Note to self

Dating Park Chanyeol

 “So, he left? Just like that?” Sabrina said.

“Just like that. I went home and waited for him to explain something but he didn’t text me, or call me, anything.” I gave a sad look to the camera. I had been talking with my friend from high school on skype for more than an hour and we finally had reached the subject concerning why I’d been feeling down for 3 days now: Chanyeol.

“Gosh, what an ! So you were answering his text right now when I called you. 3 days, man… 3 days to finally give you signs of life. It’s a good thing you put him in his place.” Sabrina winked.

*Flash back*

I was turning on the computer because it was time for my date on skype with my friend Sabrina, when I heard a ‘beep’. I picked up my phone and saw I had a new message. It was from Chanyeol. He hadn’t said anything since the text he sent me that day at the cinema. I decided to take a look at it.

From: Chanyeol

Hi, Abi! So how was the movie?


3 days later and he doesn’t even recall the incident. The sadness I had been stupidly accumulating all those days suddenly turned into rage. Is he kidding me?

To: Chanyeol

Don’t talk to me.

I threw the phone on my bed and got in front of the computer. Luckily Sabrina was already there.

*End of the flash back*

‘Beep’. Ugh, that was the 3rd message he sent me in that hour.

“Maybe you should see what he has to say?” Sabrina suggested.

“I told you, he always says the same thing.” I took the phone, opened the message and showed her.

“Errr… I don’t understand, Abi.”

“Right, sorry.” I chuckled. “The first one says: Abi, are you mad? Then: Abi, you shouldn’t be mad. And finally: Abi?” I gave her an exasperated look.

“In that case, I think you should move on. He clearly doesn’t appreciate you enough. He didn’t text you that one time… he leaves without explaining now… You deserve better than that, Abs.” I let out a laugh.

“Don’t call me ‘Abs’…”

“He must be another rich kid that thinks he’s better than anyone else.” She continued without paying attention to me.

“No, I… I don’t think he’s like that. Those few times we met before… He really didn’t seem to be that kind of person. No, Park Chanyeol is an but not a snobbish kid.” I looked down and shook my head.

“But you don’t even know him, Abs. My poor baby had been played with…” She looked at me with a bit of pity. And I don’t know why but those words hurt more than what they were supposed to comfort me.

“Well, you don’t either. So stop assuming things you don’t know anything about.” Why was I even protecting him?

“I was just basing my opinion on facts.” She said more serious this time.

“But just partial fact, you don’t know what happened to him or why he… or… Ugh, I don’t know… When I’m with him I feel… I forget every reason to hate him, or hate anything or anyone… Just…” She giggled after seeing me stutter like the confused child I was.

“I’m sorry, Abi. You’re right, I shouldn’t judge him. But I still think he deserves a hardcore diarrhea.” She quickly added making me laugh.

“Hahaha, I don’t think that’s even possible.” Sabrina was harsh with words but deep inside she was a very kind and warm friend, always able to make me smile.

“Oh, I think I have to go. I have to prepare for the play tonight. Good luck on your little celebration the day after tomorrow.”

“That sounded… dramatic. Good luck wearing that dress of the Middle Age.”

“Ugh, don’t even talk about that. How do they expect me to sing when I can’t even breathe?”

We laughed for the last time and bid each other goodbye. I missed my old friends.


I would like to say that Chanyeol texted me nonstop all night long and tried to call me at 3am to say he loved me, but the truth is he didn’t text me anymore after the skype call with Sabrina.

Maybe she was right and Chanyeol didn’t care at all about me. He didn’t put any effort to understand why I was mad (even if it was more than obvious) and he wasn’t begging for my forgiveness at all.

But I had finally managed to put myself together and stop letting my world break down every time the guy did something wrong to me. I shouldn’t let my happiness depend on someone, especially when his happiness of course didn’t depend on me. For now let’s blame my previous sorrowful days on the fact that I was on my period.

“I’m glad to see you’re not on zombie mode anymore.” Min Young beamed. We were sitting on the bench we always sat after lunch.

“Yeah… I’m sorry about that. You must think I’m a depressed bipolar girl.” I smiled sheepishly.

“Absolutely not! We all have our moments, that’s all.” She put a hand on my shoulder reassuring me.

“Well, it seems like I have had more ‘moments’ in 2 weeks than during my whole adolescence.” We both laughed. Then we started talking about food and what we should eat that night since we were going out to have dinner. We were considering all the possibilities an international city like Seoul could offer to us when my phone started ringing. I took it out of my pocket and stare at the screen.

