
To Kill An Angel.


Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned. Well a woman scorned was the definition of Eunji.   
"Cool it will you girl." Bomi called over to the girl pouting in the back. Nobody wanted to mess around with Eunji when she was throwing a tantrum. Why? Because she never threw any tantrums. That was until Hoya stepped into the picture again.   
"Seriously. If you're going to be in that mode all night Bomi and I could do this on our own." Chorong stated. Chorong didn't baby anyone. She was straight to business and got the job done.   
Right now the Angels were slowly cracking apart. Truthfully they were cracked to begin with.   
Starting with the girl seated in the back seat of her car. Eunji was a mad woman on a mission she couldn't finish because she was blindly, hopelessly, and undoubtedly in love with her target.   
Naeun was a bipolar super woman who felt little to no pain because she shut them all out a long, long time ago to avoid her chest collapsing on top of her and eating her whole.   

Bomi, her best friend seated next to her was everywhere, no where, a shadow amongst the shadows, a ghost, a lonely one who was deprivingly sad but didn't realize it.   
Yookyung was a ice princess, cold, distant, and frozen. A wall of solid ice guarded her and no fire in all of hell could melt her. Yookyung was frozen in her own nightmare that was unfolding in front of her.   
Namjoo was imprudent, reckless, a little too fearless to the point where she could blow the town apart. Namjoo was as settle as a hand grenade.   
Hayoung was the new girl. Blind, naive, innocent at first, but you saw her true character you realize she was a genius cursed by the devil himself. She was bait catapulted into open water and left for dead.   
Chorong didn't even want to begin with herself through she knew herself well. At least she assumed. Maybe that's why they worked so well together, they were all lost messes with a ticking time bomb attached to them.   
"Why the hell am I here then?" Eunji growled. Chorong sighed.   
"Yookyung's apparently busy and I didn't want to bother her. Ice Princess is finally out and having a social life. Namjoo's messing around with a certain Reaper and I didn't want to bring Hayoung into this." Chorong replied.   
"And why am I here?" Eunji continued to ask.   
"Nam Woohyun." Those two words alone and both Bomi and Eunji were all ears.   
"This can't be good." Bomi muttered.   

When she had told Chorong she was out at coffee with a classmate Chorong was more than happy to let her skip whatever crazy plan she had set.   
Yookyung on the other hand was not at the slightest bit at ease with this knowledge. Hell she refused to believe Naeun was still locked up with the Reapers. She wanted to bust in there and grab her Angel. But she knew she couldn't. Naeun was safe there, she laughed at that sight. Naeun locked with Reapers, it didn't make sense.   
"Penny for your thoughts?" The man sitting across from her asked. Her attention was brought back to him. He stared at her with those big copper eyes that were filled with the likeness of a child.   
"Just thinking." She replied dryly as she sipped on her coffee. She ordered it black. For some odd reason Sungyeol had found it amusing, she didn't understand why but didn't bother into thinking about it.   
"You seem to do a lot of thinking Hong Yookyung." He commented.   
He was an observer and Yookyung most definitely caught his attention.   
Sure she was beautiful, deadly beautiful but what caught his attention each and every time she was near was the aura she gave off. They called her the ice princess, but he saw her for more than that. What more was she? He had no idea. But he was determined to find out. He was going to break her cold heart of ice.   
"Did you invite me just to talk and have coffee?" She questioned with a raised brow. Sungyeol was like a leech.

