Noticing habits with my turtle hyung.

Just Like Now

I woke up, my eyes feeling heavy and my air in knots as I ran my fingers through it annoyingly. I was the spare room and I checked my watch to see that it was only 6 in the morning. I groaned as I slumped back into the pillow, looking up at the ceiling. I stayed like that for a few minutes when I realised I had to get out of this Fishy house soon before they wake up. I jumped off the bed, changed back into my uniform before grabbing all my stuff, stuffing something carefully in my bag. I tip toed down the stairs and then out of the house.

“Goodbye Fishy hyung and Monkey hyung.” I grumbled under my breath like I wasn’t going to see them ever again but I know that I will be as we had school. Again. Grr…

I quickly got showered once I arrived at my house, got changed into a freshly ironed pinafore that was one of the school uniform codes. I looked like one of those girls from the olden times in England. I grabbed my school books, stuff them in my bag and ran out of the house, grabbing something to wear to keep myself warm.

Gahh~ I groaned when I pulled on the sweatshirt I grabbed which was actually The Fishs. Oh god! I took it home with me. Oh well. I shrugged to myself as I ran and ran to my school, trying to not get in too late. Just my luck, as soon as I stepped in through the gates, the bell rang.

OH MY FUU! I groaned as I stomped my way to Maths class as other students ran past me. Urr, my eyes feel so heavy! Stupid Fish for having a talk with me last night. Urr! Stupid, stupid fish! I walked in my Maths class and found The Gamer already sitting in his seat while others were just talking.

Yah, why are you wearing Donghae hyungs sweatshirt? he interrogated. I looked down.

Oh poop. I groaned. Go away.

Did you spend time with him last night? he waggled his eyebrows at me.


Gotcha. I looked up at my saviour and frowned. I see you still have my sweatshirt yeppeo. guess who? Or never mind … It’s The Fish. No big surprise is there. T_T We was in that tango dip stance thing. It didn’t feel comfortable.

“Are you alright?” The Fish tilted his head to the side seeming like he was analysing me from a different angle. A sort of thing a ert does. *Shivers*

“Let me go.” I hissed under my breath.

“What? Let you go?” The Fish repeated.

“Yes. Are you deaf hyung?”


“Go on hyung, drop her, drop her…” The Gamer chanted behind me in an evil voice.

“Let me go hyung.” I snapped at the blank Fish.

“As you wish.” he said in an unsure voice and dropped me onto the floor. My back slammed onto the floor, my bag hitting my chest, making me lie down on the floor with a thud.

“You asked to be let go.” The Fish shrugged, holding out his hand.

“I don’t need our help thanks.” I glowered, ignoring his hand and getting up myself before stomping my way to my seat, a paper ball hitting the back of my head. I looked back to see The Gamer just whistling continuously while his evil gaze was directed at me, a small smirk on his lips showing. Freaky kid >_<.

Maths class went on for a long time… Time was going sooo slow T_T … I want to get out of this class …. *Thud!* Glare … *Thud!* Glare… *10 PAPER BALLS ALL THROWN AT MY FACE AT THE SAME TIME!* S_S

“WILL YOU STOP THROWING PAPER BALLS AT ME?!” I shouted in the quiet class as the paper balls surrounded me from around the floor and on my table as The Gamer tried to look innocent at the fuming teacher.

“Miss Eusebio, what is the matter now?!” the teacher asked, taking his circle lenses off and looking at me with hatred eyes. “This is the third time you have shouted out.” The class sniggered while I felt The Fish tugging onto my sleeve to calm down.

“But Kyuhyun is being an idiot throwing paper balls at me!” I yelled.

“Please don’t yell.” the teacher asked me.

“No! I am getting fed up with that brat!” I kept on yelling, “He won’t stop annoying me-”

“Yumi-shiie, stop. You’ll get detention.” The Fish tugged onto my sleeve once more.

“Let go!” I hissed, whacking him around the back of the head. He let go off me instantly and scooted a bit to the side of his chair in fear.