“Don’t you think you should get that?” Min Young looked at me with big eyes and seeing that I didn’t move proceed to place her gaze on the screen I was looking at. “‘Don’t answer because I’m an ’ is calling” She read what was written. I directed my attention to her and she looked confused, expecting an explanation. I opened my mouth to say something but closed it again. I can’t talk about this with you, Minnie…

“I-I’ll got answer the call over there. Look, Kibum is coming over here.” I faked at smile and pointed at the guy walking toward us. He was coming to talk about the ‘party’ tomorrow, I guessed. I held my phone tightly on my hand and got up.

Deep inside I was hoping Chanyeol would stop calling before I could walk far enough to answer the call without the 2 of my friends being able to listen to my conversation. But when I reached the nearer field maple my phone was still ringing. I breathe in and out twice and clicked on the green button.

“What.” That’s it, Abi. Pretend you’re mad. Grrrrrr. Grrrrrr, Park Chanyeol. But wait, I AM mad.

“Abi…” He’s deep voice said my name like pronouncing those 2 syllables represented the biggest relief. God, no, Abi. Stay strong for your people! And by people I mean your own moral integrity. This dude needs to know he can’t mess up your life anymore.

“What!” I couldn’t even say his name.

“Abi, why are you mad at me?” It felt like Nicki Minaj’s was pressed against my back. My body shrank in anger.

“I know you’re not this dumb so, if you’re going to keep pretending Spongebob’s best friend raised you, I’m hanging up.” Note to self: work on my literary references.

I heard Chanyeol snort as when he’s trying not to laugh.

“This, unexpected meetings, busy schedules, random calls from the manager… it happens all the time. And it will keep happening. I thought you would understand.” He was dead serious even if I thought he was laughing a second ago.

“And I WOULD understand, if you explained it to me… at least a little bit. But you didn’t say anything.” To my regret my voice sounded more sad than upset.

“I’m so disappointed. If things are going to be like this, I don’t think we should hang out anymore.” He said clear and concise. I swear an invisible man punched me right in the stomach in that moment.

“Well, I think the same. I’m hanging up now.” And I did so.

He was… disappointed? HE? But it was me who was ditched by him that afternoon! Aish, Park Chanyeol, you’re giving me a headache. And a stomachache, too. I would love to be able to hate you right now.

I got back to where my two friends were talking trying to display a blank face. They interrupted their conversation to look at me. Their amused expression turned to a worried one. I guess my ‘blank face’ button was broken that day.

“Abi? Are you ok?” Min Young asked putting a soft hand on my shoulder.

I looked at her and tears started coming from my eyes. My lower lip started trembling and I was pretty sure I looked like the guy from the ‘leave Britney alone’ video. She pulled me into a hug and we sat down on the bench. Kibum sat next to her, without knowing exactly what to do. He didn’t dare to look me in the eyes. I cried hugging her tighter. Maybe because I realized I was an ugly barnacle, maybe because of stupid Chanyeol.

“I’m… I’m sorry!” More cries. “I’m on period and-”

“Ok! That was my signal. I’ll go now. But call me as soon as you girls stop talking about red issues.” Kibum stood up and patted my back before walking away.

I found myself laughing and Min Young pulled away. She looked at me and smiled warmly.

“I won’t ask what happened. But remember you can always come and tell me if something is wrong. I will go wushu on anyone that tries to hurt you.”

I laughed even more, wiping the remaining tears with my fingers.

“I’m sorry about this, really. I am not this emotional usually. I don’t know what is happening to me.” And it was true. Those past weeks my emotions were a rollercoaster and I was getting tired of it. Note to self: get your together.

In my defense, it wasn’t my fault that life was being a rollercoaster itself. But at the end, life was just being… life.

You know, when you are finally happy about something and you can feel how life looks at you and giggles in that mischievous way to itself and then BAM a handful of falls on top of you, putting you at your lowest. Because life just goes on. Life doesn’t wait for no one, she has no mercy, she treats us all like she was playing the freaking Sims. But no, I was not going to be part of the ones that get stuck on a corner and die in their own pee. So, I mentally slapped my face and regained all the strength Park Chanyeol was draining from me, and that I knew he could bring back to me multiplied by four with a single smile of his.



The music was loud but I had warned my 56 years old neighbor about the little party my friends were throwing for me. It was only the 6 of us: Min Young, Kibum, Ai, Kevin, Joon and I.  Since there was not place for anymore people anyways.

We were drinking some cocktails that I must admit tasted actually good and playing some typical Korean games. The loser had to drink the hard stuffs and I think it’s safe to affirm Kibum and Joon were losing on purpose.

I was wearing comfortable clothes that at the same time protected me from the cool weather characteristic of Fall. It was the end of September. And we were just hanging out in my apartment, nothing too formal or anything, so THIS was perfect for the occasion.

“Abi, ‘Don’t answer because I’m an ’ is calling” Min Young said handing me my phone. Chanyeol? I thought we weren’t speaking anymore after yesterday’s conversation.

