Because Halloween has to be sweet

Dating Park Chanyeol


Two days had passed since I went to Lotte World with Chanyeol, Baekhyun and Lay. Today was Wednesday and I got the joy of listening to Joon explaining why tonight was going to be the best night of our lives. According to him I had to thank globalization because Halloween had never been this popular before in Korea. People were going to put on awesome costumes and there were going to be parties everywhere. He didn’t know if we should go to Ha Neul’s party or a party in the ‘Viva la disco’ disco. Or I should say “they” instead of “we”, because I was sick like a terminally ill old woman yesterday and I couldn’t risk going back to that state now that I’d miraculously recovered.

I don’t know if I’ve said this before, but Joon was the player of our group. I had never seen a guy hook up with girls so fast in my life. Ever. And it’s kind of scary.

I laughed at the comment Min Young added at the end of one of the guy’s long speech. Out of nowhere a student appeared.

“Sorry, teacher Kim told me to tell as many people as I could that this afternoon’s class is cancelled. She sent us a mail but I don’t know how many people read it. So, spread the word please!” The girl wearing a pink coat said before leaving.

We looked at each other and smiled widely.

“Nice! So we can go to my house first and start drinking before-” Joon started again.

“Sorry, guys. I’m not coming and since we have no class I’m going to leave now. Have fun tonight!” I said at the same time I took my backpack.


“No ‘buts’, Joon. I told you I’m sick, I can’t leave my house or I’ll die. And you don’t want me to die, right? So HAVE FUN!” I turned around and walked away from them as fast as possible, ignoring all their comments regarding my choice of how to spend my Halloween evening.

I took out my beanie from my bag because my head was starting to feel cold. Winter… we have such a love/hate relationship. I was adjusting my woolen gloves when my phone vibrated in my pocket. I pulled it out and pressed the call button after a few fail tries because of the gloves.

“Hi, oppa! What is up?” I said smiling when white vapor came out of my mouth. God, I love this thing. I thought breathing heavily to create more of the white vapor. I’m a draaaagon~

“Hi… Abi? Are you ok? Why am I even asking, you’re so 4D. I bet you’re playing with the vapor coming out of your mouth or something. Everything is fine here. Hey, are you still sick?” I heard his deep voice say.

“Well, they say if you imagine people doing something it’s because you’ve done it before Park Chanyeol… And believe it or not I got miraculously recovered! But the weather right now is not helping.” I was only 5 minutes away from home now. If I was lucky I would make it there without any harm.

“Ah, that’s perfect because I wanted to see you today.” His tone was cheerful as always.

“Over my dead corpse, Chanyeol.” Nu-uh I just saved my from an illness I’m not risking my health for anybody. Ok, I know this fear of be sick is now more like a phobia.

“Now, aren’t you a sweet child…”

“I mean, I do want to see you but I don’t want to get sick again.” I pouted.

“And you think I would let you get sick again? That’s why I have something planned.”

“And here is where I run for my life. What are you thinking?” Last time he planned on something was maybe when he blackmailed me with screaming like I was ually abusing him.

“Just keep walking home and you’ll find out.” His voice was starting to sound malicious and I swear I could hear him chuckled darkly like the Cullen guy.

“What… How do you know I’m walking home? I never- No, Chanyeol. I’m not going to see you.” I said with a serious yet a little surprised face when I saw Suho and Sehun next to a car in front of my building. They waved at me with gentle smiles.

“See you in a bit, Abi!”

“Chanyeol, no, wait!” But it was too late, he had already hanged up.

I let out a loud sigh and walked forward to meet the guys. I’ve never talked to them before but I saw them once on the van and you simply can not know their faces.

“Hello, I guess you are Abi. My name is Suho and he is our maknae: Sehun.” I returned their smiles. “We were passing by and Chanyeol asked me to give you a ride to our dorms.”

I saw this one coming.

“And you’re really nice Suho but I have to go home. I’m sick and-”

“Technically you’ll be home. We will take good care of you.” He smiled with a warm shiny smile. Sweet Lord, how can I say no to him? Nice move, stupid Chanyeol. Suho elbowed Sehun and the maknae opened his eyes wide as if he had just remembered something.

“Yes, noona. Our house is your house!” And he has an eye-smile. I’m so so so done.

“So, do I sit in the back?”


Half an hour later we were stuck in a traffic jam. But somehow I felt relaxed. I had no pressure to get to our destination. Actually, if I could stay there a bit longer I would.

