The return to Korea

Going on vacation together


When the plane was finally in the air and dinner had been served, Eunhyuk soon fell asleep with his head on his boyfriend’s shoulder. Kyuhyun and Ryeowook couldn’t sleep though and were talking with low voices so no one would eavesdrop.

“So, you think that you two will get through everything well?”

“I don’t know, Ryeowook… I really don’t know but I will give my everything to make it work.”

“He seems to feel your strength or otherwise he wouldn’t have fallen asleep in this position.”

“I just hope that I can remain this strong person that always holds his back.”

“Kyuhyun, I’m sure that Eunhyuk will learn to trust his feelings as well and he will become stronger and stronger and you’ll see that he will probably even sooner than you think protect you and your relationship. He is stronger than we know of because he takes everything inside of him and never even tries to give us everything back. He stays the happy monkey.”

“And that’s exactly what I don’t want him to be anymore all the time. He needs to tell me, you and the others if something is bothering him that we did. He can’t take everything in forever…”

“Wow, you truly love him.” Kyuhyun smiled a little and just nodded while looking at his sleeping boyfriend. “I just hope that the others will be as understanding as me…” Ryeowook was saying it more to himself than to Kyuhyun. The Maknae understood every single word anyways but didn’t say anything. He didn’t want to think negatively but something inside of him told him that there would be a problem with someone. He had especially Donghae in mind. He loved Donghae but he also knew how much Donghae cared about Eunhyuk.


At the airport in Seoul, many fans were waiting for the three guys that had returned home. Therefore, there was again no chance for Kyu and Hyukkie to hold each other tightly again before the big confession. Still they were pros and put on a good show and smiled a lot. Just when they were finally in the car to get back to the apartment, were they actually able to hold hands because the driver wasn’t interested too much in them since Ryeowook was keeping him busy. The two were really thankful that the other was so considerate of them and that he still loved them the same way.

“Are you okay, Monkey?”

“I think so… At least I was able to sleep almost the whole flight, right?”

“Yeah, I was really surprised that you could sleep so fast. All of what happened between us must have made you really sleepy.”

“Well after the night of the confession, I didn’t really sleep well any night after and I guess, I just felt safe in that moment next to you and still thousands of miles away from home…”

“That’s good. Keep that thought in mind for the even bigger confession that we have in front of us now.” Eunhyuk was looking down to their holding hands and squeezed Kyuhyun’s even more.

“I’ll definitely try. I can’t believe that we are actually back already… and I will have to do Sukira with Ryeowook right away tomorrow… it’s definitely going to be stressful again from now on…”

“It will…”

“Guys, we’re almost home. By the way, will you come to the 11th floor apartment with me right away?” Eunhyuk was looking at Kyuhyun who was nodding slowly.

“I guess that would be the best thing if we just say hi to our Hyungs right away and then we can go upstairs and unpack and everything…”

“If you say so…” The Maknae could feel that the dancing machine’s courage was starting to leave him again. But then Eunhyuk was looking at the black bracelet. “I’m sure you’re right. Let’s say hi to them right away and be honest. It’s not going to become any easier no matter how much longer we’re going to put it off, right?” Kyuhyun was nodding with a small smile.

“Since when are you talking like that when it is just about greeting the other members?” The driver was asking and the three guys were looking at him surprised. They had all forgotten that they weren’t alone in the car but that someone else was still watching them.

“Ever since we are really tired because we couldn’t sleep in the plane and just want to lay in bed and sleep for a few hours.” Luckily Ryeowook was able to react very fast and the driver believed him right away. “It’s just that we don’t want to make our Hyungs angry by not saying a proper hello.”

“Just do it guys. It’s something you have to do for 30 minutes and then you can lay down a bit. You don’t have any schedules for the rest of the day. The first one is tomorrow.”

“We will. Kahmsamnida.” The couple looked thankfully to their brother.

Ten minutes later they arrived at the apartment and went straight to the 11th floor. Ryeowook opened the door and when they were in the living room, every single member was sitting there. The couple was shocked. They didn’t think that they would really have to confess to everyone together.

“There you finally are. We have all been waiting on you. We wanted a Super Junior member day and thought that today would be perfect since everyone is back. Sungmin will have to leave tomorrow morning and many have schedules.” Leeteuk was greeting the three like that and all the others got up as well. Everyone hugged each other and ten minutes later they were all sitting there, having snacks in front of them.

“So, how was it with those two inseparable ones, Ryeowookie?” Yesung asked.

“It was amazing and they never left me alone like you pretended except for one night.”

“The night with the twitter-pic?” Sungmin was asking.

