
To Kill An Angel.

Yookyung thought it was bewitching how easily Chorong and Nicole trusted the Reapers. She on the other hand wasn't so willing to work side by side with a group of assassins who had captured and tortured Naeun. Though the Angels did willingly let her be capture, they had their reasons.
Yookyung had heard the rumors of the Reapers. The great killers who hid in the shadows of the night. Sadly she was more than disappointed. Their heads were so high in the clouds they lost track of humanity, and just like that a new enemy had set sail for their shores.
"Is everything clear?" She asked one of the guards. He curtsied respectfully as she exited the room. She had just visited her father who was safe and unharmed. Yookyung swore that she was going to rip the person behind this attack into shreds.
"Young Miss," one of the guards called for her right before she reached the double doors.
She turned her shoulder back, "Is there something else?" She questioned. She noticed how the guard, a man nearly twice her size flinched in fear, confusion, whatever it was, she really didn't care.
"Your father believes its safer for you to have someone with you, protecting you." The guard told her.
"I don't need any protection." She responded knowing she was more than prepare to protect her own self.
"You see Young Miss, the Chairman disagrees, he called the son of a well known business partner to watch over you until we know who is behind the attack." He remarked.
"And who is this 'son of a well known business partner'?" Yookyung questioned though it was obvious she was less that enthusiastic about this. She understood her father was worry, but Yookyung didn't want some stranger following her around.
"Looks like its my lucky day." The familiar voice called to Yookyung as he entered from one of the hallways connecting to this main one.
Hell No.
It was Lee Sungyeol.

