of Mohammed and Kamikazes

Dating Park Chanyeol


“Because tonight we’re going on a classy date, didn’t I tell you?”

“Emmm no. Ok, ok. Just… wait a minute I’ll go get changed and come back in a second.” I said and turned around to get back into my apartment when I felt a hand grab my wrist.

“No, we have to go now. I made a reservation.” I gave him an uncomfortable look that was totally justifiable since I was looking like a homeless grandma next to PARK CHANYEOL WEARING A SUIT. He seemed to understand and added before dragging me to the car “You look perfect, come on.”

I let him open the back door and went in, accepting defeat. He entered after me and I shook my head slightly when I saw the big smile on his face.

“So, we have a chauffeur?” I started the conversation directing my sight to the man behind the steer wheel in the front seat. “You should have told me, my fairy godmother was free tonight. I could have borrowed a nice sparkly dress and maybe you could have kept my shoe by the end of the night” I winked at him.

“Well, that would have been great for my feminine single shoe collection. But actually this is our manager.” Crap. And I just called him chauffeur… God, why?! He should have read my expression because he laughed loud and showing all his teeth “Don’t worry, he is very nice. He won’t get mad. Right, hyung?” The man just looked at me expressionless from the rearview “We just got back from night schedule and he offered to give us a ride.” He lowered his tone so only I could hear him when he said “He’s not really ok with me going out but I convinced him for tonight. Let’s get home safe, arasso?” And another wide and noisy laugh.

20 minutes later, we arrived in front of a luxurious hotel. We entered and were led to our table in the middle of the hotel's restaurant, not before the man in the reception could give me a disapproval and strongly judgmental look. I didn’t say anything nor expressed my willing to rush out of the place because Chanyeol did all of that for our date and maybe people wouldn’t even notice, right? It’s not like they came to those kind of places to look around and criticize people without paying attention to their actual date.

And of course, I was wrong. As soon as we started walking between the tables, at least 75% of the eyes were set on us. I don’t know if it was because Chanyeol was extremely good looking, but that wouldn’t explain the mocking and brows-lifting glares.

We sat down and the waiter came.

“We’re just going to have a couple of drinks, please. What do you want to drink, Abi?” I guess the beer plan is more than aborted. I opened my mouth just to close it again since I didn’t know what to answer. “Hahaha, bring us 2 cups of red wine to start.” And the man in uniform left. I sighed in relief.

“Thanks. But would you remind me why we are in such a… fancy place?” I added a forced smile not to sound as stressed as I was.

“You don’t like it?” I shook my head right away to reassure him but Chanyeol continued before I could speak “I’m sorry, I know you just wanted to go drink something in a normal bar… Manager hyung told me coming here would be better since not a lot of teenagers can afford it and the ones that actually can are used to see ‘celebrities’ all the time, so we wouldn’t be disturbed at all. I tried to tell him I was absolutely not famous but he wouldn’t listen and he was going to be more relaxed if we came here and-”

“Chanyeol, it’s ok!” I interrupted him. He was cute when he talked nonstop like that but it wasn’t necessary for him to apologize so much. “Oh, look. Our wine is here” I smiled taking a look at the waiter carrying the two drinks.

We started drinking sip by sip while talking about random things. We were initiating the ‘what is the last most weird movie you’ve seen’ subject when we were interrupted.

“Excuse me, sir. Could you please move to a table in the back of the restaurant? I’m sorry to disturb you but those lovely guests over there are waiting for a table and well… the lady sitting with you isn’t dressed properly. We thought that you wouldn’t mind moving at the back. We have settled a table in front of the staff’s bathroom for you.” The waiter looked less than ashamed.

Chanyeol stood up and raised his voice in disbelief “Excuse me? Listen, if she’s dressed th-”

“No, Chanyeol. It-it’s ok. Let’s go to the back. I don’t have a problem with that.” For the sake of our date and not to ruin all Chanyeol’s efforts to bring me here, I took him by the wrist and we followed the man in the black uniform.

We sat down again and, well, there was only a bathroom door next to us. Every time someone opened it to enter or leave the little room we could smell a particular but familiar not-so-nice fragrance. We were lucky we didn’t come there to eat.

We took our cups at the same time and gave the red liquid another taste. We placed them back in the table in synchrony and the wood surface covered by the white and soft tissue staggered to one side. The table was clearly crooked.

Feeling the not imperceptible movement, we looked at each other in the eyes. And we burst in laughter. I couldn’t exactly explain why but the situation was absolutely hilarious: us, drinking expensive wine next to a bathroom that smelled like Shrek had used it after a good meal in his swamp, sitting next to a pile of trash said-to-be table, and me, looking like I was born in that toilet facing him, with his suit and idol hair. Chanyeol was clapping his hands in alternation with a smack on the table from time to time that made it shake even more, which made us resume our hysterical laughter. I was covering my mouth with both of my hands hiding my exposed teeth and tears were coming out of my eyes. When we seemed to calm down and we regained our breaths still letting the air get into our lung brokenly, we gave each other an accomplice glare. But the cough from a man in black standing next to us broke the contact.

