
Patterned Souls

AN: Sorry for the last AN. xDD And thank you for the comments :D Umm.. I don't really have anything to say, enjoy this chapter :D There might be a lot of typos, my fingers are cold and it's harder to type like that T.T 

Love ya, 


Kibum's P.O.V.

Since it was still pretty early, I ended up dozing off in the car. It was comfortable, and everything smelled of Jonghyun. I really loved his scent. It calmed me down and made me feel safe.. 

I woke up to my mate gently shaking my shoulders. I opened my eyes slowly and blinked up at him sleepy.

'Sorry to wake you up, love, but we are here..' he said. I giggled as I stretched like a cat and hugged him tightly. After that, I opened the door and got out of the car. I gasped. We were at the beach 

The sky seemed much bluer than last time I had been here and the sand looked soft.. The clouds looked like various animals and I couldn't help but giggle when I found one that looked like a puppy. 'Oh god Jongie, this is perfect. 'I squealed and pulled him out of the car so I could hug him to death. 

He chuckled softly as he rubbed my back gently. 'I'm glad you like it love.. I wasn't sure if you'd like this, but I guess you do like coming here..'he said. I nodded as I buried my head into his shoulder and let out a content sigh. Everything was perfect.. Too perfect.. Seriously, I was waiting to wake up from this beautiful dream and find myself mateless and miserable again. But deep down I knew that I won't wake up from this dream. 

Jonghyun kissed the top of my head and then pulled away, but only until he got hold of my hand. He grabbed our bags and closed the door.Then, he locked the car and we started walking to the sea slowly. I smiled as the smell of salt grew stronger and stronger. I really loved that smell, I don't really know why though. 

Jonghyun led me to some deck chairs. He put our bags on the table that was next to them. We both sat down. Luckily, some shade was provided by a huge parasol. It was really cute because it was yellow. It made me think of Taemin.. 'I wonder how he is..' I thought as I put my legs on the chair. It wasn't too hot, but my skinny jeans were still too warm for this weather. I was really hot.. 

Jonghyun must have noticed because he looked at me with worried puppy eyes.

'What's the problem, love?' he asked me as he got up and bent down so out faces were really close. I sighed softly and gave him a small peck on the lips before making  whining sound.

'My skinnies my look cool and all but I'm really hot Jongie..' I complained. He ruffled my hair gently and pulled away.

'Hmm.. wanna go and shop for some shorts? I'll buy it for you baby, I should have told you where we're going..' he said and looked at me with a guilty expression on his face.

'I can buy it for myself Jongie, but it would be nice..' I smiled at him and stood up.

'We'll see, love..' He said as he picked our bags up and grabbed my hand. Soon, we were walking back to the car. We both sit in and sped towards the nearest town. Our town was a bit further away from the beach, that's why I could sleep a lot in the car probably. But still, it was only about ten or eleven a clock. I didn't really bother to look at the clock since my parents wouldn't be there to scold me if I came home late. 'When they come home, they won't even notice that I have a mate..' I sighed as I looked out the window. Soon, we arrived to the town. 

A few minutes later, we were at the mall. I ran off towards my favorite shop and Jonghyun followed me like an obedient puppy. I smiled at the thought of him being a real puppy. I walked into the shop and spotted a really nice looking T-shirt. I slapped myself mentally, I was looking for a pair of shorts, not a T-shirt. 

But Jonghyun had already noticed that I liked the T-shirt and he picked it up. 'Why don't you try this on?' he asked with a small smirk. I rolled my eyes, though his kindness really made me happy. But still, even after knowing me for only a short time, he really knew what I liked.. Maybe it was just a mate's instinct to know what the other liked or disliked.. 

'Ok, I will. But I am only buying a pair of short..' I reminded him. The T-shirt was really nice though, it was a dark blue color with some cartoon character that was really cute. He chuckled and we walked to the pants' section. I looked at several pairs of shorts, not wanting to buy an ugly one, but I didn't want it to be too expensive. The money my parents had left me while they were on a vacation wasn't too much and I was running out of it soon. Finally, I noticed a light pair of jeans shorts that looked nice and it wasn't even expensive. 

Jonghyun grinned to himself like an idiot but I didn't really know why. Soon, we went to the changing room and I changed quickly. I didn't want to waste a lot of time of our date, I was sure that his parents were waiting for him at home. 

I walked out of the changing room, feeling a bit embarrassed when I felt his eyes on me. He grinned at me and pulled me into his arms.

'You look fantastic, baby..'he said and kissed me gently. Sadly, he pulled away too soon. 'Change back and we'll buy this..' he said. I pouted. i knew that I looked great in the T-shirt but I really didn't want to waste any more money. So after I changed, I walked to put it back where it belonged with a sad pout.

Jonghyun placed his hand on mine though. 'You might not be buying this, but I'll buy it for you, along with the shorts..'I rolled my eyes, but I knew that he wouldn't give up until he could buy both. I just didn't want him to spoil me..

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I think I was a bit evil at the end of the last chapter^^ That cliffhanger wasn't even planned xD I am going to update in a few hours^^


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Chapter 12: So u will cont rite?! I LOVE IT ALOTTT
Chapter 12: Aww i missed this ball of fluffles XD
Great storie so far !!
Chapter 11: Reread it agin~ = it's awesomeeeeeeeee= PLSSSSS CON THIS N OF COURSE THE NEW ONE HAHAH
Should cont this one!! Plsssss
Chapter 11: Sorry for unsbscribe
Chapter 11: So cute!!!! :3
Chapter 11: Awww this is so cute <3 Please update soon
snowangel245 #9
Chapter 11: aww 2min is soo cute i mean who doesn't love a dose of 2min from time to time thnx for update :)