The talk begins

Going on vacation together


“This is going to be the longest talk of my life.” Kyuhyun was trying to feel good about what was going to start now and meant this as some kind of joke to loosen up a bit. He was nervous of talking about his feelings.

“Well, you are quite talkative if you are around me, so it shouldn’t be too hard on you.”

“So you did notice something after all.” Eunhyuk pushed the Maknae playfully and started laughing.

“Hey, I’m not completely stupid.”

“I didn’t say that you are stupid at all but if you say so…”

“Heeeyyy!” They both started laughing. After a while, they were able to calm down again. “Well, whatever. Let’s get back to the more serious part of our conversation again.”

“So what do you want to start talking about?”

“Let’s start with Intimate Note again… So, I mean, were you planning this confession or anything?”

“Well, I… maybe?”

“Wow, the normally to me so talkative Kyuhyun is becoming all quiet and shy. I can’t believe that I’m the one that is making you act this way.”

“Stop it, Hyukkie. You know how hard it was to do all that? I was so scared that others would understand the whole situation but there had been no one. I guess, there were too many Eunhae-fans out there already who didn’t care for my choice of words.”

“Probably so… It seems like you have a big problem with me and Donghae being the most wanted couple inside of Super Junior.”

“And you don’t understand my feelings with that because…?”

“No, I do understand your feelings but you never showed me those feelings before.”

“Well, I can’t because most of the real Eunhae-action that really makes me jealous is on stage or in front of cams in a show, so how was I supposed to show you my feelings?”

“True but you always could have come to my room and talk to me about everything that was going on in your mind.”

“Don’t play the stupid guy role again. As if you couldn’t have come to talk to me. Was there never a time when you were jealous of anyone who was around me?”

“Every time I felt jealous, I played a trick on my mind. I told myself that I know that you are the closest to me because I was the one that you talked to the most and that it didn’t matter what kind of fanservice you do or if you go out with other members from time to time because in the end, we would always find a way back to each other.”

“That is so true. But I still am really jealous of every guy that gets to get close to you.”

“You are?” Kyuhyun just nodded. “So when we were on Leeteuk-Hyung’s ‘We got married’ and we showed everyone how they were holding hands… and we started to play it out first the way Teuk-Hyung did it… and we were holding hands…”

“I wanted to push Donghae to the side so badly when he took your hand away so fast.”

“You were really jealous back then…”

“Yes, I was and I was actually happy when I read the script that you would be the a few weeks later on the blind-date episode… but when I saw you before and in between shoots that you were feeling really bad about everything, I had to do something.”

“So that’s why you made the phone call to me? I can’t believe that you gave me so many signs before and I couldn’t read into any of those actions…”

“Well, if we’re honest, they weren’t very clever. Usually I’m more intelligent in showing what I want… but with you, I don’t know… I couldn’t be too up-front but I didn’t want to hold back everything as well. But my balance seems to still have been too less action.”

“Yeah, I guess we should have just told the other but like I said before, it’s good that we did it at this moment now because then we can talk everything through. For tonight, only the past but some other night, we will have to talk about the future as well…”

“Well, then let’s get back to our past. What’s the next thing that you want to know?”

“When was the happiest time for you between us? I mean when we were together.”

“I love every single second that we can spend together. I had so much fun when we were together in China to promote Super Junior M. There were so many moments when I could be close to you and show the world how close we are. I wanted them to see that and I thought that that might reduce the Eunhae-action a bit because they would fall in love with Kyuhyuk… but nothing like that happened. Still it was so much fun when we were together so much during that time and although Donghae was also present, it seemed like we became even closer.”

“That’s true. And it seems like our Chinese fans were actually happy about that switch.”

“Were you happy about that change as well?”

“Did it ever seem like it would bother me to show to the world how close we are?” Kyuhyun shook his head and smiled. “See? And you know what I really liked about the Miinah-era?” Again the evil Maknae just shook his head and looked rather puzzled to his Hyung. “That you were allowed to become one of the main dancers and that you could become Dancing-Kyu.”

“And why is that?”

“Because you wanted to do so extremely well that you wanted to train even more just with me to show you how to do it. It was so much fun to be with just you and to teach you the right moves.”

“I wasn’t too bad though, right?”

