
To Kill An Angel.

Bullets ricochet across the room. The silver piece of metal dropped from her hands after the last bullet.

She stared at the targets up ahead, noting how she hit every single on of them. Perfectly, too.

"You're quite the shooter." Someone stated from behind. Naeun didn't need to turn around to figure out who it was. It was the man who made her suffer, yet she couldn't shake off. The same man who she was almost too sure was falling for her, rather he realized it or not.

"What do you want?" She hissed, not bothering to look at him. She could feel him make his way closer to her.

"I want to see how precise you can hit your target's heart?" He mused.

"Come closer if you dare to find out." She snapped back at him.

"As tempting as that sounds, I prefer to keep all my organs intact and in good shape." He rebutted. Naeun turned around to face him, she stared at his cold eyes, wondering if he needed something, or if he was just bored.

"What do you want?" She probed.

"I want to know what happened. With Nicole, with Hyerim. I want to know what happened to them." He stated. She was taken back by this. Naeun was almost too positive he would ask something involving the Underworld or the Angels.

Nicole and Eunji seemed like the least of his concerns. They should be the least of his concerns, especially with everything else going on right now.

Looking at him though, it became clear to her. Today she made a discovery:

L has a heart.

"Out of all the people here, you choose to come talk to me?" She rebutted. Why not ask Eunji or Nicole. She didn't exactly seem like the best person to speak with.

"Because I helped kill them, I have no right to ask them. Even if I did, I highly doubt they would answer." He replied with a shrug. This was bothering him and tugging at the core of his heart.

She pressed her tongue against the back of her teeth as she stepped closer to him. The man stood rooted in his spot. He carefully watched her movements.

Standing in front of him, she scoffed. "No emotions, no feelings, no attachments, remember. Whatever happened to work being work?" She brought up, tilting her head to the side as she watched his expression change.

His cold poker face transformed into a look of utter annoyance. Naeun knew she was pushing all the right buttons when it came to L.

L was a perfect Reaper, aside from that guilty little piece of humanity within him. And in the last 48 hours that small, almost non-existence piece of humanity had tripled in size. It turned into a leech that was now eating him.

L was feeling guilty. Guilt could eat a man up. Naeun knew this, and she was going to enjoy tormenting him with this.

"You left them for dead. You might as well just take a gun, point it to their heads, and pull the trigger. I mean, come on, what else could you had done. You killed their family, you took awa-"

Naeun felt her body be slammed against the wall next to her, L's lower body crashing against hers. He held her arms above her head using one of his hands. His cold eyes stared at her with great intensity and anger.

"What the hell is wrong with you?" He questioned, it was more of a demand.

"I'm getting really bored and really impatient; and I don't do bored and impatient." She replied nonchalantly with a shrug.

She managed to break her hands from his hold, giving her just enough time to push the man aside. Naeun barely managed to make half a step before L grabbed her again and slammed her against the wall. He stood in front of her, she was now sandwich between the wall and his body.

"Bored huh. You of all people are bored." He stated, leaning in closer to her. "You have no idea what's up ahead, so don't get bored yet." He whispered into her ear. His breath was dancing against her skin.

She was about to snap back with something but was cut when L's lips crashed against hers. Her brain was suddenly dried of any logical thinking. Pinned against him, she tried pushing him away, but he didn't bulge, denying her the luxury to escape this man's hold.

He bit her lower lip causing a moan to escape from her lips. Capturing her lips, Naeun could feel him smile into the kiss, deepening it.

Somehow she managed to break free from his hold. Pushing him away, she watched him tumble back as her eyes threw daggers at him.

"I told you not to get bored." He mused nonchalantly. She hissed at him before stomping away. He drank in the sight of her voluptuous curves and seductive hips before she disappeared from sight.


"Tea?" Nicole questioned as Naeun stomped by. Her eyes were filled with a heavy weight of fire that was waiting to burn the city down. Naeun didn't bother to answer Nicole as she stomped away.

L emerged a minute later with a satisfied smirk on his face.

This can't be good.

"What did you do?" Nicole asked, she didn't look up to him as took a sip of favorite tea mixed with a heavy doze of whiskey.

"Nothing." He replied innocently, "I just asked her about you and Hyerim." He finished. She rolled her eyes at him. For a while she had to remind herself that L and Myungsoo were both one in the same. L was cold, strict, and brutal. L was the Reaper. Myungsoo was the kid who couldn't lie to save his .

And right now, Myungsoo was standing in front of her.

"That's bull. You just needed an excuse to talk to her." Nicole rebutted. She knew she was right. Nicole usually was. He didn't reply back. That was confirmation enough to know that Nicole was right.

"Love tends to take the best ration from people." She noted. The man looked straight at her. Nicole smirked. His eyes flashed and suddenly, L was back.

"What are you intending to say?" He mused as he took dangerous slow steps towards her. She didn't wary her notion. She only smiled in return.

