Chapter Twelve

This Isn't An Affair

"Please," Seungri pleads with an unconscious Jiyong slumped in his arms. It isn't good for a businessman to appear desperate, but Seungri can't help it. There are so many things that could go wrong if the photographer doesn't comply.

Seungri carefully lays down Jiyong on an unoccupied couch and he's thankful for the club's bad lighting. The maknae returns to his wallet and pulls out all the won he has. The photographer stares curiously.

"Delete those last pics. I want to see you delete them," Seungri orders. He hopes his voice isn't shaking.

The photographer glances incredulously at the wad of cash before his eyes.

"I'm really sorry. The person who hired me said I couldn't delete any pictures or accept any bribes. She made me sign papers and all that."

Seungri's jaw drops at the cleverness of this boss he speaks of. He wants to scream.

"May I at least speak to this person who hired you?"

The photographer sighs and pulls out his cell phone. He presses lightly onto the touch screen and soon enough the phone is dialing and Seungri might be saved.

"Ne, there's a man who wishes to speak with you."

A bead of sweat forms at Seungri's brow.

"Ne, I'm there...Ne, his name is Lee Seunghyun."

Silence. Anticipation. Tension.

"...Ne, its on a private file."

The man ends his call and he turns to Seungri with that same apologetic expression from earlier.

"Look," he says as he pulls out a business card from his camera bag,"take my card. I promise you there's only one set of eyes seeing this...And I really shouldn't be saying this, in fact I'm not allowed to...but the person who hired me knows you. That's all I can say. I've been ordered to leave now."

Seungri's eyes widen and he tries to remember to breathe. Everything around him is moving oddly in a slow pace. Its as if time has been frozen and its slowly melting, slowly regaining the time that was lost.

Breathe in. Breathe out.

Seungri can only barely recognize Youngbae pulling Jiyong up and dangled across his shoulders as the rest of the partygoers carry on with themselves. No one seems to notice. Seungri slowly watches as Youngbae calls a cab and leaves the club with his best friend to accompany him home.

Seungri is too deeply shocked in this frozen time frame. He can't move.

There's someone out there who Seungri knows and went out of his or her way to dig into Seungri's secrets.

There's someone attacking Seungri from inside his own core group of friends.

There's only one person besides Jiyong who could look deeply into Seungri's soul like this.

Seungri's heart shatters and breaks later that night.


A/N: triple update on its way~

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Chapter 15: Wow I just can't n don't want to imagine this happening for real
Chapter 15: I had forgot this ff and then I read it and remembered it it's so well writed but I still hate it
Chapter 15: This is so bad if it happened for real. I would be okay if it was a fake marriages but these two fools themselves and the woman who love them. The fact that stuff like this happened in real life
Chapter 15: It’s brave of me to read this and go through with it up to ending. I’m not really a fan of the plot and of lavender marriages but the narrative is lovely. Thank you!
Vett01 #5
Chapter 15: I really hope this doesn't happen in real life. That they have to settle for something less because the public can't accept nyongtory