Woohyun loved loosing himself into the midst of the lime line, he lived for that, that spotlight. Nam Woohyun; rich, young, and extremely handsome. If only they knew what he truly did with his spare time. The world would be astonish.
Woohyun pulled himself out of the bed belonging to some random woman he had met the night before. The room was unknown to him, it was probably her apartment, he assumed. He didn't remember anything that happened the night before but put most of it together. He grabbed all his belongings before leaving the place, throwing a last glance at the woman still sleeping in bed. He didn't even remember her name. But that didn't matter, he wasn't ever seeing her again.
Luckily for him his car, or one of his many cars was parked in clear sight of the apartment building. Jumping into his Mercedes Benz he zoomed off. It was another night, another party, and another way of loosing himself in the depths of Seoul. That was Nam Woohyun's reputation, and he was going to keep it that way, at least for the time being.   
Dialing in the code to his new penthouse apartment, the last one was robbed by certain angels, he walked in turning the lights on. Walking in he could already smell the sonorous scent of strawberries and vanilla filled the room. The scent was alluring and astonishing.   
Flipping open the drawl in the corner of the room he slowly pulled out a pistol. His senses liven up snapping him out of the daze he didn't even realize he was in.   
"You're quite jumpy in the morning you know. Though it isn't exactly considered morning yet is it." A delicate and sugary voice floated to his ears. Oh, he knew the voice by instinct now. It belonged to that absurd woman who he had just realized knew more about him than he realized.   
He turned around and hidden in the dark corners of the room she stood, her arms were crossed around her leather jacket. She was adored in all black leather, striking and dangerous, but the air she carried held nothing of that sort.   
Her face, to his disappointment, was well hidden under a hood, her hair adding to the mask she held.   
"Are you stalking me now?" He asked, amused. She snickered, taking a foot forward and throwing him a folder which he caught effortlessly.   
"List of possible candidates who are on the list." She ushered. Her voice rather business-like. Woohyun didn't like business, it complicated things to much. He looked down at the folder. He wasn't as interested in it as he was of the woman standing before him.   
"You didn't answer my question." He reminded.   
"No." She replied, cold and sternly. "Let's get down to business, I don't have time for this . So get your head in the game." She remarked.   
"Game? Nothing about this is a game." Woohyun shot at her.   
"Then what is it then if it's not a game? There are two sides, a battle in between and only one side will come out victorious. And right now, we're loosing." She commented. She was too blunt, not enough life. She sounded like a woman who locked herself up in a tower watching over mankind like it was some sort of experiment.   
"Do me a favor." He assured.   
"What may this favor be?" She asked. Her arms were still crossed, her body still stone cold and frozen, her face hidden as before, but something in that brittle voice of hers told him she was curious. He liked curious.   
"Show me your face one day." He questioned.   
"Only if you show me yours." She answered. He narrowed his brows. What was she talking about. His face was shown, he wasn't hidden by a hood or a mask, he was standing before her. Yet he wore a mask as she did.    
The lights flickered, the buds dimmed and for those few quick seconds darkness ate the room in black. And when the lights returned, she was gone. In and out like the wind, probably back to that castle wall of hers where she could look down upon mankind.  
He frowned. Woohyun claimed that he understood woman. But that woman right there, he didn't understand, but he wanted to, oh how much he wanted to know her. He looked down at the folder in his hand. Walking over to his desk he opened it.   
Files upon files of names. CEOs, Business Men, Investors, Dealers, Hackers, Killers, and supposedly Dead Heiresses. It was a list filled of names that belonged to the damn, the lost, the stupid, the lunatics. Oh, how messed up the world was. And he was apart of it. He was the limelight of it.   
The six men looked at the files before them. Eyes scanning each and every corner, each and every piece of paper, each name, each sentence, each word, each letter.   
"Yeah, only about half the Underworld is written in here. How do we even know if they're friends or foes?" Dongwoo asked running his fingers through his hair. Woohyun had called him right before the dawn, telling him to get to Command Base as soon as possible. And he hated waking up early, but it seemed to happen more than usual these days.   
"We trust no one. No one at all except for each other." Sunggyu replied. The leader was in the corner of the room looking through a stack of paper. His eyes held dark bags, his skin tired and pale, eyes bloodshot red. Sunggyu looked dead.   
Sunggyu had been a spinning spiral since a certain Angel came into his life, taken his heart and stamped on it and leaving him in the dust. Sunggyu had shut off all of it. He didn't want to care for it anymore.   
"So what does that say about them?" Sungjong asked innocently. All knew who he was mentioning. Dark Angels. "Do we trust them or not?" He asked.   
"Without them we wouldn't even know of this ." L cut in stating a well known fact.   
"This is bull-. We don't need their help. We never did." Hoya remarked. L glared at his hyung. Hoya was being irrational. All knew that. He was also being typical Hoya. Trigger happy Hoya.
"You're being irrational." He said out loud.
"So are you." Hoya remarked. "Don't try and act like a certain mad isn't stuck in your mind. She's crazy,a woman who feels no pain, impossible." Hoya condensed. Hoya was pissed off, furious, and no one knew why, but no one seemed to care. Hoya was always temperamental. Especially now when everyone he supposedly kill was coming back from the dead. When he kills someone he expects them to stay dead.
"Someone's PMS-ing much." Sunggyu dared to say out loud earning a loud crash to echoed throughout the place when Hoya abruptly stood up and kicked the coffee table, breaking the wooden table into two before storming out.
"What the hell has gotten into him?" Sunggyu asked from the corner. His eyes didn't lift up from the information in his hands.   
"Jung Eunji." L answered with a grin on his face.   
"Where the hell is Sungyeol?" Woohyun brought up only now realizing the missing figure to their group. Woohyun's mind was still stack on the woman who had magically appeared from the shadows every time he saw her.   
"Hyung looking over some rich princess whose father was involved in an assassination attempt. And he also happens to be on the list." Sungjong replied pulling at the roots of his hair. He wasn't used to this much information in this short a matter of time. It was overwhelming.   
"Yeah, just another piece of Hell to add onto our little ty world of Paradise." Woohyun uttered.   
Dongwoo snickered at Woohyun's comment. Standing up he grabbed his car keys. "Too much work, I'm going out for a drink." Dongwoo told the guys.   
"It's six in the morning." Myungsoo remarked. Dongwoo shrugged.   
"What's your point?"
Hoya was tired of the bull the Underworld was coming up with every single five minutes. He was upset that the people he killed couldn't stay dead. When he killed someone, he expected them to remain dead. But no, god couldn't let Hoya had his way and brought back the two people who had captured Hoya's heart more than anything else.   
The friend he couldn't save, and the girl he fell for.   
He didn't care where he was going, he just needed to go away. Away from here, away from everything. He lost track of his directions and found himself marching through the empty morning streets. The sun was rising, a bright rainbow of colors eloping the sky, but sadly he wasn't so cheerful in the morning. Hoya wasn't a morning person.
"I could tell that something was bothering you from a mile away." A female voice interrupted his thoughts. He quickly turned his shoulders and from the dissolving shadows she stepped out. A sneer crossed her face and her eyes smiled with laughter, life, anger, pain, grief, and just about every emotion possible.

