'Get out of my seat!'

Patterned Souls

AN: Oooh~ Guuuys. I inspired someone *.* *does a little happy dance* Bound by Strings by almightyYimmie was inspired by this fanfic^^ I am sure it's gonna be great (I would love it even if it wasn't inspired by me), so check it out~ Or my evil pink fairy villians are going to find you and.. I don't what they'll do(they won't do anything^^) but check it out anyway :P

Love ya, 


PS: Read the 'AN' at the bottom ^^

Kibum's P.O.V.

The break flew by as I was sitting on Jonghyun's lap once again, his hands tightly wrapped around my waist. I felt so happy and so safe that I never wanted to leave him. Even though sometimes I said that I didn't want to find my mate because I wasn't worth of anyone loving me, but now that I was in my mates arms, him protecting me from anything, I knew that I couldnt have been more stupid before. Having a mate was the best thing in the world. And for that time, I felt like I was worth it. I deserved him.. 

But I was still worried about something. The first period had passed, and he wasn't here yet. I was used to him being late because he always slept in, but seriously? For a whole period? I really hoped that he ​was alright. I stood up and walked to the window, Jonghyun following me immediately. I giggled as he reached to steady me once again, even though my leg wasn't hurting right now. I sighed worriedly. 

'What's the problem, love?' he asked me as he pulled me close as we both stared out of the window.

'My best friend is late again. But something might have happened to him..' I mumbled softly. Jonghyun ran a hand through his hair and sighed as he kissed my temple gently.

'Love, I'm sure he is alright. Maybe he just slept it., and since the break was over, we went back to our seats. I had just realized that Jonghyun had taken up his ​seat, but I was sure that he ​would understand it.

And minutes before the teacher arrived, the tallish boy who was my only friend in the whole school ran in. He had skipped a grade before, so he was in almost all of my classes. 

He skipped to his seat with a huge grin, but then he seemed that Jonghyun was sitting in his seat. I couldn't help but giggle at the 'scary' expression on his face.

'You~ Why did you sit here?! This is my seat!' he puffed out his cheeks as he glared at Jonghyun. But before either of us could have said anything he was trying to push Jonghyun out of his seat. We looked at each other and when I started to giggle softly, Jonghyun broke out laughing at his ​attempt to push him out of the chair. 

'Minnie..' I started and he looked up at me, still trying to push Jonghyun out of the chair. 'Minnie, stop.' I told him, and he nodded quickly, looking away.

'Sorry, Umma..' he mumbled softly as he went to the seat behind us. He mumbled something like 'he has a new best friend' under his breath sadly, which made me chuckle again. He pouted cutely and I pinched his cheek with a smirk.'Umma~' he wailed.

'Minnie, if you'd let me explain, I'd tell you that finally I had found my mate. Ok, actually it was him who found me. 'I beamed at Taemin who blinked and then beamed back at me,

'Umma~ I am so happy for you~' he squealed as he jumped up and ran to hug me tightly. I sighed softly and returned his hug. 'Sorry for acting like this umm..' Taemin started.

'Jonghyun. I am Kim Jonghyun.' Jonghyun said as he once again pulled me onto his lap. 

We wanted to chat a bit more but sadly the teacher entered the classroom. I had absolutely hated this class. The teacher was really old and she hated me for some unknown reason so this was hell for me. Also, I wasn't too good at Math. 

'Lee Taemin, why aren't you sitting in your own seat? And who are you?' she asked Taemin and Jonghyun and I winced, knowing that she was going to blame me again. She seemed to love Taemin, so she only scolded him lightly when he was talking to me. 

'I am Kim Jonghyun, Ma'am. I am Kibum's mate.' Jonghyun introduced himself with a huge grin. I felt proud as well, since he was my ​mate.'

'Oh, are you sure?' she grimaced, looking at me with sheer disgust. Jonghyun nodded confidently, a small smirk creeping onto his lips. 'I pity you. That kid doesn't even know anything.' she rolled her eyes and I could feel the familiar stinging in my eyes. I hated for being such a crybaby, but I still cried at almost everything.

'Could you please not insult my mate, Ma'am?' Jonghyun asked her. I was fighting my tears again, I really hated being like this. Jonghyun took my hand and squeezed it to comfort me, even if it was just a small gesture it helped a lot. 

'Tch, I wasn't insulting him, I was telling the truth..' she said. I looked away, pretending to be strong. Jonghyun squeezed my hand again, and I couldn't helo but smile softly. 

'Leave it Jongie..' I whispered softly, and Jonghyun nodded a bit. I quickly wiped the remainder of  my tears away and put on a fake smile. My day had been completely ruined. 

The teacher continued to pick on me at every chance she got. She would insult me or call me out to solve an equation. They were fairly easy, but even though my leg wasn't hurting at the moment, I still couldn't really walk without limping a bit. I cursed myself for not noticing how serious that fall had been earlier.

After a very long and painful class, the teacher finally left the classroom. Without saying anything, Jonghyun pulled me into his strong arms. I leant my head on his chest and inhaled his scent. His hug had already calmed me. Taemin was looking at me sadly. 

'I'm so sorry about what's she doing to you, Umma. You hadn't even done anything..' he mumbled as he pouted cutely. I giggled softly, turning back to him.

'Minnie, it's not your fault. 'I told him and Jonghyun nodded. He was still hugging me from the back. I guess he liked being close to me as much as I liked being close to him. 

Taemin nodded a bit and then he was grinning at us brightly. 'I am so glad that you have someone now, Umma~' he sang, giggling softly. But I could see the pain in his eyes. He wished that he had someone as well. I wished it too, I hated seeing my 'son' this sad. So I just prayed that his mate would find him soon. I had a feeling that they would meet soon though, which made me glad..

Sooo: Any idea for Taemin's Soul Pattern? I'm trying to find a nice pic but I'm not sure if I'll find one^^

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I think I was a bit evil at the end of the last chapter^^ That cliffhanger wasn't even planned xD I am going to update in a few hours^^


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Chapter 12: So u will cont rite?! I LOVE IT ALOTTT
Chapter 12: Aww i missed this ball of fluffles XD
Great storie so far !!
Chapter 11: Reread it agin~ = it's awesomeeeeeeeee= PLSSSSS CON THIS N OF COURSE THE NEW ONE HAHAH
Should cont this one!! Plsssss
Chapter 11: Sorry for unsbscribe
Chapter 11: So cute!!!! :3
Chapter 11: Awww this is so cute <3 Please update soon
snowangel245 #9
Chapter 11: aww 2min is soo cute i mean who doesn't love a dose of 2min from time to time thnx for update :)