Sehun and Suho were just too nice. They worked hard to make the conversation continue without awkward silences, specially the leader. The younger boy was more at ease than what I expected; I guess he was feeling comfortable in the car with his hyung. But who wouldn’t? Suho was extremely welcoming. I was sitting in the front seat next to him and Sehun took the back seat.

“I told you, we were picking up some costumes before coming. Your house was on the way home. Plus, we wanted to meet you! You are absolutely not bothersome in any way.” Suho said moving the car only a few meters forward.

“Oh, so you’re going to a party tonight?” I asked. Wait, but Chanyeol said we were not going to leave the house! Oh God, this boy doesn’t understand…

I guess my mind was easy to read because Suho quickly added. “Don’t worry. Chanyeol and some others are staying home with you. SM wanted to have an EXO representation at this Hyundai party so Sehun, Xiumin, Chen, Luhan, Lay, Baekhyun and I are going.”

“Oh and what are you dressing up like?” I turned around to face the maknae who put a hand in each of the front seats and leaned closer to be more into the conversation.

“I’m going as a ninja turtle!” He beamed.

“A… Ninja Turtle? Let me guess: Donatello? Leonardo? Raphael? Aish, you’re so cute, Sehun-ah, you should have gone as Hello Kitty!” I joked.

“Yah! I’m only 8 months younger than you, noona! Plus, Hello Kitty? I’m a NAMJA!” He exclaimed while punching his chest twice. Suho and I laughed. “And I’m going to be Michelangelo.” My eyes opened a bit after the mention of my new house mate’s name.

“And you, Suho?”  I placed my eyes on the guy behind the steering wheel.

“I’m going as Pikachu.” He said a little bit embarrassed.

A few seconds passed by. Sehun and I remained in our seats with a poker face on.






“And all twelve of you live together?” I asked casually while we got out of the elevator and walked to their dorm’s door.

“No, exo-K lives here and exo-m not far away. We often eat together in our dorm, though.” Sehun explained at the same time Suho opened the door.

My heart was beating fast. I’ve never been really a social person, so I didn’t know how to act in front of the rest of the members. Will they be nice? Maybe they are tired so I shouldn’t talk much? Probably they are kind of rude and egocentric? I’ve never been around well known singers and dancers and…

But sooner than expected I heard a *click* and then with a soft move the door started revealing the inside of the room. I looked up from the floor with interest and jitters but before I could clearly see anything a sudden tackle made me close my eyes again. “Wah-” I wasn’t hurtful, it was actually kind of familiar and comforting. All my fears disappear thanks to those arms tightly closed around me and that chest going up and down right next to my head.

I heard a giggle coming from the deep voice a few centimeters above me and did the same.

“You, pabo…” I said playfully.

“I’m glad you’re finally here, Abi. You made the right decision.” He broke the contact and the first thing I could see was half of his face flashing dazzling teeth.

“If you call being blackmailed and kidnapped a decision.” I protested rolling my eyes.

“Hey, noona! Nobody kidnapped you.” Sehun’s voice made me turn around realizing seven boys where looking at us.

“Oh, let me introduce you to our members.” Suho said smiling with gentle eyes. “This is Minseok hyung, Chen, Kyunsoo, Tao and Kris hyung.” He said pointing at each one of them.

I felt Tao’s eyes pierce through mines with an assassin gaze. I gulped. I broke the eye contact as an instinct to preserve my life but I regretted doing it immediately when my eyes got set on Kris. He had this poker face, more like… face on. And this is the kind and cool guy Chanyeol had talked to be about?

Tao walked one step closer and I unconsciously grabbed Chanyeol’s hand. All the guys started making teasing noises like “Woooohh” “HA-Haaa!” “Fiuu! fiuuu!” But I didn’t let go. Better mocked than dead.

“Yah, guys! God, you’re so immature.” See who’s talking, Chanyeol. And they all started laughing. Everyone, even Tao and Kris. When I looked back at them and saw their smiley faces I felt kind of stupid for being afraid at them. I need to stop judging people without getting to know them first.

I let go of Chanyeol’s hand and bowed. “It’s really nice to meet you, guys! Chanyeol has told me a lot about you. I hope we can be friends.” I straightened and gave them the biggest smile I could. They smiled back and nodded.

“Ok, let’s go inside. We have to leave soon.” Suho said making a motion with his hand signaling a few of us who were still outside to come in.

I followed Minseok and Chanyeol went behind me. We entered to a wide living room, with an opened kitchen on the right, a door next to the kitchen, and a hall on the left. On the living room couch there was someone watching tv. I recognized him, it was Kai. He looked back at me and smiled.

