''Who are you?''
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Before Lena save the boys, Luhan had already been hypnotise by Jiyeon. Luhan was about to kiss her suddenly the door opened reveal the guard. Jiyeon lightly push him away from her and looked at the guard. The guard bow to her.

"I'm sorry for the interruption, your highness."

She just roll her eyes in annoyance, "What is it?"

"We have an intruder and she had save Exo but she is not alone."

She widen her eyes in shocked, "Are you saying that the 'she' is Lena?"

The guard nodded his head.

"WHAT?! I thought they had already killed her and what do you mean by she is not alone?"

"She is with the 6 boys that had to killed her."

She smirked, "Let's see if it shattered her heart into million pieces." she said as she stood up from her seat and left her room with Luhan.

Lena snap her fingers as the guards' bodies were burned. She looked around but there's no sign of Jiyeon and Luhan.

"Where are they?" she muttered but Minwoo heard that.

"Have you checked the garden?" he asked her.

"No, I didn't."

"I guess you should." he said with that she ran to the garden.

"Are you nuts?" Kwangmin growl.

"She would be burn into ashes." Jeongmin growl.

Lena put a sheild on her from the sun and what shock her the most was that she saw Luhan kissing Jiyeon.

They followed her and were shock too.

"H-he wouldn't." she mumble as hot tears flow down on her cheeks as she was crying.

'Bring me back home.' she thought to herself as she closes her eyes with that she disappeared.

Kai clenched his fist in anger as he was angry with Luhan who was cheating on Lena. The others then went into circle with Kai and then disappeared. Jiyeon saw that and smiled.




Lena was in her room and hugged her knees to her chest and cried. Kai heared her crying and wanted to go in to check on her but Kris told him not to. As Lena had stop crying, she then looked at the ring that Luhan had gave her and took it out and threw it away.

[Here's how her ring looks like.]

She looked around to see her room was in a mess. She stood up and left her room, and head downstair to the kitchen. She walked passed the room where they gathering for a meeting.

What she didn't want to see was the guy that had been the first one to blood bond with her. He was at the counter drinking, a glass of red wine or should I say blood. He could feel her presence then put the glass down looked at her.

"You're thirsty, am I right?" he asked as he look at her eyes which were bloody red.

She nodded her head, "What are you doing

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Chapter 14 is finally out.. Sorry for the long hiatus


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ilabya6 #1
inaque07 #2
Chapter 17: Hello! Happy halloween.
Please update soon. This story is interesting.
MilkLucy #3
Chapter 16: I'm a new subscriber... UPDATESOON
Chapter 13: update soon heheheh;)
Chapter 12: update soon ;) really like it :D
Chapter 11: Update soon.
Chapter 10: Update soon please...
Chapter 10: Update soon please...