“No, it’s like Shindong told the world in Radio Star. If you are pushed into doing something, you give your everything and that makes it possible for you to succeed in everything that you start doing. And now look at you. You are an amazing dancer and you still remember all the steps of all the songs. Did you think that I didn’t realize how well you remembered the steps during the Weekly Idol recording?”

“Well… it’s another thing how I could impress you, you know? And I still looked at you all the time because your steps when you are dancing are just like in one flow. You are just born to be the best dancer on this planet.” Eunhyuk turned red again and looked on the floor. He wasn’t used to getting so many compliments. Especially not of his beloved evil Maknae.

“Gomawo, Kyuhyunnie. Gomawo again for everything. You really enjoy the dancing though, right?”

“Of course I do. I like to discover all the abilities that I have. I want to be able to do as many things as possible and to show all my different sides. I love my ballad side, but I also love to show my evil tongue while on shows. I love to dance with you and the guys and I also like it when I can show a rocker image. It’s just so much fun to try out everything.”

“You looked amazing in your last photoshoot for NYLON by the way. You really have the ability to show your rock side. It suits you perfectly.”

“Really? You think so?” Eunhyuk was stil looking on the floor and nodding heavily. “Do you think that I look handsome like that?” Again he nodded. “Hot and y?” With a bright red head Eunhyuk nodded again. “Then…”

“Could we please just change the subject again? It makes me feel uncomfortable…”

“Oh, I actually like this talk right now.”

“Yeah and you love it because you can tease me again because of something…”

“I do love it. But I can only use this tease when we are alone and not when there are many people around us. So it isn’t as much fun as my other teases.”

“Like the one, putting me last on your appearance list?”

“Well, right after I already put you on the top again by telling you that you are number one with all your charms, didn’t I?”

“I know and I’m thankful for that. And I also know that you kind of had to put me in the last spot because of the image I have but why did you have to put Ryeowook in 6th place? Ryeowook who everyone always says that I would have to battle for last place.”

“Haha because I wanted to see you annoyed. You look cute when you are annoyed, you know.”

“I do?” Kyuhyun smiled and forced Hyukkie to finally look at him again.

“Yes, you do. Am I allowed to do something now that I wanted to do to you who is the only person that ever entered my heart completely from the very beginning?”

“What would that be?”

“Can’t you think of anything that I would actually want to do to you?” Kyuhyun got closer in to Eunhyuk. The dancing machine felt the breath of the younger on his face and his heart begin to race like crazy. Just a few millimeters before their lips would actually touch the ballad singer stopped. “What about you? Do you want to do that to me as well or do you want me to stop right now and sit back upright again? It’s your choice.” Without thinking about the consequences, Eunhyuk leaned in and closed the gap completely. Their lips touched softly.

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Chapter 15: Please update I love it
Han-hyunWoo-Eunhae #2
Chapter 15: Had fun while reading this fic , really good job .
Wish that you update soon
emma13 #3
Chapter 15: I still remmembered the feeling about this lovely tiramikyu~ kyu always have a good attention and affection to others,but with his hyukkie,is always different,in a very good way ofcourse.and sometimes they both just too obvious,right? *wink

Thanks for the update,wanna read more~
barani #4
Chapter 15: I was very happy when see kyu buy a cake for hyukii birthday. This evil maknae don't do this kind of thing for anybody
Chapter 15: aww... that cake is cute... :)
emma13 #6
Chapter 14: Oh its a surprise! I didn't know you gonna made an update in the near time sweetheart .so thankyuuuuuu~ really need this.oh yes,I came here a few days ago but just finish read this a lots of distraction I guess *wink-wink
I'm so sorry kay..

Oh you two! Actually its good,this all cute jealousy..its just mean that they love each other so much right?but they definitely have to move on from the over scary worried lovers to deadly in love and secure each other.just don't let any stupid anger and emotions dominate in you two ever again,but glad to know they're okay now..oh,and i think you're right about the big time jump in this chapy but no problem at all for me since it still fit with the story before.but its good if you're gonna put some flashback later,that just would make everything clearer

Gonna wait for Mute update too ne sweetheart *hugandkiss
Chapter 14: Cute ending....and glad they finally made up...
Chapter 14: oh finally an update....and they are together again...this wont ended soon right...anyhow thank kyu for the update.....
Chapter 14: finally they settle down... :)
Chapter 14: oh wow thankyuuuu so much for this great update author dear i miss this so much <3<3<3<3