
To Kill An Angel.


The double doors slammed open, the strong wind blowing in. Sunggyu had heard much of Jung Nicole. How could he not? She was one the of the reasons why his Reapers were so aggravated. 
What he wasn't expecting was the look in her eyes. She stormed through the front entrance looking like she was leading the cavalry into war, and she was the Devil.
"Kim Sunggyu, you look like , and you're going to help me." She acknowledged with a smug smirk on her face. He stood up from his seat, situated by the heavily lit fireplace. He put aside the glass of liquor in his hand and stared at the woman. Maybe the rumors were true about this woman. She was absolutely out of her mind. 
"You know, letting you take one of my Reapers down memory lane which none of us want to remember was bad enough. But really, I'm on break. Go bother someone else." He growled like a child who didn't want to go to school. She scoffed, running her fingers through her caramel locks. 
"Sunggyu please, do us all the favor, stop being a . Now get up. We have an idiot to locate and kill, bullets to find, and a missing Angel on our tail. Don't add, 'Save Reaper Leader' onto our list." 
"You know, you never were one to stray around the brush." He commented in a grumpy tone. Nicole had no tact. She stepped towards him, eyeing him down with wicked orbs of fire. 
"Don't be grumpy. It can't be that bad." She stated, rolling her eyes as his attitude. 
"You'd be surprised. I just been oust by an Angel, a freaking Angel for god sake, and guess what, I like her, I like her a lot. And after today's events, the remains of the shaky ground that I walk on are about to go kaboom. Let's get hammered." He contemplated pouring himself another glass of liquor. 
"What are you talking about?" 
"Don't play dumb with me. I know what happened. Namjoo's been capture. And I'm guessing the reason why you're here is, A: You need my help in saving her, B: You're just bored, which I highly doubt, cause it is you after all, you're Jung Nicole, C: There is no C, but I can make one up if you want." 
"Good lord." She groaned. The man had lost it. The most level headed man in Seoul had lost it. And it was for one woman. It was amazing how much feelings could affect one's attitude. 
"Genie. You don't owe me, you don't owe any of us. But you owe her. And rather you're sick, drunk, or stupid, you will do this for her." Nicole declared. She knew a gateway through to him. His loyalty. 
"Five minutes." Chorong acknowledged giving the go to Bomi and Yookyung. Hayoung was on surveillance and Chorong wanted to keep Naeun and Eunji off the field. She deemed them to 'damaged' at this point of the game. 
It was their feelings, their emotions, and it was because of the Almighty Reapers that play in the dark. 
"Moving Eastbound." Yookyung replied. They had to find the location where Namjoo was being held. And right now they were breaking into one of the Underworld's most notorious gang's hideout. Madame Butterfly controlled this place. But Madame Butterfly has been dead for years. But the girls didn't care on who was running what. They needed info, and then they were out. 
"I'm entering, keep them distracted." Chorong announced. Yookyung was to enter one of the back room, hack into it and overwrite the system, while she was doing that Chorong was to sneak into the control room and plant a bug. While they were doing this, Bomi was to keep the guards busy. She was playing hide and seek with them. And Bomi was an expert at hiding in plain sight. 
"Its show time." Hayoung announced from the car. 
Yookyung quietly made her way through the worst part of it. The base was literally all underground, which meant a lot of corners leading to the same corners. After a series of endless hallways that looked identical to the next, she made it to the Eastern wing. 
She doubled check to make sure that it was all clear. Almost like a ghost she made her to way to the main hallway leading to the basement. The control panel was located in the corner of the room. She kicked it open, making sure no one was around. She sat down, and pulled out her lap top from her backpack. 
"Give me three minutes." She said, pulling out some wires and connecting them to her lap top and onto the wires on the control panel. 
Bomi made her way down one of the stairwell and into the main quarters where she knew all the guards were. 
