Runaway Batman

Dating Park Chanyeol


Chanyeol and I started to text each other quite a lot. We would text each other at least once a day and sometimes, if I was lucky enough, I would get a goodnight message. Never a good morning message, though. And I still had to re-read every text before sending it to make sure I wasn’t saying something too stupid, or too awkward. After 4 days, we were starting to communicate more at ease with each other.

From: Chanyeol

Abigail is absolutely not an ugly name.

Why don’t you like it, silly Abi?


I was lying on my bed after spending my Sunday afternoon cleaning my little apartment. I read the message holding the phone on the air above my face when somehow it felt down and hit me. Christ, I’m seriously silly. I picked it up thanking the fact that I lived by myself, which saved me from a lot of public embarrassment.

To: Chanyeol

It’s not the name. I have nothing against Abigail.

It just doesn’t fit a person like me. I feel like it’s

not my name. But my mom couldn’t know that

when I was born :P

I turned around to lie on my belly and without realizing it I felt asleep. It was a 40 minutes nap that, as every nap I’ve taken in my life, ended with me feeling even sleepier than before. They call it napception.

I took my phone to check if I’ve received any new texts and there was one.

From: Chanyeol

Oh, it’s true! Tomorrow is your birthday, isn’t it?

I was thinking we could go to the movies together.

I am free tomorrow afternoon around 3:30 :)

Wait, a date? And… it’s the first time HE asks me on a date. OMG OMG! I started moving like a convulsive worm on my bed when I remembered I should answer back. After all, he sent that text half an hour ago and I hated when people stop replying all of a sudden.

To: Chanyeol

Sure, oppa! See what I did there? ;)

I don’t have class tomorrow afternoon.

And I will celebrate my birthday with some

friends next Saturday. I would ask you to come

but I know you won’t be able to make it.


Ps: I felt asleep, mianhe.

I got tired of waiting for him to reply so I stood up and put some music on. I don’t know but lately I was being obsessed over Big Bang. Such a cool group. Their music was AWESOME. So I turned the volume up when Fantastic Baby started playing and, of course, I did the appropriate aboriginal dance move when TOP started saying “boom shaka laka”. I always felt that part of the song had a native vibe very charming and… awkward. Maybe that’s why I liked it so much!

Almost an hour after I had started my personal mini concert I got the text I was waiting for.

From: Chanyeol

Ok, we have a date then! See you in front of the

movie theater near the KLI 63 building at 3:30.

Do you want to watch Batman? I know you don’t.

But Byun Baekie watched it and told me it was awesome.

Did I change your mind? Hope I did because if you don’t

answer in the next 0.03 seconds I’m buying the entrance tickets.

Don’t worry, you get to pick the next film, I promise!

I bought them in advance so we can get there at the last minute

and avoid the crowd. You know, just in case. I have practice now.


Ps: I was waiting until I took long enough for you to consider this

my revenge, mianhe.

Wow wow so much information to process. So I had to watch Batman. Fine. And I get to pick the next movie? So, he is assuming there are more dates to come? KABOOM My heart had exploded. And he is having a revenge for my delay because he is a freaking child. What am I going to do with you, Park Chanyeol…

I texted him a good night message and went to sleep. Tomorrow I started my day really early in the morning. And he was just about to begin with his dance practice… those boys worked so hard!


“So, you can’t come to my house to let me feed you some delicious cake?” Min Young pouted and I felt my heart cringe a little. “At least you should have an excuse.” Awww, her aegyo was killing me!

“I told you, I have an appointment. But I can go to your place at night.” I pushed her playfully with my shoulder but she was still looking down pouting. “I’m very sorry, Minnie. I would have loved to try that cake. Bring me a slice tomorrow, please.” I smiled at her and patted her head.

We were walking out of university with a couple of friends. They were talking about what we were going to do for my birthday on Saturday. The last thing I got was that we were having a little meeting just the five of us at home.

“Yeah, I’m fine with whatever you want to do as long as my apartment doesn’t explode. I have to go now, guys! See you tomorrow.” I passed my arm over Min Young’s shoulder and gave her one last little hug before running on the opposite direction. I saw her smile at me so I could go to my date with my mind in peace.

