
In debt


As the days passed Youngjae didn’t really get any better. He was still fighting with the sickness which tried to bring him to his knees. He resisted with all his might, escaping the longing bed to go to school. And by the time Friday came around yet again, he was at the end with his powers and will to do anything. It felt almost like he was turning into a zombie.
Youngjae woke up feeling completely drenched. His body was exhausted and if he didn’t just wake up he’d argue that he didn’t sleep for at least a couple of days.
His eye lids felt heavy and his eyes were dry or suddenly completely watery in the next second. His voice was rough but he didn’t have a sore throat. The sickness held him in its grip and no matter how much he tried to get away he couldn’t. The heated fingers were trailing up and down his body, sending shivers down his spine. His head felt like a big balloon, just waiting to explode.

After trying to get up he could feel his muscles weakly tremble under the weight of his fragile body. But still he dragged himself to the bathroom and in vain he tired to cool down the boiling high temperature radiating from his sensitive skin. An ice cold shower could help but he just didn’t have the time or energy to go through with it. He already took one shower in the middle of the night and doing it again would just drain him. In the end he didn’t even want to look at himself in the mirror because he knew the person staring back wouldn’t really be him. It would be a bad copy, paper pale zombie with big blue patches underneath his eyes.

After getting ready and getting something to eat, he took his medication and end up sitting at the table, wondering whether or not he should go to school. A month ago he wouldn’t even think about getting out of his bed if he was remotely as sick as he was right now and he hated the effect the one thing, which draw him like a magnet had on him. He still didn’t want to accept that there was this one person that’s been messing with his head for a while and that this one person was the reason why he completely defied his common sense and challenged the sickness, deciding to go to school or better said his own hell. He’s been going to school just for the little time spend with that someone, just to talk about most random things like weather or nothing at all.

Slowly he made his way to the bridge, feeling the strength leave him with every step he took. It probably took him twice as long but he didn’t really care about time right now. He put his every atom into moving his body and there was nothing to stop him on his way. He frowned to steady his vision as he started to see little black dots dancing in front of his eyes. The bigger ones started to attack and devour the smaller ones and soon his vision was completely taken away by the black curtain. In the same time he lost the ability to hear most of the sound buzzing around him and the next thing he knew, he was spinning around in circles, crashing harshly, face flat on the rough but cold surface. It felt good and he decided that in the end of the day, lying there on the cold asphalt wasn’t such a bad idea. After the impact he was pretty much resting in peaceful, painless bliss ready to let himself drift away into a deep sleep but he soon heard a familiar voice call his name.

‘’Youngjae?!’’ the voice echoed out of the darkness surrounding him.

‘’I’m fine, I’m fine.’’ The younger mumbled back but the other didn’t seem to hear his words.

‘’Youngjae are you okay?’’

Youngjae now frowned. He didn’t like that the other didn’t hear him. He said he was fine.


This time he suddenly woke up back to reality as cold liquid splashed on his face. He managed to open his eyes slightly which caused him to feel sick because of the spinning and the shining light. He wondered for a split second if he was dead but he soon saw the familiar face in front of the light source.

‘’Youngjae?’’ he asked.

‘’Umph...’’ The younger whimpered.  ‘’I’m fine.’’ He muttered again but failed to see the rolling eyes of the other.

He closed his eyes to avoid the awful bright light and it just felt too good as he was tired and it felt fine to just lie there in the cold with the sweet voice calling his name.  

The older watched Youngjae on the cold floor. He didn’t really know what to do. As there were no other people around, he gently picked up the muscle less body of the younger and decided to carry him home. He thanked the last week’s rain as now he at least knew where to go.
Youngjae could feel the others hands on his body as the older picked him up. Even though he was burning with fever, he felt completely cold and being pressed on the others hot chest felt beyond satisfying. And just before he dozed off, he managed to snuggle his face into Daehyun’s shoulder to feel high on the scent, reminding him on the scarf he still kept safely stored in his night stand drawer.