"Unnie, you have nine men in the main quarters. Two outside, watching the main doors and one in the under levels. The two outside can be taken care off." Hayoung stated from the van, four blocks down from the base. 
"Good." She mumbled as she walked behind the glass and out into the open. "Chorong, you better be fast." She hissed only to hear the leader chuckle. 
"We're in." Yookyung acknowledged as she entered their computer system, over loading it and temporary causing a stop to all networking. Now even if someone wanted to call for help, they couldn't. If Chorong could successfully implant the bug, once the systems came back on they would be able to control he system. 
"Chorong, you have 7 minutes and 22 seconds starting...now." 
"Bomi, go time." Chorong ordered. Quietly Bomi stepped out from the wall. "Hey." She shouted diverting all the attention to her. 
"Who are you? What are you doing here?" Those were the typical first questions asked in situations like this. Lucky for her, they had no idea who she was. Just like Chorong and Yookyung, she was dressed in all black,armed and ready to fight, along with the black cloth wrapping around her face covering all her facial features beside her eyes. 
"Does anyone know where a lady can find the rest room?" She asked with an innocent tilt of her head. And just like that she had started the game of hide and seek. Turning on her heels she made a run for it as she heard footsteps follow from behind. Her best guess was that all of them were after her. 
This meant that Chorong could enter the main quarters and make her way to the control room without any trouble. 
"6 minutes 5 seconds seconds." Yookyung mumbled through to Chorong. Chorong stepped out from the shadows and quickly made her way into the main quarters and into the one hallway leading to the control room. 
"I'm in." She stated when she stepped inside. The room was filled with a state of the art system. Not as advance as hers however, but it was impressive, especially for a gang. But then again, this Madame Butterfly was rumored to be one of the large figure heads on the Underworld before she died. 
"Hurry up." Bomi whined as she hid behind out of the pillars. The guards had split up into two groups. One heading north, away from her, while the other was behind her. 
Chorong pulled out a small chip, quickly she took it and implanted it behind one of the main computers, this now gave the Angels full access to the system. Quickly Chorong implanted the remainder of the chips. 
Yookyung was about to leave when something caught her eye.  "Hold on." 
"What?" Chorong asked. Chorong was leaving right now, with a good 5 minutes to go. 
"What are you doing? Just get out of there. I can't hold them off forever." Bomi groaned as she ran up a fleet of stairs that lead to one of the upper levels. She was slowly reaching her exit destination. But she couldn't leave without knowing that Chorong was out. 
"You guys. This isn't right. None of this can be. Get out of here unnie. You too Bomi unnie." 
"No way, what about you?" 
"Just go. I'll be fine." Yookyung answered. But she knew her angels. They weren't leaving. 
"What are you doing? Do you even have a plan for this. This wasn't part of the plan." Chorong sigh. She didn't know what had caught Yookyung's attention, but whatever it was, it was getting them in deep . 
"I've got a plan." Yookyung answered. 
"Oh yeah?" 
"Yeah. Phrase one, gather and decipher. Phrase two, kick . Phrase three, buy you some chicken feet." 
"Whatever it is, do it. And do it fast." Chorong ordered. Yookyung didn't reply. She didn't have too. She quickly searched the database using her laptop. Though the data here was limited compared to the one in the main quarters, it was enough for her.  
It was unlike anything she had seen. This wasn't any basic system. And this wasn't just any typical gang. It was just a cover up story for something else. Something bigger. 
Gabriel. Madame Butterfly. The Dragon's List.  
"Hayoung, find Nicole, and get her to Watchtower." Chorong hissed as she was getting out and going to her assigned exit route. There was no reply. None at all. 
"Hayoung." Chorong repeated stiffly. 
"Hayoung, answer me." 
"I can't." Hayoung mumbled, why did she sound so guilty? 
"Nicole went to see him. Sunggyu. I don't know why, maybe because of Namjoo unnie, but she can't be reached." Chorong exhaled deeply, great, another problem to add onto her list. An uncontrollable supposedly dead mad woman. 
