She is a stalker fan!

I'm going to be famous!


I paid for the stuff and made my way to the bus stop.

Showing my bus pass I made my way to the only free seat and rummaged around my bag for my iPod. On the 3rd stop an elderly woman struggled to get on the bus, she observed for a free seat but they were all taken. Being the good person I am, I offered my seat and stood for the rest of the journey back to the SM building.

As soon as I stepped off the bus the scenery looked unfamiliar and different to what I saw earlier with Key. I checked the piece of paper Key gave me that had the bus stations and times on, I sighed and looked around for someone to ask for help.

An ahjusshi who came off the same bus walked in my direction and I asked for some help ‘excuse me, do you know the way to the SM building?’ I said as polite as possible, to the ahjusshi who had really nice skin… random I know but it had a lovely glow I wonder what products he uses…

He seemed surprised then started to explain where I needed to go ‘when you get to the end of this road turn left then at the end of that road turn right, keep going until you see the bakery , if you see a cinema you’ve gone too far. Then when you see the bakery turn right, go to the end of that road then turn right again then walk along that road for another 10-15 minutes, then you should be there’ he smiled.

I hardly remembered any of the directions but I didn’t want to be a bother and ask again so I said thank you and started to walk in the direction he said to go.

Taemin POV

Hehehehehehe the disguise worked, now I can go out and everybody will think of me as an ahjusshi and not SHINee’s Lee Taemin, and I found a foreign SHINee fan! Hehe , she asked me for directions to SM … which makes me wonder… why does she want to go there? Maybe she is one of those crazy stalker fans who follow the SHINee members around, those fans creep me out! Her Korean was very good… and she was very pretty! She had blonde hair… the first time I saw a foreigner with blonde hair hehe. But I wanted to find out why she wanted to go to the SM building and I was heading there anyways soooo I guess I’m going to follow her, NOT STALKING! Just some harmless following ^^.

I crept behind her making sure she didn’t know I was following her. She looked very confused I’m sure she is lost… maybe I should go over there and … her personally… to the SM buil- NO! She is a crazy fan! A stalker who has never had any proper contact with boys, yeah that’s what she is! A LOSER FAN! Yeah I said it! She continued to wonder around and finally asked someone for directions, she seemed like she actually knew the way to go. So I crept out onto the street and pretended not to give out the fact I was a famous idol.

We were on the road of the SM building and It looked like the girl was worried about something… she took her phone out and tried to call someone but it looks like they didn’t answer, she started to get a little angry which was a bit scary ><.

She literally crept on her tip toes towards the building and waited against the wall near the front entrance. What was she up to? I hid behind a building and slowly crept my head around; I was in ninja mode baby.

Ellie POV

This is so annoying! Key wouldn’t pick up his phone because he is a loser! Yeah I said it…now I have to sneak in! I can’t believe this… I thought I could just simply walk in and have a nice little chat with the receptionist but nothing can be easy >.< SM have this stupid code password on the front entrance to stop crazy stalker fan girls going in. What was I going to do? Sneak in baby.  I stood flat against the wall so no one in the building could see me and all of a sudden, Shindong from Super Junior walked out and saw me flat against the wall with my ninja pose, he looked at me and nearly had a heart attack ‘OMO!’ he shouted while pointing at me.

‘ah, hello’ I bowed and did a little wave ‘I’m a fan of yours’ I smiled.

He bowed back ‘hello, um what are you doing?’ he asked and pointed to me then pointed to the wall.

Damn it.

I needed to come up with an excuse; I couldn’t say I was sneaking in.

‘um… I need to get to keys room, I’m a long lost relative but I don’t have the code’ I said, completely expecting Shindong to call security or something.

‘ah… he is room 34 on the second floor, I didn’t know some of his relatives weren’t Asian, no wonder he has a natural talent for English!’ he smiled, believing everything I said.

‘ah yes, his English is very good!’ I giggled.

‘it was nice meeting you um..’ he wanted to know my name.

‘Ellie’ I smiled.

‘Nice meeting you Ellie, your Korean is very good’ he waved goodbye.

‘Thank you very much’ I waved and my focus went back to the mission. Luckily the door was still open from when Shindong walked out, so I walked in before the doors closed automatically and noticed the receptionist was facing the other way on the phone, oh no, what if the saw me!? I would be in big trouble…she would think I’m a fan or something. Then she started to turn around and without thinking I just went on my knees and started to crawl under the reception desk making sure I wasn’t heard or seen. I finally made it to the elevator and as soon as I made it in I sighed and I was glad I wasn’t seen by anyone. I clicked the second floor and couldn’t wait to see key again.

I made it. WOOP.

Taemin POV

After having a nice little chat with Shindong she managed to sneak in to the building through the door Shindong walked out of. There was no way she could make it past the receptionist, heh silly crazy stalker fan. WAIT WHAT THE HELL!? She crawled under the reception desk and ran to the elevator! Well if no one was going to catch her, then I was! I ran across and pressed the code in, I casually said hello and bowed to the receptionist but she gave me the strangest look… oh yeah! I still had my disguise on; ‘it’s me Taemin’ I smiled.

‘Oh… a disguise to get away from the fans?’ she asked.

‘yeah… they get too crazy sometimes’ I waved and got into the elevator.

I’m going to catch you, crazy pretty stalker fan whose name I don’t know yet and is very good at speaking Korean.




(By the way they are not in the same elevator)






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Update soon! XDDD
*sits and laughs at such an impossible concept*<br />
lol key umma:D<br />
glad u updated again!!<br />
update soon, neh??<3
mashimaroROCKS #3
it's been nearly 2 months!! DD:<br />
<br />
errr, why was Luna putting on clothes in the beginning?... did she not have any clothes on?! HAHA<br />
<br />
o<br />
m<br />
g<br />
siwon. sungmin yesung. U MAKE ME LAUGH SO MUCH I CRY!!!!<br />
LOL!!!!<br />
and im sorry put when it comes to abs, siwon kinda wins. sorry dino :/<br />
update soon:D its been ages:(
mashimaroROCKS #5
Hopefully her roommate will be nice :D Victoria would be a good choice!! :D
omo, she met heechul? ARGH<br />
HAHA key u SUCH a diva, SO FUNNY<br />
who r her room mates gonna b?<br />
UPDATE SOON!!!<br />
an idols life is hard... sighs...<br />
it must b easier once they debut, cuz they get to go 2 more places 4 shows and stuff,...<br />
lol, if i was in her position, i would totally stalk the other sm groups! shinee, suju, f(x), tvxq, EVERYONE!<br />
:) Update soon, neh?<br />
mashimaroROCKS #8
Idol's lives are truely hard ;___;<br />
"It looks like it’s time to stalk all the other groups now >:)" HAHA I laughed at that sentence~~<br />
Waiting for the next chappp
*sighs* he thought they were 'Getting it on..."<br />
lol, she made jjong a massive cupcake:D
mashimaroROCKS #10
YAAAY!! I can't wait until Jonghyun comes into the fanfic!! :DD