Michelangelo, a new family member

Dating Park Chanyeol


I had to make a big effort to stop replying to Chanyeol’s messages during class because he was cute and all but I didn’t plan on becoming a trophy wife, so I needed to do well in college.

He would still call me sometimes at night to chat until I fell asleep. I would like to call him, too, but I had stopped trying to after the 5th time he couldn’t answer his phone because he was busy.

I asked him once if his manager got mad because of what almost happened the other day in the van. And I regret asking him immediately after when he answered “What almost happened the other day in the van?” I stuttered until he pitied my embarrassed self enough to change the subject directing it to a funny story about Xiumin’s getting stuck in a bathroom until Luhan came looking for him before a performance, or how D.O. was caught in a it-is-not-what-it-looks-like position with Lay when he was trying to help him stretch and Lay ended up being way more flexible than expected.

One thing was sure: Chanyeol always managed to make my day better.

The next Monday I was going grocery shopping with Min Young. I hadn’t seen him in a week because of his busy schedule and he hadn’t texted me since yesterday.

Min Young and I liked going to the super market together. It was located in the middle of the distances that separated both of our houses so we would meet up there just to enjoy each other’s company while we wandered around the stuffed aisles.

“I’m telling you, you should go out with Kibum, you make a beautiful couple!” I told her after we managed to stop laughing at a joke Min Young had told me and Kibum had told her. The joke went something like: I want to die peacefully in my sleep like my grandfather, not screaming in terror like his passengers. I know, it is not actually that funny but we were on a giggly mood that day.

“Oh, shut up. We would be awful together! We are just friends and I doubt I can see him otherw-” the beep of my phone signaling a new message interrupted her.

“Sorry… It’s from a high school friend.” I took out my phone and read the message from Chanyeol in my mind. ‘Where are you?’

To: Chanyeol

I’m in the super market. Why do you ask?

Min Young got distracted with the wide selection of toothbrushes the place had to offer.

From: Chanyeol

For nothing, I was just wondering :)

Mmmm…. Ok!

I was about to reply something to continue the conversation when Min Young called me.

“Abi! How do they expect me to choose between pink stick with yellow brushes and white stick with pink brushes? Are they mad?” The girl could get really confusing and unbelievable plastic at times, but I guess all of us girls we have our weak points. And Min Young’s was toothbrushes…


From: Chanyeol

I pee myself and wet my pants every night.

What? My God, I guess Minnie wasn’t the only weirdo around me. I suddenly got an idea and walked to one of the aisles we had previously ignored since there was nothing for us to buy there. It took me only a few seconds before I found what I was looking for. I held my phone in front of me and took a picture of the diapers on the shelf. “With a special soft and elastic fabric that allows the baby to move protecting his small s during his sleep” could be read in the package. I sent it to Chanyeol and went back to meet my friend.

“What were you doing in the babies’ section? OMG, are you pregnant?” Min Young asked joking. “Oh, I didn’t even know you had a boyfriend! Or maybe you don’t and it was only a one-night stand and what are you going to do if your pa-”

“It’s time for you to stop sticking those toothbrushes up in your nose at home, Minnie. It’s damaging your brain.” I cut her in the middle of her senseless aside, patting his shoulder like a worried mom.

After we choose the fruits and vegetables we wanted to eat, and some of the ones we forced each other to take home because they were tastelessly healthy, we pushed our caddies in the direction of the cash registers near the front doors.

Min Young started pull out all the things she was buying for the lady to check them when I heard my phone ring. I took a few steps away from the place after seeing who was calling. I clicked on the green button and put the phone against my ear. Chanyeol’s voice never failed on making my legs feel a little weak.

“What’s up, oppa! Where are you?”

“I’m on the van. You’re still on the super market?” I heard him raise his voice to make sure I could listen even if a couple of people seemed to be dying from laughter in the background.

“Yeah, do you want me to buy you the diapers?” I said as a joke.

“Hahaha, about that… I’m sorry. I can’t leave my phone alone near the maknae because his evil side overflows immediately.” I could tell the people in the van with Chanyeol cried even louder after listening him apologize.

“Oh my God, I love that noona…” Sehun said probably weeping his tears.

“Don’t worry. Nothing he says can make me think you’re weirder than what I already do…”

“Yah! What are you trying to say?” Chanyeol complained. “Ugh, only you would send a picture like that one.” At the mention of the picture the people in the van shouted and laughed hysterically, even more than before if that was possible. I giggled to myself imagining the scene.