"Yookyung, you're running out of time, just hurry the up." Bomi hissed. Yookyung sighed, she began typing. 
Whatever this was, it lead straight back to them. It had everything to do with the new threat. The assassination attempts, the reappearance of Genie, the spider bullets. This was all part of a plan. And she had an idea of what kind of plan this was. Revenge. The trickiest of them all. 
There was a certain network which could give her all the details she had been searching for. Maybe today was a good day for a little Reaper hacking. 
Here goes nothing. 
"We were hacked." L mumbled emotionless. 
Sungyeol snickered in the background. "No. Don't even think it. Our network is Fort Knox. Internal servers are air-gapped and I run routine PAN tests on the outer defenses. We're talking five-tier security with protocols that rotate every hour, on the hour. That's proprietary software." 
"I didn't catch two words of what he just said. But I heard we were hacked. Let's find out who, put a bullet in their head, and get on with our day. We have a idiot to kill, Sunggyu hyung is MIA, and we have Angels looming ahead." Woohyun stated as he walked into the room. 
"The hell." L hissed under his breath. "It's coming from Madame Butterfly." He confirmed. 
“Madame Butterfly is dead. Like ten feet under dead. But hey, who knows, everyone that’s supposed to be dead, is apparently alive.” Woohyun suggest. L rolled his eyes.  
Thanks for the reminder 
“What are you guys doing? Get up, get up. We have work to do.” Sunggyu ordered as he stepped into the room. The three stared at each other before shifting there attention to Sunggyu, they looked at him as if he had died and come back to life. 
“Get up.” he hissed. “We’re going to Madame Butterfly. Then we’re finding these bullets and killing whoever gets in our way.” He confirmed.  
“What’s with the 180 personality change?” Sungyeol dared to asked. Hey, they needed a logically explanation to Sunggyu sudden mood change. 
“Had a chat with a dead heiress.” 
“Ha, that’s one way to jump out of depression.” L snickered.  
“And that’s not all.” Sunggyu added. The three held there breaths. “Genie’s back. And she has a request for us.”  
“This can’t be good.”  
Bullets ricochet across the room as knifes, blades, and other weapons were used. This was the setting for the battle that was going to unite them all. Rather they wanted to or not.  
“She’s freaking insane.” Yookyung hissed to Nicole. Today was anything but normal.  
Mission of the Day: Bring back Namjoo 
After being able to hack into Madame Butterfly’s system the night before, the Angels were able to trace a triangular network to a specific location. It met the conditions. It was an old abandon building back from the Korean War days. It was isolated, large enough to house soldiers, but not to big that people start looking, multiple exits surrounded by forest, and it had a pretty view of the stars at night, all sarcasm intended in that last part. 
The steps were laid out, the players in position. Then Nicole comes and drops a bomb on them.  
“The Angels and Reapers will be working together. Genie’s order.” It was blunt and real. And there were plenty of complaints.  
So right now they were fighting there way to get to the heart of the building. Where Namjoo was. 
“You always followed Genie’s orders Yookyung, what’s different this time?” Nicole questioned as she lodged her fist into the face of a soldier.  
“The Reapers tried killing two of my Angels, Nicole. You touch my Angels, I want you dead. But no, Genie goes and throws us a curve ball.” Yookyung hissed.  
Yookyung turned around, her eyes widen upon realizing that there was a solider, no less than two feet away from her, knife in hand, ready to tear her to pieces, but what shock her even more was when he was slammed against the wall and had a knife embedded into his chest.  
The Reapers. 
The guy who saved her was a Reaper. “You’re freaking kidding me.” She hissed. She turned her eyes towards Nicole who was a shock as she was.  
“You guys aren’t the only ones who can find someone.” One of them hissed, and judging by his voice, it was Sunggyu.  
There wasn’t anytime for conversations because right after one of the overhead lights exploded causing the whole place to shake in impact. The building was rather old. 
