
To Kill An Angel.

Naeun stepped through the gates of the mansion. This place had always been a confinement chamber for her. Living here was torment.

But she was also indebted for the torment. It structured her into who she was today. It made her prepared for the Underworld.

"This place finally shuts down." She whispered as she glanced back, the giant stone building now seemed like a distant memory in her mind.

"You really didn't like this place did you." Someone cut into her line of thought. She already knew the deep husky voice, the appeal he carried as well as the aura he had. Winter. He carried winter within him. He casted a jaded force everywhere he stepped, he held a sense of mystery that drawn people in, maybe it was in his eyes, she didn't know.

"What do you want?" She glared at him while asking. He snickered at her as he strode forward, hands stuffed in the pocket of the black leather jacket he thrown on along with ripped jeans. His hair was gelled back, his face the stone cold facade he always held, but she also noticed the dark bags underneath his eyes. The man hadn't been sleeping. Sleep didn't come easily these days. She herself hadn't slept for days, maybe it was the target on her back, the fact that the Underworld was so cautious, maybe it was because she still had wounds that needed to be healed from L and Hoya's rampage of torture.

"What are you doing here?" He questioned, though the answer was obvious. She did live here. She rolled her eyes at him, he was purposely avoiding her questions by asking her questions.

"Look I don't want to see you. You tried to kill me." She expressed.

"But I didn't kill you, doesn't that count for something?" He asked with a boyish shrug.

"No. It doesn't." She answer her voice came out cold cut and dry as she began walking away.

"Naeun-ah, hold on." He called from behind and she could feel his footsteps following her. She stopped dead in her tracks and whipped around, not realizing how close he stood. She nearly bumped into his chest. He was standing directly in front of her, his scent was intoxicating and oh so captivating and dangerous.

"Who owns the original Spider Bullets?" He question and that question alone caught her attention. Spider Bullets were her mother's form of punishment towards anyone who rebelled against her. Naeun remembered growing up, her mother ran an Underworld illegal race ring as well as selling illegal weapons in the black market. Her closest allies were her greatest enemies. Her mother never took chances. Once the job was done, she killed anyone involved, rather they were worthy of death or not. Spider Bullets were her signature.

They were now also the signature of many other low level gangs, they were false markings, used to scare off the pathetic street walkers who knew little. A true Spider Bullet was special. She should know, she got hit with one. She couldn't help but think how ironic it was that her step father as well as she were hit with the same Spider Bullets her mother loved so dearly.

"What about them?" She probed and she could already see the smirk appear on his face. Any response from her was apparently good enough for him.

"We found some of them. 14 to be exact." He declared remembering Woohyun walk in Command Base with the shells in his hands.

"Then you have 14 targets, what does that have to do with me?" She questioned as she began walking away only to end up trapped in her tracks by his next statement.

"The targets are your Angels." He stated. She turned to face him and met with unreadable eyes. "Us, we're the targets. Each bullet was meant for us. And if I'm correct that means there's a total of seven comrades excluding Nicole noona, correct?"

"You've been digging into us." Naeun uttered. "We can take care of ourselves." She affirmed sternly.

"Whose the last target? I mean, you've been hit already, so that means an extra bullet that's still unmarked. Whose its owner?" L queried.

"A bullet has no owner. Its all a game of chance. In this world we live by the game of Russian Roulette." Naeun declared before turning in her tracks and walking away.

L stood there frozen in his tracks as the last of Naeun's words replayed in his mind. He held similar words from a different woman when he was a child, no more than the age of six.

"We live by the game of Russian Roulette." Her last line played over and over on a spinning disc. A memory of his past was remembered. He remembered it like a image shown on the television screen. It was vivid in color, but its images blurred.

"We live by the game of Russian Roulette, every time the trigger is pulled, there's a chance he fall. Its all a gamble, an unbiased gamble. That's the Underworld for you child." The voice repeated itself. He remembered the woman who told him this. She was one of those woman who didn't know the difference between good or bad. One of those women who let a man carry her life as she sat back and relax. She was an entertainer, a performer, her life was a show for the audience.

