The beginning

Dating Park Chanyeol


First, you may be wondering how it started. And no, it was not fate, or at least not all of it. I believe what it’s meant to be will eventually happen, but I also think that you have to try you best to make your dreams come true. Chanyeol was not my dream; he was just someone I happened to know and someone I happened to like when I met.

Why I know him is easy to explain. Try to run a blog surrounded by people that are crazy about EXO. Even if you’re not interested you will end up knowing the name of all of them, and their height, and their favorite color, and what they like to eat for breakfast, and probably all the ridiculous rumors they are involved in.

How I met him is a funny story. I was walking alone drinking iced coffee when it suddenly hit me that I was lost. I had arrived to Korea 2 weeks ago, don’t blame me. And I said it suddenly hit me because I bumped into a signpost and I couldn’t recognize the name of the street written in it. Yeah… that’s the kind of thing that would happen to me often. But this time was different, because an idiot was laughing at me out loud hitting his leg with his hand and almost falling to the ground.

I immediately recognized him because he’s freaking tall and handsome, and because of his derpy laugh, of course. Park Chanyeol. Baekhyun was next to him; he hit his friend’s arm and bowed slightly at me. He pulled him while saying something I couldn’t hear and they started to walk away.

“Hey… wait!” I walked toward them and they turned around to face me. “I know who you guys are.” I felt them get a little scared after I said that. I guess they didn’t expect to run into a fan that day.

“Oh, a fan… Mmm nice to meet you but we have to go. We can't give an autograph, sorry” Chanyeol said while taking Baekhyun by the arm and taking a step away from me.

“No, no, wait. I didn’t want… Anyways, can you help me, please? I just want to know how to get here.” I took out a little note book from my bag and showed them my current address. They looked at each other and decided to come closer to take a look at the paper.

“You’re not far away, just turn left over there and walk for about 5 minutes. It should be somewhere on the right.” Chanyeol said with his deep voice. I hadn’t paid attention to it before and it was somehow more charming in real life. And those puppy eyes and that tall figure and those y lips… , I’m staring! I snapped out of my trance and smile awkwardly.

“Woah, thank you! But wait, before you go…” I can’t let this opportunity pass so easily. Think, Abi, think! “Can you… let me use your mobile phone to send a text to a friend? She must be worried” The truth is nobody was waiting for me since I only know my neighbor and she is 56 and is busy enough taking care of her 12 cats. Yeah… my social life is kind of dead since college hasn’t started yet.

Chanyeol took out his mobile phone and handed it to me. I took it and started writing a text. I could feel how both of them were watching every single move I made, I guess they had had previous experiences with crazy fangirls or something. I didn’t know exactly what to write. I had only a few amount of words to make everything work.

To: (random number I typed)

Hey! Sorry, I’ll be late today.

I have the neon paint with me, don’t worry, I didn’t forget.

My number is --------, in case you don’t have it. My battery died.

Abi ^^

Yeah, that would do. “Thanks a lot. I’ll go now. Nice to meet you… what were your names again?” I asked them casually while I gave Chanyeol his mobile phone back.

“I thought you knew who we were…” Baekhyun asked puzzled.

“I’ve just seen you before on tv but that’s all. Anyways, I really have to go now so, bye!” And then I left walking fast. I didn’t want to ruin what I had achieved so far by overtalking.

I didn’t have a lot of time to thing about a good plan not to let this opportunity slide away. I did everything I could really: I showed them I wasn’t a dangerous person for them being celebrities since I didn’t told my “friend” anything about them and I pretend I didn’t actually care about their names; I showed them I was kind of cool since I mention neon paint, and I don’t know exactly what the heck I would be doing with neon paint, but everybody knows neon paint means fun… right?; and I strategically gave them all the information they need to contact me without giving them too much to keep the mystery.

I went home wishing for my plan to work and checking myself every time I could in the glass of the stores I walked by to see if I looked disgusting as I usually do. Thanks Buddha that day I actually wore something decent because my plan was originally to go to the park to talk to random people. I was sick of being asocial and well, I guess I kind of did what I was planning to do that afternoon.

And this is how fate (meeting them) and personal work (my awesome plan) got together and BAM the magic happened, because that night I got a text from an unknown number that I was somehow expecting with all my heart:

From: unknown

Hey, Abi. It’s Chanyeol, the tall guy you met today at the park.

I know this is weird but maybe we can hang out sometime?


