The bridge

In debt


Daehyun stood at the edge, hands locked on a cold railing, leaning over to stare down at the passing cars underneath his feet. Since he didn’t really focus on anything, the car lights created these long flashing light lines, playing with his brain perception. While doing so he inhaled a deep breath of hot smoke from the cigarette he held captive between his lips. Since the air has been already a bit colder as fall was already exchanged places with summer, he could feel the hot smoke scrape down his throat deep into his lungs. As he exhaled the irritating smoke, he narrowed his eyes to create an image now dirty with smog and coloured by the lights.

This was his first time in this, a bit more well off part of Seoul. He just decided to take a look at it before it’s too late and so he stopped on one of the bridges over the highway. It wasn’t special and it didn’t have any specific meaning to the boy but for some reason he just had to stop here and for some reason he decided that this is the place to do the deed.

After giving it much thought over the last few months he came to a conclusion that there is nothing on this world that makes him want to struggle through the hardship of life. He’s been through a lot and after struggling for so long he realised that there is nothing he’s fighting for. He was fighting an already long lost war against himself. What was his reward for winning? Earning more hardship to fight against and it was wearing him out, drenching every drop of energy and joy out of his skinny body.  And the conclusion and only logical decision on his behalf was to end his life. In the end of the day if he’d disappear no one would really miss him. He liked to toy with the idea that people wouldn’t even notice his absence or they just wouldn’t care enough to find out what actually happened to him.
Since he was planning this for a while now, he already finished all his business so there was nothing else here to hold him back. He could do what he wanted to do, without bringing harm or annoyance to anyone he knew. Now that there was really nothing left behind him we wandered to this perfect place where all the pain could end.

He leaned down and placed his chin on the cold metal while looking at the passing cars. With his right hand he took the almost finished cigarette from his lips and held it far over the edge.
Before releasing he played a bit with the piece of paper and tobacco. He wondered why he didn’t feel anything. He was standing at the edge, planning to end it all and yet he didn’t feel sad, scared or happy. His body and mind were numbed and emotionless. In this moment, taking his life didn’t seem too much of a deal. It felt more like an everyday chore to do, except you can’t end your life on a daily basis.

Letting it go, the cigarette was pulled by gravity towards the passing cars. It feel on the cold asphalt waiting for the first car. He waited for the end, however it wasn’t hit. The cars driving by were blowing the piece from side to side making Daehyun impatient. He wanted the cigarette flat squished on the rough surface, not dancing to a mindless dance on the street.
The cigarette didn’t want to die. The dance was the dance of someone trying to get away and save their life.  
Nevertheless he didn’t have to wait long as one of the cars finally drove over the poor piece of garbage.
The fire inside the core finally disappeared and it reminded him on his life. There he was, once full of life and fire, burning like a torch but now the fire was gone and here he was, cold and numb waiting for something as terrible as death.  
Nothing much was left of the cigarette after it was crushed by the spinning tires and he wondered if this is what it’s going to be left of him after he jumps. Though he wouldn’t play with the cars like the cigarette did. Just the jump would already harm him badly or kill him and the first passing car would mean the end. The idea somehow even amused him as he prepared to test out his theory.

This time he stood up and stepped on the bottom of the rail. He leaned far over the edge looking down. He stepped on the edge with one foot, getting ready to lift up his body and face the end.

It was all too easy but suddenly he heard a cry coming from somewhere far out of his reach.

‘’Don’t jump!’’

At first he thought it was just his imagination playing last tricks with him. It wouldn’t be the first time he heard voices telling him to do things he either wanted or didn’t want to do. This time it could be no different. Logically this is the reaction he should have.

Dismissing the voice he slowly lifted himself up and half way to the top he heard the scream again but this time a lot lauder.

‘’Don’t jump!’’ the scream ripped through his clouded, numb mind making him realize that the origin of the voice was not his brain but something else.
He froze. This was something unexpected and he didn’t expect someone to interfere with his plan.

‘’Don’t jump!’’
this time the cry was quieter, almost like a whisper brushing against the boys skin sending shivers down his spine.
He clanged on the fence, now turning his gaze to confront the person who was trying to take away his freedom.

He looked in the direction of the voice spotting someone running up the stairs towards him. It seemed to be a boy. Soon the boy was standing a few feet away from Daehyun panting heavily from the run.
He seemed to be Daehyun’s age. He was wearing a uniform which meant he was probably still in high school, so in conclusion he was a bit younger. The boy’s gaze was locked with the ground as he panted heavily and every now and then he whispered the words Daehyun didn’t want to hear.

‘’Don’t jump.’’

Daehyun was a bit puzzled by the events that just occurred. Why would this kid he didn’t know want to stop him from jumping? There was nothing in for him and he could just not care and turn away. This way they would both be happy. And yet he was there running like it was for his life up the stairs and screaming to stop him.

