
To Kill An Angel.

Woman are crazy. Son Naeun is crazy. She was one hell of a crazy mad woman. And she wasn't the only crazy one. The angels, contradicting to their names were anything but Saints. Hell they weren't close to being Saints. They were quite the rebels.

Jung Eunji grew up a innocent flower. She was a blissful child immune to the tragedies of life. A free soul that wandered blindly but hopeful. That was until her life turned into the tragedy. All came crashing down like the Berlin Wall taking with it, her family, her home, her identity. That was when she turned into the rebel.

Tragedy was what lead her to this point of life. She stood there with a scowl lit on her face despite the clear fact that there was a gun pointed at her. It didn't bother her. She didn't even flinch. Her hands in tight fists.

"I thought too highly of the Angels, of all people they sent you?" Myungsoo snickered in disbelief. He clearly underestimated her. He always had.

"I'm only here for Naeun." She finally spoke. He snicker as if she was trying to blow his brains out. "And why the hell should I hand her over?" He asked with raised eyebrows.

"Really Myungsoo, you speak as if she is a play thing." Eunji frowned. Myungsoo narrowed his eyes at the girl. She had literally dropped into his penthouse where he was currently keeping Naeun. It was a easy drop, the windows were shattered after all.

"She's my hit. My job." He replied and the second the words left his lips he knew he was dead. She was going to use his words against him and he knew all to well.

"Then do your job because someone else will do it for you when you don't." She retorted.

Myungsoo deeply exhaled before speaking, "How did she know?" He asked. Eunji tilted her head.

"Curiosity got the cat killed." She responded.

"I have nine lives." He replied. She smiled, but it wasn't the same innocent smile he remembered. This one was tempting, dangerous, crazy.

"You really wanna know why I'm the Angel that's here dear Myungsoo...its because of our history." She said raising a sense of curiosity in the man. She didn't wait for him to reply. She already knew the answer.

"Its because of the look soaked deep down in your eyes," She began eyeing him down, "Guilt." She was dead on. Guilt. He was guilty in so many ways and it was his own damn fault. He was guilty.

"Looks like were going to have to finish this little conversation another day." She said as her she realized the additional presence in the room. She felt the aura of the room change dramatically as her sixth sense picked up on their swift movements.

"I'll be back for my girl. And soon." Those were her last words before she made a sudden run straight for the balcony ledge before leaping off. If it was anyone else he could think they were crazy. She just jumped out a window and down into nothing of thin air
. The girl obviously couldn't be killed that easily. She had already proven that.

"Damn, she's good." The man finally spoke. Myungsoo sighed. Of course she could feel the presence of the Reapers.

"How was Russia?" Myungsoo asked trying to change the topic. Jung Hyerim was a sore sour spot for him. He would rather forget her, and the rest of the Jung family. Their deaths were on his hands. His and Hoya.

"Cold and boring, compared to this place. Who knew so much could happen in the short amount of time we were gone." Sungyeol replied stepping out of the secret aisle lined in Myungsoo's bookcase. Sunggyu and Dongwoo followed behind while Sungjong and Woohyun entered from a separate secret aisle.

"What happened to the windows?" Woohyun asked. Myungsoo snickered. Yeah, he was going to have to fix that. "A bullet went through them." Myungsoo replied with a shrug.

"I hear you caught an Angel." Sunggyu finally brought up leaping into the couched that had just been cleaned of blood. All eyes fell on Myungsoo. A slight smirk appeared on his lips.

"I caught Son Naeun." He replied was several smiles lit up in the room.


Eunji jumped from the ledge was she maneuver her way their the sets of steel stairs lined to the side of the building that lead down the apartments to an alley. The place was quite easy to break into. Too easy.

Than again, Myungsoo never vexed about security. He didn't even lock his doors for god sake. She pushed the last set of stairs as she watched them rolled down into the alleyway. They were installed in case of fire hazards. But what good is an object if it could only be use for one cause, right.

Leaping off she cleaned the dust on her clothes. She had successfully managed secretly to hide small camera chips in Myungsoo's penthouse. The footage lead straight to the black van parked two blocks away where Yookyung and Hayoung were occupied.