“Anyways, Channie. I thought Manager didn’t allow you and Baekhyun to talk in the van after you woke him up for the nth time 3 days ago…” And it was true, that’s the reason we would preferably text each other instead of talking on the phone when he was moving from an appointment to the other.

But Chanyeol didn’t answer.


“Ye-yes. Sorry. You called me what?” he said the last part whispering so it was almost impossible for me to hear. “Oh, the van… well, he doesn’t mind me talking when he has to deal with Sehun and Baekhyun laughing their asses off.”

I looked to see how Min Young was doing and she was almost done with her things.

“Oppa, I have to go. Call me soon again! And I recommend you stop drinking water 2 hours before going to sleep.” I hang up before he could protest.

I went next to my best friend and started taking out the things from the caddie and placing them in sight of the woman wearing the green uniform.

“So, now your high school friends call you? It must be expensive considering you’re in Korea.” Min Young looked at me with a half smile on her face and her eyebrows lifted. Her tone of voice was more playful than prying, though.

“No, of course not.” I said as if it was more than obvious that I wasn’t talking with my high school friends 3 minutes ago. “It was… the postman.” If she hadn’t been in that mood when everything seems funny she would have slapped me with the bag full of carrots she had in her hands for trying to fool her with such a poor excuse.

“I swear you’re going to end up dating that postman… I have to meet him before that, though. Because best friends don’t hide someone they like from each other, right?” She said with a smile waiting for me to pay for my food and put it in the bag I had brought with me from home.

“Yeah, sure.” Crap.


I went to leave the heavy bag at home before meeting with my friends in the park to have hot coffee and probably go bowling at night that day. Mondays were full of bliss because all of us, except from Joon, we had the afternoon free.

I opened the front door of the building with the special very modern key like everything in Korea, and I headed up the stairs. Sweet Jesus, my poor hands were already in agony because of the weight of the shopping bag I was carrying. I finally got to the 5th floor and put the bag on the floor next to my door. I took out the keys from my pocket again and was about to introduce it on the door lock when something next to my feet caught my attention.

I looked down focusing on the little green and red thing that was standing on the floor. I still couldn’t identify the object so I bent down. I took the thing in my hands confused about why it was there. It is a…

“It’s a gift, young lady.” I stood up abruptly and turned around to face my neighbor that seemed to be about to enter her apartment, too. I was too focused on the little thing that was now on my hands to notice her until she spoke. “A tall handsome boy came around an hour ago. Because you weren’t home he rang on my door to ask me if I could let him in so I opened the door downstairs for him. I hope you don’t mind, he seemed like a nice person.” Then I realized she was waiting for me to say something.

“Oh, yes yes don’t worry. Thank you for letting him in.” So, that’s why he asked me were I was, and I guess that’s why Sehun could send the text from his phone that he must have left on the van before coming up. I can’t believe Chanyeol bought me a… cactus.

“You’re boyfriend is very polite and good looking. I’m sure you make a great couple.” The lady smiled. She was wearing comfortable clothes. Her face a little too wrinkly for her age was gentile and her eyes smiled in a lovely way I always admired every time we met and had a little chat. She could be a lonely old woman living with way too many cats to be considered sane but I was glad she was my neighbor. I knew if I ever needed something the sweet woman would help me without a doubt, and I was thankful for that.

“He’s not my boyfriend.” I smiled sheepishly. Then I saw she was carrying a cat cage in her left hand. “Oh, I’m sorry. You were in a hurry?” She followed my eyes and noticed I was looking at the cat cage so she put it in the floor with the grille facing my direction, inviting me to peer inside.

I bent down again and took a look at the ball of fur in the back of the cage, clearly scared to death of being outside the security of his home. I recognized the brown messy fur spotted with a few more light brown patches of hair.

“Awww, what happened to you, Mr. Tyrannosaurus?” I asked the cat.

“He’s not feeling well so I took him to the doctor. The man gave him some medication. He’s going to feel better in a few hours.” The kind lady answered in his place.

Mr. T was my favorite from all the cats my neighbor owned. He was fat but walked with grace. His best friend was Bummie Maru, a delicate persa, and they made a funny yet charismatic playful pair.

“Well, you were a brave cat and I hope you get better soon. Tell Bummie Maru I say hi.” I winked at the cat and gave him a little wave when he raised his head to look at me with less scared and more curious eyes.

I stood up and bowed to the woman. “See you later, ajumma. Thank you again for this.” I grinned showing her the cactus in my hands. I my feet and finally opened the door.

