The cold rain

In debt


A week has passed since the last time the two boys talked but Youngjae has somehow gotten in peace with the fact that he now owned a following shadow. Truthfully it didn’t really bother him that much anymore. No, he did not get used to it; he just found a way to completely disregard his existence. If he ignored him it was like the boy didn’t subsist. He usually spotted him trailing behind his steps when he reached the bridge in the morning and at the gates when he was going home. He never saw him after crossing the bridge and he never saw him anywhere near his home. In the same time, the boy never followed him further than the school gates. It was probably because of the distance that Youngjae didn’t feel too violated.

Of course it still concerned him a bit but he wasn’t too worried. It’s not like the boy could follow him forever. He just had to put up with him till the end of school and then he would run away from him and his biggest enemy, high school and its students. But still, he secretly hoped to lose him sooner as the end of the school was a few months away.
Honestly he was even a bit thankful to Daehyun because after the fight incident, Youngjae didn’t have any more problems with the students who beat him up in the past. He was still bullied in school but he now left with a completely bruise free body when going home and he also didn’t have to lie to his mother about the origin of those deep blue patches he used to hide away under a thick layer of make-up.

All in all, there was at least one good point in having a stalker like Daehyun. Bruise free face and painless days were quite a good deal.

Youngjae was sitting at his table on a lazy Friday, looking out the window. It was pouring. It’s been weeks since they had rain and now it rained like every single drop of the past dry weeks gathered to have a one day play day, flooding the streets of the city.
His class already started but he could still see a few students run down the school court, hiding under their umbrellas or books. It’s not like it helped them because of the really heavy rain but they still did it.
Youngjae was never too fond of rainy days. They were cold, damp and depressing, always restricting him to the four walls of his apartment. He cursed his decision to go to school this morning. He was home alone for a few days as his mother had to go on a business trip and this meant he could have stayed at home. But no, he for some unknown reason got up in the morning and headed to school without a second thought. If it was raining in the morning he wouldn’t go for sure but it didn’t look like it was going to and so he went.
Bad decision.
His thoughts suddenly took an unexpected turn as his gaze stopped in the direction of the gates. He didn’t see the gates from his classroom but still his head was filled with thoughts about the boy who was walking behind him this morning. He wondered where the boy was now. Surely he wouldn’t stay and waited for him in this rain. Or would he?
He could feel a weird feeling take over his stomach but he quickly brushed it aside. There was no way the other would be stupid enough to wait for him in the rain. And even if he for some utterly absurd reason was waiting, there was nothing Youngjae could do, plus he was not supposed to care. He was just a stalker in the end of day and his plan was to get rid of him. If anything he should have been thanking the heavy rain for probably washing away his troubles.  

As the bell rang, announcing the end of the class and at the same time, school, Youngjae got up faster than usual and even ran outside. Maybe he should have accepted the fact that he cared way too much for people, even the ones he shouldn’t have. He stopped on the muddy court, hiding under the small blue umbrella, trying to block the fat raindrops and to see if there was a sign of a living soul by the gate. As he didn’t see anyone or anything he felt relieved but before he could completely relax his muscles something moved. He narrowed his eyes to improve his vision through the thick rain curtain. As  he got used to the surroundings he could fairly make out an outline of someone and that someone had to be the one he didn’t want to see right now. It angered him to see the drenched boy by the rocky wall and it was not because he was stalking him but because he was stupid enough to stay there in the freaking waterfall of rain. He could have easily gone at least to a café or something.
Youngjae cursed under his breath and angrily stomped down the muddy path, furiously grabbing the sleeve of the boy who squeezed his body into the bricked wall to shield himself from the rain.

‘’Yaaah, what are you doing here?!’’ Though, he didn’t get an answer.

‘’It’s raining like the world is about to end and you still stand here?! Seriously you can get sick you idiot!’’

No response.

‘’What the hell were you thinking?!’’ the last sentence was more or less Youngjae talking to himself out load as he pulled the others cold body under his umbrella. He looked around, trying to figure out what to do next. Even though they weren’t standing too close he could still feel the others shivering body and could hear his teeth clench.

‘’Where do you live?’’ he asked but wasn’t provided with much needed information in return.

‘’F-far.’’ The other trembled.

The younger male rolled his eyes. This didn’t give him much choice and somehow he knew there was nothing else for him to do but to take him to his place. As it looked the rain was not about to stop anytime soon and taking the shaking boy in account he had no other escape strategy. Even though he kind of hated the boy he wasn’t that cold hearted to leave him freeze and get really sick in the winter rain.

So he pushed him to the edge of the road, waving to the first taxi who then took them to Youngjae’s apartment building. After paying, he dragged the other inside the building and into the elevator. They arrived at his apartment door and only now could Youngjae see how completely drenched and cold the other boy was.

