
To Kill An Angel.

Jung Eunji wasn't a hopeless, she just didn't set up expectations for people. Expectations were meant to be broken, and with that came disappointment. Disappointment was the caused of her pain. The pain of her past.

Speaking of expectations though, she wasn't exactly a happy camper when it came to this situation. For once she expected more from Naeun, but hey, a girl has to have her fun. And Kim Myungsoo was full of fun.

She was seated alongside Chorong who was in the driver's seat as the two had a perfect view of the boat dock. She didn't exactly like the leader's choice of cars, especially in this situation, but Chorong loved her cars. Surely a baby blue BMW would blend in with the mix of dumpsters.

Somewhere in the mist of all the speed boats, yachts and luxuries that the powerful and pampered poured themselves in three other girls remained hidden from sight.

The last girl in the group was paying attention to surveillance from another plain unmarked SUV parked down the street. They had to be careful, these were Reapers after all and if one thing is clear; Reapers are known for their unexpected surprises.

"If he does anything, I want you three to be the first wave of attack. Eunji and I are back up. Hayoung, tell us if he pulls anything funny okay? Copy?" Chorong said into the ear piece all the girls had attached to their ear which connected to a small electronic chip pinned to their shirts. It was like walkie-talkies only you could be a dozen miles from each other and still connect. Small and invisible to the eye.

"Copy that." Hayoung replied almost instantaneously.

"Naeun just look and act...well like Namjoo after you pull her out of bed at six in the morning." Chorong instructed. Naeun snickered.

"Will you all relax. You make it seem like I'm committing a suicide mission." Naeun hissed into her ear piece as she stepped onto the dock. It was empty as expected despite the fact that the sun was still out. The sun was gradually setting behind the horizon as it reflected off the water ripples sending shades of deep pinks, orange, and yellows into the universe. Her face was hit with a ray of warmth.

Most of the owners were supposedly attending some sort of black tie event. Meaning the dock was clear and empty. She knew this dock as well as the areas surrounding it. That was the main reason why she choose this place.

She wore black shorts which were unnoticed due to the long black leather trench coat she had on. She had a loosely fitted black top covered by a leather corset. She had on tall combat boots. Her thigh holster holding her pistol remained well hidden, another thing her trench coat covered. Knifes and blades remained well hidden underneath her corset and in certain parts of her boots.

In her left hand she held on tightly to a small USB which contained all the information on her step-father's whereabouts. The man had been in hiding for the last two weeks.

Naeun didn't have anything against her step-father. Hell she barely knew the man. He was just another man her mother got hitched to so she wouldn't have to work for money. Her mother loved money more than anything. The ironic thing was that money was what killed her mother.

He was a malicious man whose only perseverance in life was money, money, and money. He would had thrown Naeun to the side if she wasn't his only heir. She was invisible to him, he treated her like , she was just another name to write down a the paper when they asked for the next of kin.

So here she was, many years later standing at the end of a boat dock ready to hand away the last bits of information that would assure her step-father's death. Maybe she was being heartless, maybe because her heart was never whole to begin with.

"He's here." Hayoung murmured. Naeun's eyes looked up meeting the figure approaching her. If she didn't know any better she would say he looked rather bored with this whole ordeal.

His face was impassive, his deep brown eyes penetrated her. A look so powerful it could send ordinary girls overboard with adoration. But Son Naeun wasn't any ordinary girl. She was far from ordinary.

"Do you have it?" He was straight to the point, all business. That was how Kim Myungsoo was. Blunt. Direct. Cold. Mysterious. The last living member of the prestigious Kim family. Naeun knew that was a lie through.

The Kim family was still really alive. Living in the depths of the Underworld hidden from society. Hell, one of her angels was making a move a Kim. Kim Sunggyu, Myungsoo's cousin and Leader of the Reapers.

Naeun stepped towards him. He was standing at quite a distance from her. It was almost like he was scare to approach her. Kim Myungsoo was known for being intrepid, wasn't he? She groan throwing over the USB which he caught effortlessly.

"The whereabouts of my step-father's location are all in there." She explained. He nodded. Then something in his eyes flickered. A flash of danger. Something flickered through them, something dark and twisted and dangerous.

"You know," he began stepping closer to her. She didn't move. "I was wondering, why now. Why would the Dark Angels resurface now of all times?" He pondered. Step by step he got closer and closer to her until he was directly in front of her. He smelt like summer and a trace of something her senses couldn't figure out. Ironic she thought, how the man smelt of summer when he was the exact opposite. He was winter. Cold. Vacant. Dazzling Beautiful.