That was the thing about this woman, she hid everything. And when everything came rushing out, she shut it off.  That was an unique factor about Nicole. That made her crazy.
“Who did I kill to have to be stuck with you this morning?” He pondered realizing that Nicole was now standing before him. Alive and well.
“My family.” She replied instantly and he felt an invisible bullet lounge into his heart.
“What the hell do you want Nicole?” Hoya questioned turning around as he continued walking.
“Talk. We need to talk. About the Underworld.” She answered. He could hear her footsteps slowly follow behind his. She was too cheerful, too bright, too fake, especially in a moment like this. She didn’t make sense. 
He killed her cousins, her uncles, her aunt, and her father, her family, yet she so willingly trusted him.

“Leave me alone Nicole. I want nothing to do with you or your Angels.” He ordered, but she didn’t listen.  She walked right up to him and stood beside him at a cross section.
“I learned growing up that if you look both ways before you cross you’re see more than just traffic.” Nicole remarked. Hoya scoffed.
Nicole looked up to the man, she wasn’t going to stop, not until this whole crazy ordeal was fixed.  She needed his help, and was willingly to put the past behind, she had to because if she didn’t, she couldn’t live with herself.
She huffed a breath of air, a mist of white coming from due to the cold air. “You know what Howon, I don’t care.” She exclaimed stepping in front of him.
“I don’t care if you don’t care. I don’t care if you don’t want anything to do with me, or the Angels. But here’s the fact. We are being hunted down by some idiot who doesn’t understand that the Underworld, doesn’t go down without a fight. That the Underworld isnt just going to be submissive. And that’s what started all this in the first place. So, you need to stop being a pompous cocky little , cause I hate guys or have more in their personality than they do in their pants.” She exclaimed.
Talk about a ticking time bomb.
Nicole huffed running their fingers through her hair. He was getting on her nerves. “You’re not superman Howon. We were friends, once upon a time ago.” She finished as she turned her heels and began walking away.
Hoya smirked, four years, four years of being dead and people sure did change. “Is that all?” He called to her.
She stopped in her heels, turning a shoulder she answered, “No. Just admit it already.” She answered.
“Admit what?” he asked. She rolled her eyes. The man was to dull sometimes. Even the most basic of emotions passed through him like the alcohol he had promised her four years ago he would stop drinking.
Admit that you love her, always did, always have.” Nicole replied. Yes, she truly did change. Nicole had never been as straight forward with him than she was now.  He wanted to retort back, he wanted to say something, but he didn’t. He couldn’t. Because Nicole was right, she usually was.
It was idiosyncratic. A woman who was willing to give up everything was the one now telling him what he wanted. The Irony of this situation was startling.
“Someone whose been shot with a spinning spider bullet." Her words echoed through his mind like yesterday. Son Naeun, the mad woman, Son Naeun the daycare teacher.
“The bullet was embedded with an outline of a spider. Only a select group has bullets like this. It’s a trademark.” Taecyeon, a hyung of L’s, whose specialty was studying the weaponry used in the Underworld revealed.
 “Where did you get this L?” Taecyeon questioned. L moved his attention away from Taecyeon’s impressive array of weapons. Taecyeon, one of the few who knew of L’s identity as well as the Reapers, he was trustable.
“An Angel caught it for me.” L replied.


“Naeun’s father was one of the candidates that could had been on the list.” Woohyun revealed.
“So you’re saying whoever this bastard that’s trying to take us down is using us to take down his bait?” Dongwoo accused.
“Seems like it.” Woohyun replied. He was tired of this , he just wanted to GPS the stupid Dragon’s List and destroy it already.


“Excuse me, Miss.” He called to one of the teachers. She was a woman who looked like she was in her early thirties. She moved her attention from the little boy and onto L.
“How can I help you?” She asked with a sweet smile.
“Last time I was here I met with a Miss Son. Son Naeun. Is she around?” he asked. He was trying to sound…well, not like a creep.
“Ah, Naeun. Yes, she’s in the back tidying up some art supplies, you can go see her, it’s just through those doors.” She replied pointing to a certain direction. L had no idea but a breath of fresh air filled his body.
“Thank you.” He replied with a respectful bow.
He walked through a pair of double doors leading to a small room stuffed with paints, crayons, markets, construction paper, and ribbons. It was a wonderland for children, the room. He scoffed, children were pleased by this. Children were to simple minded, that who he was just to complicated and complex in the head.
The doors shut closed and he didn’t even have time to blink before he felt metal pressing onto this temple. He smirked, always on the top of her crazy game wasn’t she.
“Shoot me.” He requested. The gun didn’t move, the trigger didn’t press.