He took off his jacket and headed to get some spare clothes for both of them as the umbrella they used wasn’t big enough for two people and didn’t do much to protect them from the icy cloud tears.

‘’Look, there through that door is the shower and you should take a really warm one so you won’t get sick ok?’’ the other nodded.

‘’And put these on after.’’ He gave him the clothes and watched him shakily make his way to the bathroom. Youngjae himself didn’t feel that cold so he just changed his clothes and prepared some tea, ending in the living room on the couch waiting for the other.

He wondered if it was a good idea to bring a stranger and a somewhat stalker to his apartment. Especially, since he was home alone. He shrugged off the thoughts trying to think of good things but there weren’t many. The last thing he needed right now was to be brutally murdered by some wacko only a couple of months before the end of school.

After a while he heard the bathroom door open. Out from the now steamy room came Daehyun dressed in the younger’s grey sweatpants and a white t-shirt. It was a good thing they were about same size and the clothes fitted him perfectly. His wet hair was plastered to his face and a few water drops dripped from his front locks. Slowly he made his way to Youngjae, carefully sitting down on the edge of the couch.
The blond boy pushed him the cup he prepared for him, which Daehyun gladly accepted with a husky thank you.

They were sitting awkwardly on each side of the sofa. Youngjae was playing with the edge of his t-shirt and Daehyun was clinging to the cup like it was for his dear life, slowly sipping the hot beverage.  Even after the heated shower his body still felt a bit chilly and the warm tea was now finally bringing some warmth to his core. He could even feel his blood starting to circulate under his skin.

The atmosphere was tense and Youngjae got up to look through the window in order to check the weather. It was still raining really hard and the weather was actually getting worse. The raindrops furiously attacked the glass window like they were trying to get inside. Youngjae could see the wind pick up its speed as the trees were violently pulled to one side and shaking. The heavy black clouds were mercilessly rolling over the sky, probably laughing at the ones who got stuck outside under their care.

‘’Do you have any money?’’ Youngjae asked while the other only shook his head but the younger managed to see his response in the windows reflection.

Youngjae too was moneyless. Even though he was going to a private school and lived on the edge of the bit more well off part of Seoul, his family wasn’t well off. Having money and spending it as he pleased was a rare deal. All the money his mother had was put into the apartment and his school fees. She worked really hard to pay all the bills so her son wouldn’t have to get a part time job, which meant he could focus only on school, and get into a decent university and in the end get a decent job.
Over summer he usually worked somewhere to help here out but he was not allowed to do so during the school year. And now that he needed the money the most he was broke.

‘’I don’t have any either.’’ He sighed. ‘’Is there anyone who can get you?’’

The other silently shook his head. It was the first time the other wondered about Daehyuns life. Where he lived, what he did, was he still living with his family and if he had any friends were the questions invading his mind. Considering the time he spend waiting for him it didn’t seem possible for him to working or go to school. He was even questioning his social life, which didn’t seem to exist. But who was he to judge him. It’s not like he had a social life, plus as far as he knew the other could have been a night bird. Stalking him by day and living a completely different life by night.

‘’I’m sorry. I really don’t want to bother you so I’ll just go.’’ He put down the cup and slowly got up.

Youngjae rolled his eyes in annoyance at the boys movement and at the same time because of what he was about to ask him.

‘’Look, the weather is awful. I mean, I’m home alone and if there’s no way for you to get home safely, I guess you can crash here for the night.’’ He looked at the boy standing on the other side of the room but before the other could give his answer he quickly added.

‘’Unless you’re planning to murder me. In that case I don’t think I want you to stay here.’’ They both laughed.

‘’No I’m not going to murder you. I wouldn’t do that. But wouldn’t it be bothersome if I stayed?’’

‘’It would, but what can I do. I have a way too soft heart I guess.’’ sighed Youngjae.

‘’Having a good heart is a good thing.’’ Daehyuns words made the younger blush a tiny bit but he quickly turned away to look through the window again. He really didn’t know why he was blushing in front of this guy but somehow it already happened a few times.

‘’So how old are you? I mean I don’t know anything about you.’’ He asked to end the as always awkward silence.

‘’Um, I’m Jung Daehyun, 19 years old, from Busan but I’ve been in Seoul for a while now. I already finished high school but now I don’t really do anything.’’ He listed a few facts to the other because he felt obligated to do so as he was a stranger about to spend a night at another stranger’s home. As far as he was concerned he could ask Youngjae the same question the younger asked him earlier, about whether he was planning to murder him during his sleep, since he knew the other pretty much loathed him and glared daggers at him every time he got in his sight. Not that he blamed him though. But he knew better than to ask questions like this.