“That’s it.” the teacher said, “Yumi Eusebio go the principle’s office now.” some people sniggered once more as I grabbed my books and bag and walked out of the class, kicking Kyuhyun’s shin painfully on the way. I heard him cuss in pain as I slammed the door shut. Stupid brat getting me told off. ARGH!!!!! I don’t even remember where the principle’s office is! I carried on walking to random parts of the school until-

“Yumi? What are you doing roaming around the school during lessons?” I looked back and saw Ryeowook who was carrying a huge red folder in his arms.

“Oh- Wookie hyung.” I squeaked.

“Wookie?” Ryeowook grinned.

“I meant Ryeowook- Oh never mind.” I blushed. Wookie just came out. It just sort of suited him if you get me XD.

“What are you doing out here without a hall pass? You will get a detention-”

“I got kicked out of my class.” I mumbled.

“Waeyo?” he freaked.

“I kept on shouting. Kyuhyun was annoying me.” I confessed, “So the teacher is sending me to the principle’s office.” Ryeowook looked at me with narrowed eyes. Something what mother’s do to their children when they are thinking that they are lying sort of thing.

“Well, come with me.” Ryeowook started to smile, “I won’t take you to Seongsaeng’s office.”

“Where are you taking me?” I asked worriedly, stepping back a bit. Is Wookie a ert too? Oh dear god no. Please no.

“I’m taking you to Siwon’s office. Student body president has to have his own office.” Ryeowook beamed and grabbed my hand while holding the red folder with his other arm. This guy is way too sweet. I wonder if he has banana milkshake with him too in that office.

“There’ banana milkshake in there too if you would like some.” Ryeowook told me like he had just read my mind … I’m scared. Is my mind not protected no more?! 0_o… Wookie led me around two corners of the school and we came face to face to a huge glass door which he opened for me. I walked in cautiously and scrunched up my nose at the hospital/office like smell which I don’t really like.

“Sorry about the smell, the nurse’s office is next door.” Ryeowook said. Okay, can he actually read my mind?! I must think of an insult. Yah! Ryeowook, you’re too sweet you can gay like Sungmin! I looked at Ryeowook. His smiling expression hasn’t changed. Worth a try right? XD I carried on walking along the long hallway and saw Religious man on a desk typing something up on the laptop.

“Annyeong Yumi-shiie.” Religious man said without looking up at me. “How comes you’re here??”

“Yumi got sent to the principle’s office but I was thinking we can let her off as she is our friend right?” Ryeowook said behind me. I looked back and couldn’t help but give Ryeowook a friendly smile. He is so nice! He can so be my new best friend! Well, I never had a best friend… T_T

“Sure, why not.” Religious man said. I turned back at him and smiled at him too. They are both soo nice! I love them! Why am I even mean to him-

“Annyeong chingus!” a deep voice called. We all turned to see Yesung coming towards all of us with his turtle in both his hands, his back dragging on the floor and getting pulled along by his leg.

“Oh!” I cried, “Hyung, can I borrow the turtle?!” Yesung stopped in his tracks and looked at his turtle and me before holding it out slowly.

“I don’t bite!” I snapped and grabbed the turtle.

“Yah, yah… Be careful with him.” Yesung warned me.

“Yeah, yeah…” I mumbled and sat down on the floor without thinking.

“Err, Yumi there are chairs around here you know.” Religious man said. *Shrug.* “Aish, she is so much like you Yesung.”

“What do you mean?” me and Yesung both asked at the same time.

“You both don’t bother to look for a chair and just sit down on the floor.” Ryeowook decided to tell us.

“So?” me and Yesung chorused.

“You both like turtles.” Religious man added.

“You both like to stare into space.”

“You two are a bit mouthy. No offence.”

“Non taken.” I shrugged.

“Offence taken!” Yesung cried.

“You both get sent out of Maths class.” Ryeowook and Siwon carried on.

“You two look a like.”

“Same eyes.”

“Same nose. Apart from Yumi’s, yours is cuter.”

“Yah! What’s wrong with my nose?!” Yesung asked bewilderedly.

