Inner torture

Dating Park Chanyeol


And I guess my awkward pat on the shoulder was too much for him to handle because he didn’t texted me as he said he would.

It’s hard to forget about it when you start hearing his name everywhere. EXO was having a comeback in September and the media was going crazy. And you want me to believe they were a rookie group?

My mind started torturing me because that’s what minds do when they get sick of reassuring you. I wasn’t worth of someone like him. I’m awkward and ugly and boring. Who would someone text me back when they can just keep living their awesome life as a celebrity loved by everyone. I bet he was just doing fanservice or something like that.

A week passed like that. Min Young, my new friend from college (because I started college that week) was starting to get worried about me. We were sitting on a bench outside the building, she was checking her homework for the last time and I was slamming my head against the wood in the back of the bench. Maybe if I killed my brain I would stop thinking all those horrible thought that were eating me alive. Why a guy I met a week ago had so much impact in me? What kind of ery was this? I just need to get my mind busy with something else. I have too much free time, that must be it. For now, I was going to kill the thoughts with pain. I was about to slam my head once more when Min Young hands stopped me.

“Abi, are you ok? What am I asking… of course you’re not. Look at you, you have a bump in your forehead” She let out a little laugh and put a cold hand in the place she was talking about.

“Minnie… I need your help.” I pouted. We had met only a few days ago but we felt a connection right away. She was shorter than me, a lot prettier and cute. “Ottoke? What would you do if you tried something but it didn’t work out as you expected and now you can’t stop thinking about your failure?” I hoped Min Young didn’t ask me more details about the subject because I wasn’t sure I could explain without saying something I shouldn’t. Thanks Buddha, she didn’t.

“Well…” She tapped her chin with her finger giving the problem a thought. “I would try again. Think about it, giving it a second try would require an amount of effort that succeeding wouldn’t be reward enough? If the answer is ‘yes’, then move on. But if trying and failing again, and not trying at all lead you to the same situation, I think you should try once more before giving up.” At the end she nodded signaling it was her definitive answer.

Well, the girl had a point. I just had to send him a text message to find out if he wanted to give me a second chance. If he didn’t answer or replied with a rejection I guess I couldn’t stand lower than were I was that day. And at least my heart would feel more in peace. I only needed to digest the fact that Chanyeol didn’t want me in his life at all.

“Arasso, let’s give this a second try then!” I smiled at my friend and gave her a little hug. It was time for our next class so we went inside with the rest of the people. I was holding my phone tightly in my pocket.

There were around 50 people in the classroom and the subject was especially annoying. Using my phone to send a quick text wouldn’t harm anyone. So, I grabbed it and placed it in my lap. I opened the messages file and started typing. I didn’t know exactly what to type. I wait for a moment and decided to write the first thing that came to my mind.

To: Chanyeol

Hey, sorry if I’m bothering you.

I was just wondering… Would you like

to go for a drink sometime this week?


Breathe, Abi, Breathe… Just click the send button and everything would be over. God, what does it have to be so hard to click a single button? That simple movement was harder than any work out I’ve done before. Just do it. Do it. 1… 2… 3… DONE. I let out a breath of air I didn’t know I was holding.

Now, I just needed to wait for an answer. Or maybe I wasn’t even going to get one.

I started to get more familiar with the second possibility after 20 minutes passed. But I wasn’t punishing myself with harsh words because, unlike the last time, I tried and I didn’t act stupidly. My text was short and concise. And I asked him to have a drink, something mature and y and WHY ISN’T HE REPLYING? I would much rather get a text saying ‘ you, . You’re not worth of my attention’ than nothing. Nothing meant he didn’t even bother enough to waste 5 seconds of his time on me. And if he was cruel with my poor heart at least I’d have a reason to hate him and I wouldn’t focus all that hate on myself.

you, Park Chanyeol. you. Just because you’re attractive and funny and YOU. At least you’re not nice. Because if you were nice you would have said something. Or you would have texted me when you said you were going to do it and I wouldn’t have stayed next to my phone for days waiting for you name to appear on the screen of my phone. . Who do you think you are? I DO hate you, Park Chanyeol. you, you, you, Fuc-

GOD BELSS YOUR SOUL SWEET CREATURE OF HEAVENS! The screen of my phone lit and his name showed up. He didn’t even send a text, he was calling! OHHHH MY GOD! HE WAS CALLING. C-A-LL-I-N-G! And I was in the middle of a lesson. . I bought my lower lip and smashed my head against the table, hitting the same spot I’d been hitting all day long causing me to scream and rush a hand to cover the place where the pain came from.

I saw all the students turn to look at me from the corner of my eye and I blushed. A tear escaped my left eye.

“Are you ok, miss?” I heard the teacher say. I nodded still in pain without being able to look at him in the eyes. “Then please don’t interrupt my class again or you will have to leave.”

Chanyeol stopped calling in that moment and I could feel my heart shrugging. Min Young who sat near me gave me a concerned look. I shook my hand in front of me and smiled signaling that it was nothing to worry about. You know, this cute gorgeous guy just called me after a week of not knowing anything about him… the average. He was probably calling to tell me to get lost but at least I was going to be able to hear his y voice one last time. That was enough for me.

30 long minutes passed until the class was finally over. Chanyeol didn’t call again. When the bell rang I rushed out of the classroom ignoring Min Young when she called me. Sorry, Minnie. I can’t explain anything and I really have to call him right now. I apologize mentally.