“What do you want now?” Her voice floated to his ears, a beautiful melody. 

“I see you’re crazy as always.” he remarked. She snickered.
“Crazy? Look whose talking.” She retorted. She was correct. Maybe he was as crazy as she. They were both crazy, but then again, wasn’t everyone crazy. That was the only correct reasoning on how the world was so ed up. It was in the most absolute sense, crazy.
“Why are you here L?” She questioned again as she tighten the hold on the gun. It was hard for him to imagine her being the daycare teacher in this situation. Then again, there was that innocence to her that fitted right in with that role as the care taker.
“For help. For your help.” he replied. He was being honest, for the most part.  The Angels knew a lot, a lot that they didn’t. Their help could be useful, through Hoya  and Sunggyu refused to admit it.
“Help? Nicole unnie and Cho-…those two asked for help. From you guys?” She questioned. He furrowed his brows. Was she missing out on some important information?
“Well it seems like you’ve been out of the important conversations lately.” He mused as she took a step forward, away from the gun and slowly turned around to face her.
He met eye and eye with her. She looked normal on the outside, a pair of clean skinny jeans, oversized shirt with paint marks, her hair was tied in a messy bun, strands of hair slipping out and flowing freely. Her cold face held scar marks, scar marks caused by him, and somehow that thought brought satisfaction to his mind.
“Don’t.” She ordered in a stern tone.   
“Don’t what?” he questioned with a tilt of the head.
Don’t’ fall in love, L. Falling in love gets you killed.” She answered surprising him in every way possible. Why was she telling him this? It made no sense.
“What exactly are you implying?” he asked, he didn’t realized how weak his tone sounded until the words spilled off his lips. She lowered the gun she still had positioned to him.
She smirked, it was a smug smirk, boys were so slow.
“Get out.” She demanded. This moment seemed to familiar. It was like this at their first meeting also. “Out.” She repeated. And just like last time the doors opened, the children came running in, totally oblivious to them.
“Your step father might be on the list.” He revealed. She didn’t blink, she didn’t show a reaction. So what if he was, he's dead now.
“I’m on the list. You’re on the list. We all are.” She answered. “What makes you think I didn’t already know that?” She asked.
“I’m just warning you.” He replied. He instantly mentally slapped himself. He was warning her, he was giving her a warning. That wasn’t like him. It was nothing like him. Reapers gave no warnings, they killed silently and moved on. That was what made them feared. But lately the Angels were making them look like any other typical street gang.
“We’re closed.” She yelled as the door slid open. For god sake it was freaking six in the morning and she just pulled an all nighter, add that on to the happening in her life and it was already too much.
“I thought this place was open 24 hours?” Dongwoo asked staring at the bartender busy stacking chairs. She turned around to face him. It was the same girl from last time. The one with Sunggyu. He recognized her voice the second she spoke. Her voice was like a summer melody.
“Not today.” She answered plainly turning back around to finish stacking the chair. Now in clearer light he finally got a good idea of how she looked. She looked as sweet as her voice. Chubby cheeks, short dark brown hair, cute honey eyes, and pouty lips. She looked familiar to him.
“Really? I was hoping for a drink I could really used one. It’s been a bad day.” He commented. She stopped dropping the chair in her arms and turned towards him.
“It’s six in the morning.” She stated. He shrugged. Yes, he knew it was six in the morning..
“Yeah, everybody keeps telling me that as if I didn’t already realize that.” He rebutted. Whatever it was that he say or done she smiled. He admitted that it was a pretty smile.
“What do you want?” She asked walking behind the bar.
“Strongest thing you have.” He answered. She nodded. He walked over and took a seat on one of the chairs she had yet to stack in the corner of the room. He watched as she pulled out a bottle of liquor and a crystal glass.
One of her bracelets caught his attention however, as odd as that sounded. “Nice bracelet.” He commented. She looked down to her wrist.
“It was a gift.” She revealed.
“Really? From who?”
“A dead Angel.” She answered as she poured the liquor into the glass. Her word choice caught his attention for sure.
A dead Angel huh.

“Thanks.” He said as she slid the glass over towards him. He grabbed the glass finishing it in one shot.
“Here.” She offered putting the bottle in front of him.

