The shadow

In debt


It turned out introducing himself to the weird boy named Daehyun was the worst decision of Youngjae’s life. He wasn’t sure if things would be any different if he hadn’t told him his name but he needed something to blame, in order to bring some sanity into his current life.

Every single day after school since the other days fighting incident, Youngjae saw a familiar boy waiting for him at the gates of hell. Not only were they greeting him smugly in the morning, now they were saying goodbye with a grin as this became the place where all evil started to gather.

Youngjae glanced over to the boy standing at the edge, smoking his cigarette and just blindly staring into the plain air. He didn’t talk to anyone and he didn’t do anything else but wait for him to finish school and go home.
The younger rolled his eyes and walked past like the other wasn’t even there. Ignoring him seemed to be the best solution as he didn’t want to have a raging fit in front of the school.
He also hoped that if he paid no attention, the boy would understand his intentions and just disappear. Though, his wishes were unheard once more as he soon heard the echoes of the familiar footsteps, trailing behind him.

He’s been stalked this way for over a week now and it was pushing him over the edge. He wasn’t sure what was going on and if he was really stalked but there was no other word known to him to describe the utterly unusual behaviour of the weird boy.
Now he was asking himself what he did to deserve this.
It has all gone too far and he shut his eyes tightly in order to keep the rage and annoyance bottled up inside his core but at this point it was too late and all his struggles were in vain.
Abruptly he turned around without a warning, making the ‘’stalker’’ almost bump into his chest.
He glared at him trying to make him disappear but as it didn’t work he finally exploded.

‘’Yaaah, what the hell?!’’

The other only looked at him dumbfounded like he didn’t know what was going on.

‘’Oh come on! What are you doing? Why are you following me?!’’ he almost yelled at the brown haired boy.

‘’I’m not following you. I just happen to walk the same road you do at the exactly same time.’’

Youngjae looked at his stalker flabbergasted. Was he really trying to sale him this bull of an excuse?

‘’Yah, are you from some kind of institution or something?’’ he asked looking at the tiny bit shorter boys wrists for signs of a name tag. It would be possible for a lunatic to escape. It happened before and in his eyes, Daehyun could fit into a description of one by the way he acted.  

‘’I didn’t escape from a mental hospital if that’s what you’re implying.’’ The other frowned and it amused Youngjae to see he finally got to the other nerves.

‘’Of course you’re not.’’ He said with a baby voice.

‘’ I think we should maybe go and check just in case. What do you think? The hospital is actually really near.’’ The younger was now mocking him, earning a glare from the other.

‘’Well, if you’ll feel better this way, we can go. At least you’ll be sure that I’m not a madman on a run.’’ Daehyun was not giving in to him.

Both were now intensely glaring at each other in the middle of the street. They didn’t care about the curious stares from the passing strangers and none of them was ready to surrender because of the other competitor eyes.

‘’Seriously what is your problem?’’ the younger finally broke the glaring competition, looking away from the dark brown orbs which were staring at him with such intensity he could feel the other looking into his soul.

‘’It’s not my problem. It’s your fault I have to follow you.’’ Shrugged the other, like it was something completely normal and logical.

Youngjae looked at him puzzled, trying to see the others point of view. He couldn’t understand why it was his fault until suddenly he came to the only logical conclusion in that moment.

‘’Oh, you’re here to collect your debt?!’’ he exclaimed.

The older just raised his brow, leaving Youngjae with rolling eyes.

‘’Because you saved me the other day, you think I owe you something and now you’ll keep following me until I repay you!’’

‘’N-no, that’s not it…’’ but before he could object or even react, Youngjae grabbed Daehyun’s hand and dragged him down a few blocks and into a restaurant. He pulled him across the room and pushed him into a chair, while he took the one on the opposite side of the table.

‘’Look, I don’t have a lot of money to repay you and I bet that’s what you want because everyone wants money. And since I don’t have the money, I’ll just buy you dinner and this way I’ll pay off the debt and you’ll finally leave me alone.’’ Youngjae proudly explained his plan, not really caring what the other thought about it.

‘’But that’s not how it works…’’ and before the older was able to say anything he was cut off by the waitress now standing at the table, looking at the two like they were candy.
Both looked oddly  at the girl about their age who just stood there. After a while she finally snapped out and asked about their order.

