Meeting your new roommates!

I'm going to be famous!


I held the key in my hand and looked up.

‘Room 46’ I read the number engraved on the door and put the key into the lock.

‘OMO she’s here put your clothes on!’ I heard someone shout, I wondered who my roommates were and what they were doing, it sounded dirty!

I opened the door and witnessed a young woman pulling trousers on, she saw me and shouted ‘OMO’ she lost balance putting her leg through and fell over

I quickly rushed over to see if she was ok. ‘Sorry for scaring you! Are you ok?’

She rolled over laughing and smiled ‘I’m fine! I’m sorry you had to witness me half ’ she got to her feet and brushed herself off.

She put her hand out for a handshake ‘I’m Luna by the way!’ I shook her hand ‘nice to meet you’ I smiled.

‘It looks like you are our new roommate!’ she smiled ‘we have heard a lot about you!’

‘Hi I’m Sunny! You know me right? From girl’s generation?’ she smiled cutely

‘Of course, you are my favourite member!’ I jumped up and down in excitement.

‘omo, I’m blushing’ she covered her face ‘I can’t wait to see what you come out with in the future!’

‘Luna is a klutz by the way, she is always falling over, and you get used to it after a while’ she laughed while Luna recovered.

‘Unnie! That’s not true…’ Luna pouted, aw this girl is cute!

‘I’m a trainee here like you, but our debut is set in a month so I won’t be seeing you much because we are preparing for our stage performances’ Luna apologized.

‘Oh no its fine! I can’t wait to see your music video and listen to your songs!’

‘Thank you very much, I’ll work hard!’ she grinned.

‘Is it ok if I unpack?’ I pointed to my suitcase.

‘Yeah sure! Your draws are over there’ Luna said.

‘Thank you!’ I started to unpack while talking to Luna and Sunny



‘You like Jonghyun huh?’ Sunny said while scratching her head.

‘Yeah… he is so dreamy!’ I fangirled.

‘I agree, have you seen his body!’ Luna giggled quietly

‘Of course I have!’ Sunny shouted ‘his abs are the best’

‘Yah, we sound like erts!’ I shouted while hitting Sunny with a pillow.

‘You will pay for that!’ She grabbed a pillow and went to hit me, but because of my cat-like reflexes I ducked and it hit Luna instead.

‘YAH UNNIE! YOU ARE GONNA REGRET THAT’ Luna’s face was fuming, it was kind of scary.

‘RUN!’ Sunny shouted and sprinted around the room while Luna ran after her.



‘They are giggling…. I wonder what they are up to kekeke’ Siwon giggled while holding up the glass cup to his ear.

‘Yah shutup, otherwise we can’t hear anything’ Sungmin shoved Siwon out of the way to get a good listen himself.


‘ohhh, pillow fight in their pyjamas, I wonder if I can join in~ kekeke’ Sungmin grinned at his imagination.

‘YAH, if anyone gets to play with them, its gonna be me!’ Yesung shouted.

‘SHHHHHHHH! They are going to hear-‘ The door opened and they all fell in.

Luna and Sunny stood there with fuming faces while the 3 members or super junior awkwardly laughed, ‘haha…. Hi! We just wanted to check up on the new girl!’ Siwon brushed himself off as he stood up.

‘Oh really? Then why were you listening to us playing? Why didn’t you just knock on the door?’ Sunny crossed her arms, demanding an answer.

‘What? Listening?! Pffft’ Siwon ruffled Sunny’s hair and squeezed Luna in a tight hug ‘why would we be listening? It’s not like we are erts or anything!’ Siwon forced an awkward laugh.

‘Yeah! We have young woman after us all the time! Why would we need to on trainees like you!’ Yesung added.

Sunny got more agitated.

‘ERTS! GET OUT OF OUR ROOM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!’ she screamed so loud I had to cover my ears.

The trio sprinted out before Sunny had a chance to rip their balls off.

After we thought they were gone, Siwon peeked in ‘Sunny, you’re looking good today!’ he winked.

Oh gosh~ hehe he is so cute~ I think I’m falling for him!~

‘SIWON YOU LITTLE MOTHER FUDGER!’ Sunny walked up to him, but by the time she was at the doorway, he was long gone.

‘grrrr… that ert! He was listening to us that whole time!’

‘What really!?!’ I shouted

‘yeah, that’s the 24th time today!’ She stomped.

‘WHAT? 24 times!?!’

‘yeah, Siwon always s on the trainee’s and the girl’s from SM, he is such a player’ Sunny pouted.

‘oh… how about the others?’ I asked.

‘They just tag along, Siwon is the ringleader all the time, so you better watch out, Siwon the ert could be about.’ Luna said wisely.

‘oh I see…. He is handsome though….’ I thought loudly to myself


‘uh- YES MAAM!’ I saluted

‘Right. Now, where were we?’ Sunny innocently smiled and sat back down as if nothing happened.


Its gonna be crazy living here.





omg. im so sorry for not updating >< i just couldnt bring myself to write for some reason.... this chapter >___< i promise the next one will be better! (it includes taemin!!)

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Update soon! XDDD
*sits and laughs at such an impossible concept*<br />
lol key umma:D<br />
glad u updated again!!<br />
update soon, neh??<3
mashimaroROCKS #3
it's been nearly 2 months!! DD:<br />
<br />
errr, why was Luna putting on clothes in the beginning?... did she not have any clothes on?! HAHA<br />
<br />
o<br />
m<br />
g<br />
siwon. sungmin yesung. U MAKE ME LAUGH SO MUCH I CRY!!!!<br />
LOL!!!!<br />
and im sorry put when it comes to abs, siwon kinda wins. sorry dino :/<br />
update soon:D its been ages:(
mashimaroROCKS #5
Hopefully her roommate will be nice :D Victoria would be a good choice!! :D
omo, she met heechul? ARGH<br />
HAHA key u SUCH a diva, SO FUNNY<br />
who r her room mates gonna b?<br />
UPDATE SOON!!!<br />
an idols life is hard... sighs...<br />
it must b easier once they debut, cuz they get to go 2 more places 4 shows and stuff,...<br />
lol, if i was in her position, i would totally stalk the other sm groups! shinee, suju, f(x), tvxq, EVERYONE!<br />
:) Update soon, neh?<br />
mashimaroROCKS #8
Idol's lives are truely hard ;___;<br />
"It looks like it’s time to stalk all the other groups now >:)" HAHA I laughed at that sentence~~<br />
Waiting for the next chappp
*sighs* he thought they were 'Getting it on..."<br />
lol, she made jjong a massive cupcake:D
mashimaroROCKS #10
YAAAY!! I can't wait until Jonghyun comes into the fanfic!! :DD