Her orders were to placed the clips there. Though every bone in her body screamed for her to find Naeun and get her out, she didn't. Her mind pounded against her skull as her heart pounded against her rib cage because she didn't. She couldn't. It was too risky for her to go alone.

Someone had put a target on Naeun. Until they find out who, Naeun was safest with the Reapers. How ironic it was, placing the target in the care of the man hired to kill her. 

The only reason why Chorong had allowed her to installed the chips were because Chorong knew Myungsoo would never hurt her. She knew that the guilt he had overthrown the requirement to shoot Eunji on spot. And she was right.

Eunji straighten up as she made a quick run through the alleyway. She had to get to Yookyung and Hayoung.

"I'm on my way back Angels." She said into the ear piece so softly even the rats couldn't hear her.

Before neither Yookyung or Hayoung could reply Eunji felt a strong weight crash against her slamming her body against an dumpster. Her head sprung around in terror and inquisitiveness along with panic and a rush of adrenaline only to find her knees lose their strength. Her heart raged against her rib cage ing through her body to escape as her eyes fell into the vast lands of those all too familiar deceiving brown eyes.

He stared at her with unreadable eyes, his arms holding hers against the dumpster. She could had easily gotten away if not for her whole body system shutting down on her at this moment.

"Hyerim." His voice still drowned her every time. She still fell into his lullaby, even now when she knew what he could do, what he did. What he did, those memories flashed through her mind electrifying her body back into its defense form.

She gave him a smirk, a knowing smirk before she kicked him, her boots hitting his knee as she twisted her body away. Another kick in the stomach before she pulled out a knife lugging for him as he easily dodged her.

Swiping by her he grabbed her arm twisting it behind her shoulder. She countered by grabbing his arm and flipping him, only to be stumble across the alleyway when he tugged on her other arm sending her against the wall. There was a stern look in his eyes as he stared at her. He glared at her, eyeing her from head to toe.

He was pressed against her, standing only a few inches from her, towering over her as he studied her.

So this was Lee Hoya, the Reaper. He had changed since she last seen him. His hair now a ebony black and slicked back. He had gotten more muscle and was now manlier.

His eyes were the same soul orbs. Right now however they were aggravated, heated, shock. Deep inside, she was appalled; he had the audacity to be angry. After everything he had done to her, he wanted to be the angry one?

"Surprised, I'm not dead." She scowled as she pulled a dagger hidden in her boots aiming it straight for his heart.

He shot her in the heart, but the ache of being shot in the heart with a bullet was nothing contrasted to the pain of realizing who he was. What he had done and how he had used her.

No bullet, no stab, no leap, no army, no storm, could ever cause her as much pain as he did when he left her for dead.

Centimeters away from stabbing him in the heart he managed to twist her arm pulling her away from the wall only to slammed her against it. This time with her arms secured behind her back as her cheek felt the cold bricks pound on her skin.

"What the hell happened to you Hyerim?" He demanded to know. His voice was stern and cold. She was engulfed by his familiar scent that made her knees weak each and every time he was near. She struggled for release only to have him slammed her against the wall again.

"So what? Now you have a agenda to eliminate me? Huh?" He asked, more liked ordered. She could feel him breathing on her neck sending waves of chills all over her body. This man was her Achilles’ heel.

"You're gonna stay quiet huh? Fine. Suit yourself." He huffed as he loosen his hold on her arms and turned her around so she was facing him. Her eyes speedily fell onto the ground, refusing to meet his. Where had the cocky, powerful Eunji go. She was replaced by this fragile flower, with Hyerim.

"Can't even look me in the eyes. How pathetic." He scoffed. Her eyes tempted to look up at his face. A stream of hate floated her as she brought her knee up, aiming for the exact spot where the sun dare not shine. He backed off and whined in pain as she turned and tried to make her getaway. He was right, she was pathetic.

Around him she was no one but a simple naïve girl who dearly loved him, even if he didn't return the feelings. She was lost around him, lost of all strength, knowledge, and her desire for revenge. He was a force so strong he all the life out of her.

He could take everything from her all over again. He could kill her again like he did so many times in the past. He could easily turn into her drug again, her poison. She was no longer Jung Eunji, only Jung Hyerim.

