
To Kill An Angel.

"Trust your kin...and no one else." Those words were embedded into the back of L's head for years now. Those were the exact words told to him by the superiors, all of whom have long since passed on. Your kin was your team, and the Reapers were his team. His friends, his family. But that didn't mean he didn't get solo missions. As a matter of fact, they all did. Each of them had their own solo hit here and there. Some more than others, depending on the type of situation it was.

Hoya was trigger happy, so kill jobs were usually his forte. The group could already imagine the jail cell in hell waiting for Hoya, with all the people he killed. Then again, those people did deserve to die.

Saying that, he was more than confused when the call came in for him. It a kill job. Find, learn, and eliminate. His target; the step daughter of a multi-billion CEO who had hit the black market for some easy cash only to fall head over heels.

"What's up?" He asked answering his cell. It was a private line, only a select handful of people knew of this number. The receiver end of the call revealed loud and clear, loud noise and voices echoed throughout.

"Russia my . I'm never stepping foot to his winter hell hole ever again." Dongwoo whined from the other line. L could hear Sunggyu scowling the others. Ah, so typical.

"So I'm taking it the Russian hit is going as plan?" L asked only to be met with static. He heard the phone getting moved from member to member.

"Hyung. This place is awful. We're stuck in a motel that looks like it was built during the Jurassic age, its small, and the hyungs are bullying me. Why can't you just open a hole in hell's mouth and throw me in?" Sungjong complained. L could already see the pout on his face.

"We tried, but hell doesn't want you either." L replied, sarcasm laced in his tone. He heard Sungjong muttered some curses before the line was met with static again.

"You're on live Myungsoo. Its all of us, its speaker boy. So, how's the hit man?" Hoya's all to familiar voice asked.

"Boring. The step daughter of a CEO who went black market hunting. I'm guessing she's some bratty pamper princess who owes more Gucci than she does heart." L reply. He could already hear the laughs from the other end.

"Whatever man, just keep your eyes open. I rather have that job than get stuck with these lunatics." Woohyun answered, earning a punch in the arm from Dongwoo.

"Yeah, yeah...hold on guys. I think she's getting out of the car." L replied. He was following her. He had been following her since she left the family's estate. She drove a flashy black Audi, the newest one too, while he followed in a black SUV. He watched as she parked the car, his car remained hidden from her view. His eyes scanned the area. It wasn't the typical place he would imagine this type of girl. Then again he knew nothing about her other than the preferences he received.

You got to be kidding the out of me.

"You gotta be freaking kidding me." He cursed. Today was not getting any easier for him was it. He flicked off his black Navigator sunglasses.

"What's wrong?" Someone from the other lined asked, Sunggyu he assumed.

"She's a day care teacher." His voice was dry and cold. His assignment was to kill a day care teacher. Just peachy.

"Well that takes out the 'more Gucci than hearts' stereotype." Sunggyu mumbled from the other side. L was to preoccupied to pay attention to that comment. He watched as the girl walked over towards a small care center where little kids played happily on a playground set. A box of materials were in her arm. Smiles were lit on her face. 

The children instantly attacked her with hugs and kisses. She kneel down to talk to one of them. A little girl with pigtails. The target was...pretty. Beautiful even, but he couldn't admit that. She was a mission after all.

She had long black hair that fell in wavy curls. Soft doe-like honey brown eyes and a round face, a beautiful smile, but he was going to deny that part to. There was an air to her that drew men in like a siren did captains of ships before they met their doom. She was sugar and spice rolled into one. She was the most dangerous kind of woman.

"Hell. How the am I supposed to kill a day care teacher?" L hissed. He could already imagine the guys in that motel room in the middle of no where cheering that this wasn't their hit.

"Hyung, on the good side, at least she's not a nun." Sungjong reassured. L groaned, that didn't help one bit.

"Shut up." He hissed through the speaker of the phone. "Gotta go. My cousin who just arrived in town is looking for a new day care for her daughter."

