention of Kyuhyun’s name.


“That’s why… the three of you have to disappear” he said and I started struggling once again. “Aish~ Stop it!” he yelled and punched me, knocking me down.  Kyu… I need you…


I woke up after a while and noticed I was in a van –or at least I thought so. Changmin was in the front seat, driving like a maniac. I tried to undo the ties that were hurting my wrists, but I couldn’t


“You won’t be able to get out of this one Wookie” I heard Changmin said and laughed “Not you, or him” he pointed where I was, but noticed he was pointing something else. That’s when I saw Minho lying next to me, asleep.


This time, it wasn’t me the one in danger, it was Minho.



Normal POV



Kyuhyun dialed Ryeowook’s number once again, but no one picked up. There was something wrong with this; he knew it. It has been over an hour since they agreed to meet. He got up from the couch and walked to the door, willing to go looking for him, but when he opened the door, he bumped with Heechul.


“Hyun” the younger said


“I’m sorry Heechul, not now” he said getting his keys “I need to go look for Ryeowook” he said trying to go out the house, but Heechul made him stop


“That’s why… I’m here” he said with a shaky voice


“Why? You know where Ryeowook is? Do you know something I don’t?!”


“I need you to calm down first” He said and dragged his older brother back to the couch “This… is a delicate subject”


“What do you mean?!” Shouted Kyuhyun; he was losing it


“Shim Changmin” he said “Please don’t say a word until I’m done” Kyuhyun nodded confused


“He planned everything so it would look like Ryeowook was cheating on you. But everything wasn’t true. It was a trap and you fell for it. And so did Ryeowook” Kyuhyun was about to talk, but Heechul didn’t let him “His goal was making your life a living hell… and he did…”


“How do you know this?”


“Because I… I was his… apprentice” he said and looked at Kyuhyun, who had a raged expression on his face. Kyuhyun threw his fist back, ready to punch Heechul, but he made him stop, “BUT BEFORE YOU KILL ME!” he yelled covering his face “I came to tell you that Ryeowook and Minho’s life are in danger. Changmin heard your phone call with Ryeowook from before. He will kill the both of them”


“Where?” Kyuhyun asked now with his gaze lost. He was sweating cold too.


“Beastly Street, south of the country (A/n: hehehe, a B2UTY reference XD) He’s planning to run away to China. He will take the Sapphire blue Street shortcut.  You have to hurry; he might kill the both of them before he reaches the frontier.” He said scared


“Anything else?” Kyuhyun asked in a cold voice


“Yes… Minho… is YOUR adoptive son…” He shocked. His dream actually came true, but it could break down if he didn’t hurry. He ran outside the house, leaving Heechul alone and with his gaze down.


“I’m sorry…” he whispered and started crying


Kyuhyun cursed when he saw the traffic was terrible and Beastly Street was over 10 miles away. He stepped on the accelerator and drove faster, ignoring stop sings and red lights. In his mind was only his family.


In the meanwhile, Ryeowook’s situation was about to get worse than better…


The boy woke up dizzy and blind –Changmin had put a blinding fold on his eyes. He wanted so bad to grab Minho and run away, but now he didn’t even know where his son was. He felt strong hands on him that dragged him out the van and the ties of his wrist were undone. He was shaking in fear. Was Changmin planning on doing something worse to him? The blind fold was removed and he blinked a few times. Changmin showed up in front of him


“Hello cutie” he said


“What are we doing here?” he asked scared “And where’s Minho?” he said at the edge of tears


“He’s alright” he said “And I wanted to tell you something that just happened” he said and gave Ryeowook a red cloth that carried something inside. Ryeowook took out the object and saw it was a gun –loaded, with blood drops on it.


“What is this?” he asked


“It’s the gun that killed your husband” Ryeowook kneeled on the ground and started crying. He was dead? Without a good bye? Just like that?


The both of them had fallen on a terrible trap; on an evil and well-planned trap. There was no other man as evil and despicable as Changmin was. Ryeowook kept crying and sobbing real bad. An immense pain formed inside him. He had lost everything. What was the point of fighting? Changmin kneeled next to him and talked,


“I’m so sorry cutie. It was my duty. Now that it’s done, I don’t have why to kill you or Minho… But do you really want to keep living? Your son won’t have an ‘appa’. You won’t have a husband. I don’t see the point of keep living. What’s the point of it? You will just have problems…” He said and got on his feet. He took Minho –who was still asleep due to the sleeping pill Changmin gave him- and threw him next to Ryeowook. He smiled and looked at the miserable young boy once again before getting in the car and leaving, leaving Ryeowook and Minho in the middle of the street, in the middle of nowhere.


Of course, the words that Changmin told him were just a lie for making Ryeowook kill Minho and then himself. Ryeowook hugged Minho really tight and kept sobbing.


We believed he was alone, until an unknown sound made him look up. He saw the lights of a car getting closer to him; every second getting closer. Now Ryeowook had the hope that maybe the both of them could survive.


Even though he was a little blinded by his tears and the lights, he could recognize the driver of the car. That girl… Krystal. Ryeowook didn’t move and stead, stared at the car… that didn’t stop at all… Ryeowook closed his eyes, and it was the last thing he remembers....






When Kyuhyun got to Beastly Street, he didn’t see anything. He just listened to the wind. He got a flashlight that was under the seat and got out the car. He walked a few steps until he saw a body… 2 bodies lying on the middle of the street. He recognized the bigger body and rushed next to it. He kneeled next to him and saw the both of them… covered in blood without the minimal sing of life. He was about to cry but checked the pulse of both the boys and noticed they were still alive. He called 911 and pleaded for help. In the meanwhile the ambulance arrived, he kept whispering in Ryeowook’s ear.


“It’s ok… everything will be ok…. I promise…” He said and held and kissed his husband and son’s hands, waiting for the help…





One more chapie readers! and then... the epiloge! ;DD



Location: Living room's couch

Mood: hummm..... I don't know xDDD

Music: Gangman Style by PSY *tried to dance* xD

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hummm hey guys *hides under bed* yeah I. know it's been almost 2 weeks! >< but I've been busy but promise I'll update ASAP when I get free time >~


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Chapter 19: well a story needs drama too so it is good because in the end they can prove that they deserve
each other why did it's already finished?
....just kidding
i love it so much
Chapter 19: At some points... i just wanted to kill you xD Just kidding, I loved it sooo much! I loved the precuel and also this story~ I'll serch more of your fanfics~ :D
Great!!! The Story, The ending, Everything's just so great!!! Great Author!!!
Chapter 19: awwwwwwwwwwwwwww dnndfbdbebdvdvdvevkwjdks FINALLY OTLOTL FINALLY sobs
so happy. ;uu; and the kids are so cuuute!! ;~~~; brb dying
kyuwoooook 5ever. ;A; <3
Chapter 19: Aw, I really loved this fic! I'm happy that it was all a happy ending!
Congrats on finishing it! ^^
Chapter 19: thanks for writing too. ^ ^ and oh wait. the last picture ? :O
you make it ? wow. I love it~~ xDD
Chapter 18: :') one happy family... so beautiful.. ^ ^ I'm so happyyy~~ for kyuwook !! xD
Chapter 17: oh boy....this is making my life miserable....hwaiting wookie!!! Dont die on Kyuhyun!!!!
*Thanks for the refernce to beauty!!!!!