~Party & *****~

Just Like Now

“Mini Yesung!” someone called.

“Yah! Mini Yesung!”

I turned around to see Specs and my brother Yesung coming over to me. I was in the lunch hall, silently eating my green mochis in it’s packet with my banana milkshake dripping onto my food tray by it’s straw.

“Don’t call me Mini Yesung.” I hissed, not looking up as they sat in front of me. I felt someone’s legs push mine. I looked down to see that it was Spec’s long legs. I glared at Specs and kicked him in the shins to move his legs. Stupid long legged Specs!

“Whatcha want from me?” I asked, “I have nothing apart from mochis and banana milkshake.”

“Ohh! Can I have some?” Yesung chirped.

“What? Mochis?” I asked.


“No way.” I scoffed as I ate my 5th ball of mochi in one go. Specs took a piece of paper out of the pockets of his blazer and laid it in front of me. “What’s this?”

“An invitation for you to come to a party.” Specs spoke.

“Whose party?” I asked.

“Mine.” Specs smiled at me. I looked at the invitation and over to me.

“How old will you be?” I asked.

“Just 17.” he shrugged.

“Hmm… I’ll see if I can come.” I said, stuffing the invitation, probably creating creases on it as I did so. “I don’t know if I can go.”

“Why not?” Specs asked, his face frowning.

“Cause I can’t go. I don’t know how to get there.” I shrugged.

“I can take you there.” I looked up to see Yesung putting his hand up.

“Or me!”

“And me!”

“I can gladly take you in my car.”

I looked behind me to see the Gamer, erted Chubby Cheeks and Pink Gay Bunny all smiling at me.

“All three of you are still 15 or 16. You guys can’t drive yet! Let alone own your own car.” Yesung cried.

“I’m rich. I already have a car.” Gamer shrugged.

“Same here.” erted chubby cheeks grinned, his eyes disappearing.

“I can ask my umma to take us together.” Pink Gay Bunny offered.

“Thanks for the offer guys but no thanks.” I said, getting up and sliding my tray along the table to go to the bin. They all followed me like little lost puppies. Which was quite cute. It was like I have a leash on each of everyone of them, pulling them along with me. Hehe.

“Then how can you go to my party?” Specs pouted.

“You really want me to go to your party?” I asked him, partly shocked that he actually did invite me and wants me to come.

“Yeah. The more the merrier right?” Specs smiled kindly down at me. I couldn’t help but smile.

“Yeah, we would all like you to come.” Gamer added. That surprised me a lot. I mean, I expected him to say ‘Oh god. Why invite her though? She’ll ruin the whole thing’ or something between those lines. But he said they would all like me to come. Including him.

“I can take you. I’m your brother and I can easily borrow umma’s car.” Yesung said, putting his hand up again.

“I’ll go to the party.” I told the boys, “But I don’t want anyone taking me there.”

“How the hell can you get there then?” Pink Gay Bunny asked me.

“I’ll take the bus.” I said, tipping the contents of my tray in the bin and throwing the tray along with it even though I’m not supposed to but I don’t really care.

“But the party is at night-” Gamer started.

“And you can’t take directions yet. You can’t speak to a bus driver.”

“Oh please! I have been going through directions with Hae for the past tutoring lessons we’ve been having.” I rolled my eyes.

“Are you sure? Cause I can really take you there with me.” Yesung asked to make sure.

“I don’t need anyone to take care of me. I’m a big girl. I’m sure I can take myself there on my own in one piece.” I smiled at them all to reassure them.

The night of the party:

“Where the hell is the freaking bus?” I hissed, looking at my lime green watch as I hugged my shoulders against the cold. It was the night of Spec’s party and I’m still waiting at the bus stop. How long will it take? I might be like half an hour late already! They might be all wondering where I am?

“Where the fudge are you? You stupid bus?” I breathed as I checked my phone. I’m already thinking that I would of took one of the boy’s offers to take me to the party with them. But then, I don’t want to be the girl who always needs help to get to somewhere. I can take care of myself really well. Taking myself to the party is not hard at all. IF THE FREAKIN BUS WOULD COME ALREADY! I slid down to the cold ground hugging my legs this time. Thank god that I was wearing skinny jeans with a soft jumper to keep me warm. I pushed my phone in my jean pockets while I pulled the sleeves of my jumper over my hands to keep them warm. Why was it so cold at night? Should I just not go to the party? Wait for 5 minutes and I can just go back home and make an excuse for not being there. Like I was ill! All. Of. A. Sudden…

5 minutes…

Wait for another…

10 minutes later…


15 minutes later…

Let’s try to be patient for the bus…

45 minutes later…

“OH FOR CRYING OUT LOUD!” I shouted, getting up from the floor. The bus is freaking an hour and 25 something late! Gahh! I’m giving up- A car suddenly stopped in front of me. A black range rover that looked like it just came out of a car wash. It was all clean. No scratches. It looked new. I paused as the car window rolled down to reveal-

“Need a ride?” The Gamer smirked.

“What- What are you doing-” I stuttered.

“I know, I’m late. But I always come to a party fashionably late.” he smirked, “how comes you’re still not at the party?”

“I’m still waiting for the bus.” I said truthfully.

“Haven’t you checked the bus updates this week? Buses won’t work at night times no more.” he said.

“What-” my cheeks burned as I felt ashamed and embarrassed. I air in and started to walk away.

“Hey! Where are you going?” Gamer yelled after me. I heard the car start and it started to crawl really slowly next to me so that the Gamer can looked out of the window to talk to me.

“I’m walking to the party.” I told him and fastened my pace.