"Yes. Just to talk over coffee." He replied. He knew she would be one to question every decision, every move, every moment. She reminded him of Myungsoo, only she was smarter and less reckless.   
"I don't have anything to talk about." She commented preparing to grab her bag and leave. The coffee remained untouched.   
"Why did you major in International Business?" He asked. This caught her attention. He could tell as she sat back down. She was seated directly across from him, arms crossed, eyes narrowed at him.   
"I like Busine-"   
"Bull." He cut in before she finished. He could tell she was getting upset and her glare on her turned calamitous.   
"Tell me why you're so intrigue in this topic?" She asked. She found it rather useless, it didn't matter what she majored in.   
"Because it involves you." The answer was simple and straight forward and it scared her. He was to blunt, too honest, the world ate up people like him. But why should she care, he was just a leech.   
"I believe you have to much time Sungyeol. You have to much wasted room in your life. " She commented.   
Boy, if she only knew.    
"Having to much extra time is not a crime. It allows for the time to observe." He responded to her statement.   
"But time is my enemy." She murmured.   
A horrified laughter filled the room. It belonged to a mad woman who looked like she felt no pain. No emotions. They were so cut off she couldn't even be considered human. Was it possible for one to simply cut off all means of emotions? No. But Naeun sure was good at guarding them. Blood dripped from her, red rivers of blood soaked through her clothes down her shirt, dripping onto the damp floors.   
He pushed the blade deeper into her skin deepening the wounds that marked her bruised skin. Any other normal being would had been crying in agony and fear, but not Naeun.   
The metal door slammed opened. Her eyes looked up, they weren't shivering with terror like all the others. Hell, she actually looked excited to see him, which wasn't a good thing.   
"Leave." Myungsoo ordered to Hoya. The man flicked from a questioning look which he ignored. He threw draggers of annoyance and impatience.   
"Fine." Hoya huffed. He wasn't cracking her down one bit at all. He stepped aside from the bloody girl who was chained to the walls.   
His eyes finally met with hers. Her face was bruised and bloody, but she was still beautiful. A disorganized crazy damsel of a mess who, above all others surprised him in the most unlikely ways. Here was a woman, who looked like she felt no pain.   
"What's your secret Miss Son?" He asked with an amused smirk. She smirked, a smirked that scared him honestly.   
"I've gone through way more hell than this. This is nothing compared to the bull I had to put up with. So go ahead, torture me all you want." She answered back looking bored out of her mind.   
He for once in his life was speechless. Why? He had no idea, all he understood was that his vocal cords had suddenly become deprived of any speech. It was because of her. The woman who felt no pain. The woman who seemed even more suit for hell than Hoya. The woman who was as crazy as they get.   
"You're one hell of a crazy riddle, wrapped in a mystery, inside a , aren't you?" He mused. She laughed at his remark as if it was a joke.   
"Only on Tuesdays." She retorted with a smirk. The room grew quiet after that. The two did nothing but stare at each other, eyeing each other down to see who would break first. It was a battle whose winner was yet to be determined if it shall ever be.   
"Why'd you let her go?" Naeun asked out of no where. It was a question that he himself had yet to know the answer to. He knew what she was talking about, how could he not. It brought everything into the center of the galaxy. Why the hell did he let her go?   
"Why the hell didn't you save her?" He shot back. He knew he got her with this question as she furrowed her brows, her eyes dropping. Naeun could handle any blade, knife, and torturing in the world, but the memories of the past was what hurts the most. Now he understood. He knew how he was going to break her.   
"Your mother....was a . She threw herself at rich men, hoping to catch one of them with her spells of lies, sweet words, and pretty fake face. You were just dragged along. Barrage. Worthless. A shame really." He began. He could already see it, the wall of fire slowly getting drenched in the rain water he was pouring on her. Her weakness was so obvious yet they had remained so blind to it.   
"Way to go Myungsoo. You're learning something new each and everyday." She spoke. Her voice was the defeated triumph of pain and shivering emotions spilling around in a ball of energy.   
Simple words alone could damage her. She was so simple, once you got past all the crazy delusionalized devil. "To bad I couldn't stay to hear you." She said. His eyes shot up and curiosity spread throughout his eyes.   
The shattering of glass was heard throughout his not so private penthouse apartment. He cursed to himself once realizing only Sungjong was here while everyone else was god knows where. He could had already guess that Hoya must've stomped out of there at first chance.   
They had gotten lazy. The Reapers had gotten used to being at the top of the food chain that they didn't even care about security. Now they were being targeted by forces so fragile and simple, yet as ed up and crazy as them, if not more. Hell was crazy, but earth was the definition of chaos.   
Before he could even react the metal doors slammed opened. A ball of smoke filled the air as he felt unfamiliar forces moving about. Then something hit him, hard. A single needle, but whatever was in that needle binding him senseless as he quickly lost all strength in his body, his body stumbled, tumbling onto the ground.   
"You wanna know why you didn't kill Nicole? Its because she didn't care. She was ed up, crazy, and an uncontrolled minx. She didn't care, because caring wasn't worth it. Emotions tear us down." A voice whispered to him before he slowly black out. He knew the owner of the voice that taunted him in his last moments of consciousness.    
Yeah, so much for being Reapers.    
Bomi frowned looking down at the bruises and deep cuts that lined Naeun's body. She stepped out of the room, it small room filled with medicine kits and aids. Her anger fumed up as she wished she could had put a bullet into the heads of the Reapers. Her temper created lighting bolts that shot through walls of irons with trained to.   

