My first date!

I'm going to be famous!


I looked in the mirror and thought I looked quite good if I say so myself, I was wearing a cute long sleeved polka dot dress with tights and cute shoes


My hair was a little curly and I put quite a lot of make up on, well I did want to look good for Sungmin.

My parents were already at work so i could leave whenever i wanted, it was 11:30 so i would be a little early but i didn’t care ^^ i was going on my first date!
I arrived at the entrance at 11:50 and its super cold! Why didn’t i bring a jacket? I shivered and I’m sure my cheeks were really red i literally hugged myself but it didn’t help …
 'sungmin please hurry! I’m freezing my off' i said

 I waited for another 15 minutes and he still wasn’t here, he wouldn’t stand me up would he? He wasn’t that cruel ... I hope. My whole body is numb now , i checked my phone for the time , 12:15 I’ve been here for  25 minutes?! Sungmin you’re going to get a beating the next time i see you! >_< I’m sure i caught a cold thanks to you!

‘Ellie!’ I heard Sungmin shout while running towards me ’Sorry I’m so late, my mum asked me to go to the shop to get some stuff then I had to drop off my sister at the-‘

Before he could say anymore I hit him with my bag across his shoulder.

‘Ow!’ he held onto his shoulder and looked at me.

‘Do you know how long I’ve been waiting here?! I DON’T EVEN HAVE A JACKET! I’ve been freezing my off all this time!’  I shouted. He looked really guilty and ran in front of me.
 'I’m so sorry, I’ll do better next time’ he pleaded
Omg he looked so cute all worried for me it totally made up for the 25 minutes of waiting, i just smiled and said 'fine... So where do want to go first?' i asked, his face lightened up and as he start to walk towards the shops he held my hand.

 'Ellie!? Your hands are so cold! Why didn’t you bring gloves or a coat?'

I thought somebody would be on time!' i replied

He apologized then he took off his jacket and put it on me, it was so warm and it had his scent. Without sounding  pedo-ish.

 'What about you?' i asked

 'I’m a man, i can take it!' he said proudly. Ha-ha as if... You're shivering!
 I went up behind him and hugged him around the waist. He looked surprised but happy and smug.
 I was so happy, for once i could just forget about things for a day and relax, this was the first time in a while i was so happy.

 We first went into a joke shop and it was so funny trying on all the weird hats, i had a chicken and sungmin had a man on a horse.

'Hey let’s take a picture!' he smiled



'Do we have to? I don’t look good ‘i said

 'You look fine! Come on!' sungmin said with his phone in his hand.

He pulled me towards him and put his arm around me keeping me close.
One picture couldn’t hurt.

I guess…
I was breaking so many rules, but for once i didn’t care.

'Ok smile!!' he cheered


We looked at the picture and it was so cute! We looked like a proper couple!

I started to put the hats back 'where do you want to go next?' i asked.
'I’m pretty hungry so do you wanna go for some lunch?' he suggested, I agreed and followed him out the store.

 We arrived in a cafe and i started to look at the menu. Ah all of it sounded so delicious! I'll think I’ll get some pasta; i looked in my bag and took out my purse to get ready to order.

 'Don’t be silly!' sungmin said while getting the cash out of his wallet.


'How bout i treat you because i was late earlier?' he said

I nodded and told him what i wanted and went to sit down at our table while he ordered.

He came 5 minutes later with our meals; he had the biggest cheeseburger i have ever seen. As he put it on the table he had that i- will-eat-this-even-if-it-takes-me-years look.

 'It’s so big!' i gasped

'That’s what she said!' he laughed

I rolled my eyes at started on my pasta.
Whoa this is sooo nice, i wish i could eat this for the rest of my life.
Sungmin eyes kept looking at my meal and then at me. He was acting like a pet, a cute pet.

 'You want to try some?' i asked. He cutely nodded and he opened his mouth as i fed him.
'That’s so good! I should have ordered it!'

I gave him a cute pout while i looked at his meal , he knew what i wanted and cut a bit of his burger off and i opened my mouth going towards the fork full of food but he teased me and went a completely different direction.
'Hey!' i shouted

'Do something cute then ill feed it to you' he smiled. I didn’t like the idea of this, i was not good at cute.

'I can’t! I look ugly if i try and act cute!' i explained.

'Fine' he said as he was just about to eat the food.

 'oppppaaaa~~~' i said in a cute voice while pouting.

'See i told you i couldn't act cute!' i shouted while covering my red face. I looked at him and he was just as red as me, it worked? Ha-ha

‘t-that was pretty umm c-cute' he stuttered while looking away from me.

'Do i get any of that burger then?' i asked

He just pushed the plate towards me, what? I want you to feed it to me! >3<
I looked at him, then the plate of food then him again with a sad face.
'What?' he said harshly

'I wanted you to feed it to me....' i said shyly.

He looked really surprised but relieved and happy. He picked up the food and fed it to me.
'mmm! That’s so good!' i shouted with a happy expression.
He smiled ' that’s the first time you smiled like that in ages' he smiled. I blushed as i ate the last of my pasta.
'How about we go to the market? ‘He suggested

'Okay' i nodded and followed him out the cafe.
I still had his jacket on and i was concerned so i looked at him to see if he was shivering and his eyes met with mine then he did the cutest smile ever!
My face was so red when i looked away from him then he held my hand i looked again and there he was with that amazing smile, why does he kill me with that smile?
I’m sure i was still blushing because my face felt so hot, oh my god ellie get a hold of yourself!
'Why are you so red?' he laughed. Because you’re so damn cute! I can’t help myself!