She only made it a few steps before he somehow, moving like the wind itself grabbed on to her arm. Forcing her to turn around with such a energy she almost fell into his chest. Then she felt it. He slapped her. Her cheek blazed with a stinging pain as she stared wide eye at him. He was burning with ire. Any sane person would had dashed out already, but Eunji wasn't sane. Not when it came to him.

He leaned in towards her. His breathe right on her ear as he spoke in that deep husky voice she use to fall asleep to. "Don't try and act like super woman, Hyerim. You're still that naïve stupid kid that I shot and left for dead." He hissed. He stopped for a second and reached for something.

Her body jumped up as the AK47 in his hand put a bullet hole into the wall behind her. He smirked before tucking the gun back into the back of his pants. He leaned into her again, his skin slightly scraping against hers making her whole body flutter with butterflies in an uncontrollable storm of desires and emotions. A tsunami of heavily tucked away feelings all came swirling into her at once.

"I shot you once, I can do it again." He told her. His voice was dry as the Sahara and cold as ice. She felt so weak, so useless. All these years of hungry revenge hanging upon her and when the chance comes, she is too engulfed with emotions to even speak. He scoffed, turning around to leave.

Then the unexpected happened. The figure was indistinguishable and swift with her movement. A quiet source of irritation. Cold antagonism towards the man who made her Angel like this. Hoya turned around only to be met with the fist of the ice princess herself.

A punch so strong and fast it knocked him off his feet as his body landed on the ground. Unconscious.

"What a ." Yookyung huffed as she met Eunji's eyes. Her unnie stared back and the pain was already written all over her. Eunji was a lost puppy when it came to Hoya. She was nothing when it came to him. Because he saw her as nothing but a job, a hit, an object that had no use, and that broke her heart.

"You love him." Yookyung finally put it all together. The pieces were so obvious yet she had remained so blind to it, as did Eunji. Eunji could only widen her eyes in shock. She loved Howon? Did she? Did she love the man who killed her family?

"Let's get out of here unnie. Hayoung's waiting for us." Yookyung reminded pulling Eunji's arm and dragging her to the van now parked by the side of the apartment complex.

Yookyung pushed Eunji in, telling Hayoung to drive she turned her attention to Eunji. How could she be so slow.

"Angel will you be okay?" She asked tenderly. Eunji didn't reply, she didn't need to. Yookyung sigh as she slid over to Eunji. She hugged the older girl, letting her friend fall into her shoulder.

"How can I love him? How can I love someone who took my family away?" She asked softly. Eunji didn't cry, Eunji barely ever cried. Eunji was strong, except when it came to Hoya. The car came to a stop. Hayoung parked the car and turned off the engine. They were parked in front of the Han River.

The entire conversation with Eunji and Hoya were heard through Eunji's ear piece by Hayoung and Yookyung.

"Unnie. Its okay to feel like this." Hayoung insisted as she turned to face the two older girls.

"Feeling the way you do means you're human. And humans feel, we feel everything and anything. That's what makes us stronger. And someday we're be strong enough to face our fears." Yookyung continued patting Eunji on the back.

Some day Howon. Some day I will be strong enough to face you. And I will kill you.

Naeun rolled her eyes in annoyance. The Reapers were quite like children. Fighting over useless things like preschoolers did with toys. Only the toys were replaced by her. Who would be questioning the Dark Angel? She winced in pain from the gunshot from last night.

At least the bastard manage not to hit an internal organ. It was a point blank shot. The bullet was easily removed, the bandages now covered her clean wound. It hurts like hell still, but it wasn't anything she couldn't handle.

The door creaked open. She slowly looked up. Of course. Kim Myungsoo and Lee Howon. Also known as L and Hoya. Her arms were locked onto solid steel denying her access to move. She was situated in a small dimly room with no windows. She was stuck in a chair glued to the ground with two steel cuffs holding her hands, elbows and ankles in place.

"Lee Howon, I presume. We haven't met." She alleged looking at Hoya. He looked pissed off, and according to the red mark lit across his face, she could see why. Gosh she hoped it was one of her Angels that did that.

"Enough chit chat Miss Son. Seriously." Myungsoo growled. She scoffs at him.

