''Who are you?''
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There was a beautiful young girl who was laying down on her bed with an oxygen mask on her and some machines in her bedroom. The brunette went inside her room and took a chair and seat beside her bed.


Suddenly a guy who has chubby cheeks came into the girl's room. He saw his best friend sitting beside his fiancee's with a sad face and sighed. He went to him and put a hand on his shoulder.


''Luhan, she won't like seeing you sad.''


The brunette who's name was Luhan looked up to his best friend.


''I know, Xiu min. It's been 5 days now since that awful incident and I already miss her this much.''


His best friend who name was Xiu min sighed.


''I know, Luhan. We all do miss her.''


Luhan looked at the beautiful young girl on the bed then clenched his fist in anger.


''It is my fault that she had to be like this.''


Xiu min looked at the girl then back to his best friend.


''Luhan, it is not your fault. She do this to protect you and all of us.''


Suddenly a tanned guy appear in the room.


''Luhan hyung and Xiu min hyung, we are about to have a meeting.''


Luhan and Xiu min nods their head. The tanned guy looked at the girl and sighed then disappear into thin air. Luhan stood up from his seat and kissed the forehead of his fiancee.


''I'll be right back.''


The brunette and the chubby cheeks left the room and went straight to the meeting room to meet the others.




The others looked at them. The talled guy looked at the brunette. ''Luhan, how is she?'' Luhan sighed. ''Kris, she is still the same. Did not move and looks more pale than me.'' The talled guy who's name was Kris looked at him and sighed.


''I know how you feel, Luhan and she is the only family member that I had left. ''The others sighed except Luhan and the tanned guy. 'Why did you have to do it?' The tanned guy thought to himself as he looked out of the window to see the sun rise.


Meanwhile in the bedroom, the young girl mumble some magic spells and the tears starts to flow down. She cast the spell on herself as to make her forget him and the others. Suddenly a guy with a dimple felt her presence and stood up from his seat.


The others looked at him weird. ''Lay, what's wrong?''


The guy with a dimple who's name was Lay swallow his saliva before talking. ''She.''


The others looked at him strangely except for Luhan, Kris and the tanned guy. Those three guys looked at Lay with a shock expression as they know who he mea

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ilabya6 #1
inaque07 #2
Chapter 17: Hello! Happy halloween.
Please update soon. This story is interesting.
MilkLucy #3
Chapter 16: I'm a new subscriber... UPDATESOON
Chapter 13: update soon heheheh;)
Chapter 12: update soon ;) really like it :D
Chapter 11: Update soon.
Chapter 10: Update soon please...
Chapter 10: Update soon please...