‘’W-what can I bring you two?’’ she almost giggled. At that moment she was star struck by the two but later she cursed the decision to serve them.
Here she was, 10 minutes later still standing at the table, waiting for Daehyun to make a decision. Both the waitress and Youngjae were ready to punch Daehyun as he read through every single dish and drink on the 10 page menu. She sighed a few times and shifted her weight from one let to another while Youngjae dug his nails into the edge of the table.

However just in time he nodded and ordered a number of dishes which would probably feed at least 3 people. She wrote it all down and ran away from the table as quickly as possible to avoid any changes to the order.

Daehyun satisfyingly put down the menu only to fund himself being the target for the thrown daggers by the other boy’s eyes.

‘’What?’’ he asked a bit uncomfortable by his intensely hateful stare.

‘’You!!!!’’ he sighed.

‘’You’re evil aren’t you?’’ Youngjae kept glaring.

‘’I don’t think so…’’

‘’Oh, let me tell you that you are! I bring you here, telling you that I don’t have money and that I just have enough to buy us food and yet you’re not satisfied and order enough for three other people. ‘’

It was clear to Daehyun what the problem was.

‘’Oh, I didn’t know there were restrictions. I’m hungry and that’s the amount of food I usually eat. Plus you said you’ll pay me off with lunch and if you can’t feed me properly I don’t see how that’s called being paying off.’’

Before Youngjae could explode and viciously stab the other with his metal chopsticks the waitress returned with the first set of food.
The blond boy was boiling as hard as the freshly heated food did in front of him but he just transferred the anger on the food. He kept glaring at the other boy who was now completely absorbed in the food set before him. His eyes were glowing and he didn’t care about anything else around him. He ate and ate and even when Youngjae was so full that he could feel the food up in his throat the other still ate.
Youngjae was stunned as he never saw someone who was normal size eat so much. He ended staring at him in amazement as Daehyun called over the waitress to order two pieces of cheesecake.

‘’Are you seriously telling me you’re going to eat the cake as well?’’ Youngjae was feeling sick just thinking about taking another bite.

Daehyun nodded.

‘’Of course! I always leave enough space to have a piece of cheesecake if they have it. It’s my favourite!’’

As the waitress brought over the pieces, Daehyuns face lit up and he smiled like a small child who just received sweets. He was on the verge of giggling like a little girl and it made Youngjae cringe.

Even though he was about to explode, the cake looked good and Youngjae decided to try the other piece Daehyun ordered but as he reached towards the yummy piece his hand was slapped away.

He looked up confused and shocked.

‘’Mine.’’ The other mumbled.

This made Youngjae almost fall under the table.

‘’What is this person? What? What is this thing called Daehyun and why do I have to deal with it?’’ was all the blond could think about.

After finishing, they paid for the food. Youngjae paid for two and Daehyun paid for the other food he ordered.

They were now standing outside the restaurant not really knowing what to do. Well, Youngjae didn’t know what to do as Daehyun would just follow.

‘’So I guess I won’t get rid of you just yet huh? I got deeper in debt by letting you pay for half of the food.’’ Youngjae sighed, disappointed by the big fat failing of his master plan.

Daehyun looked at him and turned his eyes towards the clouded sky. He looked like he was calculating something in his head as he held his chin with one of his hands. He then suddenly turned towards the waiting boy with an answer.

‘’I seems like you’ll get to see me again.’’ He nodded like he managed to solve an equation.

The blond boys head feel forward, hanging hopelessly in the air as he got the answer he didn’t want to hear. He wondered what he did to deserve this. He was a good boy! He didn’t deserve THIS!

Daehyun watched the depressed and continuously sighing boy in front of him not knowing what made the other so irritated.

After the sighing fit Youngjae turned and hauled his feet further down the street, drowning in his despair. He knew the other would be trailing behind so he didn’t even bother looking. Right now he didn’t care about gaze he felt on the back of his jacket, he didn’t even know what to think of it.