"For it only being six in the morning you seemed stressed.” She commented as she grabbed a cloth to clean the counter. He grabbed the bottle and took a gulp. Stress, he was stressed all right. But that was okay.
He could handle everything the Underworld threw at him. But he couldn’t handle the bull his friends are having.
“Stress, you can say that.” He answered. She looked up to him. Again, it was that look on her face, that look she gave as if she was trying to decipher some ancient language astray to the depths of time.   
“What?” he asked, amused at her. She seemed too sweet, too…sad. She looked lonely.
“You look like buzz kill.” She answered dryly causing him to chuckle.
“I thought bartenders were supposed to be good with advice?” he questioned. The woman was odd. She looked like she had it pulled together, but she also looked like she was a walking catastrophe.
“I am good with advice.” She answered with a sneer. He was sure she was.
“I’m Dongwoo. We met once, my friend sort of, torn this place apart the other day.” He told her. She gave him a knowing smile.
“I know. “ She answered throwing him a pair of keys. He stared at them, confused, then turn his head towards her. She reached under the counter and grabbed a black bag before looking back to him.
“Stack the chairs and lock up when you’re done.” She instructed as she walked out from behind the bar and out through the front door.
Dongwoo smirked. He just met the best bartender in town.
Chorong groaned putting the files down. She turned her attention to the computer screens flashing before her. Images of CEOs, Businessman, and Underworld Dealers reflected through the screens. Whoever was trying to take down the Underworld was hitting too close to home.
First Naeun’s step-father, and now Yookyung’s father. What caught Chorong’s attention even more was that Yookyung’s father wasn’t Underworld, or so it seemed. There was something that ticked her off.
She stood up from her seat and walked towards the glass wall looking down on Seoul. The whole world was below her, so why was she so blind to it. Something about what Nam Woohyun repeated in the back of her mind.
“Show me you face.” His words played like a never-ending disk in her mind. She sighed, blocking the Reaper out of her mind. They were on the same side, that was all they needed. Funny, they were on the same side yet they were at war with each other. It was a war within a war.
If this continued they would end up dead before the first blow was even thrown.
She grabbed her phone and sent a text to a specific someone. Someone who knew more than she lead on. Their commander, Genie.
‘Where are you?’
She received an answer almost instantly.
‘Right behind you.’
Sunggyu stepped through the double doors to the mansion. His haven was no longer save. The bar where he spent his nights drinking away was now a memory of his own stupidity.
Woohyun had been kind enough to let him burrow one of his many homes for the time being. Woohyun’s exact words were, ‘let you finish reeking in what you sow.’ Sunggyu huffed, knowing Woohyun was right. Woohyun didn’t even have to give him the I told you so speech Sunggyu was half prepared for.   
Sunggyu wanted to get her face out of his mind. Her smile, her laugh, the way her eyes lit up, the way her hips moved when she walked, the air she carried, the toughness she put up, the innocence so easily mixed with gun powder, and the way she always beat him at pole.
Namjoo was killing his head without even trying. She lied to him for god sake, she used him for her own personal game. Why? He get information, to figure him out, to figure his weakness and the weaknesses of the Reapers. He didn’t know.
All he understood was that the woman messed with his head, and he wanted it to stop. But it wasn’t happening anytime soon.
Sunggyu huffed grabbing the car keys to Woohyun’s Porsche Cayman, oh Woohyun and his never ending list of cars, much like his never ending list of women to . He took the keys and ran out the door.
He needed air. He rode to a random street in the middle of nowhere. People were out and about living their daily basic they called their life, unknowing to the troubles that reek at night in the exact spots they were standing.
If only they knew the Underworld was crashing and bringing their world along with it. Sunggyu knew that when the Underworld fell it was like the apocalypse rising. Luckily, the apocalypse loved being late.
He walked into one of the alleys, it was dark and gloomy, perfect to his liking. He stuffed his hands in his jacket, his navigator sunglasses hiding his eyes.
His footsteps were slow as he tried to figure out his mind. How was to supposed to lead the Reapers if his mind was wrapped around this one woman and only her.
She was a drug to him, and he was addicted to the core, he couldn’t stop even if he wanted to and their was no therapy to treat his symptoms.
“Sunggyu.“ A voice called out his name. He looked up, and as if Heaven was lighting her way she stood their, glowing in light. The woman who had capture his mind was standing before him.
