The beginning

I'm going to be famous!


‘Wow’ I thought loudly as I checked the latest videos I posted on the internet. When I started out 1000 views was enough to get me excited but what?  1,000,000 views?! People were ecstatic with the fact a young white girl was interested in Korean music and to even dance well to it had people fascinated. ‘SNSD genie dance cover’ was insanely popular with 1,436,882 views; I just gasped in wonder, how? And why were so many Korean people interested in my dancing I looked at my number of subscribers and almost fell off my seat when I saw thee figure, 48,000! This has to be a dream! I can’t believe so many people actually want to see me dance!. I observed the many comments

'wow! :3 you are so good at dancing!! wish i could dance like you! >3<'


'very good :P i love how you look like your having so much fun! :)'


'whens your debut? haha XD'

However there was the ocassional hater , i replied to them though, i didn't like to sit there and take it.

'stupid white girl, your not korean , you can't dance . stupid white weaboo'

'I sorry for not being what you want me to be, dont like it? dont watch it. Be grateful this generation prefers to embrace rather than reject another culture.' i typed.

These people annoyed me , alot of people say their just jealous but i think its just because im white , i hope i can change things one day. What i don't understand is that they should get to know me before they judge me.. i guess i can never win.

I logged off my account and looked around for what dance i should start practising next, ooh! Hello by SHINee looks fun i observed the moves slowely, then i tried them myself, i continued to do this until i had the first verse done.


‘ELLIE’ mum roared, ‘DINNERS READY!’ ugh she can be such a gorilla sometimes..

‘Coming!’ i wiped the sweat off my foreheard and headed downstairs.

I sat down and I started on my jacket potatoe while i had a mouthful in my mouth my mum asked me a question. 'why do i keep hearing shuffling about upstairs?' she asked. I freaked out and searched for an answer 'i was cleaning my room and i moved my bed to the other side..' i replied trying to act normal 'oh ok, its about time you cleaned your room' she smiled, i laughed along and i warned myself i should be more careful. I was thinking about telling mum about my very popular videos on the internet but something in the back of my mind told me not to. ‘I will tell them if I get to 60,000 subscribers’ I thought.  It’s kind of strange that I didn’t tell one member of my family about my videos, I wasn’t close with them at all, my friends knew me better than my family did.


The next day at school I met up with my awesome friends, I wouldn’t have posted my first video without their help and I’m so thankful for that. It has changed me to be more confident and proud of myself , slowly more people at school realized I could dance and would sometimes watch me in the dance studio after school, surprisingly they were very supportive they would sometimes encourage me to perform in talent shows and show the teachers what I can do. But I’m unbelievably shy in front of people who don’t know about kpop and don’t have an interest in it; I guess I have always been scared of what they would think.

Science was a bore, no different from the usual, I just  sat there drawing and not listening while my friends made origami.

‘Ellie!’ the teacher shouted

I groaned.

‘Nice to see your confident, now what is the answer to question 4?’

I looked at my textbook; it was something about calcium oxide and another chemical I never heard of.

‘Um.. I don’t know ’

‘Well you should, you have a big exam coming up and you need to study’

As if I was going to study, I got better things to do...Like upload videos of me dancing to Korean pop ahh what a normal life I live.

i continued the boring day, UGH double maths! Who invented maths?! im sure it was someone who hated teenagers.

On the walk home i was very hyper! and kept imitating 'u-know time' from DBSK's new song 'keep your head down' when my friends said 'keep your head down!' i would shout 'U-KNOW TIME!, MAAAAAXXX' and burst into really crap energetic dancing and then all of us would say 'im just chillin' feel like im healin' in the worst scottish accents.

As soon as I got home I logged onto my account, I checked my inbox and tried to reply a lot of people messaging me.


Then there it was.


The email that would change my life.


To xelliekpopx

From sment

Good afternoon

Many people who work for sm entertainment have been watching you’re videos and are amazed by your talent. A lot of people adore and look up to you, which is why we would like you to join our company to be a sm trainee.

This had to be a dream, I didn’t even scream, I just gawped at the message in front of my eyes, read on.

Further details will be sent depending on your reply. We hope you can join us in the near future.

Then I went mental, screaming at the top of my lungs, I kept pinching myself to make sure it was reality. I am going to be an idol! I screamed in excitement for about 10 minutes straight, then I noticed a slight problem.