“Yeah, but I was absolutely fine with that. Sometimes it’s also nice to really have alone time. But other than that we three were inseparable and we had a lot of fun together. We saw so many places and Greece is a fantastic country with lots of history.”

“I’m glad you liked it. What about you, Kyuhyun and Ryeowook?” The leader asked again.

“It was the best vacation I’ve ever had.” Kyuhyun said. Everyone smiled.

“That’s good that you had such a good time but I missed you here. I’m glad that I have all my Dongsaeng’s around me again. It’s sadly not too long anymore until I won’t be here with you anymore for quite a while. That’s why I proposed this day. I hope you’re not too tired and can stay with us for a while.”

“Sure, Hyung. We will miss you a lot and if that’s what you want us to do, we will.” The dancing machine answered with the mask of the happy guy again. “So, how was your time in the US, Hae?”

“It was great although I didn’t tweet as much as you did and I wasn’t gone for long because of the drama. It’s still so much fun to shoot that drama, Hyuk-Hyung.”

“That’s very good. It makes me happy that you are so satisfied with everything.”

“Hyung, how come that you drank wine on that one picture that Sungmin-Hyung mentioned before?” Eunhyuk was looking surprised at Donghae.

“That was actually my fault, Hyung. I just ordered this wine tasting plate for both of us and he had no other choice anymore after.”

“You shouldn’t force him on drinking, Kyuhyunnie.”

“I know Hy…”

“I could have still said no after he ordered it and make him drink all of it but I actually wanted to drink it as soon as it was in front of me, Hae.”

“You did want to drink? Hyung, what did Kyuhyun do to you and how could he have…”

“He hasn’t done anything to me and especially nothing bad.”

“Then you want to tell us that he has done something good to you?” Siwon was asking while laughing.

“He has… he has talked to me a lot and it felt good…”

“Is there something that is bothering you two? You seem so stiff all of a sudden.” Leeteuk was really worried and it seemed like all the other guys felt it as well. Eunhyuk was looking towards Kyuhyun who understood what his boyfriend wanted.

“Something happened in Greece that we wanted to tell you about… It’s really not easy on us because we have no idea how you will react to it at all and…”

“You two are together, aren’t you?” The couple and Ryeowook looked surprised towards Donghae.

“How… how did you… I mean how…”

“Hyukkie-Hyung. I know you better than many if not all the others. Well, maybe except for Kyuhyun but I now you very well. So are you together?” Eunhyuk nodded and took Kyu’s hand into his.

“Yes, we are together.” The smile that the couple shared also made Ryeowook and Donghae smile brightly while the others were still really surprised and didn’t even know how to react.

“You are a couple? I mean I KNEW that you were close but that you are this close… I mean, how and when and…” Leeteuk was asking stuttering.

“We… I mean we felt like that for each other for a long time but we just got like really together last night. I kind of forced him into the first date… and that was the pic that we put on Twitter.”

“So that is why you left poor Ryeowookie behind? You two really are something. But if that is what makes you happy, I’m happy too. And I don’t care what my belief says about it.” Siwon even stood up and hugged his two brothers after saying this. Shindong, Leeteuk, and Kangin soon did the same thing. The couple was so happy that all of them accepted the fact that they were together now.

“I was actually waiting on this day that you two would come forward and confess your love for each other to us.” Donghae seemed to be the one that was the happiest about this whole situation.

“How the… I mean how did you know that we loved each other?” Kyuhyun was asking.

“Well, like I said before, I know Eunhyuk very well. And yes, he does lots of skinship with me if I start it but the only one that he is really doing skinship with liberally is you. And I also saw how he was looking at you. You aren’t hard to read either if someone really observes you once. The way that you have ALWAYS protected Hyukkie was actually the cutest thing that I have ever seen you doing although you surely also had an evil tongue towards him.”

“You are better in reading moods than I ever thought, Hyung.” Everyone started laughing because they agreed.

“I just don’t like you guys seeing this side too much on me.”

“Thank you, Donghae. Thank you for telling me that and thank you for being such an amazing friend. Not everyone could have seen that and made it so easy on us to tell you guys the truth.”

“Sooo, now I know why you didn’t like me holding you so tightly on stage with the water splash.”

“Of course, Siwon! Do you think that I would want my Kyuhyunnie seeing me y like that?” Everyone started laughing and no one seemed to realize that Sungmin was getting more and more quiet. “So you are really all okay with the two of us being together?”

“Yes, we are and now I get it why you always turned away from me and towards Kyu in the recording for Shinhwa-broadcast. It’s not because I’m scary or anything, nee?” Eunhyuk and Kyu started laughing because of what Yesung said.

“Hyung~ of course you’re not scary. You know that I love you, don’t you?”