It was not until I had settled all the groceries on the right place and took a better look at my unexpected present that I noticed a little note stuck on one side of the red pot were my new little baby had buried his roots. I took the note and unfolded it:

Happy Birthday, Abi!

I’m sorry I’ve forgotten to give

you your present so many times.

I hope you like it, you can give him a name!


I smiled at the little paper. Chanyeol was so cute. I had forgotten he never gave me my birthday gift after the incident in the van.

I took my son and placed it on the little table next to my bed. He was part of the family now and should be treated the best way possible.

Then I took my phone and sent Chanyeol a message. I would have loved to call him but I didn’t know if he was busy and I didn’t want to disturb him.

To: Chanyeol


I love the birthday present a lot.

I will think of a good name for him

and I’ll let you know the next time

we meet ;)

I took my backpack again and headed to the door. It was already time to meet my friends. I bid my cactus goodbye and closed the door behind me.


And the moment I could tell Chanyeol my cactus name face to face was a week later, when I saw him standing by my door. It was the middle of October and Seoul was cold but pretty, as always. The guy in front of me was wearing something I would call a pajama if it wasn’t because of the lack of embarrassing patterns on the pants. His hair was messy and the smile on his face as shiny as the last time I saw him.

“Thank you for letting me in. I thought you were going to be busy or already sleeping.” He said walking forward when I move aside to let him come in. My pajamas betrayed me when I tried to tell him it was ok to come to my house at 11:30pm without a warning, only for this time though. “I’m sorry, really. But this is the only time I had to see you.” I couldn’t stop myself from blushing and I looked away in an attempt for him not to notice.

“Well, so… How are you?” I asked casually avoiding how nervous the fact that Chanyeol was breaking suddenly into my comfortable bubble made me. 5 minutes ago I was brushing my teeth because I was going to bed and now I had to pretend I could rock the girl-with-messy-hair-and-ugly-pajamas look.

“I’m great.” He smiled wider. “But honestly, I’m tired.” He let out a sigh he seemed to have been holding all day long. He sat down on my bed like he was used to do it. “It’s hard to keep myself full of energy and on a good mood all night and day long.” He admitted.

“I seriously don’t know how you do it. I would have been fired ages ago.” I laughed a little and he did the same. I sat on the bed leaving between us around 40 cm.

“I am lucky enough the members are like my family.” I always thought about how hard it must be to live with someone and work with them and eat with them and go through stressful times with them when you didn’t necessarily choose them, like it happens when people get married. I would probably have stabbed half of the members already if I was in that situation. “I like your apartment.”

“Thank you.”

“Oh, before I forget, I brought some movies.” He started searching for them in his bag with excitement.

“I thought I was going to choose the next movie!” I said faking my anger, I actually didn’t care.

“And that’s why I brought 3 different movies for you to choose.” He finally found them and placed them in the bed between us. I could see his eye twitching from the corner of my eye when I settled my sight on the 3 films. “Those 2 I got them from Baekhyun but I thought it wouldn’t be fare if I didn’t include a chick flick or something like that so Kai lent me this one.” He explained. I lifted an eyebrow after the sudden mention of Kai’s passion for movies made specifically for girls. “I mean, Kai asked his sisters to let him borrow the movie.” He said before laughing out loud at what his previous explanation could have made me imagine.

Thanks to Baekhyun I could choose between Saw IV and The Woman In Black. And Easy A was courtesy of Kai’s sisters.

“Well, tell Kai his sisters have nice taste because I already watched Easy A and it’s freaking awesome.” I said putting the little box aside. “Now, I hate Saw. Sorry…” I took the remaining movie box and smiled “So, I guess we’re going to watch The Woman In Black!” he was happy I made my choice and put back the other movies inside his backpack.

5 minutes later we were sitting with our backs against the headboard of my bed. We had pillows placed underneath our lower back to make the sitting position more comfortable and, since the night was a little cold, my duvet was covering us until the knees.

“Oh, I forgot to ask you, are you hungry or thirsty?” I turned to face Chanyeol. Mr Tyrannosaurus could have fit in the distance between us.

“I’m fine, thank you.” He smiled looking back at me and ignoring the few names of companies and producers that appeared on the screen of the tv.

“If you were tired you didn’t have to come, really.”

“I’m fine, Abi. I came because I wanted to. And I should apologize because you are the one that must be tired.” He said a little concerned. In return I punched him softly in the shoulder in an attempt to put the smile back on his face again.