I sat down on a bench under a big tree where there weren’t many people. I took a deep breath and pressed the recall button. It was 6pm, I hoped he was still available.

Beep… Beep… Beep… “Mochi Mochi?” His deep voice said.

“Hahaha, why are you answering your phone in Japanese?” I heard him laugh on the other side of the line.

“I was practicing.” I smiled to myself. I’m going to miss you, Park Chanyeol. “I called you before.” There we go… “I got your text.” And he took 20 minutes to reply because he was choosing the right words to shred my soul to a point I could make more horrocruxes than Voldemort. “I’m sorry I didn’t text you before. I was very busy with the comeback and I have to admit I kind of forgot. I hope you’re not mad…” Why would I be mad? It’s not like you disappear without explaining anything. “Because I really would like to go out with you have a drink.” He ended.

Wait,what?! I guess I said it out loud instead of keeping it in my mind because he added “I said I would love to go have a drink with you. Maybe… tonight?”

*Dump dump* *dump dump* My heart was about to give up on keeping me alive. He was asking me out! Well, technically he was saying yes to my proposal. “Ye-yeah. Tonight will be great.” I managed to say with a trembling voice.

“I’ll pick you up at 10, then. Text me your address, please. I have to go now. Bye, Abi!” He hanged up before I could answer back.

I, still in autopilot mode, texted him the address and went home walking. My legs staggered from time to time. I opened the door of my apartment on the 5th floor and stepped inside. I let myself drop on my bed and squealed kicking the air and rolling. WOAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH

This must be a dream.

At 7 I put myself together again. I needed to release my inner fangirl in order to keep myself under control later. I felt better now after that little session of spazzing. Now I had more important things to worry about like what to wear and how to pretend I’m normal and hide the weird person I actually am. I wasn’t going to show him something I wasn’t, I was just going to select more carefully the side of me I wanted him to know until we knew each other better. At some point the tiger was going to be unleashed, anyways.

I opened my closet. I liked my closet a lot. During all my life I’ve changed numerous times of style and taste so I ended up with a closet full of very different types of clothes. It went from punk to preppy. I didn’t have a lot of things since I couldn’t bring all my stuffs to Korea with me but I had my favorite ones. I loved to mix different styles and tendencies for example a skirt from the 60s with a t-shirt that showed a pokemon in the front. When it came to shoes things were a lot easier, I didn’t like heels but I had 2 pairs just in case. My favorite thing to wear was converse but I enjoyed trying uggs and sandals, too. And I can’t forget to add that I adore rings, a good ring can make everything perfect. In addition, there are tons of different types of rings and you definitely will find one that suit your personality and you finger’s shape.

After 40 minutes, I picked this outfit but with converse again. I love my babies. We were just going for a drink, anyways. Nothing too fancy and to be honest Chanyeol seemed like a simple cool guy. But talking about drinks, why the heck did I choose that kind of date? I don’t even like to drink, which puts me in a very uncomfortable position. Ugh, it was too late to back up. I would have to face it and drink something. Maybe if I asked for a beer, disgusting liquid that taste like pee, I would take years to finish it so I wouldn’t have to order anything else. Yeah, that sounded like a good plan. I was in the midst of meditation when my phone rang.

“I’m downstairs.” I heard Chanyeol saying from the other side of the line when I picked up the call. “I’ll be there in a second”. I grab my bag and left. I was happy I was going to finally see him and I ran downstairs (since there is no elevator).

I opened the front door of the building in a rush when…

“Wh-why are you wearing a suit?”



Thank you, CrayolaFoo! You really made me happy :) First comment, *woot woot*! ^^


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Chapter 12: it was a great story although it has no definite ending.. it was just really amazing.. as for me, they ended seeing each other occassionally and living both of their lives the way they want to.. :)

i hope that you will be able to find the answers to your your life to the fullest and remember that better things will definitely come at the right time :)

hwaiting !!!
ChanyeollieRaviolli #2
Pleeeaaasssee update! I love this story, it's like the only fanfic where I can picture myself as the character perfectly since she sounds like me lol. please write more :3
afabro #3
Chapter 3: This is making me super happy while reading it cause her personality is the same as me! I can see myself in her sooo much! Please keep writing♡
ItsKittyKpop #4
Chapter 11: Update soon!^^
I love this story very very much!<3
chatonkitty #5
Chapter 11: Nooo please continue writing these D:
I love love love it so so so so so much
soooyeon #6
Chapter 11: welcome back! :)

this update is nice!! poor Abi and Yeol... /sobs/ T__T i hope both of them will be okay~~

aigoooo, her friends! aiishh xD

well, update sooon!! ^^
Chapter 11: oh no D: stuff is going downhill, nooo.
everything was turning out nicely too.
welp, there always has to be some drama or it wouldn't be a good story. :)
update soon~ ^^
Chapter 11: oh no not now when she need her friends TT^TT
penagainstpaper #9
Chapter 11: welcome back! I was squealing with the cuteness at the beginning but now im like asdfg over the end. ;__;
Chapter 11: oh no you serious. ;________;
I hate you, my heart just stopped when chanyeol said the Iloveyou thing because this is the most beautiful way to say it and ugh my feels and now ah no i can't