She was his mother's best friend. After his mother, she took him in. She put him in her personal hell. Nights were spent at bars and Underworld races. She was the bell of the ball, the crazy who was once innocent. She was once innocent, until she met the Underworld. He didn't stay with her for long. A month maybe, give or take a few days or so. But he remembered every moment with that woman. He knew she was dead. She had to be.

But she symbolized something greater than herself and him. She symbolized what the Underworld could do to a good human being. It could turn them into venom.


"The Mazda RX-8. That's one of the cars you're racing." He told Woohyun. Woohyun turned his attention to the striking blue car. The owner was no where to be seen however.

"This will be fun." He mumbled. Seoul's underground street races, one of the many things he loved about this city.

He turned around and jumped into his Nissan 350Z. And sharply on time his cell phone rung. It was his private line, the one half the women in Korea didn't know.

"I told you. The Underworld never stays quiet for long." He said to the caller.

"What'd you expect." The caller replied. Dongwoo. "So tell me why are you doing this? I doubt its for the adrenaline rush."

"No not quite. I'm looking for a guy whose supposedly the one pulling all the strings around here." Woohyun replied.



"Yeah, cause your instincts are always right." Dongwoo responded sarcastically. Woohyun chuckled.

"Trust me hyung. Besides. I have Hoya here for back up if someone decides to start shooting people. This thing will go off without a hitch. Until tomorrow morning that is when it hits the news. Don't worry about me." Woohyun reassured.

"What makes you think I'm worry about you? Its the car I'm worry about. I'm supposed to race with that baby next week." Dongwoo clarified.

"Yeah, its nice to know you care about me." Woohyun scolded.

"Anytime man." Dongwoo replied before ending the call.

Woohyun put the cell back into the socket compartment and looked up to examine his competitors. None of the faces were important. None but one. Lee Tae-kyung. The man who in less than a hour, will be died.

He was currently at one of Seoul's races. It was held in an old parking lott. There was plenty of room for the races and for anyone else who showed. Elevator doors leading to the top floors were available in one corner of the room.

Oh my god.

Woohyun cursed the heavens when he saw a descending figure walk over to the Mazda RX-8. One of the cars to was to race later throughout the night. Woohyun chuckled to himself. His luck couldn't be any better.

There across the lot was the Angel herself. Pretty. She stepped inside the car, her eyes were wildly dancing around as if she was searching for someone. He found this quite interesting.

He opened the car door and stepped out of the car, instantly being mobbed by a group of girls. That was the thing about these races. The girls and car lovers who showed up to be entertained. And him being the Nam Woohyun he was, was like the hottest thing on the menu.

So he let himself fall prey to his predators. he lost himself in the girls, the flirts, the spinners, the fake giggles, and sweet talk. He was Nam Woohyun after all. And he was like a kid in the candy store.

"Scam." Someone ordered sternly causing the group of girls to turn around and throw ugly looks to the owner of the voice.

One of them talked back, the tall one with the blond extensions, but her words meant nothing to the woman. The woman scoffed. The woman was different from them. She held authority and power. Her presence was strong and intriguing. Her looks were quite the opposite. She looked innocent and sweet, but they learned never to judge a book by its cover.

"If you don’t shut your mouth, the next thing to come out of it will be your teeth." She declared watching the group of girls disperse. She could easily turn into a raging bullet if mended correctly. When they disappeared she threw Woohyun a glare. This glare was innocent and dumbfounded. That was the thing about girls, they could go from to sweetheart in 1.5 seconds.

Woohyun was left standing there with her. He smirked, he knew she hated the smirk.

"What are you doing here Pretty?" He questioned as he examined her body. She was more cover up compare to the girls who walked about in practically nothing , but that didn't stop the appeal from dripping off her like a chocolate fountain. She had on dark shorts that stuck to her long legs like spandex and a black shirt covered by a military jacket and tall leather boots. Her wrist was clearly noticeably with the sleeves of her jacket rolled up. Her tattoo of a wingless angel clearly visible. The interesting part was that no one else noticed the mark but him. It was showed in clear sight, yet no one bothered to look.

She was being bold. Too bold. What happened to the woman who he had to practically throw against a wall to see her face?