"Time will reveal all." She shot back meeting eye and eye with him. The sun bringing out his features. His strong jaw line, his soft pink lips, his skin shined in the light and those eyes that were like the vast oceans of mysteries as the sun hit him perfectly.

He chuckles and took half a step closer to her, invading her personal space. "Are you ready to say good night, Miss Son?"

"Death is inevitable. I am bond to die someday. As shall you." She retorted. A sneer become visible on his lips.

"You're not scare. As expected from a Dark Angel." He commented as he lifted a pistol to her temple. Still, she remained still, not bothered by his actions the slightest bit.

"I must tell you though. If the Dark Angels return wouldn't it be smart to keep me alive. That is until you learn of the identities of the other Angels." She remarked. She could see him halt to take in her proposal.

"Either way, I'm walking away today alive. Isn't that correct, L?" She continued.

"I'm going to let you go Miss Son. But I have a question for you. A question I expect an answer to the next time I see you." He responded, his pistol still at her temple.

"Ask away." She responded. He leaned in closer to her ear. She could feel his warm breathe against her skin making her skin tingle and her body heat up.

"What kind of monster would kill their own mother?" He whispered into her ear knowing his words were knifes wounding at her.

He stepped back from her and lower the gun with that smirk still glued on his face. Her hands turned into tight fists and her eyes glare at him with fire. He had pushed the right buttons. Her eyes could see right through him and into him as she burned his soul, that is if he had a soul.

"Tell me Miss Son, what kind of monster would do that?" He repeated rubbing salt on her wounds. He could already see the smoke emitting from her. Something snapped, something that made him feel like she can shred him to pieces just by glancing his direction. In that quick zero-point-five seconds she managed to grab hold of one of the blades tucked in her boots and swung it at him.

Myungsoo side stepped her missing the blade by a few inches. She attacked again, aiming straight for his abdomen only to have her wrist caught by him. She kicked him as he loosen his grip on her allowing her to grab hold of another one of her blades and send it towards him.

Myungsoo tried grabbing her arm only to have her yank him off before flinging her blade at him, scratching the side of his cheek leaving a deep red cut mark. That was it for him as he kicked her knees sending her a few steps back and bringing his pistol back to her temple only to be met with her blades at either side of his neck. 

"Go ahead, slit my throat, before I fall I will put a bullet through your head." He said staring her straight in the eyes. Both their eyes stone cold and careless. Rebellious and crazy. He was known for being mad and crazy, so was she.

"Drop it Myungsoo." A female voice ordered from behind him. He could feel the cold metal against the back of his head.

"Go ahead and shoot, I'm dead either way." He spoke. Naeun glared at the woman standing behind L, and slowly but with caution she lower her blade, her temper still burning hot due to his words. Something in her eyes flashed remorse, remorse for who?

"Put the gun down." The woman ordered as he felt the metal press harder against his head. He could almost recognized the voice as if he had heard it before. The voice was young, around his age. A hinge of the voice hinted the sense of familiarity.

"And what, you kill me?" He brought up. That was another option up on the table. Personally he didn't like that option one bit. He heard a click of metal and the gun was pulled away from the back of his head. He heard the gun drop to the ground and the figure stepped back.

"You put the gun down, turn around and learn the identity of another Dark Angel. Then you walk of this dock, and go kill the bastard Naeun calls her step-father." The female replied. It was a win-win for him, minus the fact that Son Naeun lived. But hey, the girl was interesting, and he loved interesting. Slowly lowering the gun him Naeun's temple he slowly turned around. But not before he met Naeun's eyes. They were smoking with rage and...disappointment?

He didn't have time to think it over. His eyes first met with a pair of dangerous coffee eyes that held the pain that was always relevant. His heart stopped. His eyes widen.

Hell No.

Now he really wished he was in Russia. Here stood the same deep brown haired beauty with those fierce cat eyes. The same girl that used to call him 'oppa'. She had matured from the last time he saw her.

The last time he saw her was when he saw a bullet go through her heart.

The owner of the gun that pressed the trigger, that shot that bullet was none other than...Lee Hoya. Or as she known him, Lee Howon. The crazy as hell, trigger-happy Reaper who could take down half the city in one night.

