The scarf

In debt


On a cold Monday morning Daehyun sat on the edge of the well known bridge rail. He gazed over the edge on the other side from where he was sitting. Sighing he watched the cars take their way up and down the always busy highway, minding their own business on their own way. No one bothered to ask where they were heading and why they were there at that exact moment, going in that particular direction.
No one bothered to ask him where he was going and why he was where he was. Though he knew exactly where he was going just a little while ago. His path was clearly drawn in front of his eyes but unlike on the road where you can sometimes choose a new direction, his was already decided. He made the decision and he had to stick to what he said. Though, somehow he had this feeling inside him that quietly persuaded him to change the direction.
He frowned as the thoughts battled inside his head for domination.
Something was keeping him from going full speed towards his final destination. Something was taking away all his energy and drive. He was somehow stuck again. Stuck somewhere he did not know or understand and somewhere he did not want to be. The more he struggled against the glue that held him back the more he got covered in the sticky substance, causing him to slow down even more.

He waited as he calculated out his debt. There seemed to be no end to the deep mud hole he was slowly sinking into. Fighting it didn’t help. He had to wait. But he was determined to pay it off.

Looking down the bridge he noticed a familiar blond head near the bridge. He jumped off the edge and waited for the other. He could feel the cold winter pinching his cheeks but it didn’t bother him too much. He lingered around for the blond boy to pass him, so he could follow his steps a few feet behind as he usually did. Not looking at the passing boy he prepared himself but the blond boy stopped in his tracks making the older look up.
Youngjae’s face seemed to be a tiny bit annoyed as his red cheeks and nose beamed from underneath his scarf. He didn’t look at Daehyun at first.

‘’So I save you and now you’re not talking to me anymore?’’

The older raised his brow.

‘’We never really talked.’’

The younger sighed ‘’True.’’ He thought about it for a bit but continued.

‘’well walking everyday with someone to school and not talking is kind of boring.’’

Without another word he faced the road ahead and continued his way down the other side of the bridge. It took a few moments for Daehyun to understand so he slowly jogged behind the other to catch up with him; ending up walking at the younger’s side.

‘’We can talk if you want.’’

He looked at the quiet boy from the side as the blond sank his face deeper into his scarf, not knowing if his now darker red cheeks were the reason of blushing or the cold. After a few minutes of silence Youngjae finally spoke.

‘’So you’re not sick from the other day right?’’

‘’No. Thanks to you I’m ok. Thank you again.’’

Youngjae frowned as the memories of the other night rose in his mind, playing out some of the moments he wasn’t really fond of.

‘’Yeah, don’t mention it.’’

Daehyun eyed the boy again from his side as the conversation died out, trying to figure if the younger was sick. He didn’t look too well. His eyes were missing the usual spark of either excitement or hate and his cheeks and nose were completely flushed.

‘’Are you sick Youngjae?’’

Youngjae shivered as it felt so weird to hear his name come from the other boy’s mouth. As far as he could remember this was the first time he heard him say it and for some absurd reason he thought it sounded nice, the way he pronounced it.

‘’No, I just have a cold. It’s not too bad.’’ He sniffed and sending a sweet smile towards Daehyun but the others face didn’t change as he eyed him further from the side. Daehyun was a master of deceive so he knew the younger was not telling the truth. Well, anyone with a pair of eyes would see that the younger was much sicker than just a light cold. He shook his head in disapproval but he knew it was not his place to say anything as he wasn’t able to do anything useful for the sick boy.


Soon they reached the always dreaded school and Daehyun stopped at the gates. Youngjae waved to him, but didn’t say goodbye as he knew he’ll see him after school. However before he could walk away he felt someone grab his arm. The strong force turned him around so he was now facing his ‘’stalker’’.

Daehyun eyed him up and down, figuring the severity of his illness before he took off his scarf and tightly wrapped it over the one Youngjae was wearing. Youngjae’s eyes were wide in shock as he watched the older place his scarf around his neck. He didn’t really know what to do or say, and again he felt his heart thump at an unnatural speed. He watched in silence as the older finished his deed with a sloppy bow and gave the younger a somewhat reassuring smile.

‘’T-thanks.’’ Youngjae stuttered, thanking his sickness at the same time for the redness to cover up the blush that was definitely beaming from his cheeks.
Daehyun only nodded in response as he watched the younger, now wrapped in his scarf continue his way down the school court, soon disappearing behind the corner.

He sighed as he leaned back on the rocky wall for support, squeezing his fingers to bring some warmth to them. It wasn’t winter just yet but after the Friday’s rain the air really cooled down. He knew the cold day was going to be long so he pulled out his box of cigarettes, lighting one to keep him warm.