"Nice legs." He flirted shamelessly.

"Nice ride." She commented eyeing the car behind him. He loved that even more about her. He adored woman who were into cars.

"You don't exactly look like someone who likes cars or street races." He blurted honestly. She snickered at his comment.

"I'll take a sports car over a man any day." She stated. He raised an eyebrow at her. She was being serious.

"Such a shame for men everywhere." He concluded.

She scoffed rolling her eyes at him, "What can a man do that a car can't?" She questioned.

"." He replied casually.

"Yah Park Chorong! Stop flirting and get your head in the game." Nicole's irritated voice boomed through Chorong's eye piece she had attached to her ear. Chorong winced when her ear drums blew out from Nicole's voice.

"What's wrong?" He questioned.

"Nicole." Chorong replied eyeing the corner of the lott. Woohyun turned his shoulder to find a woman concealed in the corner. She had on a black hoodie and to hide her face, and was sitting on a red sports car.

"The famous Jung Nicole. You know, I've never been formally introduced to her." Woohyun stated.

"That's a good thing."

"I know, especially since she won't have time for little old me." Woohyun said as his eyes followed the Nisssn 350Z that had just pulled up.

"Why do you say that?" Chorong probed. She followed Woohyun's eyes and how they moved to the other end of the lott. She watched the car come to a stop, the engine died down, and the door flip open. Chorong snickered when she saw his face. Now she understood why Nicole on comimg here tonight.


"Lee Howon." Nicole commented when she saw his approaching figure.

"Don't you have anything else to do?" Hoya asked as he leaned against the car Nicole was sitting on. His eyes landed on Woohyun. Woohyun was walking away from this girl, a hot girl, another driver Hoya assumed.

"Don't you have anything better to do?" Hoya repeated.

"Nope. I'm dead remember." Nicole shot back. Hoya groaned. Of course she would reply back in such a matter. She was Jung Nicole after all.

"I know it didn't go well. Eunji returned. She was kind of, no, really pissed off." Nicole revealed. He could feel her eyeing him even from the corner of his eyes.

"We walked. We saw. We talked. I pushed my pride aside. I told her I loved her. She left me. Now I feel like I'm not being the best version of myself." Hoya responded. He was trying to make it sound like it didn't hurt. Hoya loved not feeling any emotions. It made his life easier. Emotions were dangerous. He learned that a long time ago.

"I'm shock. There's a good side to you. Well if there is I haven't seen it for a long time." Nicole questioned making Hoya regret ever talking to her in the first place.

"Why do you care so much Nicole?" Hoya retorted causing Nicole to break out in a loud laugh that was drowned out by the racket of the crowds.

"Because I don't want you to wake up some day and realize that you let the girl you love walk away from you." Nicole conveyed. Hoya turned his face to face her. Her eyes looked like they were a thousand miles away. "You don't want to wake up someday and realize you have nothing to fight for." Nicole added. She knew how it was, how the Underworld was. It was one massive black hole that everything, all the good, all the bad. It left nothing alive. "How about this Nicole. The next time you have another crazy scheme, how about you it and save us the agonizing problem?" Hoya suggested. He sounded annoyed, good, he should be. Nicole couldn't hide the grin on her face.

"Can't. Plan's already in motion. And believe me, you're be mind ed all right." She responded and he could only begin to guess what the woman had in plan for him.

Before he could ask however the elevator doors opened and out stepped someone he knew way to well.

As usual. Nicole and her dread awful timing.

The woman turned around making straight eye contract with him. Jung Eunji.


Eunji felt frozen in her place as her eyes landed on him. Her cousin, the little mad woman was beside him with that smirk of hers.

Now it made sense, the reason why Nicole had pressed so hard for her to be here tonight. Both Yookyung or Bomi would had been a fine choice. But no, she was dragged along. Chorong was racing, obviously. Chorong loved her cars. Nicole was supposedly on look out for anyone who would interfere.

She was supposed to remain above ground as back up. That was until Nicole texted her, telling her to come down.