"You're leading yourself on into dangerous territory. Be careful." She advised. L huffed out air, since when was sweet-little crazy Nicole Jung so good at reading people. She walked around like she had all the keys to every treasure box. Maybe she did, who knows what she had hidden in that thick skull of hers.

"I'm not the one you should he speaking to. Find Sunggyu or Hoya to talk to." He retorted back. Something he said greatly amused her, noted from the way that smirk on her face broke out into a wide smile.

"My, my, she's getting to you in more ways than one." Nicole stated before she stood up from her spot, picked up the 'special tea', and walked out of the room. L stood there in a haze before he comprehended what just happened.

"Why couldn't you stay dead." He hissed.


"What the hell are we doing here?" Hoya asked. He was rather annoyed, and bored. He didn't like either of those two emotions.

Woohyun quickly turned off the engine and turned to his friend. "She asked me to bring you here." He replied.

Hoya didn't have time to retort as Woohyun opened the driver side door and stepped out. He was about to follow his friend when the driver's door reopened. The person stepping into the car wasn't Woohyun this time.

"Hyerim." The word fell off his lips when he saw her step in.

She locked eyes with him and oddly she smiled. It was still that gummy smile that caused her eyes to turn into crescent moons. Her eyes seemed to glimmer like stars in the night.

"Hey." She mumbled back before shifting her eyes away. This situation was unfamiliar to the both of them. Either knew what to say, how to react. Finally it was Hoya who spoke up.

"Woohyun's going to be back." He stated. Eunji, who had been staring straight ahead at the view of Seoul turned to him.

"No he won't. He's being distracted." She retorted. "I actually asked Woohyun to bring you here." She revealed.

"Why would you do that?" He asked. There were a lot of things about Eunji that didn't understand. She was a complicated matter, she was sweet and innocent, but so badly damaged and torn apart.

"Because you're been on 'trigger happy' mode since the warehouse the other day." She answered. "Plus, I needed to ask for a favor." She whispered the last part. She whispered it so gently he almost didn't hear, despite being so close to her.

"And what's the favor?"

He felt her move her fingers towards him and touch his face, touching his chin, she moved his face so he was directly looking at her.

"When this is all over. When the war is done and played, leave Seoul with me. Come back home with me." She requested. Her eyes were so pure and hopeful it scared him as much as it shocked him.

"Why are you asking this?" He questioned warily. He noted how the light in her eyes dim down when he asked the question. "Why? Out of no where you ask me this, why?"

Eunji frowned, her eyes dropped and she hung her head down, "Because I don't want to lose you." She answered softly. It became clear to him that Eunji was scare that something would happen to him.

Namjoo and Sunggyu's situation had hit her hard in the face. It was a punch of reality. A kick of realization. Namjoo and Sunggyu nearly lost each other, Eunji was scared the same would happen to them. Fear. That powerful emotion could tear down the most stable homes.

"Look at me." He ordered. When she refused to look up, he grabbed her chin and forced her to meet eyes with him.

"You know I would never leave the Reapers behind."

"I know." She commented. "Just like how I would never leave the Angels." She added knowingly. "Then why ask at all?" He questioned. He didn't understand why she would bother to ask this if she knew that she could leave the Angels.

"Even if it wasn't possible, it was worth asking." She stated sadly. "I don't want to wake up some day and realize you're gone. But I thought that being with you was worth it, I thought leaving my Angels in Seoul was worth it. I thought you were worth it" She commented.

He didn't have time to rebutt back as she opened the driver's door, step out and walk away.

Sitting there alone her words contaminated his mind.

Eunji could weigh his life on a silver plate, tilting the plate however she want. What she couldn't control was what was on the plate. What she didn't know what that everything about him involved her.

He sighed, hitting the door beside him before pulling it open and stepping out. He felt stupid for not stopping her sooner. Her figure was still visible even in the night.

"Let's do it." He called out to her. He could see her freeze in her steps. Slowly she turned around towards him. The night covered her well, but he could see her eyes, and the look in her eyes when she looked back at him was worth it all.

"After all this, let's go home."


"So what made you agree?" Chorong asked as the two drove back to Watchtower. The ride had been quiet so far, which was odd to Chorong. Every time she was with him, the man never creased to shut up. During this whole ride, he didn't utter a single word.

"Why wouldn't I? Those two idiots love each other." He replied casually.

Chorong huffed out air and sighed, "I'm shock."

Woohyun turned his head towards her and examined her features. Chorong didn't bother wearing her famous masks. He had to admit, he liked looking at her better without the masks. Though the chase was more fun with masks involved.

"How so?" He questioned turning away from her to look outside. Seoul was wide awake. He huffed, if only they knew what really happened underneath their feet. If only they knew of the force threaten to end them all.

"You do have a heart after all."

