
Thank You, LSY



6:30 AM

I woke up at the same time to the same annoying alarm in the same warm bed, wearing the same smelly socks as yesterday. Just another day where I'd eat the same breakfast, drive the same way to the same school in the same car, and sit in the same seat in the same classes with the same people for the same amount of time. My life revolved around same.

The average day, the average life. And that's how it's always been. I feel happily hollow, excitedly empty, delightfully dull. Quite frankly I've grown tired of it. How long does it really take for someone's life to begin? I've already waited 18 years... will I have to wait 18 more?!? At this rate, I might as well quit while I'm ahead. Everyone always says "If it aint broke don't fix it", but how do I even know if it's broke? And just because it isn't broken doesn't mean it's efficient.

These same questions swirled around in my head every morning, swimming in pools of confusion and longing. By the time I had pealed off my old socks and showered the were gone. 

I got got dressed and headed downs stairs to the kitchen. There I found the same cold eggs and warm orange juice my mother had set out each morning before dashing off to work. The same sticky note was stuck to my lunchbox;

"Myungsoo-ah, have a nice day, sweetie. Hopefully We'll have time together tonight, but you know how work is... Love always, Umma"

That would be nice, I thought as I grabbed my backpack and lunchbox and headed towards my car. I haven't had dinner with my mother in a while... 

These same thoughts wandered around my mind like lost children every day on the way to school, growing more and more genuine each time. Every night my mother would come home from work after I had gone to bed and leave before I wake up. I can't remember how many times I would secretly stay up late, waiting for her to come into my room and give me a kiss goodnight. I also can't remember when I stopped waiting up for her, but I did.


"Hello.... Earth to L..." Woohyun said, waving his hands in my face.

Suddenly it was time for lunch where I was sittingwith Hoya and Woohyun, my best friends from childhood who I saw every day. 

"huh?" I grunted, casually coming out of my trance.

"What's up with you today? You seem totally out of it," Hoya said. "Are you okay?"

"I am? Well, I guess I didn't get much sleep or something..." my voice trailed off as I tried to think how today could possibly be different from the thousands of days before.

"Well anywho," Woohyun said through a mouth full of chips, "I heard that there are 4 exchange students coming to the school this week. Are we going to take them in, or..?" One thing I've noticed about Woohyun is that he seems to be a people pleaser. It's as if he needs constant attention in order to function. He's endlessly texting and calling every girl in school to prove his status above the other guys. Him, Hoya and I have managed to become the most popular guys in the school. It's almost as if we're celebrities to the girls here. I'm handsom, Hoya's talented, and Woohyun is outgoing. We didn't mean to become so popular, but somehow our said 'specialties' combine into the perfect male scenario to teenage girls.

"Eh, we'll see I guess." I mumbled, disturbed but also excited by the thought of possibly making new friends. At this point in my life, I needed some change, and if these new kids would bring spice to my life, then maybe they're what I need. "Maybe it couldn't hurt.."




Hii! I'm super excited to be starting my very first fanfic!! ahhaskfhfj I'm a myungyeol shipper.. if you couldnt tell. Sorry for the ridiculously boring chapter but I just thought I'd set things up for Sungyeol and the other boys' dramatic entrance!! Hopfully updating soon. Subscribe for more fun!!!

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ukissme1991 #1
Please update >.<
im_sucks_LOL #2
awesome fic!!!!
Chapter 23: Asdfjkl... You are back!
ALL YOUR UPDATES MAKE ME SQUEAL AND THIS WAS NO EXCEPTION!This has always been a fic I follow and I am eternally grateful you updated... no matter how short it was!
Chapter 22: I've seen this fic for a couple of times before, but I never actually read it because I was waiting for you to finish it first. But then last night I read the first chapter out of curiosity and here I am, 21 chapters later. Do take your time in finishing this story because I really, really like it and I don't really mind waiting up for such a good story.

Regarding the last chapter, I'm actually surprised to see HoJong because while reading this, I've always thought all the couples will be the usual one: MyungYeol, with a dash of WooGyu and YaDong, plus Jongie with someone else. Woohoo! Nice twist! ^^
Chapter 22: Annyeong, it's been a while but I still love this fic and I'm willing to be patient even more so.. I'm glad you found yourself through this.
I'll never stop following this.. ever.
finieL16 #6
Chapter 21: well if you feellike crying..i am crying!
wheres yeollie~~~
Chapter 21: its just dramatic and i feel like crying T_T
Chapter 21: It's been a long time since I commented and even then it was short. I am so sorry. Fact is, my DS is a damn ____ that doesn't let things get done. I am going to write this as long as I can to express how much I love this fic. I started following this when I didn't have an account on my DS.
I loved it so much I'd bookmark every chapter and check it everyday in case you updated.
Finally, I got an account and I commented briefly because my DS was being a stupid oaf and just wasn't working. After a while, I grew too scared to comment and did so rarely but now I comment on every single story I read and this story has stuck for me since the beginning. Every single detail, every single event. They are all stuck in my hand.
I bow down to you as a great author.
Chapter 20: OH MY GOSH
and the next chapter yeollie will come and accidentally see that and their relationship will be ____ed up
unless you decided on a plot twist lol