Nicole scanned the room, her eyes falling on Chorong's Mazda RX-8. Her eyes fell on someone else. Nam Woohyun who was flirting with a group of girls. He was known for the occasional race here or there. People didn't think much of it, they just assumed the billionaire wanted an adrenaline rush and found it through racing.

Her eyes fell on the last figure. The man was standing in the corner of the room, with a group of people. Their target.

"Can we talk?" Someone asked catching her attention. She slowly turned her shoulder back towards him. She knew who he was. How couldn't she. She was in love with him. Crazily and madly in love with him.

His voice sent chills through her. It made her heart beat fasten and this scared her. Her eyes landed on him, her brown orbs drowning in his.

"Not here." She replied harshly.

"If not here, where? There is no good time, and as I see it, no one's shooting people, nothing's being blown up, no one's being kidnap. Why not now?" He retorted. She could see the look in his eyes. He wasn't giving up until she gave in. He was stubborn.


"I love you." He stated. He wasn't trying to be shy. He was making a clear and valid statement and he had to make sure she was clear of this. He was going to pound it into her mind if he had too.

She had heard him say these three words before. At her old home. But there and now, the situations were so different. Back then it was like he was struggling to believe that he loved her. He was doubting his words and response. Here, he was being blunt, too blunt. He was real, honest, too frightening.

But those were the words she wanted to hear. The words she never thought she would. But what was she to do? He loved her, yet he killed her. He destroyed everything she had, he took away her identity. Yet her heart belonged to him. Her mind was always on him, her emotions were locked onto him. This was dangerous as it was tempting.

Hoya watched as her eyes stared blankly at him. Her response was different from last time. She didn't run, she didn't move. She just looked at him blankly. It was like she was trying to process everything at once.

He loved her. He wasn't going to lie to himself, though he would prefer to. But he wasn't going to. He was going to do what he did with everything else in his life. Chase after it and get it.

He was insane for not knowing his own feelings. Eunji had always been a drug to him. Like steroids, she made him stronger and kept him going. Yet, now he had grown to see he couldn't live without thinking of her, as an addicted man could not live without his drug. But she was sweeter. Much like a fruit cocktail. Something so sweet yet burned from time to time as it slid down your throat, giving one a rush as it moved throughout his body. Something someone can start with so little, yet yearn for more as time goes on. A liquid that could give someone such an energy boost and leave them wanting more to feel like a super hero.

She was his drug. Even after everything that happened. Even after all he had done. All the hurt he had caused her. He still cared about her. He still wanted to protect her from everything. He wanted her to be safe. He wanted her to be happy. Happiness didn't come easy in this world. But he wanted it for her.

He grabbed her arm pulling her back into the elevator she had just stepped out of. The two of them walked in, letting the door shut he pressed on of the buttons. The one that lead to the rooftop floor. It was also the finish line for the racers. But right now it was basically deserted.

Neither said a word for those 20 seconds. The elevator door slid open. The rooftop was quieter compared to the lower levels, but that wouldn't last long. As soon as the races start everyone would stack themselves into the elevators and come here.

He pulled her out and walked over to the edge of the corner. Tall railings hid the view of the city below them. The city lights twinkled brightly from above, blinding Eunji's eyes.

"Oppa." She started biting her lower lip. She had so many feelings stuffed inside her. She loved him. Oh how she loved him. But that love also didn't take away the fact that he was one of the ones responsible for the death of her family. That couldn't be forgotten.

So Eunji did the first thing that came into her mind. She asked the question that she had been wanting to ask him since the first moment she saw him again. "Oppa, do you regret it?" She questioned. She eyed him cautiously. They both knew what she was asking.

"Yes." He replied instantly. She ran her fingers through her hair as she sighed.

"I don't know how to handle this." She mumbled honestly. "There is so much history between us. There's so much pain, betrayal, lies. We have blood up to our ankles. How do we handle any of this?" She questioned. Hoya deeply exhaled as he turned his eyes to the lights shining around them.

"I don't know Hyerim. I don't know."

"Then maybe that's just it." She acknowledged looking to the ground. There was a rush of emotions running through her. Frustration, disappointment, anger, confusion, satisfaction, each feeling ran a different direction.