“Dae, of course I know that. All of you love me weirdo man.”

“Could you all just stop pretending to love and be happy that they are a couple?! All of this is so not right! You can’t be TOGETHER!” Sungmin stood up and kept on screaming. “This is all a big joke, right?! I mean, you two want to be a couple? This is just so damn funny!”

“Sungmin-Hyung… why are you saying that? We…” Kyuhyun started to talk.

“Don’t tell me that you two are happy.” Sungmin spit the last word out.

“Hyung, don’t…” Eunhyuk started crying. That was exactly what he was worried about. That one of the other members would react in this way to their confession. Everything seemed to be perfect just a few seconds ago, but now it just didn’t feel good or right at all.

“Don’t what? Tell you the truth while all the others lie to your face?”

“Sungmin-Hyung! That is enough!” Donghae and Kyuhyun screamed almost like out of one mouth.

“No, it’s not enough. I really can’t believe that all of you stay this quiet and can play the happy guys here. They just told us that they are gay and a couple. This is not right. Especially you, Siwon, should know that. And I hate it when I always have to play the cute little guy and when I’m called gay and you all said the same thing. I mean, how can you even…”

“Sungmin…” Leeteuk also wanted to calm the other down.

“I don’t want to hear it. I will leave now to my room and you better not come into this room if you want to stay with Eunhyuk as a… whatever you are.”

“We are a couple and we love each other. And I don’t care if you can see that or not. But I will tell you one thing. Nothing that you will say or do will make me stop feeling this way for our dancing machine. Okay, nothing!” Eunhyuk was trying to hold his boyfriend back. Sungmin has heard enough and he just left the room and went upstairs to the other apartment.

“I’m sorry, you two… I can’t believe that he said all those things…” Donghae told the couple.

“Thank you guys, but I would like to be alone now… Mianhaeyo…” Eunhyuk stood up still crying. His boyfriend got up as well and took all their suitcases with himself after bowing to his Hyungs. As soon as they were inside of Eunhyuk’s room, Kyuhyun could finally take his boyfriend into his arms.

“Mianhae, Monkey… I am really sorry that Sungmin reacted this way and that he said all those kinds of things to us… I don’t even know how he… I mean I thought that he truly cared about us…”

“Kyuhyunnie… do you really want to go through with this? He is…” The Maknae hold up his arm with the black bracelet. “I guess that is answer enough. Do you think that we will convince Sungmin that this is right what is happening between us?”

“We will try and I’m sure that he will accept it when time passes by.”

“Let’s hope you’re right.” They were finally able to kiss each other again.

“And just think of how great all the other Hyungs reacted. Everyone was so happy for us, especially Donghae which I really didn’t expect.”

“Me neither. I really didn’t think that he would know me this well. He is a true friend, right?”

“He is but don’t you dare to get too close to him.” Eunhyuk giggled and kissed his boyfriend again.

“Let’s lay down a bit.” Kyuhyun nodded and kissed his monkey again. They just had to stay positive.

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Chapter 15: Please update I love it
Han-hyunWoo-Eunhae #2
Chapter 15: Had fun while reading this fic , really good job .
Wish that you update soon
emma13 #3
Chapter 15: I still remmembered the feeling about this lovely tiramikyu~ kyu always have a good attention and affection to others,but with his hyukkie,is always different,in a very good way ofcourse.and sometimes they both just too obvious,right? *wink

Thanks for the update,wanna read more~
barani #4
Chapter 15: I was very happy when see kyu buy a cake for hyukii birthday. This evil maknae don't do this kind of thing for anybody
Chapter 15: aww... that cake is cute... :)
emma13 #6
Chapter 14: Oh its a surprise! I didn't know you gonna made an update in the near time sweetheart .so thankyuuuuuu~ really need this.oh yes,I came here a few days ago but just finish read this a lots of distraction I guess *wink-wink
I'm so sorry kay..

Oh you two! Actually its good,this all cute jealousy..its just mean that they love each other so much right?but they definitely have to move on from the over scary worried lovers to deadly in love and secure each other.just don't let any stupid anger and emotions dominate in you two ever again,but glad to know they're okay now..oh,and i think you're right about the big time jump in this chapy but no problem at all for me since it still fit with the story before.but its good if you're gonna put some flashback later,that just would make everything clearer

Gonna wait for Mute update too ne sweetheart *hugandkiss
Chapter 14: Cute ending....and glad they finally made up...
Chapter 14: oh finally an update....and they are together again...this wont ended soon right...anyhow thank kyu for the update.....
Chapter 14: finally they settle down... :)
Chapter 14: oh wow thankyuuuu so much for this great update author dear i miss this so much <3<3<3<3