"Then you should had killed like you were supposed to." She retorted. Gosh, Myungsoo couldn't help but think how much like Eunji she sounded like at this moment.

"I still can." He responded. She laughed at his remark.

"As if. Not now. Not with my Angels out and about." She prompted. She wasn't going down. She could take it, every stick and stone thrown her way. She wasn't going down.

"Let's see. Torture her and get the whereabouts of the remaining Angels. Kill them, and her." Hoya suggested. Myungsoo nodded. They both turned to Naeun who looked utterly bored out of her mind. Despite being shot at less than 24 hours ago, she bounced back fast. Almost like she didn't feel the pain.

"Now before we start all the fun, I have a question." She began. Myungsoo could already imagine the witty remark she had for the two of them and decided to shut her up before she could start.

Pulling a knife from a pile of knifes, blades, and other equipment he sliced her arm, a long deep cut lined her soft skin. The blood beginning to run down her arm. She didn't cringe, didn't even flinch. Myungsoo was going to take his time with her. She had been more than an exasperating problem for him.

"Why'd you let her go? Wait, you didn't did you." Naeun said while Hoya helped himself and grabbed a blade himself.

"Nicole escaped you two. The daughter of the youngest Jung brother got away. How hilarious, you two couldn't stop her. Through I must admit, Nicole sure knows how to leave people jaw-dropped." Naeun went on. Both of them stopped in place at the mention of that particular Jung. Naeun knew a lot, much more than she needed to know. And they could both tell she wasn't going to give in easily.

She was going to torture them like how they were torturing her, but she knew words could hurt more than knifes and blades.

A force so strong if cut her off guard slammed against her face. Her hair was sent flying across her face as he threw the punch. A punch filled with so much irritation, irritation directed towards a certain supposedly dead Angel. Hoya narrowed his eyes as the girl turned her attention to him.

He heard his knuckles in tight fists. Another hard blow met Naeun in the face. Another scar was marked onto her skin. Another rush of anger aimed directly towards her and her Angels. Hoya was releasing all his pent up anger to this girl. This almost stone-like girl who looked like she didn't even feel his blows.

Her skin was bruised and lined with dark marks now. Her lip was bleeding and her arm her slowly losing more blood.

"I want to ask you why let her go?" She said in a voice still as strong and firm even after Hoya's massive punches. Her eyes slowly met up to him. He knew what she was mentioning, but refused to admit it to himself.

"why'd you let Nicole go?" Naeun asked. And right after the words left she knew she had succeed. It was the look in his eyes that fully convinced her that she had successfully cracked off a piece of the ice barriers to Lee Hoya. She knew his weakness. Even if he didn't dare admit it.

"Get out." The voice broke their line of sight. She turned an eye over to Myungsoo those eyes were glued on Hoya.

"What?" Hoya asserted.

"Get out man." Myungsoo repeated. Hoya groaned before following orders. he made his way out, but not before turning his shoulders around, "that smart mouth of yours will be the end of you." Naeun smirked.

As if she didn't already know.


Yookyung sighed inwardly as she grabbed her bag and closed the car door and locked it. She didn't want to be here. She wanted to be with the girls.

They were coming up with a plan to get Naeun out of that hole. Although they knew Naeun was safest with the Reapers. The Reapers were the only other ones who no one dared messed with.

She didn't like the plan, but she had to go with it even if it was burning her insides.

The steps to the university were calm. She had arrived early, Chorong insisted on it. Yookyung was in her last year at Seoul National University. She was majoring in International Business. She hated it, but she was good at it especially since her father was one of the biggest businessmen in Korea.

"Not today." She mumbled when she saw the recognizable figure walking towards her. His deep brown hair and kid-like smile was unmistakable. A wide grin was on his face and his eyes, like always, were filled with that hopelessly strenuous fragment of light.

"Your class doesn't start for another half hour. Why are you here so early?" He asked as he walked side by side to her.

"What are you doing here Sungyeol-ah?" She groaned. He smiled. The choding was always smiling. "I was just visiting friends and happened to cross your path." He replied.

"Nonsense." She replied glaring at him. She had the eyes of midnight. The darkest brown, almost black and endless. They were enchanting and had sparks of starlight that shined in the empty blackness. Her eyes were the first thing that drew him in, as well as the way she isolated herself from her peers.