"There's too much in our past. We made too many mistakes, broke too many promises, lost to much. Maybe its just the thing of the past."


He pressed the brakes coming to a smooth stop. Woohyun groaned in frustration hitting the driver's wheel. Second Place. Freaking second place. The part that got him the most was that the champion was none other than the Angel herself.

She slid out of her car to the rushing roars of vicious cheers. A smirk was paced on her first as she made eye contract with him.

She returned the gesture. He had to admit, she knew how to race. Four other drivers pulled up. All of which clearly upset they had lost to a woman. And a mystery woman at that too. No one knew her name, or how she got into the race.

Woohyun knew she had connections. They both had. They were elites in the Underworld, but no one knew this.

She walked over to him, that smirk still embedded onto her pretty face. He stepped towards her, pulling her body against his, he took in her scent, strawberry and vanilla, he quickly slid something into her palm,"Here you go Pretty. Its all about timing." He whispered to her.

She didn't speak, she didn't say anything, she just walked away.

He remembered the conversation they had before the race begun.

"Whoever wins the race gets to pull the trigger." Woohyun suggested. Chorong snickered while crossing her arms.

"Deal. But where's the bomb?" She inquired.

"Already implanted in his car." He answered.

Chorong stepped next to Nicole. The crowds had dispersed. They went back to there circles leaving the two girls some privacy.

"I thought you hated attention." Nicole commented.

"I do." Chorong retorted.

"Seriously, there was a time when we had to drag you out of Watchtower just so you can get some fresh air." Nicole stated. Chorong knew Nicole was right. Chorong loved her isolation, her privacy. She loved watching the world on her computer screens. She loved observing, silently looking, it was her remedy to life.

"What's your point?" Chorong questioned. Nicole sighed, pulling her hoodie closer to her face. No one could know who she was.

"My point is, you're acting different. And we both know its because of the bounty on our heads. That and a certain rich playboy billionaire." Nicole implied. Chorong turned around and her eyes landed on Woohyun. He flirting with some girl.


"Don't take me for a fool Nicole. I'm not falling for him." Chorong stated firmly. Nicole raised an eyebrow. Nicole believed Chorong. Chorong was different from the other Angels. She was more stubborn, more reckless, sometimes even more than Namjoo, she defied orders on her own terms, she had no off button. Chorong was the mother hen around here.

"Just try not to get yourself killed." Nicole responded.

"And this is said by someone whose supposedly dead." Chorong retorted.


Chorong stood next to her car on top of the valley. Her eyes followed the car below as it came to a stop at the end of the road. A man stepped out and leaned against it. He dug out his phone ready to make a call.

Nicole who was inside the car beside Chorong was going to intersect this call. Chorong stepped into Nicole's car. Nicole was in the back typing on one of her many lap tops.

"So did you find it?" The man asked. His name was Lee Tae-kyung. He was a puppet. He worked for a secret arms dealer who supposedly had information on the Dragon's List. Whatever he knew, it was dangerous. He had to be eliminated.

Chorong wasn't feel guilty about ending his life. Not one bit. The man had a track record longer than the Nile.

"We have word that its in Seoul." The second speaker answered. A woman replied. His superior, Chorong assumed.


"I'm not positive. Word is that if you find Spider Bullets, the list will be close behind." The woman replied. That was all they needed. Chorong sighed stepping out of the car when the man's call ended.

Sifting through the pocket of her jean shorts, she found the electronic device that was concealed there. Woohyun gave it to her. With it in her palm, pressed the button in the middle, detonating a hidden bomb underneath the car.

Right before her eyes, the car below exploded into flames; of scarlet and bright orange consumed the vehicle. Standing there, she watched the vibrant colors dance upon both the car and the dead body of the man close by.

She lifted her head up, away from the scene. Across the valley, on the edge of the highway, leaning against his car, arms crossed and that smug smirk pasted on his face stood Woohyun. He stared straight at her, his dark eyes penetrating hers. He was full blown devil. His eyes were irises of chocolate anyone could fall into, but not her.

Chorong turned around, sliding into her car. She started the engine and drove off into the night with Nicole close behind.