“But it’s too far! You will wear yourself out pretty badly.” he said.

“I can cope.” I sniffed as I hugged myself once more, shivering so bad.

“Just get in my car. We can go together.” he said.

“no thanks. I don’t need someone to take me there. I’m independent. I don’t need a guy’s help.” I snapped. It carried on for more that 15 minutes with The Gamer following me using his car which he slowed down to match my pace. The cars behind him beeped for him to hurry up but he won’t so they went around him in annoyance, saying rude names at him in Korean. I smirked as he carried on asking me to get in the car already. My legs ached already.

“Please get in the car, Yumi.” he begged, “I don’t want you to walk around over there dead at night.”

“You’ll me in that car of yours.” I said stiffly.

“I won’t you! Sheesus!!” The Gamer cried, “Look, your shoes will break. Just get in and we’ll get there quickly.” I gave up. My feet hurt, I probably have blisters too, my legs ached and I was exhausted. I opened the car door and hopped in, in silence as I put my seatbelt in while the Gamer smiled to himself and started to drive forwards normally now.

“Rest for a while.” he told me. I made myself comfortable as I looked around the car. This can’t be his right?

“Is this your car then?” I asked.

“Nope. I crashed my car earlier cause of the stupid garbage truck.” Gamer frowned.

“So whose car is this?” I asked.

“My sisters. Cho Ahra?” He said, taking his eyes off the road, “She doesn’t know I took it so shhh…” I crinkled my nose and made a face.

“Your sister is a .” I muttered under my breath. The Gamer’s face turned stony as he looked at me with narrowed eyes.

“Don’t call my sister a thanks.” he snapped, “That’s my sister you are talking about.” I scoffed.

“She is though. Such a loud mouth! She’s such a to me.” I saw the Gamer’s hand tighten around the steering wheel.

“Look whose talking ey?” he hissed, “You are as much of a loud mouth as my sister! Instead that you are the worst one. You are more a than Ahra noona. Don’t you talk about her like that to me!” I scoffed.

“You’re a as well.” I cried, “You talk about some bull to her about me! You about me! You ay stuff about me! How could you?”

“Well, it is true! You are such a dog!” he shouted. My eyes stung. “You always bark at me. All I hear is ‘Woof! Woof’! Can’t you give your stupid cold attitude for once? It’s getting boring and people are hating you for it!”

“Then why be nice to me in history class all of a sudden? Why did you beg me to be your friend? Take the punishments that are supposed to be for me?” I asked, my eyes threatening to let some tears fall down my cheeks, “Why did you even offer to take me there now if you gonna insult me?!”

“Because I feel sorry for you!” he shouted back, “I felt sorry for you because you don’t even have friends because of the way you act coldly to people. Always so mouthy!” Where was this all coming from? He turned nasty all of a sudden? “I wanted to help you but it looks like I can’t even stay in the same place as you no more!”

“Well then stop the stupid car! I’m going to walk home!” I ordered.

“No! it’s too late now! We’re in a busy road. There’s no turning back.” he said.

“Stop the damn car!” I screeched.

“We can’t stop in the middle of the road you idiot!” he yelled.

“I hate you so much with all my heart!” I told him, a few tears pouring down, “if I had the stupid Ipod you gave me I will throw it down the river!”

“Like I would care! I hate you too! From the start! You are the ! I don’t know who Donghae can stand you! How the others can take all your crap!” he hissed in anger, “Do you know what people have been saying about you? Behind your back?” he looked at me, taking his eyes off the road as I stared at the road ahead. “They call you the cold hearted ! The ice princess! You don’t care do you- Sure you do! I bet you bloody well cry yourself to sleep-”

“KYUHYUN LOOK OUT!” I screamed and then blackness… 

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I really enjoyed this ^-^
That was AWESOME~~!! Waiting for new updates~
thatchinesegirl #3
“Kim Jong Yumi~” Chubs bounced over to me at lunch time, “Guess what?” <br />
<br />
“What?” I asked.<br />
<br />
“Siwon hyung-” <br />
<br />
“Wait!” I stopped him.<br />
<br />
“What?!” <br />
<br />
“CHEEKS!!!” I grinned and squished his face for a second before letting go, “Now carry on.” <br />
<br />
Chapter 34-<br />
Aw, yay!!!!<br />
She lives with her real family now!!!<br />
Haha! Yesung! What a clumsy person!<br />
Siwon is dating....<br />
By the holy water!<br />
HAHA!!! I'm glad that she's friends with<br />
Henry now! DONGHAE!!!!<br />
LOVE.<br />
ROFL oh Siwon met her by the holy water. xD<br />
Yay~ fishy finally gets his date with Yumi,you can only say no to him so many times before giving in.
CupcakeChoi93 #6
By the holy water xD <br />
Awww Yumi finally gave into Fishy Hae! <br />
aww thats so sweet donghae wont give up^^ cant wait to see how their date would go:)
Chapter 33-<br />
A turtle on a walk???<br />
AWWW!!! Donghae is SOOO sweet!<br />
I like how Sungmin wasn't even embarrassed<br />
by the fact that he was watching and a girl<br />
walked in...<br />
Yesung! Thats so cute!<br />
The mother deserved to know!
AsianAtHeart #9
AAAAAAHHHH!!! Umma! Remember Yumi!!!!!!! YESUNGIE LOVES ME!!!! <3 love the update, keep writing <3<3
CupcakeChoi93 #10
"-Monkey is not just a monkey, he is a dancer. A hot dancer!"<br />
Amen to that!! :)) <br />
<br />
Awwww Yumi finally met her Umma...again