"You have a cousin in town?" Dongwoo asked completely clueless, L heard the slap in the back of the head Dongwoo earned from one of the other members. L chuckled before hanging up on the group of idiots.


"Miss Son, play with us." A little girl barely the age of six pulled Naeun's arms over towards the swing sets.

"I will honeybee. I have to put these things away first. Then I will play with you, okay." Naeun replied with a sweet smile. The child nodded and ran along. Two other teachers were watching the kids. She waved to the two of them and they returned the gesture. Picking up the box of material she turned her heels and took a few steps before she was stop by a sudden voice.

"Excuse me, Miss." She turned around, meeting eye and eye with the owner of the voice.


That was the only thought that crossed her mind. A god was standing in front of her. Dark messy locks of deep brown hair that fell above his eyes, piercing chocolate eyes, dark brows drew together and thin lips. He wore a dark brown leather jacket over a black dress shirt, black jeans and combat boots. He was dangerous. All her keen senses told her he was danger written in red. She knew his face all to well.

"How may I help you sir?" She asked giving him a warm smile. Her smile was her little secret weapon when it came to getting out of trouble. It worked like a charm, most of the time.

"My cousin is looking for a nice day care  for her daughter. They're new to town and I'm looking around for them." L responded. His voice was swift and smooth. He was an pretty damn good liar.

"Oh, well just follow me inside then." She responded. He nodded watching as she turned around, slowly following behind.

"Thanks." She said when he helped her open the door. In his head he was wondering what kind of secrets could this girl be hiding? She was a day care teacher for god's sake. But he was always taught not to judge a book by its cover. Looks were deceiving.

"These are cute." He acknowledged looking at the sheets of drawings on her desk. Hey, he had to come off as a uncle looking for a nice day care for his niece right? Most of them were blots of colors or smears of finger prints covered in colorful ink.

"Oh, the kids drew them. I keep all the drawings they make for me. They're just too precious to throw away." She revealed putting her box of materials on a corner side table. Oh god help me. She's a saint. This mission was eating at his conscience.

"So, how old is your cousin's child?" She asked turning to face him. All the kids were outside or in one of the other rooms, so it was just the two of them. By themselves.

"Six. A sweet little girl, but not in the morning, she's a troll in the morning." He replied. A small smile appeared on Naeun's lips.

"Feel free to sit Mr. Kim." She told him. He grin taking her offer and taking a seat on a metal chair with wire handles as an arm rest. He thought it was strange for this kind of chair to be located in a day care. It didn't exactly look kid friendly. The other chairs were lined with soft fabric in bright colors.

Then it hit him. Mr. Kim. He didn't tell her his name. Before he could respond two metal hatched encircled his arms, imprisoning his wrists.

"Don't struggle. I know you can break out from there in three-point-five seconds, but just don't. There are children around." She spoke as she sat down on her desk. She was directly in front of him. Her legs cross on top of each other. Her elbow laying on her knee and her chin laying against her arm. Her eyes scanned him head to toe. She looked extremely intrigue and oddly calm. So much for the boring saint theory.

"So, there's no need with pretending is there." He sigh with a shrug. Even in a situation he was as calm as the blue skies. L didn't over react much. That was Sungyeol and Sungjong's job. Apparently spending to much time with Hoya takes away the ability to freak out. Besides, she was a day care teacher. A pretty one, but a day care teacher. What could she do?

"Nope...so I'm assuming; step-daddy issues, black market crap, blah, blah, blah. You're Underworld, I assume. And I'm your target. Kill Job. Correct?" She asked, raising an eyebrow at him for the last part. She was seemingly bored, and it was written all over her face. But she was smart, and a quick learner, he'll give her that.

"Yeah, take out a 'blah' or two." L replied with a casual nod. Naeun huffed out air as she uncrossed her legs and unknowingly bit her lower lip..