“Whatever, I don’t want to talk to him.” I replied pushing Minnie’s hand away. She seemed a little confused by my rejection but placed my phone on the table next to her again.

We continued playing Di Bi Di bi Dip. It was Kibum and Ai’s turn. Ai, our Japanese friend, was the one moving her head. “di bi di bi dip”… “di bi di bi dip”… “di bi di bi dip”… Joon won in no time.

“My name is Minho~” He said accompanying the celebration with a victory dance. He knocked his knee against the table and we all laughed at his painful expression.

Then, I heard Min Young’s voice again. “Abi, ‘Don’t answer bec-”

“Don’t talk about him, just reject the call and… it’s your turn, Minnie!” I smiled at her and passed the Vodka shot to Ai so she could drink her punishment.

“But… he says he’s downstairs.” Min Young added with a weak voice.

“WHAT?!” I got up with a jump and took the phone from her hand. The bastard sent me a message and apparently Minnie was right and he was downstairs. “I’ll be right back.” I fake a smiled and left walking as casually as I could to start running as soon as I reached the staircase.

I got to the front door of the building in what seemed like my record time. I was panting when I opened the door but my breath got cut up when I saw the tall figure of a man in front of a van.

“What are you doing here?” I growled walking towards him.

“I needed to talk to you…”

“I thought we weren’t talking anymore.” I lifted an eyebrow.

“Well, Suho made me realize what I did was wrong and-” The front door of the building made a soft noise and a voluptuous woman came out with her dog. I looked up and down at Chanyeol. He was wearing stage clothes and anyone could see he was not a common citizen. I huffed and took him by the wrist.

“Come with me.” I led him to the back of the building where there was a little garden with only one tree not much taller than me and a few half dead flowers. I guessed people didn’t even know about the existence of that place, just like me until 5 seconds ago. I let out of my grip and lend my right shoulder against the grey wall.

“What do you think you’re doing?” He opened his mouth to say something but I didn’t let him talk. It was the perfect moment to clear things up and tell him how much I wanted him to get out of my life. Because he couldn’t just come in, mess things up and then leave just like that without saying anything. And now he wanted to get back? Nuh-huh, Park Chanyeol could be a y motherer but I was not as dumb as I used to be. People always stepped on me before, but living by yourself teaches you that no one has the right to do that and I was strong enough to face problems like the cute guy with his puppy eyes and tall figure in front of me. “Listen, you told me yourself you wanted to stop hanging out with me and I agreed. You left me that day and called me to say how disappointed you were at ME for not understanding how the you disappear and don’t even notify me you ditched in that cinema. So, no. I don’t want to listen to what you have to say. You had the chance to do so and the only thing you said wa-”

But then he put his hand on my left shoulder pressing my full back against the wall and placing his left hand on the other side of my face to stop me from running away. I was out of words and out of breath.

“Say it.” He leaned closer leaving a just a few inches between our faces. I couldn’t stand his gaze so I looked down, still unable to give my lungs the air they obviously needed. “Tell me you don’t want to see me ever again.”

I couldn’t speak. I don’t know if my vocal chords didn’t want to make a sound or if it was my heart that didn’t want him to leave. In a desperate attempt to regain strength and reclaim the superior position I was in a few seconds ago, I managed to hold up my right hand and grabbed his forearm. And that is official the worst move I could have made because feeling his toned yet not oversized muscles under my palm made me lose all sense of coherence and reason.

He leaned a little bit closer to the point I could feel a few of his hair tufts brush against my forehead. His hot breath crushing against mine, making me realize that I was actually breathing but not enough to dissipate the feeling that I was about to faint. He moved a millimeter to the side touching my nose with his and in response my hand traveled unconsciously from his forearm to his neck. It felt so warm and soft, yet strong.

“Chanyeol…” I finally managed to say his name, not in the condition I had imagined, though.

With a weak touch I drew his neck little bit closer. I saw him close his eyes and I did the same when I felt his head swing in my direction. I know I should have pushed him away the way my brain was shouting me to do, but I wanted to touch his lips with mine so much. His pink, slightly puffy lips that were about to be pressed against mines…

“Abi!” I heard Min Young scream from afar. I opened my eyes and pushed Chanyeol away violently. I put a finger in front of my mouth signaling him to stay quiet and walked to the front of the building to meet my friend.

“Yes?” God, I was blushing so bad.

“Are you ok? What were you doing back there?” She gave me a puzzled look.

“I… I was talking on the phone.” I took out the little device from the pocket of my jacket placing it in front of her face for her to see. “With my…mom.” Her confusion grew bigger.