Genie had taken out the hit on Naeun, hence making the Reapers useless to them for the time being. Naeun no longer needed to be a torture victim of the Reapers. Genie was sure of that. Anyone who wanted Son Naeun's head was dead. Nicole had told them that hours ago.
"Cool it Bbom." Chorong demanded from her computers where she watched the world revolve. Hayoung assisted to Naeun's wounds. Hayoung was a medical student. Naeun stared up at the ceiling blankly as if she didn't care it her wounds were tended to or not. She looked like she didn't care. All wounds were nothing to her, her bruised face, her lost of blood, she just didn't care. Like always.   
"Why couldn't we just killed them there and then. Save us all the problem." Eunji huffed from the corner of the room. A blade in her hands as she played with the tip of it. Her anger was so hungry she could kill the next person who dare to offend her.    
"You know we can't. Nicole doesn't want that. Neither does Genie." Chorong reminded the two. There were times like this where she would question the work of Genie, but she knew Genie's intentions were always good. It was a shame Genie couldn't be saved.    
"At least we got her back. Nam Woohyun sure has to lock his doors next time. He lead us straight to precious Naeun. Do any of them lock their doors? Such a shame, how power could corrupt one self so much." Chorong ranted on. She smiled to herself. The identities of four Reapers were now known to them. They were fishing all the fish out of the sea. 
It was upsetting to her too. How she couldn't see his face when he realized his penthouse apartment was broken into, the codes for all of the Reapers hideout stolen.  
"We play it safe from now on. We remain hidden. Understood." Chorong made another order. Bomi nodded, Bomi was fine with following the rules, as long as they didn't bite her, she didn't bite them. Hayoung was obedient, for now. She followed all orders. Yookyung and Namjoo were hell knows where. Eunji was the wild card. The rational Eunji was gone, replaced by Hyerim, the girl who thought only with her emotions and felt only with her heart.    
"Eunji." Chorong called out. Eunji tilted her head up. Her eyes were blank and scare. A smile lit across her face, a random smile made with no emotions but simply because its owner wield it to exist.    
"Just do me a favor." She asked softly. All anger was suddenly drained from her body. She wasn't bipolar, well at least she wasn't in the past. With all that had been happening these past few days nothing was sure anymore. Everything was a twisting mess of chaos put into a array of jigsaw puzzles scattered throughout the world. Their lives were anything but simple.    
"....Keep the finger off the bullet until she comes back."    
Chorong smirked as if Eunji was a child asking for permission to touch the candy jar. "She's already back." A voice replied for Chorong. Her voice filled with a hint of impatience, it also carried secrets wanting to be untangled.    
"Welcome back cousin." Eunji said with a grin.   
"It's nice to be back cousin." Nicole acknowledged standing by the open doorway.







Yes, I'm throwing in another character. Kara's Nicole. She's going to play a somewhat important role in the story and bring out a lot of Hoji. But I think I'll keep Genie's identity a mystery for a while. There's going to be a lot of secrets, and confusion, so I'll try to keep it as simple as possible.

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karind92 #1
Chapter 18: It’s 2018 already but I still haven’t lose hope for updates
Chapter 18: Fuuuudge !!! I love this story !!!!
Omg this story needs to be done by now. I cant wait for the ending.
angelgamer #4
This story is freaking amazing. Authornim please continue this. My heart aches so much for wondering what will happen next. Lol!!! You are a great writer! HWaiting!!
koala_panda #5
New reader in here.. But are u still doing the story?
Chapter 9: Nooooo!!Why can't Namjoo and SungGyu be together their one of my favorate couples along with L and Naeun!!!<3
kksuperman #7
Chapter 18: oh gosh this story is beyond amazing.
polariskpop #8
Chapter 18: This needs update, I've been waiting for sooo long... T-T
Yoonie101 #9
Chapter 18: Hello~ I hope you finish this story. It's so good!
Please update soon!!!!!!