Youngjae slowly opened his eyes to find himself staring at the familiar white ceiling of his bedroom. He tried to solve the question whether he was dreaming about the earlier incident or if it really happened. He felt better though. The world around him stopped spinning and the black curtain lifted from his eyes. And from all the things he was the most happy to have his hearing back as sweet lullaby filled his head. He enjoyed the music for a while before a voice joined the melody. He quickly realised that he was listening to live music and it wasn’t just his imagination. He turned around and looked in the direction where the sound was coming from. The direction was of his old piano which stood at the other side of his room and there he saw the back and brown hair of his shadow. He wanted to say something but he didn’t want to disturb the beautiful tune brushing his senses. It felt soothing and all he wanted to do right now was to lay in his bed for the rest of his life and listen to this magical lullaby.
The boy’s fingers gracefully travelled over the old keyboard and his voice was something Youngjae never heard before. So strong yet gently; so beautiful and just absolutely amazing. Youngjae was a musician himself, he was a singer while at it and he never heard anyone sing so gracefully. The vibration filled the air around him and he felt completely enchanted. It was nothing but magic in the younger’s eyes. Without a second thought he was ready to admit that he just fell in love with Daaehyun’s voice. He wasn’t even ashamed to admit it out laud if he had to.

As the melody slowly came to an end and the singing voice finally stopped echoing between the plain walls, Youngjae silently whined in frustration but it was enough for the other to hear and turn around.

‘’That was beautiful.’’ Youngjae complimented him before the other could say anything.

The older looked at the sick boy hiding under his bed blanket.

‘’How are you feeling?’’ he softly asked.

Youngjae threw himself back on his back to face the ceiling again.


The older was now suddenly standing at the edge of his bed.

‘’How did we get back here?’’ the younger asked suddenly realising that they met at the bridge.

‘’I carried you back. I figured it would be the best place.’’

The younger’s memories about the event were a bit blurry so he decided to ask ‘’What happened?’’

‘’Um, you passed out. I called the doctor and he said you probably got sick the other time and because you didn’t rest, the sickness took its tool on you. You passed out due to exhaustion and the best is for you to stay home for a couple of days and just rest.’’

The younger nodded but suddenly froze as he felt a cold soft palm rest on his heated forehead.

‘’You still have a fever.’’   

Youngjae violently shook his head to escape the soft touch of Daehyun’s hand.

‘’I’m fine.’’ He muttered, averting his eyes from the other.

Daehyun rolled his eyes and left the room but soon returned with a glass of water, a wet towel and medications. He gave the pills to Youngjae who without a question swallowed them with the help of cold water. After he took them, Daehyun tucked the younger back in and placed the cold wet towel on the boy’s forehead.

‘’I didn’t know you could play and sing.’’ The younger muttered while enjoying the attention and cold towel on his skin.

‘’Well, there are quite a few things you don’t know about Me.’’ the other chuckled.

‘’Why don’t you tell me?’’

Silence filled the room as the older frowned at Youngjae’s question.

‘’I don’t know. Maybe one day you’ll find out.’’

Youngjae smiled weakly as a response. He wanted to find out more about the older.

‘’When is your mother coming home?’’ Daehyun suddenly asked.

The younger thought about it, trying to figure out what she said this time. She was usually gone for the weekend and this time was no exception.

‘’Probably on Monday or Tuesday.’’

‘’But you can’t be alone for the weekend. You have to rest.’’ The other protested.

‘’Well, what can I do. I’ll just deal with it.’’

Daehyun’s face was now in deep thoughts as if he was trying to figure something out. Youngjae looked quirkily at the boy standing next to his bed as the older didn’t say anything for a while.

‘’If you want I can stay here and help you out.’’ The other averted his eyes but Youngjae’s shoot widely open at the brown haired boy proposal.
He could feel the heat gather in his cheeks again and he was still grateful to the fever for hiding the red shade away.

‘’I wouldn’t mind but you don’t have to if you don’t want to.’’