“But I thought you came down here to meet that guy… the .” She started looking around and I did the same while waiting for an epiphany to fall from the sky because I didn’t know how to get out of that situation.

And then I noticed a van parked around 20 meters away from us, and on the dark windows of the van you could still see 5 heads with their nose against the glass trying to see what was going on.

“Yeah… Well, about that…” I needed to get her attention before she could see the black vehicle filled with curious spectators. “I just talked to him and that’s why I was talking to my mom. Because, you’ll see… this guy is the postman that brings the mail every day and…”

“You have his phone number?” Min Young started to be suspicious.

“Yes! Yes… Because, ummm… My mom sent me those chocolates. And they never came. So, I asked the guy and he said he didn’t know anything about it. But I think he lost them or ate them or something. So, I… had his number because we were negotiating. I guess he didn’t want to get fired for something he did… or did not. And I just wanted my chocolates. But my mom said it was ok and she would send me more. And that’s it.” Note to self: learn how to lie.

Min Young looked at me with narrowed eyes for a few seconds but at the end she bought it.

“Ok, well. We’re waiting for you. You have to blow the candles!” She took my hand.

“Wait, I… am going to call the guy to tell him what my mom said and I’ll be there in a second.” I smiled at her. She let go of my hand and went inside not before telling me to hurry up.

I turned around to go find Chanyeol when I saw him going out from where he was hiding behind a bush. He was clearly amused by what he just saw.

“You’re so bad at lying…”

“Shut up, I was under pressure.” Now I was thinking again with cold blood and I was not going to let the previous scene repeat. “Leave, Chanyeol.”

“No.” He crossed his arms and pursed his lips. “I still need to talk to you.”

“Leave, for God’s sake! My friends are waiting for me.”

“But then promise me we’re going to talk about what happened, soon.”

“No.” Be strong, Abi.

“I will scream.” I looked at him raising both of my eyebrows. “If you don’t promise me we’re going to talk I will scream like you were ually abusing me.”

“Chanyeol, are you crazy?” I can’t believe this guy is even thinking about it. “You can’t blackmail me like that!”

“Watch me.” He opened his mouth and inhaled a huge amount of air making his chest pump up.

“FINE!” I quickly said covering his mouth with both of my hands. “When.”

He said something but my hands on his mouth didn’t allow me to understand so I took them off and told him to repeat it again.

“Tomorrow. 4pm. I’ll pick you up.” He said with a wide smile. I nodded putting on an annoyed expression and watched him get inside the van that had moved to park right in front of the building.

Now, I could clearly see the faces that were looking at me. The EXO-K members rolled down the windows and were smiling. I could recognize Baekhyung and I was sure I remembered all of their names. Chanyeol sat next to his best friend and they all waved at me before the car started moving. I lifted my hand in the air and waved back, with an awkward smile in my face.

Note to self: buy Min Young a wushu stick.




Hey! So, this is a loooong chapter haha Hope you like it!

A special shout out to my unnie because she made an account just to be able to comment on my story. I love you! And welcome to asian fanfics as an active member, you’re going to love it :)

To all of you, silent readers and cool readers that write comments that make me smile a lot, thank you for reading this crappy story so far <3


ps: found the picture here







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Chapter 12: it was a great story although it has no definite ending.. it was just really amazing.. as for me, they ended seeing each other occassionally and living both of their lives the way they want to.. :)

i hope that you will be able to find the answers to your your life to the fullest and remember that better things will definitely come at the right time :)

hwaiting !!!
ChanyeollieRaviolli #2
Pleeeaaasssee update! I love this story, it's like the only fanfic where I can picture myself as the character perfectly since she sounds like me lol. please write more :3
afabro #3
Chapter 3: This is making me super happy while reading it cause her personality is the same as me! I can see myself in her sooo much! Please keep writing♡
ItsKittyKpop #4
Chapter 11: Update soon!^^
I love this story very very much!<3
chatonkitty #5
Chapter 11: Nooo please continue writing these D:
I love love love it so so so so so much
soooyeon #6
Chapter 11: welcome back! :)

this update is nice!! poor Abi and Yeol... /sobs/ T__T i hope both of them will be okay~~

aigoooo, her friends! aiishh xD

well, update sooon!! ^^
Chapter 11: oh no D: stuff is going downhill, nooo.
everything was turning out nicely too.
welp, there always has to be some drama or it wouldn't be a good story. :)
update soon~ ^^
Chapter 11: oh no not now when she need her friends TT^TT
penagainstpaper #9
Chapter 11: welcome back! I was squealing with the cuteness at the beginning but now im like asdfg over the end. ;__;
Chapter 11: oh no you serious. ;________;
I hate you, my heart just stopped when chanyeol said the Iloveyou thing because this is the most beautiful way to say it and ugh my feels and now ah no i can't