Youngjae took in new information, analyzing every single part.

‘’What about your family?’’ he carefully asked further.

Daehyun looked down at the still warm cup of tea. He never liked talking about himself. He didn’t want to talk about himself and his past.

‘’I-I kind of don’t want to talk about it if you don’t mind.’’ He hoped for the other to understand and luckily the younger boy did. Youngjae didn’t like talking about his family matters with others as well. Friend or no friend, he never talked to anyone about it.

‘’Sure.’’ He made his way to the couch, plopping back down on the spot where he previously sat.

Silence again filled the space between them, until this time Daehyun finally broke it.

‘’Do you still think I’m mental?’’ he asked.

‘’I don’t know. I’m still debating on this question.’’ The other frowned.

After this they didn’t talk anymore. Youngjae the television and they ended up watching a random movie. The movie was the most boring movie in the history of cinema art but for the sake of the bit less awkward atmosphere they both pretended to be deeply involved with the plot. Though it was quite obvious they weren’t as none of them laughed at the funny parts of the movie. After all it was a comedy.

Somehow, even before the movie ended Youngjae managed to doze off. After who knows how long he was woken up by the pain in his neck caused by a weird sitting position. He shuffled a bit still half in his sleep, holding tightly on the fabric beneath his fingertips and he stretched his neck to nuzzle into the soft pillow under his head. He was almost completely asleep now but suddenly something sends chills down his spine. He felt a warm breath on his cheek. He froze, now completely awake but too terrified to open his eyes or move his body. After what seemed like hours but were only a few seconds he peeked around. First he got blinded by the metallic light of the television screen but as soon as he got used to it he looked around, realizing that his fingers were entwisted with a shirt that wasn’t his, his head was resting on one’s shoulder and his face was nuzzled into someone’s neck. Figuring out who it was wasn’t really hard.
He slowly tried to get away as fast and as subtle as possible. He lifted himself carefully, no to wake the still sleeping male and jumped to his feet, quickly walking away to the other side of the room. His eyes were wide open from the initial shock and he was breathing so heavily that it seemed like he just finished a marathon. The other seemed to be asleep and didn’t notice anything of what just happened. Youngjae shivered thinking about the fact that he was actually resting his head on a shoulder of his ‘’stalker’’.
Cupping his hot cheeks Youngjae tried to cool down his blushing face. He was sure he was glowing in the dark by the temperature his skin was projecting.
He cursed under his breath a few times, pressing his back to the wall in order to keep his body steady. He tried to remember how this happened but he couldn’t. Since he didn’t know what to do in this situation he just turned off the television and sneaked out of the living room to his bedroom. He locked the door and dived into his bed, covering himself with all the blankets he had. He was shivering, his body was burning hot and his heart was speeding at an unnatural speed. All this new things happening inside his body quickly exhausted him to sleep as the adrenalin left his body after the shock wore off.

The next morning the younger boys’ eye suddenly open as the late night’s incident haunted his dreams. He looked around from under the covers, trying to decide whether it was all just a dream or if it was reality. Slowly he pushed away the covers, groaning at the chilly surrounding and carefully got to the door, unlocking them without making a sound. The apartment was filled with silence. The cold air motionlessly lingered in the hallway, lighting the way to the ‘’crime scene’’. The boy tiptoed to the living room entrance scanning the ground. It was quiet and the morning light beamed through the orange covers. Slowly he made his way to the sofa, looking over the edge where to his displease laid a boy completely wrapped up in a blanket. It was clear to the boy that yesterday really happened. He sighed and walked to the curtains, peeking out. The rain has stopped but the sky was still covered by thick grey clouds.

He walked back to the sleeping boy to poke him awake.

‘’Hey, its morning and it stopped raining so you can go home.’’ He was being a bit louder to wake Daehyun up but the boy just turned around from facing the back of the couch to the front. He was now facing the younger but his eyes didn’t open.

This was the first time the younger got a really good look of the others face. Yes he looked at the stalker straight in the face before but he never really noticed any of his features. This was the first time he actually realised the boy way quite good looking. He didn’t find boys attractive but this didn’t mean he couldn’t admire pretty things. He scanned his flawless skin, admired the thick brows and lashes, his straight nose and his gaze stopped on the others plumb pink lips. The sleeping boy even had those huge eyes which were considered extremely beautiful by the general public. He stared at him for a while before snapping out. Again he felt the heat gather in his cheeks as he turned around frustrated by his reaction. He grabbed a magazine from a coffee table, throwing it at the sleeping figure.

‘’Yah, wake up!’’ he almost yelled and stomped into the kitchen.