Youngjae sat in his classroom, still wrapped up in two scarves. The fact that he wore a stranger’s scarf didn’t really bother him as he liked the warmth of the two different fabrics. And even though he could never admit to himself, he kind of liked the smell of the other scarf. It was nice and relaxing. He buried his nose into the fabric to get a better taste of the aroma, again sensing his heart pick up the beating speed.
Nevertheless soon he snapped out of the ecstasy as he realized that he was sniffing the scarf of a stalker who as far as he knew annoyed the hell out of him.
But he didn’t really. He couldn’t deny that he actually, kind of, maybe even liked his silent company on the lonely days.
He rolled his eyes at his own thoughts giving himself a mental smack on the cheek, while placing his forehead on the cold table to rest. He could feel the energy drain his body as the sickness slowly took over.


Somehow he managed to survive all day in the classroom, feeling extremely relived as the bell announced the end of the day. He got up, still wrapped in the scarves and slowly dragged himself out to a rather peculiar sight.
He watched as a group of girls giggled near the gates, pointing in an unknown direction. His eyes darted in the direction if their interest, to spot of course no one else but Daehyun, casually leaning against the gates, again staring into nothingness and occasionally taking a deep breath of deadly cigarette smoke. When he looked back at the group, one of the girls gathered all the courage and walked up to the loner.
Though as far as Youngjae knew, the girls didn’t really need much courage as the group was consisting most of the girls which were considered as the most beautiful in the entire school. If anything else, the boy was supposed to go up to them and not the other way around. And as weird as the browned hair boy was, he didn’t look in their direction, not even one time. It made Youngjae wonder why because every single guy, even himself looked at the girls from afar. They were gorgeous.
In the same time he couldn’t deny that he knew the reason why those girls who despised most of the boys at their school decided to take such drastic measures as walking up to him. Daehyun was really good looking. There was no doubt about that. Of course he would catch their eye with his good looking mysterious image, always silently standing at the gates, waiting for something.

He observed the scene to see what Daehyun’s reaction would be as this would be the first time for Youngjae to see him react in a somewhat normal, everyday situation.
He watched as she approached him and greeted him in the most cute and attractive way. Those girls really knew how to destroy any boy’s heart and they did it without a second thought.
He couldn’t hear what they were saying as they stood too far away but he observed the moment.
The girl seemed to use all her tricks in order to get the boys interest. However Daehyun didn’t seem too eager or interested. He answered with what seemed really short answers, not even properly looking at the girl. He looked away or he just looked straight through her, not a drop of interest in his eyes. His face was blank as usual, maybe even projecting a bit annoyance towards the talking girl.

Youngjae watched in shock as the girl fiercely her heels a little while later, letting out a laud groan as she stomped back to the shocked group. It was probably her first time being turned down. She probably never even met someone who wouldn’t look at her with eyes filled with lust and here was this random boy who didn’t even flinch at her presence.
All this made Youngjae wonder even more if the older boy maybe had a girlfriend to who he was very loyal. He didn’t really see any other reasonable conclusions as to why the other would turn down this extremely beautiful girl who just walked up to him. Most of the people watching the incident would probably kill for an opportunity like he just had.

He sighed and walked up to him as the girls angrily disappeared in an unknown direction.

Even though the girlfriend issue was on Youngjae’s mind he decided not to ask.

‘’How are you feeling?’’ Daehyun beat him to the first words.

‘’I’m good. You can have your scarf back if you want.’’ Youngjae slowly started to take it off but the older stopped him.

‘’No, you should have it. I’m not that cold anyways.’’

Youngjae nodded and somewhat happily wrapped the piece back around his neck.
They walked in silence as usual for a little while but then the blond decided that he just had to ask the older about the girlfriend issue.

‘’Um, Da-daehyun.’’

‘’Hm?’’ the other hummed while inhaling the gray smoke, making the cigarette turn bright red. Youngjae was sure his face resembled the red glowing piece of paper between the older sleek fingers.

‘’Can I ask you something kind of personal?

Daehyun thought about it for a while ‘’Yeah, if I don’t have to answer if I don’t want to.’’

The other nodded.

‘’Shoot.’’ Daehyun’s eyes were now glued to the other in anticipation.

‘’I saw you with the girl before at the gate and I was wondering if you have a girlfriend since you turned her down.’’

Daehyun laughed. He wasn’t expecting a question like that at all.

‘’No I don’t but why would I be obliged to accept her feelings?’’