“I’m perfect. Today I didn’t have class during the afternoon because it’s Monday so I took a little nap.” LIES. I don’t usually take naps unless I’m sick or in a confusing state of mind.

Then the actual movie started so we set our attention on Daniel Radcliffe and his cute little son in front of us. But before that, of course we got the pleasure of seeing two rather creepy girls killing themselves.

It didn’t take more than 30 minutes of the film for me to be scared to death. The thing is scary movies can me like a bad comedy or terrifying as . I guess this one was part of the 2nd category for me. It had the perfect combination to make me shiver and bury myself a little deeper in the duvet: way too pale children, an isolated town filled with very few and hostile people, a delusional brave young man, a haunted house, dead way too pale children, a lot of mist, a lack of communication most teenager wouldn’t endure for more than a day, gloomy death scenes of way too pale children and a weather probably colder than the one of that night of the middle of October.

And there I was, with my fist holding tight the surface of the duvet, hugging my legs with my arms, with a scared expression hoping that the dude could go back to the safety of his house to see his sweet child, when suddenly I felt 3 fingers moving like they were playing piano with the skin of my neck.

“AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHh!” I jumped and covered my face with my hands. I let out a few tearless cries before steadying my breath to look up in the direction were the fingers came from. Chanyeol was holding his belly with one hand while hitting his knee with the other, almost lying down from laughter. Me expression became serious.

Time for revenge. I jumped again but this time I did it in his direction. I started tickling him over here and there making him squirm and laugh even harder.

“So you like to scar me, huh? I could have died, oppa!” I continued seeing his eyes get all teary and he tried desperately to cover his stomach to protect himself from my hands.

He finally managed to grab my hands making me stop. We were both panting with a playful expression in our faces. And then I realized how dangerously close we were.

I blushed after I felt my leg trapped somehow between his. He was grabbing my hands near to his chest and my elbows were pressed against his belly to keep my torso away from his. I think I could say I was almost lying over him. My awkward alarm went off. . Abi, do something! He’s going to be so creeped out by me. We did I jump over him? God, I’m so awkward…

His messy hair and his red lips were the last signal I needed to understand I had to get out of that position or I didn’t know what was going to happen. I blushed harder and felt my heart stop for a few seconds. It felt like we remained there for so long, looking at each other. I shook my head trying to shut the thousands of thoughts that were on my mind, they were so loud that I couldn’t understand what they were saying. It was the loudest silence I’ve ever heard. In a last attempt to avoid doing something I might regret later I pulled myself away from him.

But he grabbed me again, this time by the shoulders and twisted both of ourselves with a fast move. I was now lying on the bed and he was on top of me. He moved his hands from my shoulders to rest his arms on the mattress beneath me, on both sides of my face. I couldn’t breathe, I couldn’t think.

And then he crashed his lips against mines. No previous shy leaning, no teasing with his nose. I could feel his warm lips and their sweet taste. He started moving them slowly. I responded absent mindlessly, letting myself drown in the sea of sensations that simply touch was making me feel.

His tongue gently rubbed my lower lip and I opened my mouth a little bit. He deepened the kiss and my hand travelled from the mattress, through his chest, passing by his neck and arriving to his hair. He broke up the contact between our lips to look at me and I opened my eyes, that I didn’t remember closing, to look back. His eyes were dark but shining in a peculiar way. He made me feel safe, nervous and very special. The moment last just an instant before we started kissing again.

I could feel him smile in the middle of it and the butterflies in my stomach danced even more passionately.

I was half conscious of everything that was happening in that moment, yet I know I would always remember it, every single detail. Chanyeol’s kisses were like a warm chocolate with white marshmallows on top in the middle of a snow storm. He was beautiful, more beautiful than anything I’ve seen ever in my life.


We were again sitting with our backs against the headboard. This time we were next to each other and he had his left arm over my shoulders. We had to rewind the movie to the part we were at before we stopped paying attention to it. To my surprise, Chanyeol didn’t even know what scene was playing when he scared me. I doubted for a second if he had paid attention to the movie even for 2 minutes, but I dismissed that thought because, what else could he be paying attention to then?

I grabbed the hand that was resting on my shoulder next to my left cheek. His long fingers glowed thanks to the light coming from the tv. I kissed his palm.

“Thank you for my cactus. His name is Michelangelo, by the way.” I said.

He laughed and turned his gaze to the right, where the cactus in his little red pot was standing on the night table.

“I think it’s a great name.” He squished my hand that was holding his.