Yookyung and Nicole were in the east wing of the building, all the girls were spread out, but by the looks of it, it seemed like all the Reapers stick together. She noted that there were seven of them. Half of them she could identified.  Even if they had on masks and wore their hoods, she could tell who was who. 
L was beating someone into dust, and he wasn‘t even breaking a sweat. Woohyun did half a back flip and landed on his back when one of the soldiers kicked him in the arm,  
Yookyung saw his eyes narrowed before he pulled out a gun, sending a bullet into the head of the soldier who kicked him, before Woohyun finally decided he was going to have to shoot himself out of this one. Hoya was merciless, he fought with no remorse, everything he touched turned into ash.  
Then she noticed something, Sunggyu was leaving, he was quietly making his way inside the corridor and deeper into the building.  
“We have an issue.” She mumbled into her ear piece, making sure all the other girls could hear.  
“Yeah, we have one too many problems right now Yookyung.” Bomi was the first to respond.  
“Go.” Nicole hissed to her, signaling her to move deeper and find Namjoo.  
“Reapers. Here. Now.” She replied, and she swore she heard one of the girls gasp.  
“Tomorrow’s issue.” Chorong declared, but they all knew this was going to be eating at their minds for the rest of the day. 
Yookyung eventually found herself away from the fight, she was now standing in a different room. It was a large room filled with steel metal, swiftly she made her way up a flight of steps towards the main corridor where she hoped Namjoo was. She regretted not going after Namjoo when she was first captured, but there was no time for regretting your decisions.  
She hissed and pulled back when bullets were sent towards her, she hid behind one of the old pillars, shifting down closer to the ground. They were shooting from the floor below, and she was standing on the balcony up on the second floor.  
“You’re in a tricky situation aren’t you.” She heard someone saying, she shifted her eyes to the right, and behind the pillar parallel to the one she was behind was a Reaper. His hood blocked his face so she couldn’t get a decent look at him.  
“Aish, I don’t have time for this.” She murmured as she focused down to the first floor. Pulling her gun, with the most precise accuracy, she pressed the trigger and saw it take the shooter down. Before she could move though, three other shooters showed up.  
“Come on, we can’t stay here.” The Reaper stated, and she was sure she knew his voice.  
The two made there way to one of the hallways, which lead straight to the heart of the building.  
Yookyung came a sodden stop. Something wasn’t right. “Nicole.” She said into her ear piece only to be met with static. “Eunji.” She called again, this time, only static.  
“The signal’s jammed.” The Reaper who was carefully walking in front of her said to her. The signal was never jammed...until now.
Great, just perfect.  
“Today’s just my lucky day.” She whispered, her voice laced with sarcasm, and swore she held the Reaper chuckle. 
“Excuse me, you do find me amusing or something?” She challenged. It was no secret that she against working with them. Everyone knew that, even the Reaper in front of her knew, she just didn’t realize that he knew.  
“You’re intriguing Agassi, really intriguing.” He responded, there it was, the voice. She knew that voice, but from where exactly.  
The two stepped into a separate hallway, while he stepped to the left, Yookyung made her way to the right, they really should had gotten a blueprint for this place.  
“Watch out.” She felt her body slam back against the wall, as his body pressed against his, eloping his arms around her, her face falling into his chest. Bullets flew there way, missing them and swirling down.  
She stood frozen in spot for a second there, yes, there was something so familiar about him, as if she knew him. She didn’t like him, she knew that, especially after that comment he made, the way he said it was like an insult to her. Then again, Chorong did always say she was too prejudice.  
“You okay?” He asked gently and she felt as if he really meant it. She brought her arms up against his chest and pushed him away, she made sure the black cloth was still tightly wrapped around her face, hiding her identity.  
She looked out into the hallway, there were men there, guarding one of the doors. And best chances were that Namjoo was there.  