Hey, at least it was a decent bomb, she commented to herself.


Dongwoo groaned in frustration as he slammed his palms down on the counter. Lee Hoya, the man was loosing it. Dongwoo admired Hoya a lot. Hoya was a quiet friend, but a dependable one. Hoya was competitive, blunt, and at times heartless. He was smart, fit, fast, and good with a gun, not to mention being trigger-happy. Hoya was made to be the perfect assassin.

Hoya was on the fast track to hell. Hoya had been emotionally unstable these days. Along with Sunggyu he might add. He was letting his emotions control him. With anyone else it would be fine, but not Hoya. Dongwoo knew the world Hoya and Jung Eunji story. He talked to Myungsoo. There was too much history between the two. Too much conflicts and emotions and lies and deceit. Hoya couldn't have that. The Reapers couldn't have that.

Woohyun had gone of the rails. He was playing with Angels. Typical for Woohyun. Dongwoo didn't know if he should trust them or not. He kept his circle of friends small. He trusted few, believed in little.

"Something bothering you?" The bartender asked. Dongwoo had found himself in the same bar as he did the night before, and the night before that, and the previous one. He didn't know why? Maybe because of the aura surrounding this place. Maybe its because he could unload here. Or maybe it was for the bartender he couldn't figure out.

"Friends that's all. You know, the typical. Love. Girl. Lies. Loyalty. History. Nostalgia. Etc..."

"You're quite good with the anumatic one-liners." She commented as she wiped the counter clean. The clock strikes, it was two in the morning. The time for the demons of the Underworld to come out.

"Thanks for the compliment. I'm not getting any of those lately." He stated. She chuckled.

"What's so funny?"

"It wasn't a compliment." She answered. He narrowed his brows at her. The woman was beyond strange. She was different strange. The fascination strange that pulled you in like gravity. The woman didn't belong in a place like this. Then again, no one belonged in the Underworld.

Their conversation was cut short when one of the regulars, the leader of a street gang announced that there had been an accident. A car explosion. After that it was an uproar. The bar empty out as if it had been set on fire. Each soul dispersing into thin air.

The Underworld was a roller coaster ride. One second everyone lived in fear. The next they were back to having the time of their lives only to drop again. They were al biploar idiots who didn't know when to hide and when to fight.

Secretly however, both Dongwoo and the bartender smiled to themselves.

"It looks like a killer's on the loose. Everybody has to be careful these days." She commented casually while cleaning the glass cups under the counter.

"Isn't there always a killer?" He questioned. She looked up to the man. She stood couldn't believe he was a Reaper. He seemed different from the others. Sure he was as damn and ed up as the rest of them. In her eyes, he was different.

Jang Dongwoo didn't care enough about the world to be saving it. He wasn't close enough to anyone besides his kin to have lost someone dear to him. Jang Dongwoo was fighting because the Reapers were fighting. He was fighting because his friends were fighting. He had no other motives, no plan for revenge, no crazy scheme. People like that didn't exist anymore. With people, everything they do, they have a reason for it, a back story. Not with him. Everything he does, he does it because he felt like doing it.

"You okay?" Dongwoo asked when he noticed that she had dozed off. She nodded, avoiding his eyes as she put the cups back.

"Gotta go. Thanks for the drinks, and for the talk." He said standing up from the stool. He had a good alcohol tolerance, she had realized that by now. She turned around and walked out the door. After that she was the only soul that filled the room. The place had gone quiet. The manager and other workers were in the back.

She then noticed something. A card was placed next to Dongwoo's empty glass cup. She walked over and picked it up. The card was the image of the Grime Reaper.


Tonight was not the night for Namjoo AWOL.

"She's mad, she's upset, and clearly not in her right mind. I can't believe she just did that." Hayoung growled. The two were walking down a quiet alleyway. They had been tracking Namjoo all night. Their footsteps we're silent as wind. Their bodies tense and cold from the wind. They were determined however. They were finding their Angel and bringing her back.

That was the thing about Namjoo. Once she got over her 'depress phrase', she hit her 'one woman army phrase'. Yookyung didn't want to mother anyone, it was Chorong's job. Sadly for her, Chorong was busy blowing someone up.