Suspiciously he gazed at the boy who was now calming down and finally looking up at him.

‘’What are you talking about?’’ Daehyun said with a steady voice.
The other boy looked at him in confusion.
‘’Y-you were about to jump, weren’t you?’’

‘’Umm, no I wasn’t.’’ Daehyun defended himself putting on a poker face. Masking his face and emotions was something he was extremely good at. He perfected this craft over the years and this way he was always able to fool people in the matter of second. He could be cutting his wrists in a pool full of sharks and he could still trick the person trying to save him that he’s just taking a casual swim and got cut on the shark’s tooth while trying to pet one.

The other boy was looking at him with confusion written all over his face.

‘’No really, you were half way up the rail!’’ he was pushing the other right now.

‘’So?’’ Daehyun annoyingly replied.

‘’Well this is the place where many people come to commit suicide...’’ the other boy trailed thinking about the statistics.

‘’Ohh…’’ Daehyun didn’t know this was supposedly a popular place to take your own life. If he knew he would probably never come here in the first place. It was way too exposed this way.

‘’I was just trying to get a better view of the street and cars beneath.’’ he lied smoothly.

The other boy was still panting slightly and wiping off sweat from underneath his blond hair.

‘’Oh... Well if that’s the case than I’m really, really, really sorry.’’ They blond boy looked down at his feet embarrassed and Daehyun could swear he saw a blush creep on the other boy’s cheeks.

Not knowing why, Daehyun chuckled at the boys’ reaction. Somehow he was completely and utterly annoyed with him since he crossed his plans and yet he felt like something changed inside him. It was like reality hit him straight in the face. Somehow things were very clear in this moment.

‘’Well no problem. It’s good to see someone caring about other people’s lives.’’

‘’O-ok.’’ The other said as he straightened up and fixed his bag and uniform not looking up at the other.

‘’Well than don’t let me bother you anymore and again, I’m really sorry.’’ He bowed and slowly walked past Daehyun keeping his gaze on the pavement.

Daehyun only nodded in response and watched the boy walk past him and down bridge on the other side. He looked back at the place where he stood a couple of minutes before shivering while imagining what he was doing.
Things were somehow clear now. The fog which was blurring his vision has become clearer and he knew he wouldn’t be standing near the edge anytime soon.

He looked in the direction of the now disappearing dot that was a boy standing next to him just a while ago.

‘’You saved me.’’ he thought.

‘’Now I have to do the same for you.’’



First chapter is done!!! :D  
All my DAEJAE FEELS~ I've been wanting to try and write a daejae fic  for a while
and after seeing them sing together on Beatles code, it was decided... I had to write it!!!! ^^  
Anyways, I hope you enjoyed the fisrt chapter and that there aren't too many grammer mistakes xD

Comments and feedback are welcomed!!!! ^____^

Have a great day! <3

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Woah, In Debt reached 100 subs!!! Thank you everyone! ^^


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Chapter 13: Thank you for looking into Daehyun's view. Everyone sees him as a culprit and it's hard not to because he does hurt people. It seems like only Youngjae understands he is a miserable victim too. His situation is so hopeless my heart aches for him :( your story is one of the rare stories that I don't wish Daejae to be together but Jae to be able to forget Dae :(
Chapter 13: So beautiful..and sad tooo..
help me,too many emotion (╥╯﹏╰╥)ง
Seriously,thnk u for sharing such wonderful story..hwaiting on your others story authornim
RealFangirl #3
Chapter 13: oh im really cryingㅜㅜ thanks for ur story<3:'')) ur story's sofaking sad n beautiful n idk how to describe ma feeling rite now omfg ma heart's broken bc of daejae</3 i wanna curse..... a ma heart:''
cheonssa #4
Oh my God,,, I feel bad for youngjae,,, I know this is angst but I dont even expect this story will end up like this,,,
Chapter 13: this is so beautiful and very heartbreaking. i could feel the pain, i cried. no wonder people from every places recommended this fic

it was great though
RainAndSunshine #6
Hi! I just read this and I'm out of words. The first chapters seriously sound all fluffy and nice, and you only slowly get the feeling that something's going terribly wrong. And the last chapter just killed me. I cried over the end, seriously. But as soon as I calmed down, I came up with an idea: I'd love to make a video for this, to the song I listened to when reading it. But of course, I won't do so without your permission. So let me know if you'd agree to this and then I'll give you the details of my plan (; Greets, Sunny^^
weirdstuff #7
Chapter 8: My godess, your story is so beautiful!!!!
Chapter 12: I was still kind of expecting a good ending so now I'm left dead inside and crying. And that's a good job, when you can make a person feel like that. It's not good for me though because I wanted happy DaeJae hahaha.. But really, great job!