Dreams, Nightmares and Reality

Patterned Souls

AN: Soo.. Some people wanted 2min.. I was actually planning it, hece the tag. So. I choose a pattern, but I gonna use the others too, don't worry. Umm.. so some 2min is coming up now, but the JongKey won't be ignored either..

Oh, and if you haven't yet, please check out my newest fanfic A not so forbidden love :3 Thank you..

Love ya, 


​Taemin's Soul Pattern:


Taemin's P.O.V.


After having my last class, I started walking home as well slowly. As always, I had my IPod in shuffle and I was listening to my favorite music as I walked. I really enjoyed when the only thing I could hear was my favorite band, or just any type of music. Sometimes, I would arrive home and start dancing along the music, but I was always careful enough to not to dance in the streets. It was dangerous.. 

As I was walking I started to feel something strange on my wrist where my Soul Pattern was. It was tingling but almost like it was just a bit itchy at first. I shrugged it off, humming to myself as the music continued to flow through my earphones. But the tingling was soon stronger and stronger and soon it was like I was being pulled by my Soul Pattern to somewhere. I decided to follow it since there was a chance of feeling my soul mate. My heartbeat picked up as I quickened my footsteps and practically ran towards the direction of the pull. When I got there, my heart seemed to stop. Someone was standing there, looking directly at me. I took a few shaky steps towards them, my Soul Pattern tingling even more. I reached out with my hand in their direction. I could see them now. It was a tall man with short, dark hair. His eyes were huge and frog-like but they were captivating as well. 

He seemed to reach out for me as well, a smile creeping onto his lips. I took another step towards him, and only then did I notice that he was walking towards me as well. I could feel his touch on my fingertips, but suddenly he turned back and ran off. 'NO!' I yelled, but I couldn't find my voice.. I fell on my knees as everything around me changed and I was enveloped by darkness.

'Hey..Are you Ok?' I heard someone ask me faintly. I opened my eyes slowly. It was one of my classmates. I blushed deeply when I realized that I had fallen asleep and had a really bad nightmare. I guess almost everyone had gone home by now.

'Why were you here?' I asked the tall, brown haired girl. She shrugged as she giggled softly, mumbling 'cuute'.

'Well, I have some afternoon classes and they'll be here, and I just saw you..' she told me. I nodded, I guess she was telling the truth. 

'Thank you for waking me up.' I smiled at her, making her giggle. Sometimes I hated being this cute. As I gathered my stuff, I remembered to plug my earphones into my ears and start my favorite song. I waved at her and started walking home slowly. I wished that the stranger in my dream was truly my mate and that I would meet him soon. I really wanted someone to hold me now. Seeing Umma and Jonghyun-hyung should have made me happy and still, here I was pouting, because I was jealous of my Umma. I hated being jealous though, because I knew that I shouldn't be. But as I reached a familiar street, I could feel my Soul Pattern tingle again. And this time, it was real. Suddenly, I was pulled into a pair of extremely strong arms. I didn't even have to look to know that it was him. 

Kibum's P.O.V.

After Jonghyun went home, I walked into my house. As usually, it was empty. I hated how my parents always left me at home, even though right now I was still much happier than any time before. I had exchanged telephone numbers with Jonghyun and he told me that he would call me once he got home. So until then, I decided to occupy myself by trying to master a new set of dance moves. It was pretty hard but I wanted to dance for Jonghyun, and even if my leg hurt, I was motivated, because he would be proud of my when he saw me dance, and that was all I wanted,

I put on some music and put my phone on a chair. I started practicing the moves I had memorized before, to warm up at first. I did some strethes as well and after that, I looked at the video again, trying to understand how the dancers moved. When I finally got it, I started copying their moves slowly. It was hard at first but soon my leg didn't hurt and I was going well. Soon, the extremely loud sound of my ringtone interrupted me. I ran towards the chair as I turned the music down and picked the phone up. As I thought, it was Jonghyun. 

'Hello Love..' he greeted me, making me blush as always.

'Hi Jongie.' I giggled softly, even his voice was making me warm inside. I was really happy to have him. 

'I already miss you..' I could hear his pout in his voice and it made me giggle again. Though I had to admit that I missed him as well. 

'I miss you too..' I said and he chuckled softly.

'Can I pick you up tomorrow morning?' he asked me. I narrowed my eyes, the next day was a Saturday, so we wouldn't have school at all that day, of course.

'Jongie, we don't have school tomorrow..' I told him as I sat on the chair, playing with my bracelet. He laughed into the phone softly.

'Love, I know it. I was trying to ask you out..' he said, and I blushed deeply again. He wanted to go on a date. I couldn't have been happier.

'O..of course you can pick me up..' I whispered and I grinned.. I really loved my mate.'But where are we going?' I asked him curiously.

'Love, it's a surprise..'I pouted.. I wanted to know where we were going, but I knew that he wouldn't tell me yet.

'Ok..' I giggled softly. 'Thanks for calling..' I mumbled, I didn't really know what to say to him at that moment.

'I have to go now, Love. I will pick you up at ten, Ok?' he asked me and I mumbled a 'yes'.'Okay then.. Bye, I love you..' he said.

'I love you too..' I whispered as we both hung up. 'I really love him..' I whispered as a few happy tears rolled down my cheeks. I was happy finally. So happy that I felt like I was living a dream..


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I think I was a bit evil at the end of the last chapter^^ That cliffhanger wasn't even planned xD I am going to update in a few hours^^


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Chapter 12: So u will cont rite?! I LOVE IT ALOTTT
Chapter 12: Aww i missed this ball of fluffles XD
Great storie so far !!
Chapter 11: Reread it agin~ = it's awesomeeeeeeeee= PLSSSSS CON THIS N OF COURSE THE NEW ONE HAHAH
Should cont this one!! Plsssss
Chapter 11: Sorry for unsbscribe
Chapter 11: So cute!!!! :3
Chapter 11: Awww this is so cute <3 Please update soon
snowangel245 #9
Chapter 11: aww 2min is soo cute i mean who doesn't love a dose of 2min from time to time thnx for update :)