An eventful morning

Patterned Souls

AN: T.T I am torn T.T I wasn't really sure about Joonew in the beginning cause yeah, but I got more votes for Joonew than for no-Joonew (Ok this didn't make any sense but you know what I mean, don't you?) So yeah, I will decide soon.. I just don't want anyone be unhappy with the pairings in the fic because  this fic is really important to me and I am already disappointed (sort of) that even though I think that this is my best fic, this isn't even half as popular as my 2 most popular ones , while I think those two are sort of fails *pouts* So yeah, I just don't want anyone hate this fanfic T.T I guess I'll leave Onew alone for a while.. Ok this sounded rude xD

Kibum's P.O.V.

That night, I fell asleep with a huge smile on my face. I was really happy, even though I was still a bit insecure.. I wasn't really sure if I deserved Jonghyun.. But still, I finally met my mate, and he was.. perfect.. When he held me, I could forget about everything that bothered me. I loved him, and I knew that he loved me.. He was so caring towards me, even though that right now he wasn't here with me, I could almost hear him humming into my ear so I could fall asleep.

In the morning, I woke up to someone  banging very loudly on the front door. I opened my eyes and looked around my room lazily. Then I realized that I must have slept in and Jonghyun was there to pick me up. I got out of my bed with a pout on my lips. I had such a great dream. Sighing softly, I walked downstairs and opened the door. As I predicted, my mate was there in the door, grinning at me. He was holding a bouquet of beautiful flowers. I blushed deeply as he gave them to me and then he leant in to kiss me gently.

'Good Morning, love..' he said. I smiled at him and told him to follow me into the kitchen so I could put the flowers in a vase.. He followed me and I could feel his eyes on my bottom side. I blushed deeply as I realized that I was still wearing my pajamas which consisted of a pair of really short shorts and a loose T-shirt. I squeaked and almost dropped the flowers onto the table as I darted upstairs to change. Even as I shut the door behind me, I could hear my mate's laugh.

I quickly changed into a pair of skinny jeans and a light-colored T-shirt. I looked for a necklace (with my usual key-shaped pendant) and after I managed to style my hair, I walked downstairs. All the sleepiness had been drained from me and now all I could feel was embarrassment.

Jonghyun was waiting for me in the kitchen, sitting on a chair. I walked to him and hugged him tightly, hiding my still flaming cheeks in his chest. He just chuckled softly as he kissed the top of my head and held me in his protective embrace.

'You are adorable, love..'he whispered. I rolled my eyes as I hit his shoulder playfully.

'I am not. And right now I would like to sink underground and disappear..' I mumbled. 'I was really sleepy you know and then I heard you banging on the door and I ran 'cause I was scared that you'd leave. Plus I missed you.' I said, as I giggled softly. I had to admit to myself that I must have been a funny sight.

'I missed you too, love but you were seriously too cute..' he said as he pecked me on the lips gently. I blushed once again, but deep down I was glad that he found me cute. It's not like he should have found me manly or strong or anything, since I wasn't any of them. I knew that I was sort of feminine and I had some cuteness deep down in my personality.

'Thanks I guess..'I mumbled as I once again buried my head in his chest, inhaling his scent. The fact that he was here with me made me extremely happy and safe..

'You're welcome, love..' he whispered as he kissed the top of my head gently. 'So, wanna go out now?' he asked me as he was still holding me tightly to his chest. I nodded into his chest. He chuckled softly as he caressed my hair gently.

'What?' I asked him.

'Nothing.. You are just cute..' he said. I blushed again, but smiled softly.

'Oh, guess what?!' I started as I finally remembered why I had been so happy after Taemin's text. 'Minnie had found his mate too. Well he said it was his mate who found him, but whatever. He was soo happy..'I giggled softly.

'I am happy for the kid. He seemed so down yesterday when you told him that you'd come home with me..' he said. I nodded, I felt a bit guilty, though this way Taemin finally met the person that he was destined to be with. Just like me.

'You know it's sorta funny.. He is my best friend, well more like my 'son'. And we found our mates on the same day..' I said.

'It sure is.. But I think we should be just happy that things turned out like this..' he said, I nodded and kissed his cheek timidly. 'Let's go now, love. We are going to have our first date today.' he told me as he very gently pushed me off himself but only until he stood up. The next moment, he was holding my hand tightly in his.

'Okay.. Let's go..' I smiled at him brightly, really excited about out date. My heart was racing even at the thought of the fact that my mate was taking me out somewhere.

'You seem excited..' Jonghyun chuckled as he lead me to his car after I locked the door. I nodded, giggling. He opened my door and I blushed softly as I got in the car. My leg wasn't hurting anymore, and I was really happy because of it. I was sure that Jonghyun wouldn't worry that much about me now that it was Ok.

'I am. This is my first date with my mate..'I giggled softly as I kissed his cheek. 'I've been waiting for this for a long time. I almost dreamt of finally meeting my mate but since I haven't stopped aging yet I was sure that I'd have to wait a bit more. And then BAM you walked into the classroom..' I rambled. He ruffled my hair gently as he laughed again.

'I am excited too, love. I've been waiting to meet you too..' he said as he started his car. Soon, we were driving towards out destination.. I was sure that our date was going to be perfect.

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I think I was a bit evil at the end of the last chapter^^ That cliffhanger wasn't even planned xD I am going to update in a few hours^^


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Chapter 12: So u will cont rite?! I LOVE IT ALOTTT
Chapter 12: Aww i missed this ball of fluffles XD
Great storie so far !!
Chapter 11: Reread it agin~ = it's awesomeeeeeeeee= PLSSSSS CON THIS N OF COURSE THE NEW ONE HAHAH
Should cont this one!! Plsssss
Chapter 11: Sorry for unsbscribe
Chapter 11: So cute!!!! :3
Chapter 11: Awww this is so cute <3 Please update soon
snowangel245 #9
Chapter 11: aww 2min is soo cute i mean who doesn't love a dose of 2min from time to time thnx for update :)