The younger thought for a bit. Honestly, the older had a point.

‘’Well, because she’s very good looking and any other guy would want to have her attention for at least a split second.’’

‘’Do you?’’ the older confused the younger with his sudden question.

‘’Umph, I-I don’t know. I think so…’’ he looked at the floor of the bridge where they were suddenly standing. He felt embarrassed.

‘’I don’t think there’s much difference between us. I turned her down right away and you’d probably turn her down a tiny bit later after realising that when you get past the beauty there is nothing much left. Just the rotten core…’’  ‘’But of course I don’t know her so I can’t judge. However people who play with others are usually like that.’’ He quickly added as his voice turned darker making the younger wonder if he spoke from personal experiences.

‘’so why don’t you have a girlfriend if you want it?’’ Daehyun asked out of a sudden.

The younger tried to find a place to look at; he wanted to sink into the ground.

‘’I-I guess I’m not what girls look for.’’

The other only laughed which made the other even more embarrassed.

‘’W-what?’’ he managed to curse himself for stuttering so much.

‘’I think any girl would be happy to have you for a boyfriend. I mean you have a good heart and you pretty much reach every criterion of what beautiful is.’’

Youngjae was now choking on air as the other continued to list the things he thought were beautiful on the other.

‘’You have flawless skin and nice hair, you have a really nice smile and perfect white teeth and above all you have those big cute eyes.’’ He continued with his physical appearance, finishing with his personality.

‘’You really care about other people, probably more than you care about yourself. I mean you helped me even if you hated me. I think you’re the nicest person I ever met.’’

Youngjae was blushing so hard at that moment that he could actually see the red colour radiate from the ground. He was completely flustered and at a loss of words. Trying to create a reasonable response was useless. The other just mentally killed him right on the spot.

‘’So maybe you just need a bit more confidence and you’ll have girls lying at your feet.’’ The other concluded. The younger couldn’t help but wonder how the other contained himself so much. As he praised the living hell out of the other he still managed to have that signature blank face. Youngjae envied him but in the same time he admired him too much for his liking.

He could feel everything stir inside him as he tried to hide his face behind the scarves. He shivered at the realisation that he liked the others praise way too much.
He shivered at the reaction his body had to the others kind words.
At this moment he feared that he didn’t really want a girlfriend.
He feared that what he really wanted right now was the shadow he detested not too long ago. 


Oh god this is so cliche..  xD haha~  I fail at writing fluff T.T

I had a really hard time writing this chepter because I'm still debating on how to carry out the plot..

but yeah.. Here it is and I hope you enjoyed all this fluff?.. just don't drown in it, pretty please! ^____^

Anyways, as always comments and feedback are welcomed and thanks to everyone who subscribed and commented on the previous chapters <33

Have a great day! <3 

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Chapter 13: Thank you for looking into Daehyun's view. Everyone sees him as a culprit and it's hard not to because he does hurt people. It seems like only Youngjae understands he is a miserable victim too. His situation is so hopeless my heart aches for him :( your story is one of the rare stories that I don't wish Daejae to be together but Jae to be able to forget Dae :(
Chapter 13: So beautiful..and sad tooo..
help me,too many emotion (╥╯﹏╰╥)ง
Seriously,thnk u for sharing such wonderful story..hwaiting on your others story authornim
RealFangirl #3
Chapter 13: oh im really cryingㅜㅜ thanks for ur story<3:'')) ur story's sofaking sad n beautiful n idk how to describe ma feeling rite now omfg ma heart's broken bc of daejae</3 i wanna curse..... a ma heart:''
cheonssa #4
Oh my God,,, I feel bad for youngjae,,, I know this is angst but I dont even expect this story will end up like this,,,
Chapter 13: this is so beautiful and very heartbreaking. i could feel the pain, i cried. no wonder people from every places recommended this fic

it was great though
RainAndSunshine #6
Hi! I just read this and I'm out of words. The first chapters seriously sound all fluffy and nice, and you only slowly get the feeling that something's going terribly wrong. And the last chapter just killed me. I cried over the end, seriously. But as soon as I calmed down, I came up with an idea: I'd love to make a video for this, to the song I listened to when reading it. But of course, I won't do so without your permission. So let me know if you'd agree to this and then I'll give you the details of my plan (; Greets, Sunny^^
weirdstuff #7
Chapter 8: My godess, your story is so beautiful!!!!
Chapter 12: I was still kind of expecting a good ending so now I'm left dead inside and crying. And that's a good job, when you can make a person feel like that. It's not good for me though because I wanted happy DaeJae hahaha.. But really, great job!