“Same lips apart from Yumi’s which is very pink and kissable- I mean pouty.” Religious man corrected himself when I shot him a glare before returning back to my turtle.

“Both stubborn.”

“Both loud.”

“Sometimes both sarcastic.”


“Sometimes nice.”



“Yeah, that’s enough! I had enough! Just because we have these similarities doesn’t mean anything!” Yesung chided.

“Fine…” Ryeowook grumbled, “Who wants banana milk?”

“ME!” I raised my hand up at the same time as Yesung. We both looked at each other for a moment and then put out hands down at the same time too. Ryeowook grabbed two banana milkshakes and passed it to us. Me and Yesung hyung locked eyes as we both unscrewed the lid like a mirror, doing the exact same action at the same time. We then peeled off the foil with the same hand and started to drink the milk, our eyes still locked on each other. I broke the staring first by starting to play with the turtle again. Is it really weird on what Religious man and Wookie was saying about us?

Let's have Super Junior (in this fic) answer your comments ;) :

@PandasockSJ: *Donghae* Why thank you :) I'm cute in the teasers aren't i?

*Siwon* you wish Hae!

@AvyA7X: *Ryeowook* Ne, she keeps on calling us hyungs. Its just not right!!

*Donghae* yeah, i want her to badly call me oppa T_T

*Yumi* You wish losers!

*Yesung* ne, she's my long lost sister. i think... XD wait and see... thestory will soon unravel ;) <3 TURTLES FOR THE WIN!

@thatchinesegirl: *Donghae* im not gay. i am goldfish and i am so not a druggie xD dont be mean to Yumi. i love her- i mean i like her xD

@AvyA7X: *Donghae* aww thanks, i was born to be cute.

*Sungmin* She;'s talking about the chat Hae! And i am the cute one here!!!

*Yumi* hallejuah! Someone who is like me XD

@PandasockSJ: *Yumi* Kyuhyun is no angel. I hate the brat.

*Kyuhyun* I love you too!

A/N: my turn now you guise T_t hope you like the update <3 hope to see more comments and SJ&Yumi will reply back :) *throws turtle plushies!* <3 sarang: kimjongjia


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I really enjoyed this ^-^
That was AWESOME~~!! Waiting for new updates~
thatchinesegirl #3
“Kim Jong Yumi~” Chubs bounced over to me at lunch time, “Guess what?” <br />
<br />
“What?” I asked.<br />
<br />
“Siwon hyung-” <br />
<br />
“Wait!” I stopped him.<br />
<br />
“What?!” <br />
<br />
“CHEEKS!!!” I grinned and squished his face for a second before letting go, “Now carry on.” <br />
<br />
Chapter 34-<br />
Aw, yay!!!!<br />
She lives with her real family now!!!<br />
Haha! Yesung! What a clumsy person!<br />
Siwon is dating....<br />
By the holy water!<br />
HAHA!!! I'm glad that she's friends with<br />
Henry now! DONGHAE!!!!<br />
LOVE.<br />
ROFL oh Siwon met her by the holy water. xD<br />
Yay~ fishy finally gets his date with Yumi,you can only say no to him so many times before giving in.
CupcakeChoi93 #6
By the holy water xD <br />
Awww Yumi finally gave into Fishy Hae! <br />
aww thats so sweet donghae wont give up^^ cant wait to see how their date would go:)
Chapter 33-<br />
A turtle on a walk???<br />
AWWW!!! Donghae is SOOO sweet!<br />
I like how Sungmin wasn't even embarrassed<br />
by the fact that he was watching and a girl<br />
walked in...<br />
Yesung! Thats so cute!<br />
The mother deserved to know!
AsianAtHeart #9
AAAAAAHHHH!!! Umma! Remember Yumi!!!!!!! YESUNGIE LOVES ME!!!! <3 love the update, keep writing <3<3
CupcakeChoi93 #10
"-Monkey is not just a monkey, he is a dancer. A hot dancer!"<br />
Amen to that!! :)) <br />
<br />
Awwww Yumi finally met her Umma...again