I got there just in time and Chanyeol arrived a few minutes later. Everybody was already inside.

“I didn’t know you could make reservations to watch a movie, too.” We were walking towards the far upper corner of the theater.

“Well, another proof of how awesome I am” I saw him wink despite the darkness and I rolled my eyes.

We sat down in the last row of chairs on the left side of the theater. I was next to the hallway and Chanyeol next to me.

“Oh, I bought you a birthday present!” He said and his face became brighter.
“Really?! You didn’t have to. What is it? Let me see, let me see!” I was clinging into Chanyeol’s sleeve. He smiled sheepishly, his eyes wandering the surroundings, looking anywhere but where my eyes were.

“I… forgot it on the van.” He admitted while scratching the back of his neck looking nervous. I snorted shaking my head.

“Oppa, you’re so dumb!” I suddenly put on a more serious face. “I’m not liking that whole ‘oppa’ thing. When I call you that it immediately invalidates any further attempt of hurting your feeling.”

He just beamed and started eating the popcorn he had purchased before we entered the room. I took 3 popcorns and ate them one by one waiting for the movie to start. We stopped eating and took a moment to think, and then we turned to face each other at the same time with our mouth opened as if we were about to say something.

“Go ahead.”

“No, no. Go ahead.”

At the end we realized we wanted to say the same thing and we agreed on not eating anymore popcorn until the film started. An agreement that lasted less than 10 minutes, when we found each other picking handfuls of them. We smiled at each other when our fingers met inside the medium size pot, realizing what we were unconsciously doing.

We then started talking about the last time we were on a movie theater and, to my surprise, it was me who broke the record in that category. Apparently Chanyeol had come to see a movie from his company not long ago. We were in the midst of our conversation when a couple stood next to us arguing. Or to be exact, the woman looked like she was about to murder the skinny guy that was next to her.

“You have to be too stupid to be this dumb.” Now, that was clever! I thought to myself. “I leave you two seconds alone and you lose our movie tickets. My God, what have I done to go out with such a retarded scum of sea cow poop.” I mentally laughed and I saw Chanyeol covering his mouth from the corner of my eye, holding a laugh, too. The guy didn’t say anything; he just stood there rubbing his right arm with his left hand.

The woman hit him in the back of the head and took a step to the side, invading my personal space with her lurid pink purse. Chanyeol and I both looked up not hiding anymore the fact that we were eavesdropping on the couple’s conversation. The woman must have been on her early 30s and the man around the same age. The dark didn’t allow us to see anything more than her striking bag and the submissive body posture the guy acquired.

“Tell me, small balls, are you going to pay for all the money we lost? I hope you do because not only we had to buy the entrances twice but I let you choose what to eat and you buy this horrendous peanut butter popcorn. God saves me, I’m dating a good for nothing moron.” She did a failed attempt of hair flip causing her purse to fly to her back and hit me on the side of the face. I huffed angrily and spoke out loud.

“And I agree, Deisy. Now, could you please enlighten us with you feminism from your seat… with you mouth shut? Thank you.” I said with a monotone voice but emphasizing how much that little scene annoyed me.

The woman gave me a superior look that I ignored on purpose and walked to sit almost on the first row, since the movie was about to start and most of the seats were already taken.

Chanyeol let out a silent laugh that sounded more like he was snorting the national anthem. “You’re just too good to be true…” He said more to himself. I blushed and hold up a breath staying still from the unexpected compliment. I didn’t know if he meant to say it out loud or if he wasn’t lying to please me, so I remained quiet. The blushed didn’t disappear during the first 15 minutes of the film.

Now that I think about it. We entered almost last to the theater and we waited for ages before the movie started. Anyways, I needed to focus on the situation I was dealing right there. Chanyeol was completely absorbed by the film and to be honest it was more amusing that what I expected it to be. Plus, one of my favorite actors was on it so it was even better! I felt something brushing against my right arm and when I looked down I saw Chanyeol’s arm resting next to mine. My heart started beating out of control again. My God, at this rate I will end up dying from a heart attack.

