A night of games

Going on vacation together

I'm really, really sorry you guys... I'm having a MAJOR writer's block and I'm trying to overcome it with this chapter now but I don't know if it's too good actually... I hope you can all forgive me and will still continue to stay with me <3 I love you all!!


Just about half an hour later, all the members arrived back to the dorms. All of them went to the 11th floor apartment because it was time to celebrate. The couple was all lovey-dovey as soon as the apartment door was closed behind them.

"Geeeeeeeez, could you guys just stop it for a few minutes? I'm happy for you! More than you think but this... I feel really lonely then and for the next to years, I will feel even more lonely...", said the leader.

"Sorry Hyung, but we all agreed that we have something to celebrate. And I want to celebrate it with you and my BOYFRIEND."

"I'm still not used to you calling me that Kyuhyunnie."

"I know but you still love the sound of it. So I will keep on calling you that." The couple kissed again and the other members sighed loudly.

"Okay, how about we play truth or dare?" Donghae asked and the others looked to him amused and shocked at the same time. "What? I wanted to distract everyone and it wouldn't be the worst idea about what we could do now."

"Donghae is right and you two - no way you will be able to be seated next to each other during the game." Yesung was pointing towards the couple. They both sighed but agreed to make the other members happy. So Kyuhyun was seated next to Donghae and Leeteuk, while Eunhyuk was between Yesung and Shindong on the opposite side of the circle they sat in on the floor.

"Okay, I'm the leader and I will have to leave soon, so I will be the one that is allowed to spin the bottle." And that's what Leeteuk did. The bottle stopped at Donghae. "Truth or dare?"

"Truth..." Donghae answered quietly. Although he had suggested the game, he didn't really like it and was hoping to avoid as much action as he possibly could. so much for that. Leeteuk kept thinking for a while.

"If you would like guys or if you would be a girl, who would you like to date and then marry out of all our members?"

"Of course you needed to ask me something like that with our lovely couple among us..."

"Come on, we all know that it would be Hyuk", Yesung said bluntly which made Kyu extremely angry and jalous at the same time.

"You're wrong Hyung. I know you all want to believe that but actually it would be Kyuhyunnie." All the members looked surprised towards the one talking. Kyuhyun was the one that was almost shocked and that looked at his Hyung sceptically.

"Are you serious, Hyung?", the evil maknae asked.

"I have to tell the absolute truth in this game, ne? So yes, of course, I was being completely honest just now. But you don't have t oask further because that's not how it goes. I will spin the bottle again now." Donghae knew that everyone wanted to interview him further on this subject since no one was expecting this answer. This time it was Eunhyuk's turn.

"Truth." Eunhyuk said right away.

"Okay... well... which was the worst day in your life so far?"

"That's unfortunately an easy question. The day of the accident in 2007 when I almost lost Kyuhyun."

"So you loved him already back then?", Leeteuk asked.

"Hyung, that's not how tha game works. You will have to ask him when it's your turn to ask him something", Donghae interrupted.

"Alright, alright. Then spin the bottle, Hyuk." Kyuhyun was the chosen one this time.


"Then come here and kiss me already." Kyu and Hyuk smiled widely when they could finally touch each other's lips again.

"I definitely need some alcohol now to be able to cope with all that romantic stuff around here", Shindong said and got some wine for everyone.


After some further rounds and some more glasses of wine, everyone was already a little drunk and the questions and dares got more and more private and/or weird. It was Leeteuk's turn.

"Who will you miss the most of all of us when you'll be away in the army?", Shindong asked their leader.

"I'll miss every single one of you and you should be aware of that. I love you all like you were my real dongsaengs. We had many rough patches on our way but we got through them together. I know that I made many mistakes myself, especially in the beginning. I made life really hard for Kyuhyun in the beginning and he had to cry a lot because of me. Eunhyuk was also blamed for many things because he seemed to be the easiest target for me. But also to all you others I did unjust things and I was probably really bossy at times."

"Hyung, we couldn't have asked for any better leader", Kyuhyun stated. "We all made mistakes but as you said - we got through all those times together because we care for each other so much. And we will also get through the tough time ahead of us now when all of us will have to go to the army one after the other..." Kyuhyun had to hold back his tears which made many of the others cry for real because it was rare to see the evil maknae fight his tears.

"Can we please continue to play? 'I can't take this sad mood at the moment. It's going to be hard enough in 2 days..." Hae said while wiping away his tears. Everyone agreed right away, so Leeteuk spun the bottle. It was again Hae's turn.

"It seems like it would be always your turn when I spin. Truth or dare, Hae?"

"Truth, Hyung..."

"Okay, you said before that you would choose Kyuhyun. Why? And have you thought about actually dating him?"

"It's two questions but since you all wouldn't leave me alone till I'll answer all of your questions, I will do it now."

"Okay, so first of all why our Maknae?", Kangin asked the younger one again.

"Well because Kyuhyun and I have this special bond and we got along pretty good almost from the very beginning when Kyuhyun joined Super Junior. You must have all noticed that. And he has this sincere side and he is really sensitive. I feel like his beloved dongsaeng many times which I enjoy because I feel like I wouldn't need to p lay any part." Kyuhyun couldn't help but blush deep red. Shyly he started to play with his shirt and looked down at his hands. Eunhyuk on the other hand wasn't happy to hear such things from his best friend about his boyfriend. Especially not because the evil maknae seemed to enjoy to hear such words. But the main dancer bit his tongue as he almost always does to keep the peace. "And to your other question, Leeteuk-Hyung, I would have to say, yes I have thought about it but I felt pretty soon that Kyuhyunnie was only interested in Eunhyuk-Hyung and I want him to be happy more than anything. That's why I want those two to stay together forever." All the members knew that the alcohol helped to make Donghae talk so openly without any hestitation. And now Donghae and Kyuyhun were looking each other deeply in the eyes.