“Hello Pretty. You’re doing well.” Woohyun stated. Chorong rolled her eyes at him before she threw a punch at one of the soldiers. Woohyun and Dongwoo had made their way from the East corridor to the Southern corridor. Still no signs of Namjoo. 
“The hell Nam Woohyun, what are you doing here?” She asked, she was trying to focus her attention on two things. She hissed at him when he accidentally backed up into her.
“Geez, relax woman.” He countered. “Where’s your Angel?” He asked. She didn’t reply. That was an answer itself. They didn’t know where Namjoo was. Oh, Sunggyu wasn’t going to like this. 
“To your left.” She stated causing his attention to turn to his left where one of the soldiers ran towards him, with a blade in hand. Woohyun didn’t know where or how she got it, but Pretty was able to kick him away, wrapped his neck around a metal chain, and squeeze.
“Thanks.” He remarked when the body dropped to the ground, chain wrapped around his neck. She narrowed her eyes at him. 
“Just try to stay alive.” She battled before one of the soldiers snuck up behind her with a blade, but Chorong’s fast reflexes caused to elbow him, and throw a punch at him before she pulled out a knife from her leather boots and impale it into his chest. 
“You’re hurt.” Woohyun noticed staring at the deep cut on her upper arm. 
“It’s not like I’ll die.” She countered back looking down at the deep cut before averting her attention back into the fight. 
“That’s good. Cause nobody wants you to die anytime soon.” He verbalized. She knew him a curious look, 
“I’m not going anywhere anytime soon.” She whispered softly. 
“Yah, Nam Woohyun, stop flirting.” Dongwoo shouted to him from the other side of the room, and Woohyun knew that his friend’s remark caused Pretty to smile. He couldn’t see her face, but he could see her eyes turn into half moons. 
“See, working with us won’t be so bad.”
“I’ll rather hang myself.”   
Sunggyu was going crazy. After breaking apart from the rest of the group, he had practically searched through the first floor looking for her. He had to make sure she was safe. He had to make sure she was okay.  
He could hear footsteps behind him. Judging from the sounds of it, they weren’t Reapers or Angels. They were soldiers. He could tell because they were so loud. Angels and Reapers were silent and quiet, that was their reputation.  
He made his way up to the second floor and ran through the hallway. He Didn’t know where he was going, or what he was doing. He was a mad man with no direction set in mind.  
He finally felt himself let go of that invisible breath he didn’t even realize he was holding when he came to the final hallway. He saw Sungyeol, and one of the Angels, he didn’t know who, fighting off some of the soldiers.  
He felt a rush of energy, he didn’t know if it was from all the drinks he had before, or his feelings, but the next thing he could register was that he was at the door that they were guarding, slamming the door open with his fist.  Punch after punch, he felt as if he was doing more damage to his hands than the door, but he didn’t care. He couldn’t feel the pain.  
He felt something lodge into his body, something that pierced through into his skin, but it didn't bother him. He just had to make sure she was safe.  
Namjoo, just be okay.  
His senses finally returned when he was slammed against the hall, his eyes met with the Angel while Sungyeol finished off with the last solider. 
“Snap out of it.” She hissed, her voice was raw poison, and he could tell she meant what she said. If he didn’t get his senses back, she wouldn’t be scare to put a bullet in his head.  
She looked over to the door and noticed something. “We need a code.” She said to the two. Attached to the door was a keypad with a numerical combination that needed to be tapped in.  
“Wow, you guys work fast.” The three turned around, Sunggyu smirked to himself, while the other two were jaw-dropped. They had no idea how she got there, how she knew they needed help. She was good at that. Appearing out of thin air. 
She flashed a smile at them before stepping forward and strolling to the door and tapped in the code.  Sunggyu felt pain eat at his core as he felt wet crimson blood. 
“What the hell. How did you know?” Yookyung mumbled in utter shock, still. Sunggyu didn’t wait for Genie’s responded, the second the door opened he rushed in, Namjoo was all he cared about. Nothing else matter if she wasn’t okay.  