"Hyerim?" He mumbled, the name was almost foreign as if spilled off his lips. She was the sweet girl that sang bird songs and was terrified of thunder. A stubborn and hyper girl who was too innocent for the world. To fragile to be taken advantage of, too good for all the evil. She was a mission. A mission that occurred years ago. She was supposedly dead.

Yeah, supposedly dead.

"Hi Myungsoo oppa. Tell Howon I'm back." She ordered. Her tone dripping with the a fiery force only she could control. A force that made him think for a second that there that the girl was ready invincible. Her eyes were dedicated cold like steel and full of anguish and betrayal. She had changed so much. It almost frightened him, and he didn't get scare.

"...We thought...you were...dead." He whispered. He was staring eye and eye with a ghost. She snickered. She was far from the innocuous girl he remember. She was a woman now, strong, crazy, and full of spitfire. She had grown up over the years, so had he.

"In case you haven't realize, I am dead." She retorted before turning around and walking off. Her footsteps we're echoes of the past. His guilt instantly began eating at him.

Lee Hoya, you are so dead. He whispered to himself as he turned around. Naeun was gone and so was Eunji

"Why the hell couldn't I be in ing middle of no where Russia?" He groaned brushing his fingers through his hair.


Hoya groaned as he grabbed his cell. He stood up from the chair. It was L. "You better have a good reason for calling." He hissed.

He received heavy breathing and fast unsteady footsteps from the other line. L was noticeably freaking out, but Hoya being the way he was, was to dim to realize that.

"What the hell is wrong?" He hissed when he had no reply.

"Four years ago. Busan. The Jung Family. You remember?" L asked. Hoya narrowed his eyes. Of course he remembered, he remembered it like it was yesterday. It haunted him every night before he closed his eyes.

He remember her. The look of utter betrayal in her eyes when he killed her brother. The flash of anger that paralyzed him when he killed her cousins. And that single tear fell down her face as she waited for his bullet.

He remembered her laugh, her beautiful face, her voice that belong only to the angels. The way she would light up the room, she could illuminate the world of its sins just by casting that sweet smile of hers.

"I remember." He answered offhandedly. "Why are you bringing this up? Why now?"

The past was the past. And this particular memory was one he obscured deep in his heart. That was the only time he killed when it wasn't necessary. The only time he wished he could go back and change. His deepest repentance.

"I just saw a ghost, that's why." L replied.

"Elaborate for me, L. Ghost?" Hoya asked as he exited the room. He didn't want the others listening on to their conversation, he knew Sungjong was.

"What the hell is going on with you?" He hissed into the phone.

L chuckled. "Oh I assure you will be blown away once I tell you." L replied as he scoffed at his crazy luck. So much for killing an angel.

"And why can't you just tell me now. And don't you have an Angel to kill?" Hoya reminded as he paced back and forth on the porch area. The frost didn't bother him. The snow didn't bother his skin.

"I do, but not today. Just get back to Korea. The mission is the least of our concerns. Or of your concern." L spoke before hanging up. Hoya rolled his eyes.

Why of all time did L have to bring up that incident. It felt like lifetimes ago to Hoya. Lifetimes he would like to forget.

"Howon oppa?" She mumbled in disbelief as he stood in front of her. Myungsoo stood in the corner of the room, gun pointed at her. His eyes glare at her like she was a piece of garbage.

The place was a slathered house, and she stood in the middle of it. Drenched in the misery and blood of it all. Her brother, Yunho, dead. Her cousins, Jessica and Krystal, dead.

"I'm sorry." He whispered and she met his eyes for a short instance. He had the eyes of a killer, the glare of a demon. He was the Devil, the Reaper.

"For what?" She mumbled as she tried to keep the hot salty tears from falling down. She had her hands in tight fists, her knuckles were white with anger. Her jaw grew tight and for this one moment she wished she almost never met him. Almost.

"Just shoot me already." She murmur. It was an order for him. And with those words she saw the old Howon, her Howon. A flash of light appeared in his eyes as his face soften. He was the man she fell in love with. For that one instance she was content just knowing that she could see her Howon. She closed her eye lids, a single teardrop falling onto her porcelain skin before the gunshot went off.


"Oh he is obviously good at his job." Bomi commented sarcastically as she watched Kim Myungsoo on the screen in front of her. Six of Chorong's computers were video scans of him. The others were of other familiar faces.

"He's sharp. That's for sure. A little to sharp for his own good." Chorong commented. Chorong was particularly intrigued in Kim Myungsoo, or L, as he was called in the Underworld.