Woohyun laughed at her comment. She thought too lowly of him. Which was expected. He was Nam Woohyun after all.

"We have a global crisis, Nam Woohyun has a heart." Woohyun stated before looking outside again. Chorong hissed. Something was odd about him. Woohyun had no witty comebacks, obscure retort, nothing at all..

"What the hell is wrong with you. You act like you just shot a panda bear." Chorong couldn't handle this Woohyun. It was too unfitting for her.

"Our lives are just one crazy, ed-up coin toss, that's whats wrong." He rebutted in a defeated tone. "You can stop here. Drop me off." He ordered. Chorong stopped the car at the end of a street corner.

"What are you planing to do?" She questioned.

"I'm planning to get drunk and wasted, that's what." That was his response before he opened the car door and stepped out. "Not joining me?" He asked, from outside the car.

"Unlike you, I have work to do." She replied. He chuckled, Chorong narrowed her eyes at him. What about this situation was so amusing to him?

"Work's not the reason why, you are. Can't live in that tower of yours forever." He stated before slamming the door shut. Chorong pondered at his last words before opening the car door and stepping out.

"What the hell is that supposed to mean?" She probed. Even without turning, she could see that infamous smile of his lift up on his face. He turned around to face her,

"Park Chorong." He said, those two words alone shook her core. He knew her name. "Park Chorong can hide in the tallest tower in Seoul, she watches the world, yet at the end of the day the world moves on. And you Chorong, will still be alone." He rambled as he waved his arms in the air. His words hit her hard and fast. She knew deep down they were true, and that pissed her off.

She stood frozen in her spot as he turned around and walked away. Chorong was in shock, disbelief, and confusion, all at the same time.

"What the hell just happened?"


Bomi was busy observing everything around her. From the gang leader at the right corner of the bar to the woman trying to drink herself drunk because of her cheating husband, to the client in the back, speaking with her manager.

Tonight felt different, the air was thicker and muddier. The voices were more hushed, eyes wondered more discreetly. Bomi had that soul biting feeling in her gut.

Tonight was going to be a storm. Storms poured havoc and agony on all of them. The only thing one could do was grab an umbrella, and pray.

She felt her phone in her left jean pocket vibrate. Grabbing it from her jeans she felt a chill run straight through her spine.


"Yoon Bomi," It was Chorong's voice, and from the tone of it, this was the storm that was over them. The first raindrop had fallen, everything else was to follow.

"Yoon Bomi, listen carefully. I don't give a damn where you are, who you're with, or what you're doing. You will report back to Watchtower, right now." The leader instructed. Bomi could hear Chorong gasp for air as if Chorong was afraid of the next thing to fall off her lips.

"Something happened earlier tonight."


Dongwoo stepped into his favorite bar, his eyes began searching for his favorite bartender, only to be let down when she was no where in sight.

He walked over to the bar, ignoring the glances he was receiving from everyone else. People were cautious these days, examining everybody that passes them in the streets to make sure that person won't be the one to kill them.

"Excuse me, the bartender that's usually here, where is she?" He asked the man at the other end of the counter.

"She's gone. Left ten minutes ago." He replied plainly, not bothering to look up at Dongwoo.

"Can I asked, what's her name? The bartender, what's the bartender's name?" He pried. He never actually got her name. She seemed to know everything about her, yet she remained an invisible shadow to him. He had concluded that she was the type to keep her problems in. She was the type who would rather listen then talk. She was strong and wild, yet devoted and loyal. She reminded him much of himself, though her ability to tolerate stupidity was far more advanced than his.

"Bomi. Her name is Yoon Bomi."

"Bomi." Dongwoo repeated, liking how her name sounded falling off his lips.


"Three hours ago, an Angel was killed." G.na stated to the group. She felt the boys tense up. It was quite the challenge, gathering up all seven of them. Woohyun was still half drunk, and Sunggyu was laying down on the couch. He still hadn't recovered fully from his wounds from a few days back.

"Her name was Hong Yookyung."


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karind92 #1
Chapter 18: It’s 2018 already but I still haven’t lose hope for updates
Chapter 18: Fuuuudge !!! I love this story !!!!
Omg this story needs to be done by now. I cant wait for the ending.
angelgamer #4
This story is freaking amazing. Authornim please continue this. My heart aches so much for wondering what will happen next. Lol!!! You are a great writer! HWaiting!!
koala_panda #5
New reader in here.. But are u still doing the story?
Chapter 9: Nooooo!!Why can't Namjoo and SungGyu be together their one of my favorate couples along with L and Naeun!!!<3
kksuperman #7
Chapter 18: oh gosh this story is beyond amazing.
polariskpop #8
Chapter 18: This needs update, I've been waiting for sooo long... T-T
Yoonie101 #9
Chapter 18: Hello~ I hope you finish this story. It's so good!
Please update soon!!!!!!