“What’s up, Abi.”

“Manager said he was downstairs with Yixing waiting for us.” A voice said appearing from the hallway. It was a guy wearing a Peter Pan costume. He looked… amazing. He saw me and walked in my direction with the cutest eye smile I’d ever seen (as cute as Sehun’s probably). The closer he was, the better I could appreciate his perfect features and his bright eyes. “Hi, I’m Luhan.” He said bowing slightly. I stood there, blinking like the retarded person I was beginning to believe I actually was. Luhan was the most perfect human being I had ever laid my eyes on. He kept looking at me, waiting for me to react. I shook my head to regain my senses and bowed back.

Out of nowhere, I felt an arm resting on my shoulders. I looked up to my side and saw Chanyeol pouting a little.

“Come with me, Abi. I’ll show you my room.”

“But Chanyeol I-”

“Come.” He concluded tugging me along.

“Luhan hyung, you made Chanyeol jealous haha.” I heard someone’s voice in the back.

The tall guy led me to one of the doors on the left side of the hall. On the way there, he pointed to the doors we passed by explaining the dorm’s organization. Kai and Kyunsoo’s room was on the right next to the bathroom, the door next to Chanyeol and Baekhyun’s room was the closet where they all put and shared their stuff, and the entrance to Suho and Sehun’s room was the door on the living room next to the kitchen.

He was about to grab the doorknob, when the door opened from the inside to our surprise. A zombie look-alike person stepped out of the room while seeking for something on his bag but stopped when he saw us blocking the way. He looked at us, blinked a few times, and then seemed to understand. And right there, he dashed me with a lovely smile.

“Hi, Abi! It’s nice to see you again. I’m glad you’re not sick and could come to our dorm.” He said honestly happy we met again. I was glad to see him, too.

“Hi, Baekhyun oppa! Looking… scary tonight.” I complimented his outfit.

“Chanyeol helped me to choose this Frankeinstein costume. But it won’t be complete until I get the proper make up.” He stuck out his tongue.

“Is everybody ready? We have to go to get our make up done!” Suho shouted from the living room. A bunch of steps and movement could be heard afterwards.

“Well, I guess I have to go! Enjoy your stay, Abi. I hope I can see you tonight as well. We’ll be back at eight because it’s not what you could call a crazy teenager party.” He winked and was about to walk pass us but didn’t. “Wait, why are you in front of our room?” He said this time looking at Chanyeol with suspicious eyes.

“I was going to show Abi our room and-” Chanyeol started explaining but Baekhyun lifted a hand to interrupt him.

“No, no funny things in our room, Chanyeol.” I blushed and tried to say something but stutter.

“Baekhyunnie, we’re not going to do anything in the room!” Chanyeol whined. Today he was acting more like a puppy than Baekhyun himself.

“I said NO. God, you guys are gross…” He said making a disgusted face accompanied by a highly judgmental glance.

“What?! You are the one thinking erted things! We’re not going to do !”

The little one pushed us a bit to be able to step outside and close the door behind him. He gave us a sever look. To his friend and then to me. And back to his friend. Pretty eyes had never been scarier.

“I won’t risk the pure and al state of my bed sheets and floor.”

“And floor?!” We both exclaimed.

“Besides, why the heck would we use your bed?” Chanyeol added.

“I don’t know. You’re the teenagers here, you tell me.”

“What? But it’s you who’s imagining things that are not true!” Chanyeol pointed a reproachful finger to Baekhyun. Somewhat, I felt like laughing at the scene.

“I’m not letting you two go alone inside our room. Nope. Not gonna happen. I’ll tell Kyungsoo to keep an eye on both of you.” Loud voices asking Baekhyun to hurry up were heard.

“Yah! Byun Baekhyun-” Chanyeol was going to protest again but the older one spoke before he could do so.

“Hahaha I’m just kidding, Chanyeollie.” He put a gorgeous hand on Chanyeol’s shoulder. “But hey, be good and go to the living room. There is enough space there for you to be a minimum 2 meters away from each other.” He turned us around and pushed our backs heading to where the others were waiting for him.

“Then, you were not kidding! Baekhyun, you can’t just-” We had already arrived next the big black sofas.

“Bye, Yeollie! Have fun… looking at each other from afar.” He said smiling and rushed through the front door before Chanyeol could say anything else.

The others bade goodbye and left. Soon there were only Kris, Tao, Kai, Kyunsoo and us.