‘My parents don’t even know I dance on the internet.’


Because my mum and dad were out I sprinted to the phone and called them.

‘Hello?’ mum answered

‘Mum it’s Ellie; you have to get home, NOW!’

‘What happened?!...Ellie you didn’t break the washing machine again did you?’ I see her giving the biggest glare into the phone.

‘No, even better!’  I squealed

I could imagine her WTF? Face and I hung up.


I needed a lot of evidence to make sure mum and dad will believe me, so i printed off the email SM entertainment sent me, i kept a video of me dancing to show how much views i had i also put up SM entertainments channel and website up.


This will change my life.

I will be famous.

I will have fans.

I will perform on stage.

I will do everything i've always wanted to do.


I heard the front door open and i nearly fell down the stairs because i was running so fast.

'Ellie whats going on?!' dad asked

'mum, dad i think you might want to sit down'.

The silently walked to the lounge, unloaded their shopping bags and sat with worried faces.

'Before i say this, this is the best thing thats ever happened to me, i want to do it, i'm not sure if it's still a dream or not. But i've been keeping something from you'

'OH DEAR GOD YOU'RE PREGNANT!' mum shouted and put her face in her hands.

'NOOO im not pregnant' i laughed at this assumption.

'well you know im into korean music and such...' They nodded , wanting to know more.

'i have uploaded over 50 videos of myself dancing to korean music on the internet, i have 48,000 subscribers and at least 500,000 views on each video' i said in one breath.

They looked surprised and confused at first but smiled as they found out i was in fact very popular.

'wow! well done honey, we are so proud.', but how come you didnt tell us earlier?' mum questioned as she gave me a hug.

'i heard from some of other people that their parents have had a negative opinion about kpop and such.. and i guess i was worried you would think i was doing something strange and weird.' i admitted.

'ellie, we wouldnt think that if you were having fun in what you were doing' dad said as he sandwiched me into a hug with mum.

'Thats not all...' i said

they looked at me again with the confused faces. ' i think you might really want to sit down for this one.'

i took a deep breath

'the biggest entertainment company in Korea wants me to be their next star, they sent me an email saying i have alot of talent and they want to make me an idol.' i said with a serious tone. ' I know the email isnt fake, its definatly the company.'

They thought for about 10 seconds while i stood silently.

'This is amazing news Ellie , but wont this change your life?' mum asked.

'Yes mum it will change my life for the better, you might not know it but it's been my life long dream to perform in front of crowds who are shouting my name.'

'Ellie we're not going to stop you from doing what you want to do' dad said.

I smiled and hugged them, without noticing the tears flowing down my cheeks.


'Thank you so much.'



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Update soon! XDDD
*sits and laughs at such an impossible concept*<br />
lol key umma:D<br />
glad u updated again!!<br />
update soon, neh??<3
mashimaroROCKS #3
it's been nearly 2 months!! DD:<br />
<br />
errr, why was Luna putting on clothes in the beginning?... did she not have any clothes on?! HAHA<br />
<br />
o<br />
m<br />
g<br />
siwon. sungmin yesung. U MAKE ME LAUGH SO MUCH I CRY!!!!<br />
LOL!!!!<br />
and im sorry put when it comes to abs, siwon kinda wins. sorry dino :/<br />
update soon:D its been ages:(
mashimaroROCKS #5
Hopefully her roommate will be nice :D Victoria would be a good choice!! :D
omo, she met heechul? ARGH<br />
HAHA key u SUCH a diva, SO FUNNY<br />
who r her room mates gonna b?<br />
UPDATE SOON!!!<br />
an idols life is hard... sighs...<br />
it must b easier once they debut, cuz they get to go 2 more places 4 shows and stuff,...<br />
lol, if i was in her position, i would totally stalk the other sm groups! shinee, suju, f(x), tvxq, EVERYONE!<br />
:) Update soon, neh?<br />
mashimaroROCKS #8
Idol's lives are truely hard ;___;<br />
"It looks like it’s time to stalk all the other groups now >:)" HAHA I laughed at that sentence~~<br />
Waiting for the next chappp
*sighs* he thought they were 'Getting it on..."<br />
lol, she made jjong a massive cupcake:D
mashimaroROCKS #10
YAAAY!! I can't wait until Jonghyun comes into the fanfic!! :DD