The meeting

I'm going to be famous!


After my parents replied to the email SM explained that they will have to send someone over to sign contracts and explain how things are going to happen. They won’t send someone until next week so it still gives me time to think about whether  wanted to do this or not.

There was no way I was changing my mind, this is what I’ve always wanted to do for years and now it’s finally happening. I don’t want to be here in 10 years’ time thinking ‘what could of happened if I done that’. This path will make me famous!

Lying in bed I thought of what I could be doing in 3 years… I giggled at the thought and hugged my covers, performing on music bank?Inkigayo? Be a guest on star king? All those normal things excited me. Imagine all the stars I’ll meet! … SM entertainment means SHINee … OH MY GOD IM GOING TO MEET SHINEE. Excitement took up my body as I had a mini spazz attack.

If I’m going to wake up soon I’m going to be really angry!

I was going to tell my closest friends today about my news; sm warned me not to tell too much people, just close friends. They didn’t want much people knowing about the new ‘special’ sm trainee.

In class I passed a note saying ‘I really need to speak to you all after school! I have some really good news!!! :DD’  to my friends while ‘listening’ to my maths teacher.

As Jess got the note and started reading my teacher spotted it and snatched it off her.

‘Ah, Ellie what could be more exciting than factorising expressions?’

‘You’d be surprised’ I said under my breath.

‘Pardon?’ sir said.

‘It’s a secret sir! Sorry’ I cheerfully sang.

I’m going to be famous! So you can stick that up your factorising crap.


I met with my friends by the lockers at the end of the day.

‘Guys sm entertainment messaged me’

Their eyes widened, woah I can’t wait until they hear the next bit.

‘THEY WANT TO TAKE ME ON AS A TRAINEE’ I shouted enough for them to hear and no one else.

All I heard was high pitched screaming for the next 5 minutes.

‘ELLIE you better not be lying or I’ll beat you!’ Kirsty warned while hugging me.

‘I’m so happy for you ellie! All that dancing paid off!’ alice smiled while joining in with kirsty.

‘Get Jonghyuns autograph for me!’ Jess said joking. They all embraced me so tightly I found it hard to breathe.

‘Guys can’t breathe’ I coughed.

They let me free and I went to get some books out of my locker.

Ugh why does he have to be here of all times?

‘Why are you hugging each over? Lezbos…’ sungmin laughed while opening his locker.

As soon as he got his coat out of his locker and stood, I walked towards him, our faces inches apart.

I smirked ‘if only you knew’ I whispered.

I gave a sweet smile and started to walk home with my friends, not noticing his face was completely red.



Observing the calendar I marked the day the SM representative was coming, I noticed it was the same day as my birthday.

‘Best day ever!’ I thought out loud.



I could hardly sleep last night!

I straightened my hair last night so my hair looked nice; I wanted to look decent in front of the sm guy.

My mum told me he was coming at about 1pm, I went to my room to start putting makeup on , I put a lot of concealer on to cover up my spots on my face but it still managed to look natural, a little mascara and done. I looked in the mirror and thought that I was the luckiest girl in the world.

12:30pm ahh! Im shaking too much! I need to calm down…

Maybe I should watch some TV… I the television on and watched some sponge bob, checking the time every 10 seconds.


1pm WHY ISNT HE HERE YET?? Just come already!


1:07pm you are kidding me right? Are you coming or not?! 7 MINUTES! A whole seven minutes! Im so going to shout at this guy when he comes…

*knock knock*

I ran to the door and straightened myself out; I opened the door with the kindest smile on my face. The guy looked in his mid-40s and had a nice suit on.

‘Hello, I’m the representative from SM, I’m here with the contracts’ he smiled.

‘Nice to meet you, I’m Ellie, please come in.’ I said with the most angelic voice.

He introduced himself again to my mum and we sat down at my dining room table.

‘Right let’s get to the point, your daughter is very talented and we think if we take her as a trainee she will have the time of her life’ he explained.

He also said that because I’m under 16 mum will have to sign most of the papers for me.

‘you will be an amazing back up dancer for the SM stars!’ he cheered.


Excuse me?




I didn’t go through all this to become a backup dancer!

‘What?’ I said in confusion

‘What about a debut? I thought I was going to be a star!?’ I said in a shaky and tearful voice.

He laughed ‘you thought you were getting a debut? There seems to have been a big misunderstanding, I’m ever so sorry, we only contacted you because of your dancing talent, SM artists go through different auditions of dancing AND singing’ he explained.

I looked at mum with a worried face.

‘Can you sing?’ he asked

‘I’ve never tried it… I’m afraid I will be really bad…’ I admitted.

‘Have a go, if your amazing I’ll contact someone, if not you can still have a choice of being a backup dancer’ he fake smiled.

I was going to take this chance, even though everything seemed to just fall down In front of me, I was going  to try and fix it.

I took a deep breath.


My voice came out and I was pleasantly surprised, I started to sing la cha ta f(x) my pronunciation a little off but my actual singing voice being pretty decent, as soon as I started to sing, the sm guy’s expression completely changed from smug to shock. I sung for about 30 seconds and stopped, I think my mum was just as surprised!

(your voice is like SNSD’s taeyeon but not as strong because your only young)

‘so how was it?’ I nervously asked in an awkward stance.

‘Uhh, I need to make a phonecall, excuse me’ he said as he hurried out the room.

I waited nervously with my mum, we could hear him talking but in Korean so we couldn’t understand. After about 5 minutes he came back with the phone still in his hands’

‘I’m on the phone to the head of SM entertainment’ he explained.

‘Can you sing into the phone?’ he asked.

I nodded, stood up and walked towards the phone, I took a deep breath and repeated what I did earlier, but I tried harder, knowing I have a chance.

After 30 seconds the man put the phone to his ear and started speaking Korean again.

After ANOTHER nerve racking 5 minutes, he hung up and turned towards me with the biggest grin on his face, it sort of creeped me out but I was also excited.

‘I think SM have their next star’

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Update soon! XDDD
*sits and laughs at such an impossible concept*<br />
lol key umma:D<br />
glad u updated again!!<br />
update soon, neh??<3
mashimaroROCKS #3
it's been nearly 2 months!! DD:<br />
<br />
errr, why was Luna putting on clothes in the beginning?... did she not have any clothes on?! HAHA<br />
<br />
o<br />
m<br />
g<br />
siwon. sungmin yesung. U MAKE ME LAUGH SO MUCH I CRY!!!!<br />
LOL!!!!<br />
and im sorry put when it comes to abs, siwon kinda wins. sorry dino :/<br />
update soon:D its been ages:(
mashimaroROCKS #5
Hopefully her roommate will be nice :D Victoria would be a good choice!! :D
omo, she met heechul? ARGH<br />
HAHA key u SUCH a diva, SO FUNNY<br />
who r her room mates gonna b?<br />
UPDATE SOON!!!<br />
an idols life is hard... sighs...<br />
it must b easier once they debut, cuz they get to go 2 more places 4 shows and stuff,...<br />
lol, if i was in her position, i would totally stalk the other sm groups! shinee, suju, f(x), tvxq, EVERYONE!<br />
:) Update soon, neh?<br />
mashimaroROCKS #8
Idol's lives are truely hard ;___;<br />
"It looks like it’s time to stalk all the other groups now >:)" HAHA I laughed at that sentence~~<br />
Waiting for the next chappp
*sighs* he thought they were 'Getting it on..."<br />
lol, she made jjong a massive cupcake:D
mashimaroROCKS #10
YAAAY!! I can't wait until Jonghyun comes into the fanfic!! :DD