We looked up and he said expressionless “Excuse me again, sir, but people from the restaurant have been complaining about the loud noises coming from this table. We would like you to decrease the volume of your voices.”

“Are you kidding me?” Chanyeol stood up towering over the older man. “We are freaking kilometers away from the rest of the people in this restaurant. And why d-” I put my hand on the guy’s wrist hovering over the table.

“Chanyeol, it’s fine. It’s not like this man was the one complaining. He’s just passing the message. We came all the way here let’s just talk more silently.” He looked at me and I smiled sheepishly. I really really really didn’t want this date to be ruined. Chanyeol let out a deep sigh and sat down again. The waiter left us alone.

“Abi, I don’t understand you. They don’t even address you when they talk to us… well, me. It’s just ‘sir, sir’. s.” He massaged his temple with one hand.

“I don’t care. I mean, I do but you made a reservation and everything… let’s just forget about that. Dude, I swear I’ve never been to a place like this. A one in a life time date, Park Chanyeol. Cheers to you!” He smiled to the point half of his face were shining teeth and tapped his cup against mine in a smooth move.

But then again, I was about to start drinking the last half of my cup of wine when the waiter came back. What is it this time? But I have to say, I didn’t see this complain coming. “Sir, we will have to ask the lady for her ID. We know you have more than 20 since you made the reservations but we’re afraid the ma’am here is underage.”

Wait, more than 20? Which means more than 19 if we count years normally. Which means I’m… Holy crap I’m underage in Korea! I looked at Chanyeol, then at the waiter, then at Chanyeol again. I took out my wallet and handed my ID to the man. “Errrr, I… I will be 20 in 5 days, actually. It’s… I hope you don’t mind. I forgot here in Korea… Well, in most of countries you have to be more than 18, I mean 19, to drink… It’s just wine, you know?... I used to drink wine with my parent…”

“I’m afraid you will have to leave right now.” He said with a poker face but I could swear I saw him smirk slightly. This ing bastard, they have been trying to kick us out since we got here. I suddenly felt myself giving him a deadly glare. And this time it was me who stood up first. Time to work out my Russian accent.

“Listen, Bobby. I’m sick and tired of your rude attitude. Actually we were already living this hole. And as soon as I get into my presidential suit in the top of this the ghetto hotel you have here, I’m going to tell me daddy to burn down the ing building. We didn’t train those Kamikazes for nothing…” I looked at Chanyeol who was looking back at me with wide opened eyes. “Oops, was I speaking too loud?” I faked an apologetic look after realizing everyone in that aisle of the restaurant was looking at us. I made a quick move with my head signaling the door to Chanyeol. “Come on, Mohammed. We should leave before those people realize there isn’t even a sink in that bathroom. What a nasty pigpen where we ended…”

“One last thing,” Chanyeol added with a deep manly voice “Viva la Revolución!” And he lifted his fist in the air.

We walked out of there, fierce like ing Beyonce.

When we were 2 blocks away from the hotel in an isolate little park, Chanyeol put a hand on my shoulder to keep himself in two feet and cracked up with a sonorous laughter. I started laughing, too, as I’ve been doing every single time I was with him. That was something I loved about Chanyeol: the way he was able to make you see the world from a different perspective, and this time everything seemed funny to me.


We were sitting on the swings in the same park. We had remained silent for more than 5 minutes but it was not awkward.

“I like this.” Chanyeol turned to me and gave me a curious look, so I continued talking “I like doing things I could do by myself with another person. Everything feels twice better and people don’t think you’re a loner or mental.” Chanyeol smiled and noded letting me know he understood.

“Yeah… try to sit on a swing at night wearing a suit in a kid’s playground.” I laughed at the image that comment placed on my mind. “You want to go to another bar, Abi? We can go if you want, it’s only mindnight.”

“No, no. I’m fine here. But we should go home. Your manager will be happy to see you’re back.” I stood up and handed him my hand to help him up. He took it and started walking.

He pulled my hand and said still smiling “Come on, I’ll walk you home.”

“Hahahaha, dude, you’re going to walk me home? But it took us 20 minutes to come here by car!” He was insane.

“Well, we can talk all the way there! You have a lot of explanations to do.” I raised a brow, explanations? “Yes, explanations. Bobby? Russian accent? Kamikazes? Mohammed? And the most important…” He narrowed his eyes and gave me a creepy half smile “you’re younger than me.”

“Eh… concerning the last one, I know what you’re thinking and it’s not going to happen, sorry.”

“What?! But you have to call me oppa!” He said squeeshing slightly my hand that I forgot was still interviewed with his. That explained the warm feeling in my heart.

“No, not gonna happen, I’m telling you…” He walked a few steps faster than me and stood in front of me blocking my way.

“But why? I think it is cute and I like it.” He pouted.