"Let's make this simple. The kids will be coming in ten minutes. Within those ten minutes you will walk out those door and not come back. Meet me at six, sharp. At the boat dock, I'm sure you know which one I'm preferring to, its the same one where you killed that pathetic from France who was all hair spray, fake s and damn jokes that no one understood. You know, the one selling nuclear weapons in the Black Market." Naeun ordered. L chuckled. The girl had balls. She wasn't scare to be in charge or make the rules.

"Ah, Natalie. Of course. That boat dock" He responded. How did she know about Natalie, that was a mission that was more top secret than Area 51.

"I'll give you all the info you need. And after that we can play cat and mouse for all you want." She finished. L lifted a eyebrow at Naeun. Her face heard a ice cold facade that blocked out any emotions. Only one other person had that same look. That look of icy stiffness that hid any emotions; him.

"You know that you're my hit. After I get all the information I need I'm supposed to blow your brains out." He revealed. She didn't flinch. It was as if she expected that. Okay, so maybe she wasn't just a typical day care teacher. Especially because she had a Reaper lock down to a chair and she was still without a bullet to her skull.

"Oh darling." She chuckled standing from the desk and stepping closer to L, who remained still as a statue. "What makes you think you can kill me that easily, huh?" She smirked as she was only inches from his face. Her legs slowly made their way on either side of him. That smirk, still intact on her face. It belonged to a vixen whose honey eyes were set on him.

A dangerous fire were in them. Fire was dangerous in the Underworld. Fire could destroy a whole gang, take out half the city, or drug you enough to commit suicide. Fire burned, and the results were deadly in so many ways or a blessing from the Heavens. L gave her one of his signature smirks along with that eye piercing glare.

"Have you met me?" He cockily mused. 

She let out a laugh. Her legs were on either side of him now and she was seated in his lap. He took in her scent. It was alluring and sensual, yet he could take in the coconut tint that was full of innocence. There was also a hint to her scent that drove his insides insane, if only he could figure it out.

"Darling, what makes you think I'm scare of the Reapers." She hummed, her eyes falling on his. Her voice was nonchalant and cocky as she tilted her head at him.

His eyes suddenly caught sight of something. Her wrist that was laying against her thighs. It was a tattoo. It was clear in black. A small tattoo of an wing less angel was imprinted onto her left wrist. It was only a few inches, rather small, but clear enough for him to notice. The tattoo was the symbol for the Dark Angels.




"What's wrong darling? Cat got your tongue?" She asked. Her smirk of hers would annoy the out of him if it wasn't all so alluring and addicting. He groaned staring at her. Gosh that smirk.

He shifted, he held his fists together and in an instant their positions had altered as he broke free from the metal that held his wrist prisoner. He was now on top of her, her back was laying against the desk, her legs on either side of his waist and that smirk was still placed on her pretty face. His pistol meeting her temple but she seemed as calm as before. A little to calm actually.

"You don't want to do that. Not until you get the information you need." She reminded. He cursed mentally. "Such a shame, the children will be coming in soon too." Her smirk only widen.

"I can get it out of you in ten minutes." He sounded cocky, and confident. She was after all under him, a gun pointed to her temple.

She chuckled, "You can try." She was testing his ego and she loved it.

And in a instance her right hand grabbed hold of a knife tucked in her boots. Shoving him aside before he could pressed the trigger, she moved like the wind and pushed him away from her. L had to blink twice before he had the gun pointed to her head again. And she had a knife at his throat. She was fast. Fast was lethal. Lethal was deadly.

"Get out. Now." It was a demand. Her eyes looked like she could rip him to rags in a instance. She looked like a mother bear protecting her young.

"How do I know you'll keep your word?" He tested. He didn't trust anybody. Especially a Dark Angel who also happened to be his target and had a knife to his throat.

She smirked, "I'm a day care teacher." Her facade came off as innocent. L could almost fall for it if he didn't know better.