Awkward silence filled the room between them as both looked away.

‘’Can you play and sing for me again?’’ Youngjae asked softly, finally breaking the discomfort.

The older only nodded and made his way to the piano. He didn’t mind playing and singing for Youngjae at this moment as it was the only way to avert the awkward situation between them.

After a while of playing and singing Daehyun turned around to find a soundly sleeping boy. He readjusted Youngjae’s blanket and quietly left the room. There he was, in Youngjae’s apartment, all alone without anything to do. He sat down on the sofa looking around the tranquil living room.
He didn’t want to sit around as he wasn’t sure when the younger would wake up so he decided to explore the whole apartment building.
After he walked up and down all the corridors he ended on the roof. He liked it there. He leaned on the edge admiring the view on Seoul. As the younger slept almost all day, the night was already descending on the lighted town. He pulled out his cigarette, lighting one. It was a whole day since he had one and he could already feel the need boiling inside his body.
Inhaling the hot smoke he could feel his tense muscles relax.
Sighing he placed his forehead on the cold edge letting his thoughts flood his brain.

He was irritated by the fact that he wasn’t able to pay off his debt and go to where he was before. There was still an unfinished task, haunting him every single day. Every time he crossed the bridge he could feel the smug smirk radiating from the cold stone under his feet. He could hear his name echo from underneath the passing cars. He could feel the whispers behind his ear calling him to speed things up. He didn’t have time to waste but he was determined to pay the debt off no matter what the price was.

This was not the time for him to play around.


New chapter! It's a bit short and I hope it doesn't disappoint...haha I don't even know what I just wrote xD 
but yeah.. Poor Youngjae's sick and Daehyun's going to take care of him for the weekend..

I don't know if it's clear but it's been a week since the rain and the previous chap was monday and this one is on friday.. 
between monday and friday the two talked and hung out so they are sorta, kinda  something like ''friends'' now. 

Anyways, I would really like to thank everyone who subscribed and everyone who comments because it just fills my heart with love xD x3 

And if you guys have nothing else to do or read maybe you can check out my daejae oneshot 'You're prefect and I hate you!' /shameless

Have a lovely day!^___^ <33


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Chapter 13: Thank you for looking into Daehyun's view. Everyone sees him as a culprit and it's hard not to because he does hurt people. It seems like only Youngjae understands he is a miserable victim too. His situation is so hopeless my heart aches for him :( your story is one of the rare stories that I don't wish Daejae to be together but Jae to be able to forget Dae :(
Chapter 13: So beautiful..and sad tooo..
help me,too many emotion (╥╯﹏╰╥)ง
Seriously,thnk u for sharing such wonderful story..hwaiting on your others story authornim
RealFangirl #3
Chapter 13: oh im really cryingㅜㅜ thanks for ur story<3:'')) ur story's sofaking sad n beautiful n idk how to describe ma feeling rite now omfg ma heart's broken bc of daejae</3 i wanna curse..... a ma heart:''
cheonssa #4
Oh my God,,, I feel bad for youngjae,,, I know this is angst but I dont even expect this story will end up like this,,,
Chapter 13: this is so beautiful and very heartbreaking. i could feel the pain, i cried. no wonder people from every places recommended this fic

it was great though
RainAndSunshine #6
Hi! I just read this and I'm out of words. The first chapters seriously sound all fluffy and nice, and you only slowly get the feeling that something's going terribly wrong. And the last chapter just killed me. I cried over the end, seriously. But as soon as I calmed down, I came up with an idea: I'd love to make a video for this, to the song I listened to when reading it. But of course, I won't do so without your permission. So let me know if you'd agree to this and then I'll give you the details of my plan (; Greets, Sunny^^
weirdstuff #7
Chapter 8: My godess, your story is so beautiful!!!!
Chapter 12: I was still kind of expecting a good ending so now I'm left dead inside and crying. And that's a good job, when you can make a person feel like that. It's not good for me though because I wanted happy DaeJae hahaha.. But really, great job!