“Namjoo!” He shouted when he saw her body lifelessly laying on the ground. She was covered in blood and bruises, her clothes were ripped and soaked in crimson red. Her face was freakishly pale, and she wasn’t moving.  
He ran up to her and pulled her limp body into his arms. Yookyung rushed over, kneeling down beside him. By now most of the soldiers were eliminated and everyone else were arriving here.  
“Dear god.” Sunggyu mumbled as his body became numb, his heart was sent racing and his mind could no longer comprehend what was happening. His head began to spin and he felt pain shoot through his body.  
“Quick, he’s been shot.” He heard the Angel beside him say. Last thing he remember, Namjoo was being taken from his arms, despite the fact that he wouldn’t let go, couldn’t let go. Blackness covered everything around him.  
And Woohyun’s voice saying, “this bastard’s gone crazy,” Was the last thing he heard. Perhaps. Perhaps he did go crazy. If he was, it was for one woman.  
Chorong loved her privacy. It wasn’t a secret. Watchtower was her haven, it was her dome of light that kept the world outside from getting inside her head.  
But right now when the life of an Angel was at stack, the world was inside her head. In fact, it was pounding her head left and right.  
It was decided that Watchtower was the best place to go. It was safe, secure, and Chorong made it her personal vendetta that no strangers, no Underworld gang, no one, could enter unless she let them.  But today, apparently the Reapers were welcome. 
It was a jumble mess. Clearly, no one else was hurt, or at least hurt severely. Yeah, she had a scratch on her upper arm, but it wasn’t going to kill her. Sure, her Angels got a few cuts or scratches here and there, but it was nothing seriously. Not as serious as Namjoo and Sunggyu.  
The Reapers looked untouched, they didn‘t even looked like they had just killed a whole building full of soldiers. So maybe that's why the Reapers were famous. They come out of battle without a scratch.  
Chorong stared down from the balcony as Hayoung bandaged Namjoo’s wounds and pull the bullets out of Sunggyu. Chorong didn’t want Hayoung here. Not at all. But Hayoung was the best when it came to medical help.  
She had sent the other girls away, aside from Eunji and Naeun. That was the thing, their identities. Sure, they were the faces and names of a few Reapers, as did the reapers, they knew the faces and names of some of her Angels.  
But in this game, was protecting their identities still required.  
Her masked remained unmoved, her eyes never leaving Namjoo. Chorong had come to a clear confirmation earlier, and she was ready to go through with it.  
This was war.  
“I’m amused. Quite amused.” G.na said as she appeared out of thin air and stood beside Chorong. Chorong chuckled.  
What? The fight or us?” Chorong asked turning her face towards her unnie. G.na smirked.  
“A little of both.” She responded, and Chorong noticed something in G.na’s voice. Something that was off. Something was bothering her.  
“There’s a reason why you don’t fall in love in the Underworld. Love becomes your weakness. Those you love will be put in danger. Those you love will be used as pawns, Love destroyed us once, Chorong.” G.na stated. Chorong thought back to the time when Seoul had its leaders. That was a long time ago, before hell rose up and ate them whole. 
“We’re not like them.” Chorong commented.  
“You’re not like us. Not like me” G.na corrected.  
The tension in the air was so thick, one could suffocate. No one said a thing. There eyes did all the talking. Everyone was cautious of their actions and words.  
L, Hoya, and Woohyun were there, along with Naeun and Eunji. L was throwing glances at Naeun who sat like a stone statue. Her eyes blink of emotions and a perfect poker face. Eunji and Hoya threw each other settle glances, no it was more like Eunji was throwing settle glances while Hoya looked pissed off. 
And Woohyun sat there, cleaning his knives. 
The attention shifted as G.na and Chorong walked in the room. Chorong moved aside towards her computers where she began searching for the next target.  
“Well, this is better than I expected. Nobody is dead yet.” G.na stated. She was being sarcastic, but they were all to dim to realize.  