Cute and… a little bit awkward. While still in shock I let myself fall on my bed and hugged my pillow. Deep inside I was imploding. OHHHHH MYYY GOOOOOOOD!!! HE ACTUALLY TEXTED ME, HE DID, HE DID, PARK CHANYEOL TEXTED ME, SWEEEET LORD, JESUS , BLESS THE COMMUNICATION NET AND OHHHHHHH !

I calmed down a few minutes later. I thought that waiting until the next day would make me look cool but I never said I was actually cool so I texted him right away, making sure I gave him some confidence in himself so he wouldn’t chicken out, you never know what kind of guy you’re dealing with. And I don’t have a lot of experience, to be honest. I’ve never had a boyfriend before and I felt disappointed with myself because of that, so before coming to Korea I mentally kicked myself and I promised I was going to do my best to woman up and be fabulous. I took a deep breath and started typing.

To: Chanyeol

Hey! Of course, that would be nice 

What do you think about this Thursday?

You’re the busy man here…


I was having some serious time breathing so I went to grab some water. The fridge is literally 4 steps away from my bed since I live in a very little apartment so I wasn’t far away when I heard the ‘Beep’ that indicated I had a new message. I slammed the bottle of water against the table… more times than what it’s socially acceptable (if it’s acceptable at all). I couldn't speak, ok? I needed to realize all that inner excitement. Then, I jumped to the bed where my phone was and read the text.

From: Chanyeol

Sure, Thursday is perfect.

I need to be back before 6pm, tough.

Hope you don’t mind, I have night schedule.

And I don’t know if I have to tell you this but

please don’t talk too much about it ^^

So, I have a date with a cute guy I met today in 3 days and… WOAHHHHHHHH

To: Chanyeol

Don’t worry, I won’t tell anyone ^^

Let’s meet in front of the coffee shop near

the place where we met today, then. At 2pm?

I have to go now. Good night, Chanyeol!

Why that coffee shop? Simple, because I love coffee and that coffee shop is basically the only place I can go making sure not to get lost. And you should take note to this: I’ve realized that when you add somebody’s name randomly when having a conversation with them, they’ll feel more at ease with you. Trust me, somehow it works. And why did I ended up the conversation? Because I’m awkward as hell and I can take the risk to let that awkwardness ruin everything, not when I finally succeeded for once.

5 minutes latter I got his answer.

From: Chanyeol.

Sounds perfect. Have fun with the neon paint ;)

Good night, Abi^^ See you soon~

And that explains how I met Chanyeol and how I managed to go on a date with him. But the first date it’s only the beginning. And well, I’m a beginner when it comes to love knowledge so I guess a first date is the beginning of the beginning of the beginning for me. The only thing left to talk about is how I start liking him because, yes, I thought he was good looking and talented before, I confirmed how handsome and attractive he was when I saw him that day. But I’m not dumb and it takes more that 3 texts and 4 minutes of casual conversation to completely affirm I like someone (like, like like someone). And that will be explained later…



I found the picture here

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Chapter 12: it was a great story although it has no definite ending.. it was just really amazing.. as for me, they ended seeing each other occassionally and living both of their lives the way they want to.. :)

i hope that you will be able to find the answers to your your life to the fullest and remember that better things will definitely come at the right time :)

hwaiting !!!
ChanyeollieRaviolli #2
Pleeeaaasssee update! I love this story, it's like the only fanfic where I can picture myself as the character perfectly since she sounds like me lol. please write more :3
afabro #3
Chapter 3: This is making me super happy while reading it cause her personality is the same as me! I can see myself in her sooo much! Please keep writing♡
ItsKittyKpop #4
Chapter 11: Update soon!^^
I love this story very very much!<3
chatonkitty #5
Chapter 11: Nooo please continue writing these D:
I love love love it so so so so so much
soooyeon #6
Chapter 11: welcome back! :)

this update is nice!! poor Abi and Yeol... /sobs/ T__T i hope both of them will be okay~~

aigoooo, her friends! aiishh xD

well, update sooon!! ^^
Chapter 11: oh no D: stuff is going downhill, nooo.
everything was turning out nicely too.
welp, there always has to be some drama or it wouldn't be a good story. :)
update soon~ ^^
Chapter 11: oh no not now when she need her friends TT^TT
penagainstpaper #9
Chapter 11: welcome back! I was squealing with the cuteness at the beginning but now im like asdfg over the end. ;__;
Chapter 11: oh no you serious. ;________;
I hate you, my heart just stopped when chanyeol said the Iloveyou thing because this is the most beautiful way to say it and ugh my feels and now ah no i can't