Rian's POV

As the Moon Rises...


I was feeling giddy these past few days and I don't know why. Even if I noticed that Vlad stopped visiting again, whenever I think of the time he and I were dancing slowly, and him caring for me, I suddenly see myself smiling. Shinwoo noticed it too, he's been my company for the past few days. He just wouldn't leave me be, because he said he saw a vampire trying to sneak inside my room one time. I thought it was Vlad, but I doubted it afterwards. He wouldn't let himself be shown to me, what more to Shinwoo?

"Rian. The Pyongeun Festival is coming near. Are you ready?" Shinwoo asked.

"What are we gonna do there anyway?"

"Oh, they gonna sprinkle something liquid to you, and then you can be protected from the immortals."


"But! They say that if you felt pain when the liquid touches your skin, it was possible that you could be connected to the immortals. But fortunately, no one was still hurt while doing this ceremony. I'm sure you'll be safe Rian."

I don't think so Shinwoo... By being connected to immortals, does that mean... being friends with vampires count?

It's just one week before October ends, and for some weird reason, Vlad doesn't want to show up again to me. Why? It been weeks since the dance incident. Is he mad because of what happened?

I don't feel giddy anymore. I missed him. Is this a habit of his?

Finally my worries vanished when I heard him land inside my room that same night.

"Vlad? Why did you stop visiting? I missed you, you know...." I tried to be honest.

"You need to stop thinking about me." he said. But... he's using his cold voice again. What did I do?

"Stop thinking about me, stop waiting for me. Think that you never saw me and got acquainted with me..."

"What are you saying? Did I do something to make you upset?"

"Aniya. It's... me. I'm getting married Rian. And I might not come back to this town ever again. So... stop thinking about me." he said.

Without knowing, tears were streaming down my face. It hurted so much. Why is he doing this? He's.... getting married? To whom? I thought he doesn't have a girlfriend.

I felt him come near me and touched my cheek with his icy cold hand. He whispered something in my ear, and then disappeared completely, leaving me crying and in wreck.

"Live... well... Rian."


It was the second week of November. The Pyongeun Festival is coming near, but I wasn't that worried anymore. I lost a lot of weight since the day... he left me. I was afraid to speak of his name, for I don't know what will happen to me if I do.

It was just last last week, when he said his goodbyes, but it felt like a year had passed since he left. I stopped speaking, I stopped making friends, and I wasn't afraid if the big dog or the Kumori guy attack me again.

I became fearless the moment he left. I became aggressive, and short tempered. It doesn't suit a blind girl like me, but it made me feel like I can take care of myself, even without his help.

"Ah wae! I'm changing my clothes!" I shouted as Shinwoo was knocking on my room. Shinwoo was the only one who understands my sudden attitude change. I'm glad he still didn't left me.

"Sorry! Just call me if you're done! I'll be here! Outside!" he said happily.

After I finished putting my shirt on, I decided I shouldn't call him and get out instead. As I got out, I heard as yelp and a small "Ow!" so I panicked and searched where he is. I shouldn't have done that since I tripped on his legs and I fell on top of him.

"Omo! Ri- Rian! Gwaenchanayo?" he asked.

"Yeah yeah I'm fine! Just help me stand up!"

I could feel a small blush creeping up my cheeks but I ignored it. No one can ever make me blush again.

He pulled me up and guided me to my bed.

"I think you have a slight sprain on your foot." he said as he pressed a certain part which made me wince.

"Wow. This is amazing. A blind girl getting a sprain. Amazing!" I said as I sighed.

"What's been bothering you lately Rian? You're never like this before. Where's the sweet Rian I know?"

"She's gone. She's never coming back..." I said firmly, as if I was repeating what he said to me before.

"Aish. Come on, let's just catch some fish." he dragged me out of the house.

It was winter break, so we don't have classes until January. He helped me get in the car and we drove until we reached the sea.

Actually, I'd be lying if I said I didn't have fun. Even if I had so many problems, I still managed to laugh as I good at catching fished despite me being blind.

"Wow. I lost to a blind girl..." I heard Shinwoo mutter. I managed to make my bucket full, but he never even caught a single one.

"Gwaenchanayo. Someday the gods will favor you." I said as I laughed at his fail.

"Hey I'll just go to the bathroom okay?" he said.

"Arasseo, but come back early! It's getting colder."

He patted my head as I heard him run to a nearby restroom. I breathed slowly as I heard the crashing waves of the shore. This is the first time I felt so calm, since that day. That day.

Suddenly, I felt someone hugged me from behind. It was cold, it felt so real.

"Who are you?" I asked calmly.

I must be out of my mind. Maybe I was just enveloped with the cold weather. I let the "cold thing" which I assumed was the weather hug me. But as time passed, it didn't felt like the weather at all. I felt him kiss the back of my neck. I dreaded just thinking who it was. Is it... him?

"Vla-?" I started, but I heard Shinwoo calling me.

"Rian!" and with that, the cold thing hugging me let go. I felt empty, and for some reason, sad, like I have felt this before. This hug...

"What's wrong? Why are you crying?" Shinwoo asked as he constantly shaked me. I touched my face and noticed they were wet with tears. Have I been crying all this time?

That night I sneaked out of our house. I went out, with just my walking stick, and walked to where my feet lead me. I was trying to brave, and also, I was trying to find where he is. I wanted to ask him many questions.

"Why are you here?" I gasped at the voice. It was him. Where was I anyway? Anger overpowered my fear, so I spoke in the most harsh manner.

"Why? Why do you care? I want to take a walk, is that bad?"

"It's dangerous. Jibe ga."

"No. I'm never gonna listen to you again. Don't tell me what to do." I ignored him and walked ahead. He grasped my arm hardly and I winced in pain.

"Go home!"

"Andwae! Why do you care about my safety?! Go care about your wife! You told me to stop thinking and caring about you! Why would you care about me! Let go of me!"

"Stop fighting!" someone shouted. It was a girl's voice. It was probably his wife.

"Stop this, Vlad, Rian. I'm... I'm sorry." she sobbed. What's going on?

"It was my fault that your friendship turned sour. I know... that Vlad... likes you, but I..." what did she say? Vlad... likes me?

"I only thought about myself." she said.

"Vlad, I don't wanna do this.... But... I think it's for the best.... I'm cancelling the wedding."

I heard her ran away from us, and I was dumbstruck. What is going on?

"I'll drop you off to your house." he said. It didn't sound so cold like before.

"Andwae. Stop following me."

I felt him crush his arms to me. My eyes widened.

"I... like you... Rian."

I was about to say something, but he let go of me and slowly planted his lips on mine. I wanted to get away, but I felt myself closing my eyes and standing there like a zombie.

My first kiss.... And I'm not even in a legal age... Does this mean... what I think it means?


A/N: Whut? This is child abuse! lol, just kidding. I wish I could hire somebody to correct my typos... Even I get annoyed when I see it. So I'm sorry if you're disturbed by them. :(

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author-nim when are you going to update? i miss your story already..huhu..fighting! :)
please update soon author-nim!! hwaiting! <3
Chapter 16: aaaawww authornim please update again really sooon..!!^^
imm so curious for what's gonna happen next
@Gan-ache thank you so much. :)
i'm loving this .. :)
Vlad is so sweet~ : )
to everyone who reads this: if ever I have a typo, or I misspelled a word, please do tell me. thank you. :)
@sweetanne14 omg sorry! hahaha get used to all the typo, my keyboard's being crappy again... and I type fast. thanks for correcting though. :))))))
Everything was good but you sort of made a typo
Your wrote mate instead of hate
Overall the chapter was awesome *thumbs up*