“Cut the bull Genie. What are you up to?” Hoya hissed. He had no patience for this. She chuckled. He was still as impatient as always.  
“We, all of us, are going to bring down the Victor Voss.” She declared, she couldn't help but give a pleased smile. This was it. This was the Underworld.  
Hoya snickered, “Finally.” 
“How can I help you?” Hoya asked as he sat down across from the woman. Honestly, he was more than shock when she had contracted him. How she got his number was the bigger question. What she wanted, now that was going to be the main course of his day. 
She leaned towards him and passed over an vanilla folder. She slid it across the table. He tried to figure out her thinking, but the woman had a perfect poker face and empty eyes.  
He took the folder and opened it. “Palefire.” He repeated the name on the file.  
“The last time the Dragon’s List was sold it was three years ago. Germany. Palefire was the mission assigned to sabotage the deal and get the Dragon’s List.” She explained crossing her arms over her chest.  
“And how would you know this?” He asked. There was something this woman was hiding, but he couldn’t figure out what.  
“I was there.” She replied bluntly. “I was part of Operation Palefire.” 
“And why do you need my help?” He asked. He didn’t even know her, and here she was, asking for help.  
She didn’t answer right away, he could tell that something was spinning in that head of hers. He hated the mind of woman. They over think, over analyze. It was just too much.  
“They say you’re the happy-trigger Reaper.” She mumbled softly, making sure no one else heard. Hoya’s hand unconsciously move closer to his gun, tucked behind his jacket. How the hell did she know that. “They also say that you’re the man who shot the woman he loved.” She added, purposely rubbing salt on his wounds.  
“I guess that’s why you’re the perfect person to ask for help.” She stated. He narrowed his brows. Where the hell was she going? He didn't say anything, he waited for her to finish. If it was anyone else, in a different situation, they would be dead by now. 
“Palefire went wrong become someone was there that wasn’t supposed to be there. And that person is in Seoul. And they’re mad. That’s why I need your help.” She commented handing him another folder.  
“Your friend’s here.” She commented emotionless. She got up, slowly turned around and walked out of the bar. He took the envelope and tucked it away. As on cue, the door opened, and in walked Dongwoo. 
Dongwoo saw him immediately. Dongwoo gave him a small nod, no one else noticed, and turned around and went to the bar. They were strangers in the real world. They didn’t know each other, didn’t talk to each other. They kept their identities intact.  
Hoya watched his friend, as Dongwoo sat down. A few minutes later the back door opened and a female bartender walked out of the back room. Hoya noticed something flashed in Dongwoo’s eyes as he spotted the bartender.  
Now that Hoya thought about it, the bartender did look familiar. He huffed brushing the thought away as he stood up and walked out of the bar, not missing the smile on Dongwoo’s face as he talked to the bartender.  
Once outside Hoya spilled into his car, closed the door and opened the second envelope.  
After writing this I realized there was a lot of Yookyung moments. She is actually my Apink biased, and I guess I was having Yeolkyung feels. 
Plus I saw Infinite's teaser! So exited!
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karind92 #1
Chapter 18: It’s 2018 already but I still haven’t lose hope for updates
Chapter 18: Fuuuudge !!! I love this story !!!!
Omg this story needs to be done by now. I cant wait for the ending.
angelgamer #4
This story is freaking amazing. Authornim please continue this. My heart aches so much for wondering what will happen next. Lol!!! You are a great writer! HWaiting!!
koala_panda #5
New reader in here.. But are u still doing the story?
Chapter 9: Nooooo!!Why can't Namjoo and SungGyu be together their one of my favorate couples along with L and Naeun!!!<3
kksuperman #7
Chapter 18: oh gosh this story is beyond amazing.
polariskpop #8
Chapter 18: This needs update, I've been waiting for sooo long... T-T
Yoonie101 #9
Chapter 18: Hello~ I hope you finish this story. It's so good!
Please update soon!!!!!!