“Well, I think it is lame and I don’t. Now move or we’re never going to get there.” I pulled the hand that was holding his to my side making him stood next to me instead of in front of me and continued walking.




“Don’t. Even. Dare. To call me that again. EVER!” Abigail was forbidden to anyone who wanted to keep his face the way it was.

“Hehehe” I heard him chuckle next to me “Call me oppa or I will call you Abigail”

“You would not-” I gave him a withering look.

“Yes, I would, Abigail. I would.” He shrugged.

“Ugh, FINE. But, how did you know about me name?”

“Your ID” he winked at me. “So… why Bobby?”

“It’s a name that suited the guy.” I simply said. He laughed at me answer.

“And why the Russian accent?”

“I think it makes me look powerful and y” This time he laughed louder. I hit him in the forearm with my free hand. “Yah! It DOES make me look powerful and y.”

“Whatever you say, Abi…” He tapped my nose with his finger. I huffed and drifted my hand away from his. He immediately took it again and smiled making his eye twitch. “And the kamikazes?”

“I don’t know,” His warm hand felt so well linked with mine. I couldn’t help but look down at them. They fitted perfectly, but I guess anyone would say the same thing about their hand and the one of the person they like. Not like I actually liked Chanyeol in more than a friendly way, no. “I like that word.”

“And the last one, do I look like my name is Mohammed?” He pointed his finger to himself and we both laughed.

“As they say: confuse and conquer” I wasn’t sure that’s how the sentence went but whatever… “But, hey! ‘Viva la revolution’?”

“No, no, it’s ‘Viva la Revolución’! You have to make the Spanish accent to make it credible. We should have flipped a couple of tables and the Oscar was ours, I swear.” We burst out in laugher again. This turned out to be a good night after all.

“Dude, you are so dumb…” I said looking at our feet walking down the street. Now that I noticed, he was wearing converse, too. I guess not even a fancy restaurant can take the Chanyeol out of this guy.

“Excuse me, Abigail. What did you say?” He mocked me putting his face closer to mine.

“ugh, you’re so annoying! Oppa… Ottoke? Abi forgets that Oppa is like a child, but I’m a cute girl. I must do aegyo! Ppuing ppuing!” I said puffing my cheeks and doing a terrible imitation of a baby voice.

“Hahahaha, please never do that again. It’s so scary! Plus, you don’t need to. You’re already cute.” He said ruffling my hair with his hand.

“AH!” I slapped his hand away from my head “Don’t do that EVER again unless you want me to chop your crotch off.”

“See, you’re just too cute…” He said sarcastically with an awkward laugh.

“I don’t know if you’ve watch that on dramas or if you read fanfiction but it’s seriously annoying.” I patted the top of my head to rearrange my now messy hair.

“Ok, ok. I won’t do it again… tonight.” I huffed and he squeeshed my hand once again. “And to be honest I do read fanfiction.” He stuck out his tongue.

“What? It must me so creepy to read stories about yourself…” 

“Oh, If only you knew... One time I read one where I was a robot and I died! Can you believe that? The author KILLED me, so my boyfriend Baekhyunnie…”

And we kept talking about random but somehow interesting things all the way to my house. When we got there I didn’t tap him on the shoulder. He called a cab and I waved at him with a smile on my face as he went inside the car. He promised me he was going to text me soon.

And this time, he did.



Hi Hi ^^ thanks to those who suscribed. I love you, guys! And I will love you even more if you write a comment down there haha <3 

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Chapter 12: it was a great story although it has no definite ending.. it was just really amazing.. as for me, they ended seeing each other occassionally and living both of their lives the way they want to.. :)

i hope that you will be able to find the answers to your questions..live your life to the fullest and remember that better things will definitely come at the right time :)

hwaiting !!!
ChanyeollieRaviolli #2
Pleeeaaasssee update! I love this story, it's like the only fanfic where I can picture myself as the character perfectly since she sounds like me lol. please write more :3
afabro #3
Chapter 3: This is making me super happy while reading it cause her personality is the same as me! I can see myself in her sooo much! Please keep writing♡
ItsKittyKpop #4
Chapter 11: Update soon!^^
I love this story very very much!<3
chatonkitty #5
Chapter 11: Nooo please continue writing these D:
I love love love it so so so so so much
soooyeon #6
Chapter 11: welcome back! :)

this update is nice!! poor Abi and Yeol... /sobs/ T__T i hope both of them will be okay~~

aigoooo, her friends! aiishh xD

well, update sooon!! ^^
Chapter 11: oh no D: stuff is going downhill, nooo.
everything was turning out nicely too.
welp, there always has to be some drama or it wouldn't be a good story. :)
update soon~ ^^
Chapter 11: oh no not now when she need her friends TT^TT
penagainstpaper #9
Chapter 11: welcome back! I was squealing with the cuteness at the beginning but now im like asdfg over the end. ;__;
Chapter 11: oh no you serious. ;________;
I hate you, my heart just stopped when chanyeol said the Iloveyou thing because this is the most beautiful way to say it and ugh my feels and now ah no i can't