"Wait Hae. So you want to make us believe that you truly love Kyuhyun as well?", Sungmin asked.

"It's what I believed for quite some time but now I know that he is only my Dongsaeng and I guess I just feel really lonely at the moment when I see our lovely couple together which made me think about those feelings again." Donghae looked at every single member and started to laugh a little awkwardly.

"Well, it's probably all of us that have thought about dating another member, except for Shindong of course, right?", Leeteuk asked.

"Since our fans are talking about so many different pairings, I thought about how it would be of course. And since many fans like me with Yesung, I did actually think about it", Ryeowook answered honestly then to which Yesung agreed. "Who did you think of Leeteuk-Hyung?"

"Heechul..." Everyone started laughin immediately.

"I did think about him as well, Hyung, after the kiss on stage with him", Siwon said now as well.

"Isn't it kind of awkward that all this talk of our fans could influence us like that?", Kangin asked.

"It kind of is. And since this talk now is making me feel weird as well and my girl is waiting for me, I will go now. Siwon?"

"Yeah, I'll go with you. We'll see you tomorrow then." Everyone said their goodbyes. Ryeowook, Yesung, Sungmin, and Kangin decided to go to bed then as well. So only Leeteuk, Donghae, Kyuhyun, and Eunhyuk were left behind in the living room. Eunhyuk was now next to his boyfriend and leaned towards him. The maknae immediatelly put an arm around his monkey and up and down his arm. Eunhyuk scooped even closer and laid his head on Kyuhyun's shoulder, closing his eyes and soon falling asleep.

"You know that the two of you look really cute together?", Leeteuk asked with a sincere smile.

"Kamsamnida, Hyung. I'm just so happy that my monkey agreed to give us a shot."

"So he was really hesitant?", the leader kept asking.

"He was very hesitant. Luckily I'm no one to give up so easily." Kyuhyun was looking at his boyfriend peaceful sleeping face and kissed him on his hair.

"I can imagine that you had to influence him a lot. Hyuk is a really shy guy that doesn't like to talk about his feelings..."

"That really wasn't the problem, you know. He was really honest about his feelings when I told him that I loved him."

"Then what was the problem?", Donghae interfered now as well.

"That he was afraid of your opinion and that we couldn't enjoy us being together as a couple because we can't be together officially.

"Well, it's definitely not easy but possible, especially because all of us know about it and support you", Leeteuk stated.

"We definitely won't have a problem inside the apartment and outside we can always show fanserevice as we normally do anyways."

"It seems like you wouldn't mind talking about your feelings towards us although I said all those things before."

"You are still the two Hyungs that I trust the most. I know that I can tell you everything and you will keep it to yourseves. And Hyuk also trusts you 100 percent."

"It's the same for me. That's why I would like to talk to you about my fears before I will go to bed. I'm scared of going away for the army for the next two years. What if everyone will forget about me? What if I'm not made for the army? What if..."

"Hyung, you are going to be perfect. You will have to fight but you know how to do that. Everything you learned by being our leader will help you to reach everything you want." Leeteuk already got tears in his eyes becaue of Kyuhyun's words.

"Since when are you able to put your feelings into words in such an amazing way?"

"I had to do a lot of talking over the last days and I guess I can't snap out of all the feeling talk at the moment..."

"So I should probably go to bed now. But really thank you so much for those kind words, Kyuhyunnie. I seriously love you for that. I'll talk to you more tomorrow night. Our last night together..." Leeteuk hugged Donghae and then carefully Kyuhyun to not wake up the sleeping Eunhyuk. The dancing machine was awake though but didn't open his eyes.

"So you really just think of me as your Dongsaeng now, Hyung?", Kyuhyun asked Donghae as soon as the leader was gone.

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Chapter 15: Please update I love it
Han-hyunWoo-Eunhae #2
Chapter 15: Had fun while reading this fic , really good job .
Wish that you update soon
emma13 #3
Chapter 15: I still remmembered the feeling about this lovely tiramikyu~ kyu always have a good attention and affection to others,but with his hyukkie,is always different,in a very good way ofcourse.and sometimes they both just too obvious,right? *wink

Thanks for the update,wanna read more~
barani #4
Chapter 15: I was very happy when see kyu buy a cake for hyukii birthday. This evil maknae don't do this kind of thing for anybody
Chapter 15: aww... that cake is cute... :)
emma13 #6
Chapter 14: Oh its a surprise! I didn't know you gonna made an update in the near time sweetheart .so thankyuuuuuu~ really need this.oh yes,I came here a few days ago but just finish read this today.got a lots of distraction I guess *wink-wink
I'm so sorry kay..

Oh you two! Actually its good,this all cute jealousy..its just mean that they love each other so much right?but they definitely have to move on from the over scary worried lovers to deadly in love and secure each other.just don't let any stupid anger and emotions dominate in you two ever again,but glad to know they're okay now..oh,and i think you're right about the big time jump in this chapy but no problem at all for me since it still fit with the story before.but its good if you're gonna put some flashback later,that just would make everything clearer

Gonna wait for Mute update too ne sweetheart *hugandkiss
Chapter 14: Cute ending....and glad they finally made up...
Chapter 14: oh finally an update....and they are together again...this wont ended soon right...anyhow thank kyu for the update.....
Chapter 14: finally they settle down... :)
Chapter 14: oh wow thankyuuuu so much for this great update author dear i miss this so much <3<3<3<3