"You're also a Dark Angel." He retorted with a tilt of his head.


He groaned lowering his gun from her head as she pulled the knife back. As if intended the front doors open as children ran in, oblivious to the scene that just occurred. Children were so blind.

"It was nice meeting with you Mr. Kim." She bowed. Her innocent facade was impeccable. She could give the best actresses a run for their money. He didn't say a word. Didn't need to. He turned around and walked out of there, but not before turning his shoulder back to her. She was talking to a little boy, a sweet smile on her face.

Yeah, he really wished he was in the middle of no where with the guys right now.


"Houston, we have a problem." L's voice echoed through the speaker phone as he sigh in annoyance and defeat.

"And what kind of problem can a boring day care bring up?" Sunggyu asked as he took a seat in his chair after shoving Woohyun out of it. He was getting annoyed with all the complaints from Sungjong and Dongwoo.

"Yeah. Day care teacher my ." L groaned combing his hair with his fingers as he grind his teeth.

"Care to elaborate for us?" Sungyeol asked as he released himself from a head lock Hoya was giving him. That was the last time he would ever try to touch Hoya's guns. He swore that Hoya treated his guns than the boys. 

"She's a Dark Angel. They're back."

Silence. You can hear a pin drop, that's how quiet it was. The guys were never this quiet.

"Yeah... I was kind of expecting that kind of reaction." L mumbled.

"You better tell me that's she dead." Sunggyu ordered. The Dark Angels were a secret assassin group that worked for the Underworld. They went quiet for a few years after their commander mysteriously disappeared and never returned, but now it seems like they're back. The Dark Angels were much like the Reapers. Smart. Fast. Lethal. Deadly. And mysterious. No one knew of any of their identities. That was until now it seems.

They finally found out the identity of a Dark Angel. But that wasn't what their main concern was. L's identity had been revealed. Your identity was the protection card that kept your head away from a spinning bullet.

"She's alive. I can't kill her until we get the information we need. Until then she's neutral. Untouchable." L told the boys. Yeah, this day was sure getting better.

"So you're basically saying the Dark Angels are back. You know the identity of one of them but can not eliminate her because of the stupid assignment. She on the other hand can put a ing bullet through your head without blinking a eye because last we check, she's a Dark Angel." Woohyun hissed as he paced back and forth in the crowded room.

L nodded, through the boys couldn't see it. "Yeah, pretty much." He replied nonchalantly.

Woohyun was already cussing back and forth. While Sunggyu was already thinking of a solution to get them out of this situation. Sungyeol and Sungjong remained quiet while Dongwoo looked through some blueprints for the hit. Woohyun continued pacing back and forth. He didn't like Dark Angels. Hell, he didn't like anything that could put a bullet in his head. Hoya just continued polishing his guns, not giving a damn. Typical.

"Yeah, bet you all wish you were in my position now huh." L groaned with sarcasm as he sat back in the chair. He was in his private penthouse apartment which he assumed wasn't so private anymore.

What happens when the hunter becomes the hunted?





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karind92 #1
Chapter 18: It’s 2018 already but I still haven’t lose hope for updates
Chapter 18: Fuuuudge !!! I love this story !!!!
Omg this story needs to be done by now. I cant wait for the ending.
angelgamer #4
This story is freaking amazing. Authornim please continue this. My heart aches so much for wondering what will happen next. Lol!!! You are a great writer! HWaiting!!
koala_panda #5
New reader in here.. But are u still doing the story?
Chapter 9: Nooooo!!Why can't Namjoo and SungGyu be together their one of my favorate couples along with L and Naeun!!!<3
kksuperman #7
Chapter 18: oh gosh this story is beyond amazing.
polariskpop #8
Chapter 18: This needs update, I've been waiting for sooo long... T-T
Yoonie101 #9
Chapter 18: Hello~ I hope you finish this story. It's so good!
Please update soon!!!!!!