Ohmygosh! I HAVE A MATE!

Patterned Souls

AN: I got many nice comments, thank you guys x333 I am trying to update often but school will be school.. It slows me down T.T

BTW: IMPORTANT THING: Someone sent a Soul Pattern for Onew.. I'd add him into the story, but I what I know is that many times he is paired up with Lee Joon.. Anyone wants to read Joonew in this story? 

Taemin's P.O.V.


Oh my god. It was really him. I was held in a pair of strong arms tightly, but soon I could feel his lips crash onto mine. My eyes closed as I kissed back, my hands wrapping around his neck. I've seen him in my dream and now he was here, holding me, kissing me. He was real. As he pulled away, he looked into my eyes intently. I could see love and adoration in his eyes. I blushed softly and lifted my wrist up to show him my Soul Pattern. I opened my mouth but I couldn't find my voice.

'My name is Choi Minho. It's nice to finally meet you.' He said as he kissed the back of my hand, and then he kissed my Soul Pattern as well. Oh My God, he was so sweet. I could feel another blush creep onto my face and I looked away, trying to hide my face with my hair. 

'I am Lee Taemin.. ' I mumbled, extremely embarrassed of myself. He chuckled and ruffled my hair. I pouted and glared at him. I really hated if people touched my hair. Umma always did it when we were younger but then both of us started to care more about out appearance. So yeah, he stopped bothering my hair and I didn't paint his nails when he was asleep. So yeah, we had an agreement. 

Minho kissed me again, this time it was a bit more passionate than the previous, sweet kiss. I responded to the kiss eagerly. After waiting for so many years, finally I had my mate. And on the same day as Umma. I giggled into the kiss, making Minho smile. After a while, he pulled away. I was a bit breathless, but I just HAD to text Umma about what happened. He had to know it. 

'Umm... Sorry but I have to text Umma..' I mumbled shyly. He just laughed and let me go. I pouted but I knew that at first I had to find my phone and I couldn't so it in my mate's arms.

Soon, I found it. I quickly typed how lucky I was and that he had to call me when I was home. The I went back into Minho's arms. He laughed as he petted my head.

'So, where do you live?' he asked me. 'I think it would be my duty to walk my mate home.' he said and I giggled softly, nodding.

'I live only a few houses away, you don't have to if you don't want to.' I mumbled as I laid my head on his broad chest. He lifted my head up and rolled his eyes.

'And if you get hurt, then I'll be the one who'll feel guilty. Who knows what kind of random people would grab you...' I looked at him for a few moments, then burst out laughing. He looked at me like I was crazy. 'What?!'

'You grabbed me randomly too!' I giggled. He rolled his eyes as he gave me a quick peck on the lips.

'I am your mate. I can 'grab you randomly.' he said.

'I guess..' I said.

He took my hand and once again asked for the directions of my house. I told him and soon we were walking there, hand in hand, talking to each other quietly. He was 7 years older than me but he had stopped aging, so he looked (and technically was) only one or two years older than me, so it didn't really matter. I told him about how much I liked dancing ( mostly with Umma, but I haven't told him about him yet) and he told me that he liked playing basketball. Soon, we were at my house. I asked him if he wanted to come in, but sadly he had to go home. I pouted but kissed his cheek shyly. He asked for my phone number and I told him. He took a photo of me to set it as a background or whatever, then kissed my forehead. After staring at me for a few seconds, he turned his back to me, and  started walking away slowly I stared at him as he walked in a slow pace, sometimes looking back at me. And when I couldn't see him anymore , I squealed loudly.. I HAD A MATE!

Kibum's P.O.V.

After talking to Jonghyun on the phone, I noticed that I had an unread text message. I opened it and gasped but soon I felt a grin creep up onto my face.

To: Umma

From: Minnie

UMMA! I found him! I mean he found me! Ohmygosh! Call me soooon~

Hoping that he was home now, I dialed his number. He didn't even let it ring as he picked it up almost immediately.

'UMMA!' he squealed into the phone, making me cringe away a bit.

'Minnie, don't squeal, you are making me deaf..' I mumbled. 'SO, what happened?' I asked him before he could apologize or anything. I wanted to know every little details. Minnie met his mate the same day I did, it was almost unbelievable. 

'Well.. I was walking home on the same route as always, listening to music and everything. And then.. and then he just hugged me suddenly.' he explained and I couldn't help but let out a (soft) squeal of excitement. 

'I am so happy for you!' I said, and then the both of us started laughing. I wasn't even sure now. Maybe it was the stress from being unmated suddenly disappearing, maybe it was just plain craziness. But we were laughing until we were both gasping for air. 

'So, Umma.. I am happy and you are happy too, and it's even better and...' he rambled after we could finally speak. Yes, I was happy too.

'Yes Minnie, today was.. the best day ever..' I giggled. 'By the way, I am going out with Jonghyun tomorrow. Wish me luck!' I told him. He giggled softly.

'Umma, you don't need luck, he loves you a lot..' he told. I knew that he was sort of right. But people always needed luck, didn't they?

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I think I was a bit evil at the end of the last chapter^^ That cliffhanger wasn't even planned xD I am going to update in a few hours^^


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Chapter 12: So u will cont rite?! I LOVE IT ALOTTT
Chapter 12: Aww i missed this ball of fluffles XD
Great storie so far !!
Chapter 11: Reread it agin~ = it's awesomeeeeeeeee= PLSSSSS CON THIS N OF COURSE THE NEW ONE HAHAH
Should cont this one!! Plsssss
Chapter 11: Sorry for unsbscribe
Chapter 11: So cute!!!! :3
Chapter 11: Awww this is so cute <3 Please update soon
snowangel245 #9
Chapter 11: aww 2min is soo cute i mean who doesn't love a dose of 2min from time to time thnx for update :)