'It’s the first time a boy held my hand in public...' i said shamefully looking at the floor, he looked so surprised but grateful he was the first.

'But you’re so pretty! How come you haven’t had a boyfriend?’

'Sungmin stop making me blush! I’m going to die in a minute!' i whined, he laughed and said 'but seriously how come I’m your first?'

 'I guess it’s because people think I’m weird for liking kpop and stuff....’

'That’s stupid! As long as my girlfriend is happy doing what she is doing then I’m happy!'
Did he just refer me to his girlfriend? I was so happy! I’m so lucky to have him, ugh SM entertainment..... Sungmin must of saw my depressed look and asked what’s wrong.

 'Nothing... Hey look at the Christmas tree!' i said trying to change the subject.
We both awed at the size of it.
'It’s so big!' he shouted

'That’s what she said' i laughed, getting him back for earlier.
Our eyes met once again and the lights from the Christmas tree gave sungmin skin a nice glow, he looked so ... Perfect.
I smiled at him and he smiled back while holding my hand, oh my god best day ever!!!!

 We decided to go on the ice rink, why did i agree to this? I’m just going to fall flat on my face in front of sungmin and he will laugh. I wobbled as soon as i stepped on the ice and how come sungmin was already skating by himself?! He was good as well! T.T
'sungmin!!' i cried while reaching out to him.
He quickly came over and helped me skate round. All through the time on the ice i was holding on to him for dear life, if i was going down he was coming with me. I hated every minute but i could tell sungmin was loving it, if i was just about to fall i would grab onto him tightly and i could see his grin.
'Sungmin i hate this! I’m sorry can we get off now?' i begged

'Fine i give up!' he laughed.

As soon as i got off the ice rink i started to run around happy as can be 'ground!!!! I can walk around without slipping up!' i sang as i danced around.

'Was it really that bad holding onto me?' he said with a sad tone.

'No! I can prove it!' i said as i hugged him tightly. I was about to let go when he held me tighter 'just a little longer' he whispered.

I smiled against his chest. When we broke free i checked my phone for the time.

‘Oh my god I’m so late!' i cried 'my parents don’t know i went out....’ i explained

'We better get you home then' said sungmin a little sad.
He offered to walk me home because it was dark.

We stopped in front of my house and i gave his jacket back.

'Thanks sungmin, i would have died without it'

'Anytime!' he smiled

He started to walk away and i don’t know what came over me.

'Sungmin!' i shouted, he turned and i kissed him gently on the cheek.

'Thank you for a nice day, i had a lot of fun, can we do it again sometime?' i smiled. He was very surprised at the kiss and he went red, it was super cute!

'Uh... S-sure i had fun t-too' he stuttered

‘I still have a couple of days off... So do you want to come to my house tomorrow?'

‘Um... Sure! I don’t have any good lessons tomorrow anyway'

I smiled at him 'so... How about 11?' i asked

'Yeah sure... See you later'

We walked away from each over and i opened my front door.

Both my parents standing there with their arms crossed.

'Where have you been young lady?' mum questioned

 'Um... I went ... out with S-sungmin....’

'Ellie you know you’re not allowed a boyfriend, i know you’re getting older and you will want a boyfriend but you signed the contract, SM said that-'

'I’m sick of it mum!' i interrupted. 'I want to try being normal for once! I haven’t even debuted yet but my life is already being controlled! I haven’t gone out with my friends in months! I know i wanted this but... I’m not even in Korea yet and no one knows who I am! I really like Sungmin and he likes me, so please just let me try being with him for a while.’ After that I ran upstairs and slammed the door.

I laid on my bed and listened to some screamo music, I looked up at my Jonghyun poster next to me and said ‘I wish things could be so much easier Jjongie’ I sighed and fell asleep. 

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Update soon! XDDD
*sits and laughs at such an impossible concept*<br />
lol key umma:D<br />
glad u updated again!!<br />
update soon, neh??<3
mashimaroROCKS #3
it's been nearly 2 months!! DD:<br />
<br />
errr, why was Luna putting on clothes in the beginning?... did she not have any clothes on?! HAHA<br />
<br />
o<br />
m<br />
g<br />
siwon. sungmin yesung. U MAKE ME LAUGH SO MUCH I CRY!!!!<br />
LOL!!!!<br />
and im sorry put when it comes to abs, siwon kinda wins. sorry dino :/<br />
update soon:D its been ages:(
mashimaroROCKS #5
Hopefully her roommate will be nice :D Victoria would be a good choice!! :D
omo, she met heechul? ARGH<br />
HAHA key u SUCH a diva, SO FUNNY<br />
who r her room mates gonna b?<br />
UPDATE SOON!!!<br />
an idols life is hard... sighs...<br />
it must b easier once they debut, cuz they get to go 2 more places 4 shows and stuff,...<br />
lol, if i was in her position, i would totally stalk the other sm groups! shinee, suju, f(x), tvxq, EVERYONE!<br />
:) Update soon, neh?<br />
mashimaroROCKS #8
Idol's lives are truely hard ;___;<br />
"It looks like it’s time to stalk all the other groups now >:)" HAHA I laughed at that sentence~~<br />
Waiting for the next chappp
*sighs* he thought they were 'Getting it on..."<br />
lol, she made jjong a massive cupcake:D
mashimaroROCKS #10
YAAAY!! I can't wait until Jonghyun comes into the fanfic!! :DD