Through she wasn't one to hog the spotlight she held the light through her witty remarks. She worked well with people, she wasn't totally awkward with group projects. But as soon as they ended she walked away from the world and into her private universe. She captured the eyes of many, she was the ice princess.

"How about coffee. My favorite cafe is near here." He offered. She stopped dead in her tracks and turned to him. She did need a break. These days her thoughts had been lined with the Reapers and the Underworld. He was a distraction, no matter how annoying she thought he was. A distraction.

"You're paying." She muttered. His smile only widen. If only she knew the true identity of the man.


"Really Chorong. You spend enough time in this little paradise of yours. Doesn't hurt to get out." Bomi whined only to have her words fall on empty ears.

"We know the identities of three Reapers; Kim Myungsoo, Lee Hoya, and Kim Sunggyu. there have been no connections that lead to any of the others." Chorong rambled to herself. Chorong loved her paradise of technology and knowledge. She studied each and every aspect of ones life.

"Fine I give up. I have to work." Bomi waved in disappointment as she left.

"Bye Bbom." Chorong gestured after not taking her eyes off the paper trails of information in front of her. She turned towards the flat screen, a random channel was put on. She was going to turn around and change the channel when something caught her eye.

'Billionaire Nam Woohyun returns from vacation in Russia....' The news reporter accounted as a young handsome man somehow managed his way through the crowd of flashing reporters.

That wasn't what got her through, it was the small mark that caught her attention. She looked down to the small black Angel tattoo imprinted to her wrist. Angels were marked. Reapers were also marked. A certain face in the background came into view and she knew instantly who it was.

A sly smile come into view on her face. "Gotcha."


Kim Sunggyu needed a release. Who would had thought Angels would cause so much .

Myungsoo was going crazy trying to break down a crazy woman who looked like she didn't even feel the punches, cuts, or bruises lined on her body. Hoya was even worse. Apparently he was punched senseless by an Angel. Hoya wasn't a happy camper about that. The man was shooting his anger away at the shooting range back at Command Base.

Like Usual.

"You're late." Her voice called out to him. her eyes were set on the pole table, but he knew she felt his presence. Her cat-like eyes slowly left the table and met with him.

"You look like you need a drink." She offered holding up a bottle of whiskey. He smiled taking the bottle from her hand.

"Did you missed me?" He asked as he took a seat watching as she made her way around the pole table to him. She nodded. A pout was lit on her face.

"You're expendable." She replied coyly. He smirked.

"Ouch. That kind of hurts." He teased as he grabbed her waist bringing her closer. She uttered some incoherent phrases he didn't catch but doubted that they mattered. She put her arms around his neck, her heavy bracelets that lined her wrist covered the imprint on her arm. She leaned in crosser to him and exhaled his scent while tucking on his hair.

"Come on. Beat me for once." She insisted as she stepped away handing him a pole stick.

"I went easy on you last time." He replied. She laughed at that remark.

Secretly a pair of eyes scrutinized the two while she cleaned the shot glasses. A grimace was on her face. She lived in plain sight yet no one ever thought to bother and look twice at the witty knowledgeable, beautiful bartender.

"Come hail or come rain, right." She said to herself as she looked down to her phone.

                                          'Let's go hunting. Now. -Chorong'

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karind92 #1
Chapter 18: It’s 2018 already but I still haven’t lose hope for updates
Chapter 18: Fuuuudge !!! I love this story !!!!
Omg this story needs to be done by now. I cant wait for the ending.
angelgamer #4
This story is freaking amazing. Authornim please continue this. My heart aches so much for wondering what will happen next. Lol!!! You are a great writer! HWaiting!!
koala_panda #5
New reader in here.. But are u still doing the story?
Chapter 9: Nooooo!!Why can't Namjoo and SungGyu be together their one of my favorate couples along with L and Naeun!!!<3
kksuperman #7
Chapter 18: oh gosh this story is beyond amazing.
polariskpop #8
Chapter 18: This needs update, I've been waiting for sooo long... T-T
Yoonie101 #9
Chapter 18: Hello~ I hope you finish this story. It's so good!
Please update soon!!!!!!