"It's fine. So Namjoo goes on a killer spree, it happens to the best of us." Yookyung commented. They had walked into two of the Underworld's infamous gaming homes. Both places had been wiped clean by Namjoo. Bodies upon bodies laid dead for the world to see. Yookyung had confirmed that tonight's specialty in both places was Russian Roulette. Well if that was true, Namjoo could do a hell of a job with one bullet.

"Stop." Yookyung ordered. She felt something moving in the night following their steps. Her intuition told her something was wrong. The air and feel was different, unusual yet familiar. Yookyung had lived here long enough to know when someone was following her.

"What is it?" Hayoung whispered. Yookyung could already see the younger girl tense up. Yookyung should had never brought Hayoung into this. She could had handle this on her own.

"Someone's following us." Yookyung stated. She eyed Hayoung cautiously signaling her with her eyes. Hayoung coyly nodded to Yookyung's instructions.

"Now", Yookyung declared as both girls ran, there steps were fast and furious, quiet as a whisper in the night breeze.

Yookyung didn't know which way they took, but when they came to a stop she felt like the hair on the back of her neck was standing right up. Something was wrong.

"Unnie." Hayoung whispered. Hayoung was standing by the corner of the alleyway they were in. Yookyung silently walked over to Hayoung. Hayoung was taking peeks to the alleyway connecting to the one the two were in. Loud music and the strong smell of cigars and liquor filled the air.

"Namjoo." Yookyung whispered. Her eyes widen and dropped. Her palms turned into tight fists. She felt her lungs closing in on her. She felt her temper fly loose when she saw that sight. She took a large step forward only to be pulled back by Hayoung.

"Unnie. You're being irrational." Hayoung stated. Yookyung's eyes soften, before hardening. Namjoo's unconscious body was being lifted into an unmarked black SUV. Namjoo had been caught.

Yookyung peeked through the corner. Hayoung was right though. At least four dozen men were there, she knew this place. It wasn't just for typical Underworld weasels who had nothing else to do. It belonged to the elites. The ones who had put themselves into power when the true Underworld leaders fell. G.na was there, she was part of the leaders. She had lived while it fell, crushing everyone along with it.

She wanted to run out and beat the crap out of everyone there. But that was the thing. The two of them couldn't handle four dozen men on their own. Especially with the circumstances they were in.

Yookyung caught sight of something that could be useful. A woman walked out of there, her face was covered up with a large hat and she had on a long trench jacket. She had the image of a spoil millionare's wife. She was obviously the one pulling the strings. She had a box in her hands. The mark of a spider was visible on the side.

"The Spider Bullets." Yookyung murmured.

Sungyeol stood on top of the building, piercing down to the vast darkness below. His head was beyond mind-blown. He hadn't intended to following her. He was bored and curiosity got the best of him. Hong Yookyung seemed like any pissed off rich ice princess on the outside. Any other beauty who wanted to break out. But here and now, he was experiencing someone new.

She wasn't who she had said she was. He felt like he had been joked with. He felt angry and upset. But most of all, be was beyond amused. A part of him thought he could use this to his advantage. Hong Yookyung, an Dark Angel. Who would had thought.



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karind92 #1
Chapter 18: It’s 2018 already but I still haven’t lose hope for updates
Chapter 18: Fuuuudge !!! I love this story !!!!
Omg this story needs to be done by now. I cant wait for the ending.
angelgamer #4
This story is freaking amazing. Authornim please continue this. My heart aches so much for wondering what will happen next. Lol!!! You are a great writer! HWaiting!!
koala_panda #5
New reader in here.. But are u still doing the story?
Chapter 9: Nooooo!!Why can't Namjoo and SungGyu be together their one of my favorate couples along with L and Naeun!!!<3
kksuperman #7
Chapter 18: oh gosh this story is beyond amazing.
polariskpop #8
Chapter 18: This needs update, I've been waiting for sooo long... T-T
Yoonie101 #9
Chapter 18: Hello~ I hope you finish this story. It's so good!
Please update soon!!!!!!