I yawned, starting to succumb at the weight of my eyelids. It was almost 2am and, even if I hadn’t class during the afternoon, I still had to get up at 6 on Mondays. The movie was about to end, the guy was putting the corpse of the kid on the bed for the ghost to rest in peace.

I wonder how it feels to fly… It must be something like the way I felt minutes ago. It’s amazing how human beings are obsessed with that idea. They want to fly, to go away and leave everything and everyone behind. But they don’t realize the easiest way to fly is actually with someone else’s help…

I was dozing of when my head touched a smooth surface and I rest probably more comfortably than any other night. I opened my eyes as much as I my tireness let me but the blurry vision only allowed me to realize my head was placed on Chanyeol’s lap. I don’t know if I scrolled down all the way there on my sleep, or if he helped me to get set on that position. The only thing I know is that feeling Chanyeol’s fingers gently patting my hair, was the most relaxing thing I’ve ever experienced. And I don’t usually like people touching my hair!


I guess I fell asleep because when I became conscious again, I felt 2 pair of strong arms helping me lie on my bed. Even if I tried I couldn’t open my eyes in that moment, I was too sleepy to do so. Then the same pair of arms arranged the duvet over me, covering all my body except for my head. I sighed. I was comfortably set on my bed but it didn’t feel quite good as the position I was in before.

The guy cupped my cheek and kissed my forehead, almost where the hair start to grow.

And I wanted him to stay. I didn’t want the peaceful feeling to go away. But I couldn’t manage myself to open my eyes or speak. The next morning when I woke up, Chanyeol had left.

I got up with heavy eyes and feeling extremely tired. I when to drink some water when I saw a little note next to Michelangelo.

Thank you for tonight. I had a great time ^^

It’s nice you didn’t watch the end of the movie,

you would have laughed!

I’m sorry I made you stay up late when you were so tired.

See you soon, Abi :D

I little smiled appeared on my face. I really want to see you soon, Park Chanyeol.





What’s up, guys!

I want to say that this was supposed to be a double update but I didn’t know were to cut the chapter so I decided to make a HUGE one.

I’m sorry to inform you, beautiful people, that on Monday I start college so I won’t be able to update so soon. I will try to update as much as possible, though. Palabra de niña exploradora.

Oh, one last thing. Now that you read this chapter, do you have any idea of how could it be untitled? Please leave you suggestions in the comments! :D

I love you! And thank you sooooo much for your support <3




Update: Hey, lovelies! Please forgive me for not updating recently. I haven't forget about you! I'm just experiencing a writer's block but I'll get through this. College has changed my life so much that I can't find the right time and place to write. And I don't want to feel pressured and write a crappy chapter because I really do care about this story. So, I think I'll update after the upcoming holidays at the end of October since I'll be alone for a week because all my friends are travelling except for me :/

Here you have my  my twitter, just in case ;)

And never forget that I love you and seriously: THANK YOU, from the bottom of my heart <3





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Chapter 12: it was a great story although it has no definite ending.. it was just really amazing.. as for me, they ended seeing each other occassionally and living both of their lives the way they want to.. :)

i hope that you will be able to find the answers to your questions..live your life to the fullest and remember that better things will definitely come at the right time :)

hwaiting !!!
ChanyeollieRaviolli #2
Pleeeaaasssee update! I love this story, it's like the only fanfic where I can picture myself as the character perfectly since she sounds like me lol. please write more :3
afabro #3
Chapter 3: This is making me super happy while reading it cause her personality is the same as me! I can see myself in her sooo much! Please keep writing♡
ItsKittyKpop #4
Chapter 11: Update soon!^^
I love this story very very much!<3
chatonkitty #5
Chapter 11: Nooo please continue writing these D:
I love love love it so so so so so much
soooyeon #6
Chapter 11: welcome back! :)

this update is nice!! poor Abi and Yeol... /sobs/ T__T i hope both of them will be okay~~

aigoooo, her friends! aiishh xD

well, update sooon!! ^^
Chapter 11: oh no D: stuff is going downhill, nooo.
everything was turning out nicely too.
welp, there always has to be some drama or it wouldn't be a good story. :)
update soon~ ^^
Chapter 11: oh no not now when she need her friends TT^TT
penagainstpaper #9
Chapter 11: welcome back! I was squealing with the cuteness at the beginning but now im like asdfg over the end. ;__;
Chapter 11: oh no you serious. ;________;
I hate you, my heart just stopped when chanyeol said the Iloveyou thing because this is the most beautiful way to say it and ugh my feels and now ah no i can't