The sudden impact and laud noise woke Daehyun up. He slightly opened his eyes to be met by the mellow light coming from the windows. He lifted himself on his elbow trying to figure where the noise came from. Pushing off the blanket and the magazine he slowly got up, starching his numb limbs and made his way to the noises coming from another room.
Entering the kitchen he yawned while looking at the younger franticly looking through the drawers.

‘’Morning.’’ His voice was still rough.

The other jumped a bit turning around as he didn’t expect the other to get up so fast.

‘’M-morning.’’ He was now almost at a loss of words as he gazed at the half man standing at the door. Before he didn’t notice as the other was covered but now his toned upper body was completely exposed. Youngjaes eyes were glued to his muscular chest and as Daehyun followed his eyes, he just smirked after realising what the other was so amazed by.

Youngjae had to turn again as he could feel his face colour took over a different shade.

‘’So when did you fall asleep?’’ the younger asked as he chopped up some fruit.

‘’Um, I’m not sure. Before the movie ended.’’

Youngjae only nodded in response.

‘’What happened in the end?’’ Daehyun asked making the other curse silently as he didn’t have a clue what the movie was about.

‘’Ammmh, the two got married and lived happily ever after, as they usually do.’’
His imagination was lame but the other bought the bait.

‘’Ah, I guess I didn’t miss much then.’’

Youngjae shook his head and placed the fruit salad on the table.

Daehyun eyed the bowl.

‘’Oh, don’t say that’s not enough?’’ the younger sarcastically asked while remembering the restaurant incident.

‘’No, it’s fine. I’ve been bothering you way too much anyway. I’ll be gone before you know it.’’ the other assured him.

They ate in silence, both chewing their food, not looking at each other. Youngjae though glanced over at the still bare chested boy from time to time. He cringed and rolled his eyes frequently but didn’t say anything.

After breakfast, Daehyun really got dressed and got ready to leave. Youngjae followed him to the front door, leaning on the frame.

‘’Well, thank you Youngjae.’’

‘’Sure, whatever.’’ The other smiled and waved the older off as he closed the door behind the leaving figure. He sighed in relief as he was still alive but there was still a bitter taste in his mouth.

After he was left alone in his empty home he sat back down on the sofa, over flown with different thoughts that just wouldn’t leave him. He was trying to figure the origin and meaning behind weird feelings that started to steer inside him for no reason. It bothered him not to know and understand and he was determined to find the meaning behind them.


Omg, this chapter is so long.. I usually don't write chapters this long xD but here it is!!! and I hope it doesn't disappoint :) 

Anyways thank you for subscribing and commenting!! It really means a lot<3

and I'm aslo writing a new daejea angst oneshot -here so if you have nothing better to do you can maybe check it out /shameless *hides away*

Well, I hope you enjoyed this chapter and have a lovely day!!! ^___^

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Chapter 13: Thank you for looking into Daehyun's view. Everyone sees him as a culprit and it's hard not to because he does hurt people. It seems like only Youngjae understands he is a miserable victim too. His situation is so hopeless my heart aches for him :( your story is one of the rare stories that I don't wish Daejae to be together but Jae to be able to forget Dae :(
Chapter 13: So beautiful..and sad tooo..
help me,too many emotion (╥╯﹏╰╥)ง
Seriously,thnk u for sharing such wonderful story..hwaiting on your others story authornim
RealFangirl #3
Chapter 13: oh im really cryingㅜㅜ thanks for ur story<3:'')) ur story's sofaking sad n beautiful n idk how to describe ma feeling rite now omfg ma heart's broken bc of daejae</3 i wanna curse..... a ma heart:''
cheonssa #4
Oh my God,,, I feel bad for youngjae,,, I know this is angst but I dont even expect this story will end up like this,,,
Chapter 13: this is so beautiful and very heartbreaking. i could feel the pain, i cried. no wonder people from every places recommended this fic

it was great though
RainAndSunshine #6
Hi! I just read this and I'm out of words. The first chapters seriously sound all fluffy and nice, and you only slowly get the feeling that something's going terribly wrong. And the last chapter just killed me. I cried over the end, seriously. But as soon as I calmed down, I came up with an idea: I'd love to make a video for this, to the song I listened to when reading it. But of course, I won't do so without your permission. So let me know if you'd agree to this and then I'll give you the details of my plan (; Greets, Sunny^^
weirdstuff #7
Chapter 8: My godess, your story is so beautiful!!!!
Chapter 12: I was still kind of expecting a good ending so now I'm left dead inside and crying. And that's a good job, when you can make a person feel like that. It's not good for me though because I wanted happy DaeJae hahaha.. But really, great job!