Story Time With Grandpa Gyu

Thank You, LSY


It was Sunday morning, or maybe afternoon; I was in too much of a fog to even look at the clock. The sun shining through my bedroom window attacked my eyes with a vengeance, causing my head to throb violently. I spied the bottle of wine from last night on the ground next to my bed. When I picked it up, it was surprisingly light. I looked inside; the bottle was empty. Did I drink the entire thing by myself? I couldn't remember. Finally, I stumbled out of bed and into the bathroom. The sound of water running interrupted my thoughts. The tap was still on. Did I leave it like that all night? I quickly shut it off and shook my head, still deciding whether or not I wanted the memory of last night to come back. It'd been a while since I took those pills, and I was beginning to get sloppy after taking them. The only thing I could think to do right now was take a shower. I the water and climbed in. Ten minutes later I got out and got dressed. By then I was finally able to collect my thoughts and look at the clock. It was nearly three o'clock. I checked my phone to find 3 text messages and a missed call.


FROM: Yeollie ♡

AT: 9:32 AM

Myungie~~ I tried calling but I bet you're sleeping. How'd things go? I wish I could have been there with you. I wanted you so bad last night, you know that? Tonight, Myung. I'll make you pay for teasing me!! ;P

I smiled as I read his words, my lower half getting excited by his threat. Suddenly I remembered a snippet of my mother's vile words. He was banned from this house, which means he wouldn't be able to come over..... As long as my mother was home that is. All I had to do was find out when she'd be home and get him out of here by then. I snickered as I typed my response. 

You wouldn't have wanted to be there, I promise. Ran into a bit of trouble with the old lady so don't come over until I tell you it's okay. I need to see you tonight. I want you so much my body aches. And I'll tease you all I want, hyungg~~ ;)

I sent the message and smiled smugly. My body shivered in anticipation for tonight. I decided to open the other two messages.


FROM: Sunggyu Hyung

AT: 12:47 PM

Myungsoo-ah, Thanks a lot for letting me and my babe stay the day before. It was nice talking yesterday. Let's get together again soon xox


FROM: Dinowoo

AT: 12:59 PM

YAH! NO ONE TALKS TO ME ANYMORE! Dongwoo hyung is lonely ;A; Let's all meet after school tomorrow.

I shook my head at my desperate hyungs. Dongwoo was right though. I hadn't seen him in a long time, and I'm sure the others hadn't either. We were all too busy with budding romances and had left him behind. I texted back an excited I'm there! and then focused back to Sunggyu's message. My memory of last night was fuzzy, but my conversation with him on the couch was still crystal clear. He had some explaining to do about his situation with Dongwoo. Maybe we should get together today? It might be a nice distraction to hear someone else's drama for once. Then maybe my head wouldn't spin so angrily.

It was nice, really nice. Let’s get together now. Are you free for coffee?

He responded only about a minute after the message was sent.


FROM: Sunggyu Hyung

AT: 2:55 PM

Coffee? You just woke up, didn't you? Tsktsk! The day's half over! ~~~sigh, I'm leaving now. Don't be late!!

I grinned and grabbed my keys, praying that he could lift my spirits a bit. When I arrived at our usual coffee shop I spied Sunggyu seated in a leather chair towards the back of the store. I waved to him as I made it over to the seat next to him. After I sat down, he slid a paper coffee cup across the table towards me. I took a sip and smiled. Bittersweet Americano, no whipped cream; my usual. And it was still warm.

"Hyung," I said as he raised his eyebrows at me, "how do you know everything?" He just chuckled and looked down shyly.

"Well, I don't know about that..." he said.

"No really!" I insisted, "You have really good intuition. Either that or you have spies and cameras hidden everywhere." He looked up and pressed his finger to his lips.

"Shhh, don't tell the others!" he whispered. I laughed. "So," he took a sip of his drink, "how are things going with you and Yeol? You get any yet?" I almost spit out my drink. He was so forward! Something in me appreciated it, so instead of making a fuss about his bluntness, I just answered his question calmly.

"Almost.... but my mom kind of caught us... I dunno. I don't really wanna talk about it." I looked down at the rim of the cup. Sunggyu nodded.

"It's like that, is it?" I nodded back. "Okay." He clapped and sat back in his chair smugly. "I'll distract you by telling you a story, a true story." I crossed my legs in my chair and rested my chin in my hand. I couldn't wait to hear my hyung share his knowledge and maybe even get the full story. He cleared his throat and began. "There once was a boy who liked to sing and dance. His mother didn't approve of his interests, so she signed him up for a summer long soccer camp. When he arrived, it was clear that he wouldn't fit in. He was chubby, unathletic, and shy. The boy tried, but couldn't really seem to get the hang of things." I giggled to myself, picturing a mini, chubby-cheeked Gyu. He scowled back at me and continued. 

"After a few days, he was approached by the best player in the entire camp. The toned soccer player was completely breath taking. Everything about him was enticing. The way he flipped his bangs from his face, the way the sweat on his brow glistened in the summer sun; he was beautiful. He asked the pudgy boy to stay after and practice with him that day. From that day on, the two boys were inseparable." I nearly fell forward in my chair in anticipation. When did things go wrong? According to Woohyun, the boy's friendship didn't last long at all.

"Okay, and then?!?" I urged.

