''Who are you?''
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The tanned guy was staring at a picture of a little him with a girl smiling. He smiled at the picture as he remember those times when he and Lena were so close with each other and their parents mistaken them as a couple, that was when Lena doesn't know Luhan and it was before Chanyeol's birthday party.


Suddenly a girl appeared in his room and she was standing infront of the tanned guy's bed. He can sensed who it was and looked at the girl. ''What do you want, Jiyeon?''


She smirked. ''Don't act as if you don't know what I am here for and what I want.''


He sighed as he put the picture frame on the small table beside his bed and appeared in front of her. ''Of course I know but can you just stop bothering me or Lena and Luhan hyung?''


She smirked and point her index finger and move it left and right in front of Kai's face. ''Tsk tsk, Kai you really are so stubborn huh?''


He rolled his eyes in annoyance.


She smirked and walked pass him then went to the picture frame. She picked it up and touched the picture. ''Well I know you are jealous of your hyung, why not join me?''


He looked at her. ''Why should I join you?''


She looked at him back. ''To seperate them of course. You know who I mean right and I know you still love Lena.''


He rolled his eyes in annoyance. ''As if I'm going to seperate them.''


She put the picture frame on the table. ''Well I should get going cause I have some unfinish business and btw Kai, Lena cast a spell on herself to forget all of you and why not make her yours as she already forgets Luhan?''


Kai's eyes widen in shock as he don't believe what she meant and she disappeared from his room.




Lena was on her bed reading and suddenly she felt a dark aura is in the house. She put the book down and ran straight to the library. She opened the door. Lay and Kris jumped in fright and saw Lena standing trying to catch her breath.


Lay looked at her then looked at the papers. Kris kept the documents. ''Lena, what's wrong?''


She went to him. ''Lay oppa, there's a dark aura in the house.''


Kris was hurt when he heard her called Lay 'oppa'. Lay and Kris looked at each other then back to Lena. ''Dark aura in the house?''


She nods her head.


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Chapter 14 is finally out.. Sorry for the long hiatus


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ilabya6 #1
inaque07 #2
Chapter 17: Hello! Happy halloween.
Please update soon. This story is interesting.
MilkLucy #3
Chapter 16: I'm a new subscriber... UPDATESOON
Chapter 13: update soon heheheh;)
Chapter 12: update soon ;) really like it :D
Chapter 11: Update soon.
Chapter 10: Update soon please...
Chapter 10: Update soon please...