Chorong was Watch Tower. She was the eyes and ears to the world.

The identity of Kim Myungsoo and Kim Sunggyu were all done by her, and her knowledge of hacking into government files was more than helpful. Chorong lived in the tallest tower in the middle of Seoul. The whole city was below her. She had a bird's eye view on every situation. All except hers.

Right now they were in the main control room. A large open area where Chorong did all her hacking and snooping. Arrays of guns, knifes, and what nots hung around the room. There were four tables lined in the middle of the room. Maps, information, and data were spread across the tables. The lighting was dim, Chorong liked it dim. A long glass wall looked down to the city.

There was no touch of any personality of Chorong at all. Even the balcony up the stairs where Chorong slept held no signs of the leader's touch. A bed, a night stand, a closet filled with clothes that had no labels, and a lantern. That was all. Her fridge was empty. Her kitchen cabinets vacant of anything except dust. There was no furniture. Nothing that exposed anything about the owner.

"If we follow him he's going to lead us to the rest of them. Eunji already wants Lee Hoya's head on a iron stick." Chorong reminded both Bomi. Bomi snickered.

"The Reapers are going to be our biggest issue to date. Naeun looked like she was ready to blow up all of Seoul." Bomi commented. Bomi knew how Naeun was. She was calm, cautious, and smart. Naeun had a innocence to her, a purity that worked well when you were a day care teacher. Naeun also had one hell of a temper if one was ever to pull the right strings. And Kim Myungsoo definitely pulled a string or two.

Right now she sort of wished he did. It would save the girls the trouble of having to bring Naeun back from the dead.

"What about Eunji? You think she can restrict herself from going commando on Lee Hoya?" Bomi asked as she leaned back in the chair, playing with a knife like it was a play toy.

Chorong looked down to her Angel tattoo and exhaled. "She's going to have to. I'll have a talk with her." Chorong responded.

Bomi nodded. "Good, cause she only listens to you unnie." Bomi revealed. Eunji showed up out of no where. Chorong had found her after she had been shot. Her body was left for dead at the now destroyed Jung Mansion. She still had a heartbeat, she was the only one who still had a heartbeat.

Bomi remembered it like yesterday. She was woken up in the middle of the night and ordered by the Leader to head to Busan. That was four years ago. There were only five of them, Hayoung and Eunji were yet to join to the group.

They say that the bullet missed Eunji's internal organs by only a few centimeters. It was a miracle that she survived. But here she was, four years later, still alive and kicking it.

"What about Namjoo. How long do you think she'll keep playing around?" Chorong asked as she leaned into one of the screens. Pressing a button the screen changed to a visual of Namjoo with Kim Sunggyu. The video was from a week ago.

"I think she' enjoying it." Bomi answered with a snickered. At least someone is having fun.

"The poor idiot is completely oblivious." Chorong commented with a sad shrug. She would had thought the Leader of the Reaper was smarter. But no, he was like every other man.

"What about our leader? Any plans for you? I mean they girls are already doing an awesome job at distracting the Reapers. Any fun for you?" Bomi asked with a smile.

"No. I keep watch. I stay invisible. That's how she wanted it." Chorong answered. Bomi frowned at the answer. She didn't like that answer.

She snickered, "Have you ever thought of having a little fun? It won't kill you. When was the last time you got man candy?"

Chorong let out a laugh. "Stay away from Hayoung. Don't pollute her mind." Chorong commented purposely avoiding Bomi's question. Bomi sighed while tilting her head at a certain screen.

"I hope she knows what she's doing? Its about time she gets her back to town." She muttered as her eyes followed the lone figure on the computer screen walking through a empty alleyway in the middle of the night. Her face was covered by a hat. Thick sunglasses covered her face and a long trench coat kept her cover hidden.

"Oh she does. There's a reason why they say she's a Genie. Anything is possible when she's around." Chorong answered with a knowing smile. She glance down to her phone. A new text message.

                                 'I'm back in Seoul. -Genie.'

"I hope you're ready Bomi. The two most dangerous people we know are back in town. Its going to be fire and ice at war." Chorong revealed. She sounded almost excited. Chorong was excited. She loved a good war.

Bomi sigh as she stood up from the chair and walked over to the glass wall. The night life of Seoul under her eyes. The Underworld was under her eyes. Flashes of colors blinded her sight. The cars drifted by with ease, the lights from the buildings around blinded her view of the stars she so dearly missed.