This way they continued their way further down in the direction of the younger’s home. If people watched them from a far, they were probably laughing at the almost cartoonish sight. The blond was dragging his feet down the rough asphalt with his head hanging low. Only thing missing was the raging storm cloud, viciously pouring heavy rain down on his head and shoulders, accompanied by a lightning or two. Whenever, he stopped the other one who was trailing him stopped as well. He moved his feet at the same time the one in front of him did. And so they travelled in misery and anguish.

Sometime after, they finally managed to get at least to the bridge they both knew. When they reached the top Youngjae stopped, looking at the spot where he first saw his now new shadow. He turned back looking at the always expressionless boy standing a few feet behind him. He walked to the other side of the spot and slid down the fence to the cold bridge ground. His gaze was locked on the spot as he furrowed his brows together. After a while he looked at the still a few feet away standing boy.

‘’Hey.’’ He called the other with a hand gesture to come closer. Daehyun approached the sitting boy but stayed at a somewhat comfortable distance where he sat down turning towards the already settled boy.

‘’You remember this place right?’’ the younger asked.

‘’Yes I do. This is where we first met.’’ He wasn’t denying.

‘’What if our paths wouldn’t cross that day?’’

‘’Well, I guess today would be a quite different day for us.’’ The other nodded to himself.

‘’I guess. I’d be probably laying beaten up and later sleeping at home in peace.’’ Youngjae emphasised the last word.

‘’What about you Daehyun?’’

‘’I don’t know.’’

‘’Would you be breathing?’’ Youngjae narrowed his eyes, waiting for the answer.

‘’I don’t think one can live without breathing so obviously I would be.’’ The other looked straight into Youngjae’s eyes.

Whenever he looked at the younger this way Youngjae felt deeply disturbed for some reason but he just nodded, not really buying it.

‘’Will you stop following me?’’

‘’One day I will.’’ The answer was discouraging to the blond male.


‘’I don’t know. It’s not up to me.’’

‘’How about today?’’

Youngjae waited in silence for the answer.

‘’I’m sorry…’’

It was enough for Youngjae to understand. His shadow was still very much connected to him and there was no sight of an upcoming sunny day to chase away the shadows. 


Updating so soon! XD 

Anyways, yaaaayz for the new chapter.. I think I'm updating so fast because I can't wait to get to the angst xD lol~

though before we get there you guys will get much more fluff to swim in xD 

Feedback and comments are welcomed! ^____^

Thanks for reading and have a great day! <3

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Chapter 13: Thank you for looking into Daehyun's view. Everyone sees him as a culprit and it's hard not to because he does hurt people. It seems like only Youngjae understands he is a miserable victim too. His situation is so hopeless my heart aches for him :( your story is one of the rare stories that I don't wish Daejae to be together but Jae to be able to forget Dae :(
Chapter 13: So beautiful..and sad tooo..
help me,too many emotion (╥╯﹏╰╥)ง
Seriously,thnk u for sharing such wonderful story..hwaiting on your others story authornim
RealFangirl #3
Chapter 13: oh im really cryingㅜㅜ thanks for ur story<3:'')) ur story's sofaking sad n beautiful n idk how to describe ma feeling rite now omfg ma heart's broken bc of daejae</3 i wanna curse..... a ma heart:''
cheonssa #4
Oh my God,,, I feel bad for youngjae,,, I know this is angst but I dont even expect this story will end up like this,,,
Chapter 13: this is so beautiful and very heartbreaking. i could feel the pain, i cried. no wonder people from every places recommended this fic

it was great though
RainAndSunshine #6
Hi! I just read this and I'm out of words. The first chapters seriously sound all fluffy and nice, and you only slowly get the feeling that something's going terribly wrong. And the last chapter just killed me. I cried over the end, seriously. But as soon as I calmed down, I came up with an idea: I'd love to make a video for this, to the song I listened to when reading it. But of course, I won't do so without your permission. So let me know if you'd agree to this and then I'll give you the details of my plan (; Greets, Sunny^^
weirdstuff #7
Chapter 8: My godess, your story is so beautiful!!!!
Chapter 12: I was still kind of expecting a good ending so now I'm left dead inside and crying. And that's a good job, when you can make a person feel like that. It's not good for me though because I wanted happy DaeJae hahaha.. But really, great job!