I decided to focus on the movie again while trying to chill. Think about Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Abi. What a cool actor. My my, he’s so handsome and talented. Just like… No, Abi. Joseph Gordon-Levitt, remember? Think about him and BREATHE.

I could feel the heat coming from Chanyeol’s arm right into my own skin, even if there was tissue between us. The room was feeling way hotter than usual. I looked down again to where both of our arms were resting. Should… should I hold his hand? We already held hands a few days ago, so it shouldn’t be awkward or anything. Should I? I just need to make this little move and my fingers will intertwine with his. Our hands are already about to touch, really. He won’t freak out, right? But why doesn’t he do anything? If he wanted to hold hands he would have done it. But, Abi, maybe he’s thinking the same thing YOU are thinking. Ok, that’s it. I will do it. I’m a grown up independent woman and I can do the first move. Here I go… 1… 2… wait, no. BREATHE. BREATHE. Please, God, make my hands stop sweating. Ok, ready? 1… 2… THRE-

“I need to go to the bathroom.” Chanyeol said and got up. “I’ll be right back.” I leant my legs to the side for him to pass in front of me and leave. As soon as he was a few steps away from me I let out a sigh and slipped down on my seat. That was close. I took out my phone to see if Min Young had texted me something related to the cake, the way she did when she couldn’t get something out of her mind. The truth is I really wanted to try that cake and spend the night of my 19th (20th, in Korea) birthday with my new best friend. To me surprise and regret, I hadn’t got any messages. Before I put my phone again in my pocket I saw what time it was: 4:30pm

I set my eyes on the film again and got lost in all the action. I love how movies can stop you from thinking about your worries. It’s a perfect escape from reality.

After what I felt like 5 minutes I was starting to wonder why Chanyeol hadn’t arrived yet. I pulled out my phone to see what time it was: 4:50pm. What?! Chanyeol had been gone for too long! I furrowed me eyebrows and decided to text him.

To: Chanyeol

Oppa, where are you?

Did the toilet eat you alive?

Nehhh, you’re too big to fit in there :P

No response. No response. No response. 5 minutes had past and there was not freaking response yet! I stood up and rushed out of the there to look for him in the bathroom. I was about to open the door of the men’s restroom when I felt my phone vibrate. I quickly opened the new message and it was from Chanyeol.

From: Chanyeol

I had to leave. Sorry.






Hi, guys ^^ I was going to upload this chapter earlier but AFF was having some problems… Anyways, thank you for reading! <3

Ps: I’m sorry if there are a lot of grammar mistakes, I will re-read the chapter later! :3




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Chapter 12: it was a great story although it has no definite ending.. it was just really amazing.. as for me, they ended seeing each other occassionally and living both of their lives the way they want to.. :)

i hope that you will be able to find the answers to your your life to the fullest and remember that better things will definitely come at the right time :)

hwaiting !!!
ChanyeollieRaviolli #2
Pleeeaaasssee update! I love this story, it's like the only fanfic where I can picture myself as the character perfectly since she sounds like me lol. please write more :3
afabro #3
Chapter 3: This is making me super happy while reading it cause her personality is the same as me! I can see myself in her sooo much! Please keep writing♡
ItsKittyKpop #4
Chapter 11: Update soon!^^
I love this story very very much!<3
chatonkitty #5
Chapter 11: Nooo please continue writing these D:
I love love love it so so so so so much
soooyeon #6
Chapter 11: welcome back! :)

this update is nice!! poor Abi and Yeol... /sobs/ T__T i hope both of them will be okay~~

aigoooo, her friends! aiishh xD

well, update sooon!! ^^
Chapter 11: oh no D: stuff is going downhill, nooo.
everything was turning out nicely too.
welp, there always has to be some drama or it wouldn't be a good story. :)
update soon~ ^^
Chapter 11: oh no not now when she need her friends TT^TT
penagainstpaper #9
Chapter 11: welcome back! I was squealing with the cuteness at the beginning but now im like asdfg over the end. ;__;
Chapter 11: oh no you serious. ;________;
I hate you, my heart just stopped when chanyeol said the Iloveyou thing because this is the most beautiful way to say it and ugh my feels and now ah no i can't