"Robert Frost wrote, some say the world will die in fire, some say ice." Bomi responded.

Chorong chuckled, "That's why nobody with a right mindset messes with them."

Myungsoo flicked on the lights to his private penthouse. Even without stepping in he already knew there was someone else there. Call it sixth sense, call it intuition, but he knew. He wasn't alone. And he could feel a powerful presence in the room. He knew the presence.

He stepped inside, closed the door and slowly reached for his pistol tucked behind his jacket.

Sungyeol always complained and told him to get a security system, but being Kim Myungsoo he refused. Besides, who would walk into the home of Kim Myungsoo, of L, the great Reaper?

"You know what kind of person would kill their own mother?" The voice called out. He knew the voice right away. The sound of her voice was music to his ears. It belonged to the woman who dared taunt him. A woman who wasn't scare to mess with his ego. A woman who was full of surprises.

He finally got the answer to his question. Who would walk into the home of a Reaper? A Dark Angel. Preferably, Son Naeun.

"Tell me?" He asked in amusement as he turned towards the seating area. There she sat comfortably in the chair. Legs crossed on top of each other, chin resting on her hand. Her gun sitting on the coffee table in front of him. A knife placed on the arm rest of the sofa. She had the eyes of a vixen and the smile of an minx. Her eyes were laced with curiosity, anger, and something he couldn't yet figure out.

Her hair was a mess, crazy woven pieces of silky black silk fell in messy straw like pieces. Her face was washed of all cosmetic make-up from before. Her eyes were blood shot red and he didn't know why.

He tilted his head and waited for her answer. She sigh and huffed out air as she bit her inner cheek as if waiting for some sort of cue. She was expecting something and he didn't know what.

He took another step closer to her. His eyes locking perfectly his hers. Even in the blood shot red state he could still see the hint of fire in her eyes. She smirked, standing up and walking closer to him. Each step made his heart beat faster, each step brought in a sense of danger and curiosity. Each step made him want to turn into a beast and pull her on top of him. She leaned forward when she was right in front of him. Her breath tingling on his skin.

She whispered into his ear in a low voice, "someone whose been shot with a spinning spider bullet." She revealed to him. A wave of confusion hit him before she started laughing hysterically.

Then it was hit with even more shock when a single bullet smashed through the windows sending the glass flying in pieces and bits before it met Naeun's abdomen sending her back numerous steps as blood spilled from her.

His mouth dropped when blood tingled down spilling onto porcelain white skin. She laughed as she stumbled back, the blood mixing into her carpet and spilling on her clothes. She was a mad woman, laughing after having been shot. He stood paralyzed in his place like he had been super glued into that spot. Something about this moment was too organized, too precise, to predictable, but he didn't bother piecing it together. The only thing he could think of was how she just got shot.

"You should had shot me when you had the chance Myungsoo. I would had rather had been shot with your bullet." She said as she fell onto the ground in pain and shock. Then he figured it out, the gaze in her eye; acknowledgment.








There is a lot in this chapter. I'm trying to slowly give out puzzle pieces one at a time. You know, give out parts and pieces before putting the whole puzzle together,

Did Naeun just get shot? Yes. But just because you get shot doesn't mean you die instantly, remember that. There's going to be some Hoji moments in the next chapter. And a lot of catching up with the past, confusion and craziness. 

Im really trying to reveal bits and pieces of each character's life, story, or personality chapter by chapter, yeah its going to take while, I know but I'm up for it.



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karind92 #1
Chapter 18: It’s 2018 already but I still haven’t lose hope for updates
Chapter 18: Fuuuudge !!! I love this story !!!!
Omg this story needs to be done by now. I cant wait for the ending.
angelgamer #4
This story is freaking amazing. Authornim please continue this. My heart aches so much for wondering what will happen next. Lol!!! You are a great writer! HWaiting!!
koala_panda #5
New reader in here.. But are u still doing the story?
Chapter 9: Nooooo!!Why can't Namjoo and SungGyu be together their one of my favorate couples along with L and Naeun!!!<3
kksuperman #7
Chapter 18: oh gosh this story is beyond amazing.
polariskpop #8
Chapter 18: This needs update, I've been waiting for sooo long... T-T
Yoonie101 #9
Chapter 18: Hello~ I hope you finish this story. It's so good!
Please update soon!!!!!!