His reflexes kicked in and before he knew it, he was standing in front of her, gun pointed to her in broad daylight.
“Put that thing down.” She ordered looking him straight in the eye. Namjoo was a rebel, she was fearless at times, so fearless it scared him.
“I’ll shoot.” He warned. She nodded.
“I know.” She answered.  “But what makes you think I’ll die?” She countered. She had her witty remarks that never stopped surprising him.
He lowered his gun and pulled it back into the back of his jacket before grabbing her waist and slamming her against the wall. She winced at the impact of the brick wall.
“Why the hell did you use me?” He asked, no, he ordered. He was angry, so angry, he was upset, frustrated, but most of all, disappointed.
“It was a game Sunggyu. At first it was a game.” She told him. So that was it, he was a game to tell. She didn’t even think of him as someone with feelings, emotions, just a pathetic game she played with and discarded as she wished.
Oh, yes, she was the female vision of Woohyun all right. She played with emotions and feelings and threw them astray when she was done absorbing the lift out of them.
He slammed his palm against the wall causing her to flinch. “Get a hold of yourself.” She told him softly. She wasn’t used to seeing Sunggyu like this, out of control,  fanatical,  irritated.
“I messed up okay. I messed up real bad.” She mumbled looking down to his chest. Sunggyu’s eyes soften. Something about her words bad his heart dropped. He released one of his hands from her waist and grabbed her wrist bringing it up.
There in black ink, a wind-less angel. He was stupid, he never noticed it before. All the time he spent with her and he never noticed.
“Did you know? From the beginning?” He asked. She nodded.
“Yes. We knew from the beginning. About you. But I did it on my own terms. Get close to you.” She replied, her eyes were still forced onto the ground. He sighed.
He couldn’t be upset with her. Now not, through he wanted to be. He cared for her all to much. That was why he was just a fool. He was her fool. Namjoo’s fool.
“Look at me.” he ordered but she refused to. He sighed, lifting up her chin with his fingers he looked into her eyes, she was still as captivating as always, still as beautiful, still was damn crazy, as fearless, but more vulnerable. Too vulnerable for her own good. The Underworld ate up vulnerability. It chewed it up until their was nothing left.
“I’m sorry oppa.” She whispered to him. He understood this Namjoo, she did care, she cared for him as much as he did for her. She was as heartbroken as he was. Because she also fell, she also fell for him.
They were star-crossed lovers, born to be different assassins, different people. How odd it was that they ended up in this mess.
He leaned in sealing his lips with her to a second, his soft lips touching hers and he was sure he would remember this kiss just as all their other kisses. But he knew every time their lips touched it felt like the missing piece of the puzzle was solved, he how perfectly their lips fit, he knew all this. Because kissing her was different, it wasn’t forced, it wasn’t crazy, it wasn’t rush, but it felt right.
Which made things even more difficult.
He pulled away from her, leaning his temple against hers. She closed her eyes and her faced looked at peace, through Sunggyu knew that her eyes were spinning with a millions different directions, an emotion laced to each one. “I’m sorry too.” he mumbled before stepping away from her and walking away.
Both knew it too well. Relationships were dangerous in the Underworld, and theirs could never exist.







I took me forever to update, but I did. Honestly it took me the whole day to update. I reread the story and I really wanted to pull different aspects together, but I miserably failed.

&& I added Nicole's part because I was in the mood to just start going off at the next random guy I see. My friends are having boys problems and I needed to focus that into the story and Nicole seemed like the perfect person to knock some sense into Hoya.

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karind92 #1
Chapter 18: It’s 2018 already but I still haven’t lose hope for updates
Chapter 18: Fuuuudge !!! I love this story !!!!
Omg this story needs to be done by now. I cant wait for the ending.
angelgamer #4
This story is freaking amazing. Authornim please continue this. My heart aches so much for wondering what will happen next. Lol!!! You are a great writer! HWaiting!!
koala_panda #5
New reader in here.. But are u still doing the story?
Chapter 9: Nooooo!!Why can't Namjoo and SungGyu be together their one of my favorate couples along with L and Naeun!!!<3
kksuperman #7
Chapter 18: oh gosh this story is beyond amazing.
polariskpop #8
Chapter 18: This needs update, I've been waiting for sooo long... T-T
Yoonie101 #9
Chapter 18: Hello~ I hope you finish this story. It's so good!
Please update soon!!!!!!