“I don’t know why he’s acting like that, honestly.” Chanyeol turned around to face me with an apologetic look. I laughed and shrugged it off.

“It doesn’t matter, you’ll show me latter. Besides, the living room looks very cozy!”

Kris and the others approached us. They were all very tall, except for Kyunsoo. Tiny Pea had big round eyes, thick lips and an adorable aura.

“What are you going to do now?” Tao asked with a strong Chinese accent.

“OH NOOO!” Everybody jumped a little and looked at me confused at my sudden reaction.

“What! What happened?!” Chanyeol moved his head from side to side trying to find the problem.

“Dude, I forgot to pay attention to the others’ disguise.” I pouted. Nobody really understood my passion for Halloween, even if I didn’t show it a lot.

They all laughed and I blushed a little. Control yourself, Abi. And control yourself, Chanyeol. The guy was still slapping his leg and making that derpy face he made when he laughed.

“Let’s take a bath, Kuyngsoo hyung.” Kai said putting his arm around his hyung and walking away from us.

“I’m not going to bath with you, Jongin-ah.”

“But who’s going to rub by back then?”

“But I already took a sho-” And the door of their room closed behind them.

Then Tao grabbed Kris by the arm, pulling him to the front door.

“Kris, let’s go eat something delicious and maybe go shopping a little.” He said with a cute smile. Exo-m’s maknae is cuter than expected.

“But I’m tired, Tao. Let’s take a nap instead.” Kris closed his eyes but let Tao led him to the front door anyways. It was like he was giving up beforehand.

“Pleaaaaase, Kris. You know it’s rare to have a day off. We can’t just stay inside a building again. And Korean food is yummy. Please?” And the baby panda eyes were on. Kris couldn’t do anything but accept defeat.

“Do you want to come with us, guys?” He asked putting on his shoes. Chanyeol and I explained we couldn’t because I would convulse and die if we did. They took it pretty well.

So, there we were. Chanyeol and I, on his living room, reading a magazine we found on the table. Laughing at stupid remarks we both made and playing the “I pick this one!” game from time to time when we saw pictures of cool fashion items. Occasionally we ended up in a deep discussion about a book the magazine was promoting or a philosophical argument concerning beauty. But two seconds later, we were playing dumb again.

This is going to be a long afternoon. Or so I hoped it was.





Hey, moonpies! 

This is actually half of a chapter I am writing but I thought it was going to be super long so I decided to make 2 chapters instead.

I love Halloween so much ^^

I'm sorry, I wish you could have read this on the 31st oct ... FAIL haha but oh well.

The edit was made my this girl and her edits are always impressive. Her blog is one of my favorites !

ps: here is winterish Baozi just for you! He's so precious ;__;




Hey guys!! I'll be updating the fanfic on January ok? I'm really really sorry but I have exams and I'll be travelling during the holidays so no time to write ;A;

Here is my twitter in case you want to talk to me and be my friend and love each other c:






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Chapter 12: it was a great story although it has no definite ending.. it was just really amazing.. as for me, they ended seeing each other occassionally and living both of their lives the way they want to.. :)

i hope that you will be able to find the answers to your your life to the fullest and remember that better things will definitely come at the right time :)

hwaiting !!!
ChanyeollieRaviolli #2
Pleeeaaasssee update! I love this story, it's like the only fanfic where I can picture myself as the character perfectly since she sounds like me lol. please write more :3
afabro #3
Chapter 3: This is making me super happy while reading it cause her personality is the same as me! I can see myself in her sooo much! Please keep writing♡
ItsKittyKpop #4
Chapter 11: Update soon!^^
I love this story very very much!<3
chatonkitty #5
Chapter 11: Nooo please continue writing these D:
I love love love it so so so so so much
soooyeon #6
Chapter 11: welcome back! :)

this update is nice!! poor Abi and Yeol... /sobs/ T__T i hope both of them will be okay~~

aigoooo, her friends! aiishh xD

well, update sooon!! ^^
Chapter 11: oh no D: stuff is going downhill, nooo.
everything was turning out nicely too.
welp, there always has to be some drama or it wouldn't be a good story. :)
update soon~ ^^
Chapter 11: oh no not now when she need her friends TT^TT
penagainstpaper #9
Chapter 11: welcome back! I was squealing with the cuteness at the beginning but now im like asdfg over the end. ;__;
Chapter 11: oh no you serious. ;________;
I hate you, my heart just stopped when chanyeol said the Iloveyou thing because this is the most beautiful way to say it and ugh my feels and now ah no i can't