"It didn't take long for them to realize they were meant to be together. When they hugged there was something about the way he'd rub the chubby one's back. When they looked at each other, there was such an obvious longing, a pure desire to be as closer." Sunggyu looked down and traced the rim of his paper coffee cup. "At least that's what the cubby one thought." He sighed and looked up with a bittersweet smile on his face. "On the last day of camp they latched pinkies," he reached out his pinky to demonstrate, "and promised to call each other every night and see each other whenever they could. After kissing their own fists, their faces were so close to each other. The chubby one couldn't help but lean over and kiss his friend's forehead." Sunggyu's eyes glazed over as he starred at the imaginary forehead in front of him. His hand wilted a bit and he rested it on his lap again. "We stood there awkwardly for a second and then he just leaned over and kissed my lips." I gasped at his sudden use of "my" and he chuckled a bit. I don't know why I felt so surprised; I knew this would be his story before he even started.

"I'll never forget that." He said, smiling at the memory. "He was such a good kisser for a ten year old." I giggled a little and then cringed, remembering that the athletic boy was actually Woohyun. "The two boys parted ways with a smile, but when I tried to call him that night, he didn't pick up or return my call. I tried again the next day, and the next, and the next, but he still wouldn't answer. I called that boy every day for months, hoping, praying that maybe he'd pick up. Maybe he'd remember me. Maybe he'd love me again." He hung his head and stared at the paper coffee sup. He sniffed a bit and rubbed his nose before finally saying "He never did." He shook his head and snapped back into reality. "After a year I was a wreck. I couldn't understand why he'd done that to me. My mom made me quit dance just a little after camp so I began to get even chubbier so I stopped eating. I wasn't able to sleep anymore. I even started smoking when I was like thirteen. I stopped going to school, and when my parents found out, they made me repeat a year."

"I'm sorry, Gyu hyung. I really am. He shouldn't have done that to you." I said calmly. He just shook his head at me and smiled.

"It's alright. Staying back was the best thing that ever happened to me. That's when I met Dongwoo, Sungjong and Sungyeol. And if I hadn't, then I would have never met you or Hoya, or reunited with Woohyun." He smiled peacefully. "And I know why he did it now. It needed to happen for him; he needed to find himself first. We're together now and that's all that matters. It's all over." I nodded and took a sip of my coffee. He was so wise. He must have been through a lot growing up. Now I knew about what happened between him and Woohyun, but something was telling me that there is so much more to him. So much that I still don't know.

"Hyung?" He looked up at me and nodded, allowing me to ask my question. "You've been through a lot, haven’t you?" He nodded again. "Am I ever going to know the full story?" I thought aloud. He held his coffee in both hands and pursed his lips before he responded.

"How much time do you have?"


OHMYGOD I MADE YOU WAIT LIKE 2 WHOLE WEEKS!!! IM SO SORRY!!!! Hopefully you'll forgive me? This is kind of a short chapter, but maybe it'll distract you AND Myungsoo from any drama in reality ^.^ 

The next chapter will be a Flash back **wow** which is already like 3/4 of the way done, so be ready for that!! It'll probably be up either tomorrow or the day after. Hopefully you wont wait long after that. On a sad note, I'm planning on ending this fic sooner or later, so GET READY FOR TO HIT THE FAN.

That's it for now! Love y'all <3 Stay kawaii~~~

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ukissme1991 #1
Please update >.<
im_sucks_LOL #2
awesome fic!!!!
Chapter 23: Asdfjkl... You are back!
ALL YOUR UPDATES MAKE ME SQUEAL AND THIS WAS NO EXCEPTION!This has always been a fic I follow and I am eternally grateful you updated... no matter how short it was!
Chapter 22: I've seen this fic for a couple of times before, but I never actually read it because I was waiting for you to finish it first. But then last night I read the first chapter out of curiosity and here I am, 21 chapters later. Do take your time in finishing this story because I really, really like it and I don't really mind waiting up for such a good story.

Regarding the last chapter, I'm actually surprised to see HoJong because while reading this, I've always thought all the couples will be the usual one: MyungYeol, with a dash of WooGyu and YaDong, plus Jongie with someone else. Woohoo! Nice twist! ^^
Chapter 22: Annyeong, it's been a while but I still love this fic and I'm willing to be patient even more so.. I'm glad you found yourself through this.
I'll never stop following this.. ever.
finieL16 #6
Chapter 21: well if you feellike crying..i am crying!
wheres yeollie~~~
Chapter 21: its just dramatic and i feel like crying T_T
Chapter 21: It's been a long time since I commented and even then it was short. I am so sorry. Fact is, my DS is a damn ____ that doesn't let things get done. I am going to write this as long as I can to express how much I love this fic. I started following this when I didn't have an account on my DS.
I loved it so much I'd bookmark every chapter and check it everyday in case you updated.
Finally, I got an account and I commented briefly because my DS was being a stupid oaf and just wasn't working. After a while, I grew too scared to comment and did so rarely but now I comment on every single story I read and this story has stuck for me since the beginning. Every single detail, every single event. They are all stuck in my hand.
I bow down to you as a great author.
Chapter 20: OH MY GOSH
and the next chapter yeollie will come and accidentally see that and their relationship will be ____ed up
unless you decided on a plot twist lol